Captain Nials takes it up the ass edition
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Warcraft Lore and RPG Discussion
Which race will dominate azeroth?
Don't care as long as it's not humans (including sub-races like dead humans and dog humans)
i think not
Alterac humans will conquer all of Eastern Kingdoms
They'll start by exterminating the Str*mgarde scum
Unless the demons succeed in taking ver Azeroth, the undead. Steadily and slowly, but surely. There's no way around it user.
The original one, of course.
By (various elements) shall fleshies be purged.
Doubt it. They've been absolute bitch tier for a while now.
Now that the Shamans have foolishly united them, it's only a matter of time.
The elementals are already grabbing Azerite during the island expeditions. It's only a matter of time.
When will the Horde get proper vampires (possibly as an undead variant) to counter balance Alliance's worgen?
Just send 20 dudes to keep whacking at their ankles for 20 minutes to get their pants or something.
As someone who has played and mained undead for nearly a decade...
Trolls. Because of the simple fact that undead require living beings to reproduce from, this means that all they'll ever be is support to the true backbone race that dominates the planet. Trolls are Azeroth's first and mightiest children, something she created all on her own without any help from other Titans or Old Gods or Keepers installed by other Titans.
Void Elves. They already a top race of Alliance and they were implemented just a couple of months ago. Even Lor'themar afraid of their endless number during battle for Lordaeron.
For clarification I'm not even joking. Gibmedemfangs.
Darkfallen could happen, but jesus christ do we really need ANOTHER race of elves?
We don't have chocolate Sea Elves yet.
Anyone with boobs can dominate me.
There was this whole thing with an ancient vampire vrykull in the Broken Isles infecting a fleet of sailors, it's def. Blizz's set up to have something work with later on in this field..
>When will the Horde get proper vampires (possibly as an undead variant) to counter balance Alliance's worgen?
In WarCraft there is already undead/worgen conflict. There is no need for stupid vampires.
I have a fat college with gyno, I'll give him a call and tell him there's a NEET on a prowl. What's your kik?
>everything I don't like is stupid
>vamps aren't undead
>write warcraft with capital C because I'm proper like that
okay user
>undead require living beings to reproduce from
There's most likely hundred thousands readily available corpses, more piling up than there is rotting away considering the nature of Azeroth's inhabitants. The undead can zerg and plague the shite out of everyone else if they are given enough time and resources.
void elves is basically vampires
we don't need another stupid elves
Bullshit. We need to round this shit out with midget elves, Halfling elves, green elves, elves with horns, and skele-elves.
Should have always been Darkfallen instead of Val'kyr
>ANOTher race of elves
>Blizz didn't even add the High Elves yet
If we can't even play the fundamental pillar elf race of fantasy, then there's not enough elf races yet.
>not being immortal
Night Elves are the pillar elf race of WC, High Elves are just shit.
>midget elves, Halfling elves, green elves, elves with horns, and skele-elves
Ironically this elves are not High, so there are a decent chances for them to be implemented in the game.
So blizz can troll Alliance fags once more.
trolls are basically elves
we don't need another stupid upright elves
>Night Elves are the pillar elf race of WC
how are they vampires? What do they vampirize?
Do you have an actual response? They have been the original elves in terms of the lore for about 18 years, High Elves are just the offshoot.
>What do they vampirize?
>High Elves are just the offshoot
Why are you in a lore thread if you can't be bothered to read the lore? To lazily bait people because you have nothing better to do with yourself?
>forest niggers whose only exist to job for humans
>pillar elf race of WC
>They have been the original elves in terms of the lore for about 18 years
Were night elves in original WC or WCII? No? That's what I thought.
Yeah, way better than High Elves, whose sole existence is defined by being a nobody faction in the Alliance, and handing magic to humans (who then did magic bigger and better than them).
user, WC2 was 23 years ago. Plenty of stuff has come along to redefine what is a core part of WC, stop living in the past and pretending High Elves are relevant.
>Yeah, way better than High Elves, whose sole existence is defined by being a nobody faction in the Alliance, and handing magic to humans (who then did magic bigger and better than them).
At least it's way better than what blood elves are enduring in the Horde. Fucking cuckolds have better lives than blood elves.
It's at this point we realize Elves are Elves no matter which kind.
user, WC3 was 16 years ago. Plenty of stuff has come along to redefine what is a core part of WC, stop living in the past and pretending Night Elves are relevant.
before night elves were retconned in, high elves were the original elves
At least the Blood Elves have a city.
High Elves are just scattered about or live in human made cities.
Night elves were just a rehash of high elves, but with purple skin, cause blizzard needed another playable faction in WC3.
The solution, my friends, is to give the Alliance The Prototype
>At least the Blood Elves have a city.
user, please. Blizzard just set aside HElves, after WC3, to steer WarCraft away from it's Warhammer origins.
Also, nelf popularity just soared in early WoW because of it's subsequent porn.
we don't need another race with stupid blue skin color
I don't think everyone has a Horde vs Alliance mentality.
I think it's more of a "My race is better than your race." Mentality. Reason why the humans revere Garithos and his decision to kill off Kael'thas and his band of blood elves.
Or Garrosh and his urge to make a pure orc Horde.
I would like to take this moment to distinguish myself away from the neutralfag and go ahead and press on for a 4 to 40 faction system where the player is neutral and can join any one of them.
>I think it's more of a "My race is better than your race." Mentality
But 40k's mentality is way worse than RvB bullshit.
>I don't think everyone has a Horde vs Alliance mentality.
You are wrong. I am a void elf and I hate orcs, cause they killed my family. That's why I hate blood elves, cause they betrayed me for letting those beast to roam freely in Silvermoon.
Have a marry band consisting of two orcs, a human, a dwarf, and their furbolg friend.
Reject Vol'jin the race traitor.
Then why are people arguing on who is best Alliance elf?
You just hate orcs and blood elves. It seems like you're pretty chill with tauren, troll, and goblins. Making you not hate the Horde, but the other race.
>t. Azshara
>who is best Alliance elf?
The best part of 40k mentality is less moral bullshit because everyone is kind of a shit head.
It's mostly power level wank arguments there.
might as well be a draenei
ITT everyone is racing to reach the bottom-line.
who also have an immortal god-king ruler
Just have a sect of elves who decided to leave Silvermoon after the sacking to live on the ocean. Like Kul'trias but without the stupid octopus good guy cultists.
You mean a shota who's has busty chocolate elf servant girls?
Oh that's a good idea, thanks.
I liked the old idea brainstormed a while back of a group nelves who took to seafaring after being stranded by the sundering.
I mean, it's not the first time a new group of nelves tranformed into another race.
It's not even like, the third time.
This is why we'll never be able to work for Blizzard.
So so far I'm seeing...
-Chocolate seafaring elves
-immortal ruler
-stuck in the body of a child
-is a boy but dresses like a girl
-plenty of sexy handmaidens
Quick question, how has this NOT happened yet?
I think Gaia Online did it first. But they also have werewolves and vampires.
Because Blizzard isn't Japanese?
Simple. Just have the backside of Azeroth feature an archipelago and ramp up the kaldorei Japanese influences to the max. Boom.
>Quick question, how has this NOT happened yet?
Who cares?
There is only demand for high elves. No other elf matter.
Fuck you, blizzard! More like pissard.
This. My void elf is already acting like a crazy vampire chick.
Patrician taste. Still pic related is more my forte.
Stormwindian Humans They are straight up a paragon and child of Azeroth.
Is it so we can act like stubborn elves toward humans and complain about the good old days before Arthas and the Orcs showed up?
Do female Void Elves have fangs/sharp teeth?
Pretty sure every race but Titanforged have fangs.
Are Brown Orcs ok with Sylvanas using the plauge and pretty much her leading them when they have a true orc warchief like Grom? its been shown before in the lore that Orcs would rather do a direct attack on Humans instead of using underhand tactics that don't involve fighting like in MoP.
Blizzard doesn't care what each race is okay with.
They have their story and they're going to tell it, logic be damned.
its just that the entire concept of every battle ending in Forsaken plauge is fucking dumb and brings nothing to the was cool in wrath gate because it was a surprise attack but now its used as a general tactic and the forsaken are even plaguing their own guys to win battles.
i think after the Garrosh fiasco, orcs will be very careful to ever trust a Hellscream again
how many Kalimdor Orcs are even left?? A shit load of them died for garrosh.
As many as Blizzard needs for the plot.
this. There shouldn't even be enough darkspear trolls or draenei left for them to be viable races, but here we are
is a Stormwind siege even possible at this point in the game or can sylvanas actually do it and have her dream of conquering it? If she does conquer it what will she do with the city?
Here's a comprehensive guide of all possible future Allied Races:
>High Elves (Quel'dorei)
>Vampire Elves (Darkfallen, San'layn)
>Undead Elves (Dark Rangers)
>Felblood Elves (Blood Elf version)
>Felborne (Nightborne version)
>Hidden Elves (Shen'dralar)
>Wretched Blood Elves
>Wretched High Elves
>Withered Nightborne
>Flame Elves (Druids of the Flame)
>Snake Elves (Druids of the Fang)
>Night Worgen (Druids of the Pack)
>Naga (Sea Elves)
>Spider Elves (Fal'dorei)
>Half Elves (Half-human half-High Elves)
>Half Elves II (Half-human half-Night Elves)
>Frost Elves (Col'dorei)
>Green Dragonflight (Night Elf form)
>Red Dragonflight, Bronze Dragonflight (High Elf form)
>Blue Dragonflight (Half-human half-High elf form)
>Dead Half Elves (Half-Forsaken half-Undead Elf)
>Kitchen Sink Elves (Shit'dorei)
>Ghost Elves (Court of Farondis)
>Banshee (Elven version)
>Half-Elves III (Half-Naga half-Murloc)
>Fanfiction Elves (Half-Human Half-Orc Half-Draenei Half-Void Elves)
>Cat Elves (Druids of the Paw)
>Shadow Elves (Weeb'dorei)
>Stormborn (Isle of Thunder elves)
Yes, I am ashamed of myself
1% of a planet's worth of a population is still a fuckton.
1% of earth's population is still 75 million for instance
*Steals your Light*
didn't most of them degenerate into Lost and Broken?