How does one deal with races that age either much faster or much slower than humans?
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This could be a fascinating thread but you started it with shitty fetish bait instead of a picture of an octopus so it won't be
They are not aging any slower or faster. They are aging normally and you are projecting your insecurities onto them.
Also I want the elf on my dick and the goblin on my face.
It wouldn't be pedophilia to fuck the goblin...right?
honestly it feels like fetish pictures are the only real way to start a thread anymore.
Anyway, consider it like dogs and humans for a humans and elf comparison, that's how i always see it.
It's kinda iffy.
The definition of pedophilia doesn't state whether it's an attraction to a childs body or mind.
Personally I'd say it's morally wrong to fuck the goblin regardless whether it's pedophilia whereas it's okay to fuck the elf.
Dogs aren't sapient.
Ideally by considering the effects that they tend to have on society and on their relations with other races. Imagine England if King Edward I was still alive and ruling. One could easily imagine that Elves are socially and politically conservative to an extreme measure as most of their leaders are centuries or millennia old. Furthermore family units could be either massive and widespread or so compact that elves don't even have words for aunt and uncle. After all if elves can live for a thousand years even if they don't start having kids until they are 200 plus it is very easy to have four or five generations of a family alive at once, four or five generations is fucking huge and in smaller villages it would mean an old elf could half a quarter or more of the village descended from him. On the other hand such massive families may make expansion outside of the immediate family meaningless especially if you consider that elves may have children decades or centuries apart. So if you ask an elf about his uncle he might wonder why the hell his father's brother would hold any significance to him when he was 80 years old when his father was born and started his own business when his father was still a toddler.
Furthermore such long lifespans could impact elven breeding practices. Perhaps elves due to magic shit actually have soul mates or at least are capable of finding people they can still love after centuries of living together (keeping a marriage together for a decade today is considered an accomplishment). Or on the other hand perhaps elves have no concept of true love, they realize that over time people get bored of each other and grow apart and a married couple saying "well it was fun lets get divorced and meet new people" is seen as a perfectly normal thing to do after 80-200 years of marriage. Perhaps elves even practice some faggotry like polyamory where it is okay to fuck you wife and your neighbor's wife while your neighbor is also fucking...
I'm referring more to the actual age than than any mind or body aspect. We really don't get a clear picture on how mentally mature or physically developed either character is from the pic, given that the elf could just be youthful and flat chested and the goblin could just be hyper and excitable (as most goblins tend to be).
Pedophilia is probably an attraction to aspects of the pre-pubescent body or mind, so it's probably pointless to divorce the definition of pedophilia from those two aspects. In real life we have an age boundary for pedophilia because most of the mental and physical attractions are associated with those age groups, and the more important thing is establishing whether the victim is at the approximate stage of mental development where they are able to make responsible independent decisions.
So under real world, human definitions, it is 100% pedophilic for legal purposes. If you're attracted to her more adult aspects rather than her age or her (assuming that they are childish) behavioral characteristics, you may not be a pedophile in terms of the psychological illness, but you are legally going to be a pedophile in the developed world.
Races gave their own cultures and systems for things like drinking age, adulthood, consent, all that stuff.
If thats the case then would a short lived race be far more politically liberal than humans?
Not "liberal" necessarily, but certainly less static. You'd see more experimental governments, and more political extremes than you would of any other races.
I'm talking in terms of age difference you mongo.
Basically some humans (Domesticated dogs) would see elves as majestic beings of pureness and protection, and sometimes wanna bone them.
Normal humans (basically wolves) don't really care too much about elves unless they start encroaching on their territory, at which point they fight.
Xenophobes and the imperium i guess would be just really aggressive wolves that think everything is theirs for example.
No more than it would be if a 200 year old elf fucks a 20 year old human. Depends on just when someone from each culture is viewed as an adult or at least when sexual activity is viewed as normal. If an 8 year old goblin fucking doesn't merit concern, then have at it.
Even though the elf is a boy?
You dare underestimate my dick?
Well no, pedophilia isn't outlawed because some people thinks its nasty, its because a child cannot legally or realistically consent to sex and because of the irreversible damage it causes. Also because kids proportionally are disgusting and people who fuck them are too.
If a goblin has a mature understanding of sex and its body has developed into actual sexual maturity, then no.
If the goblin is literally a child in mind and sexually, then yes.
Pick one.
Anyone that lives longer than 30 is a fucking pussy
and he won't be until the next long rest, so that's more than enough time for me. Hopefully he transaborts the baby when he changes again.
He’s not wrong, you know
No, As long as they are the age of majority for whatever species they are.
It's pedo to fuck the century year old elf though
Don't be so stereotypical, Angarth! That's nowhere near enough time to contribute towards building a legacy!
Logan, pls.
How fast you age is determined by your intelligence. So if you want human intelligence, you need to grow up at roughly the same age.
>even muh fantasy isn't safe from ear gauges
I don't get it. It's just a earring that doesn't hang below the lobe, right?
A campaign will never last long enough to for that to be relevant.
It may shape society and interactions between societies, which may very well be relevant to player characters dealing with those societies.
No, they're like a disk that's shoved into a hole in the lobe to stretch them out. They're ugly as shit.
Anyone who dies before 700 is a cunt.
I tend to throw that out the window and have all the main races age up to physical maturity at the same rate before stopping.
The way most D&D style games is to lazily raise the number based on percentages and its fucking retarded to have to deal with that as a DM.
haha no
An earring hangs from a pinhole piercing in your ear.
A gauge sits in a fuckhuge gaping hole in your earlobe that looks like a busted anus without a gauge in it and requires surgery to repair (often resulting in the removal of most of your lobe and funny-looking ears).
It's like getting a shitty tattoo but worse, both in appearance and in cost/trauma of removal/reparation.
On top of that I have added hatred of them just because they're popular with the sort of limp-wristed trend-hopping idiots who are already very hateable.
also they're just plain ugly
Harkness Test.
Oh okay, so it's yet another painful fashion trend.
But it's a tradition among African tribes. I understand the hate for them in modern, shitty trend context, but why hate them in fantasy?
>How fast you age is determined by your intelligence
Do you have a single fact to back this up?
You aren't thinking this through.
If life is hard and people typically die young then the ones that do live old enough for their hair to go grey have survived and are still keeping up.
>Anyone that lives longer than 30 is a fucking pussy
Confirming my theory that the French are porcs
>A gauge sits in a fuckhuge gaping hole in your earlobe that looks like a busted anus
yeah, considering the kind of people getting those, it's basically form of advertising - as above so below
>be 8 years old
>have orc childhood friend
>she likes to wrestle and roughouse a lot
>all in good fun
>7 years later
>be awkward hormone-ridden teenager
>still have orc childhood friend
>but because orcs age faster she's got the body of a grown-ass woman now
>she still likes to wrestle
>now you always end up pinned down by a bombshell of a woman
>breasts pressing down against your body and a muscular leg between yours
>try your hardest not to get a boner
>tap out before she notices to not make it awkward
>she teases you for being less strong than you used to be
>but secretly she fears that you don't like her that much anymore
>They are not aging any slower or faster
Yes they are you fucknugget. Elves being considered adults 160 years after they have actually matured doesn't make any fucking sense, neither does the difference in skill and ability. A 300 year old elf is less capable than a 30 year old human despite having 270 more years to learn every single trade and mastering them?
My elves mature normally like humans until they stop aging somewhere in the 20-40 age range, just to avoid the awkward questions.
What about your goblins?
Not entirely sure yet.
Elves are considered adults at 160 years by other elves. That says nothing about their skill compared to other humans.
.... what?
In the newest edition of DnD elves are now gender fluid.
You don't give a shit.
Fuck what's hot. Drop what's not.
I'm more sickened of nose rings to be honest.
Nose rings are fitting for certain races like orcs or minotaurs.
>improving the prompt given even more
Biologically how?
Because while there are plenty of animals that can change their sex, none can do it while pregnant
Theres no answer.
They, WotC, were just making this change for political reasons and didn't think through any of the obvious implications or problems such a thing would cause.
A small group of elves that worship Corellon have magically become more like their god. Every day they can choose to change their nasty bits.
Maybe it's purely cultural? That would make sense
No it's not cultural.
They can literally change their junk whenever they want.
>All this thread...
>Not knowing Eons worth of knowledge upon birth.
>Aging at all
what is the exact wording of this? I am now very curious
More like sex-fluid (ahem).
And it's only a specific group of elves chosen by a god.
Still a bit [current year], but not nearly as bad as some are making out. It's not like the Girdle of Masculinity/Femininity didn't already exist.
It's mentioned here.
Nyarlathotep knows nothing. He is nothing. He's supposed to be the Herald and Soul of the outer gods, but they have no message to give and no soul. All the universe is a dream, and if the Audient Void is anything he is the dreamer's nightmare.
> not trying to fuck her
What are you, a faggot.
>"My elf character is around 200 years old"
>Level 1 adventurer on par in skill and ability with any human cunt in his 20s.
I don't think I'll ever understand this.
How in the actual fuck do you manage to stay alive for over a century and not have picked up a single marketable skill during that time or have any more familiarity with the world than anyone?
Did literally every fucking elf PC ever actually start off as some stupid worthless NEET?
Yes. Elf parents are more patient than human parents and it took them about 200 years to kick the worthless spawn out into the street.
I like to think that elf psychology is about the same as humans up to about 120 years old. After than, an elf slowly loses some moral qualms about dealing with other mortal races, and a sense of jaded ennui sets in. To centuries-old elves, the world is full of trivialities and only grand masterworks have any value. They consider this stage the cusp of adulthood.
Fuck Aboleths, has anyone ever actually used one?
I feel like Minotaur would hate that shit the most due to the parallels with cattle. Orcs are wild card in their behavior across settings so who knows what they want.
Once where I ran a very short drow game.
Campaign was bad end because the party kept trying to assault an aboleth's fortress and kept pushing after a character was disintegrated.
Read the Prince Corum series then.
Dude's basically an elf.
>Race so long lived that they spend their lives composing symphonies and writing scientific treatises
>Because of long age they don't reproduce often and therefore avoid war with their own kind
>Then humans show up and kill everyone except for Corum since none of his race have had to actually fight in centuries
>Corum survives, but to prolong that survival must learn how to fight
>Also wants revenge, so must learn to kill as well
In B/X D&D elves actually made sense. They were the trouble makers who, for whatever reason we're exiled or decided to leave elven society. Adventurers weren't heroes, they were mostly the detritus of society who had turned to grave robbing to survive/get rich quick. And an elf who'd choose to do that was probably the kind who had no other choice.
You wanna piss off her fully grown orc boyfriend whos galf your age?
Unless there isnt a boyfriend, in which case yeah, the point stands and anons a pussy.
I like to imagine that im comparison to humans, elves just have severe learning disabilities by comparison to humans.
Sure youre first impression of elves is that they are agless and full of grace, having amassed tons of knowledge over several centuries.
Then you meet their children and realize they NEEDED that much time to get good at things when you see that little Elrond needed 30 years just to achieve basic literacy.
They act all high and mighty because they are all secretly insecure and jealous of how fast humans learn and achieve great feats at the same age they were still learning cursive.
I figure he probably is the dreamer. Like, if you dream about doing something, it isn't obviously the real you experiencing the things in the dream, but a dream representation of you that acts as the point-of-view character. It might not even be a representation of you, as you can also have dreams where you're someone completely different from your real identity.
Nyarlathotep may be that to Azatoth. Which would explain why he's called the soul of the Outer Gods, as he's literally the part of Azatoth's conciousness that's observing his dream.
Depends on the setting
This applies in real life as well
>humans are like dogs to elves
I want my elf owner to pet me and take me to the park.
He is 15 user, how brave in asking girls out were you at that age? It's like laughing at the 30yo virgin wizard elf, because their powers manifest at that age and if they weren't virgins, then there is something seriously wrong with the elf family.
And I just want a race that lives to 30 and capable of achieving/mastering in half that time what it takes 3 generations of humans to properly learn.
>Still a bit [current year], but not nearly as bad as some are making out
Wasn't those elves/that god a thing since like 2nd Edition? I distinctly remember there being some hermaphrodite Elf god.
You sound like a smart person user. Thank you for coming to this thread.
Everyone ages in relative proportion to their lifespan.
Yes, Elves do in fact have to change the diapers of their infants in 20 years. Yes, this would seem curious to Humans who only do so in 1 year.
But at the same time, the Goblins see Humans weird for changing their diapers for a year, when a Goblin is already walking within 1 month.
The advantages also scale up. In the same vein that as humans breed faster and grow quicker than elves, and also learn the sciences and mathematics at a faster pace, so too do the goblins even greater outpace the humans. Where it might take 1000 years for a large elven city to form with its infrastructure, and the humans 100 years the Goblins do it in 10.
Goblins are the dominant species in my setting, and the most technologically advanced.
They are my go-to "Side Problem" in many of my campaigns.
Good tastes user
>Goblins are dominant
>not a collapsed species composed of 9(% rage infected gobbos acting as traditional raiding gobbos with a remaining 1% in survivor's encampments scraping by
I would watch this show.
In my setting the gods put a soft cap on mortal age limits. That being said there are two or three species with substantially LOWER lifespans. "Adults" are generally immature and do not produce any art or technological advancement, though due to lack of isolated societies, their tech level is never really left behind. They have frequent wars, but these wars end quickly, as it is not too long before everybody who remembers why there was a conflict is alive. For this reason they sometimes feel a sort of existential dread towards humans and elves, who can hold murderous grudges for 5 generations goblin or kobold generations, only compounding the threat of their generally larger stature.
in the setting I'm currently running a weird hybrid species of pseudo-elf-humans was made because some elf woman adopted a bunch of human orphans and didn't want them to die so fast so she did some bizarre magic which gave them extended life spans at the cost of them being physically and mentally children for about a third of it. So they're stuck as kids for about two hundred years or so.
Also she's now a lich-demi-goddess queen thing who regularly harasses other Elvish and human kingdoms for not accepting "her children". The actual people themselves are actually fighting for survival at this point because the BBEG wants to use their children as batteries for his evil ritual.
Two of my players still want to bone her despite repeatedly being told the hot elf babe appearance is just an illusion.
Whats she look like without her illusions?
A brittle skeleton with the bound shadows of her past assassins and a curse filled miasma that eats through metal holding her together.
By what retarded logic are they not aging any slower or faster than humans?
Yeah, I had a great arc involving one.
i'm also running an aboleth demilich behind the scenes in my current game
Common fucking sense? The elf and the goblin experience time at the same rate you do. They do not age any faster or slower.
Oh so you're one of those smartass retards?
Everything you just said is completely unfounded. The relationship between humans and dogs or wolves is due to the difference in intelligence, not in lifespan. If wolves lived for fifty, a hundred, or two hundred years they'd still only be animals.
Aging is not the simple passage of time you idiot.
Here I'll let wikipedia explain it to you.
>In humans, ageing represents the accumulation of changes in a human being over time,[1] encompassing physical, psychological, and social changes.
>The causes of ageing are uncertain