Why do so many people want to sell their souls to Slaanesh? Out of all the chaos gods, they're the one who's most likely to fuck you over. Slaanesh is like an abusive fucking lover. Tossing you away at a moment's notice.
Why do so many people want to sell their souls to Slaanesh? Out of all the chaos gods...
Sex, drugs and rock 'n roll.
Because your allies are literally busty naked women with insatiable libidos.
Or you could join up with Nurgle. I sure do love being surrounded by small pox vectors.
I'm not into 40k but isn't Slaanesh the sex/perversion god? That's the easiest way to get people on your side since forever. Everyone likes sex.
Because Noise Marines are best marines.
Best Chaos gods to serve from best to worst based on how your god treats you:
1. Nurgle
2. Khorne
3. Slaanesh
4. Tzeentch
I unironically want to rot in Slaanesh's sweet embrace. I want to be fucked over. I want to hurt.
>Everyone likes sex.
Slaanesh is the equivalent of having been on the Internet so long you're into really fuck weird niche porn and can't get off to anything else. It started off with something new and exciting and morphed into a disturbing fetishist obsession. Note that I do not solely refer to sex here, but rather mean to analogize to the process. Slaanesh isn't just lust, but rather excess; if you've played video games for 24 hours straight or whatever, you took the first steps toward Slaanesh. Drug addiction is similar. Very few people think "some day I want to be a homeless heroin addict" but many end up that way nonetheless.
Because your soul goes to the warp anyway, why not at least enjoy it?
Who's the artist of this? I really like the style.
Slaanesh is excess, not sex. It's just easier to visually portray excess sexiness than excess anything else once you account for the visual themes of the other gods.
Like everything chaos, slannesh was much better in fantasy.
Asexuals don't.
>you will never get to be a cute, purple daemonette for her grace
Feels bad ;_;
>Out of all the chaos gods, they're the one who's most likely to fuck you over
wits all chaos gods its 100% guaranteed you get fucked over
>most likely to fuck you
Just stop at that and you get an answer really.
Because it's literally the only shot most people here have at getting laid.
Because Slaanesh is the one its easiest to be eased into before eventually going of the deep end. One minute you're invited to the nobility's weird but enjoyable sex parties and the next you're ripping your dick off with a pair of rusty tongs to feel anything.
>they're the one who's most likely to fuck you over
No, that's Tzeentch, you heretic.
Checkmate, chaostheists.
But that's a made up term for something that doesn't exist
Let's not start
Then surely there are other pleasures they enjoy that Slaanesh can provide?
Like tiles
I'm a cute trap and I'm becoming cuter by the day. I've completely devoted my life to Her!!!
>Mr. "Here my dude have every disease ever"
Nah. Tzeentch 4 heavily mutated lyfe, yo.
Slaanesh is the god of excess, from food, to wealth, to sex. He's got so many followers because his modus operandi is something natural and inescapable for mortals: greed. Even Orks, despite being almost entirely resistance to Chaos, can rarely feel his influence as their desire for war and FOIGHTIN' can be corrupted by him.
He's the most sadistic, self-centered, and arrogant of the Chaos gods, but unlike Change and Mutation, Blood and War, and Disease and Death/Rebirth, his domain is something almost universal, from the top of society to the bottom.
EVERYONE can feel greed, pride, and the desire for more.
He's definitely less of a mary sue in Fantasy (even if his rise to power was somewhat justifiable, and the fact that the Eldar gods didn't BTFO him immediately was because they lost so many followers).
Like in Fantasy Khaine and Slaanesh fight, but Khaine whips his ass into next week. Slaanesh's shapeshifting beautyglamor magic couldn't remove the biggest scar Khaine left him.
My man.
Chaos Undivided is the best Chaos. Worship the True Gods as a pantheon and be rewarded beyond what any singular God can give you.
Why would this not apply to Khorne? Aggression is also natural to living things, more than being a scheming asshole or being slovenly, and a lot of people are quick to wrath or fighting.
>Slaanesh cultist
>Enjoys tile patterns
>"M-mortal, are you playing a trick on me?"
>A warehouses worth of tiles appear
Even when considering futa, asexual daemonettes that's fucking weird
>Why would this not apply to Khorne?
Yes, hence why Khorne fueds with Slaanesh - Slaanesh is pride, which can take the form of martial pride (or anything really) and that infringes on Khornes space. Khorne doesn't like his brothers, but at least they don't touch his thing. This is why Khorne is so tsundere for Slaanesh
Do you think that it's possible for Slaanesh cultists to get so deep into excess and deviancy that they wrap around full circle?
You seriously do loop around after a few years of degeneracy. I went from tranny dickgirl multiracial incestuous cuck-rape-bondage porn to straight white on white porn after I did a stint as a sober vagrant on the streets, and I've never looked back. Slaanesh is a mindset, you've gotta let go, and enjoy the little things.
This guy has it right
Slaanesh would probably be a fun time at first, but you've got two big problems, one being the increasing desensitization that requires bigger and bigger experiences, and the other being that your patron is more likely to screw you over because they're bored or horny or whatever than any other except for possibly Tzeentch.
Nah, that's not how it works. Slaanesh is needing more, and more, and more, and MORE AND MORE AND MORE. We aren't talking /d/, we're talking going from having one or two fetishes to having them all because you're so burned out that you need MORE new experiences. It's not looping around to being into vanilla, it's going deeper and deeper until you're an ungendered, seven dicked, eight vagina purple demon with 5 breasts, 3 male nipples, seven claws, and are covered in self-inflicted cuts and bruises because pain is a sensation while your 3 pointy daemon ears bleed black because you're listening to music so loud and cacophonous that your very body starts to crack apart. All while you carve up your crush with her own chainsword that you stole because you wanted to feel the sensation of betraying and losing a loved one by your own hands.
desu that sounds like one hell of a ride. Better than Nurgle anyway.
It is. That's why I worship Her! She's my favorite chaos god. Ah, if only she was real. It would be such a wild and enjoyable ride.
The upside of Nurgle is, you don't care. You're either happy or just numb, sure you're a festering disease pile but who cares? Sooner or later everything is going to end anyway, so none of it matters. Might as well share Papas gifts around and enjoy the company.
Nurgle does have the upside that he cares about you, and you'd have some level of camaraderie with things like the Beasts of Nurgle, Great Unclean Ones and Nurglings, which are all pretty cheerful and friendly in their way. And they don't care that you're a horrible pus monster because they are too. You finally fit in, and everything is going to be fine.
All the Chaos gods have an appeal in their own way, it just depends on the viewer.
Plus Nurglings are cute. CUTE
Nurgle is fine desu. You feel no pain and get to be a vessel bursting forth with bountiful life.
Slaneesh is the most fun at first but then it sucks
Nurgle always sucks
>busty naked women
They are naked, hideous demons. You would have to be blind to want one. If Slaneesh had hot chicks, then it would have won by now.
Madoka > Homu
I want to sell my soul to nurgle but im a filthy degenerate and as such alrady belong to slaanesh.
Beauty Perfected is his portfolio user
well duh
Are trannies followers of slaanesh?
No, Tzeentch, obviously
Thats the entire point;forgoing everything for immediate pleasure. They dont think about long term consequences at that point. Of course theyll regret it later
Because so many people are tediously ignorant. The dark prince cares not a wit for your philistine notions of restraint, consent or arousal. Slannesh will not permit you to simply enjoy God-tier sex with maddeningly perfect women. You will experience every dizzying extreme of emotion and sensation for good or ill. Slannesh is the literal god of shitting dick nipples and the best part? it is NEVER enough. That kind of experience is why The only christian god, Mighty Khorne is who you should follow
>Have your body become host to a smorgasbord of diseases, causing your skin to rot, bloat, bubble and slough off.
>Have to become a ridiculously violent bloodthirsty killer and constantly put your life on the line for even a sliver of attention from your god
>Get dicked over for seemingly no reason by your god and/or his followers
Yeah, I'll take the "here, have four horsecocks and tits the size of a Hummer jeep" futa god/goddess over the other three any day.
Same people get into drugs, transgender surgeries for their kids, and constant unprotected sex. It makes them feel good "in different ways yes" damn any future consequences. People like that are little more than animals to be honest.
To this day I still wonder, what the fuck IS a kitchen bench?
Because they really don't know about Slaanesh (keep in mind that information about chaos is exceedingly rare to find in the Imperium if you are not part of the Malleus or a worshipper), all they know at the time is that some weird entity is going to give them all they desire, and given how shitty life in the Imperium can be it's not that hard to imagine why people would say yes.
They might not know the specifics, but most Imperials do know the signs of Chaos,as they are taught to fear and hate it. While never told about Daemons or the actual Gods, they are taught that crazy cultists will do crazy, degenerate shit all the time. And that's why you need to listen to Mr Inquisitor, to keep you safe. The only thing they learn after they become cultists is that most of the Imperial propaganda is censored compared to the truth, and that the things the cults worship are actually real.
if you keep striving for perfection and letting your emotions out Slaanesh will see you as useful. Also being one of Slaanesh's favorites is all benefits with no downsides
Tzeentch rolls a random number generator every hour or so and if trips he gets bored of you and fucks you
it's almost like no one ever in their right mind should even consider worshiping chaos
>instead they worship a corpse
>people only ever thinking about the sex and drugs
>forgetting about the gluttony and finger painting with shit and hobo intestines
>Tonight at 7: The grim, unrelenting darkness of Humanity's last hours in the universe of the 41st Millenia... is it a bad place to live? Blind Freddy says yes, but for now, sports. John?
But sucking at being a servant of Slaanesh means you become a dried out husk who can no longer feel anything.
The possibility of no downsides tho..
Thats why Slaanesh does so well for itself, it draws in the suckers that think it'll be all good times and don't realise that most of them will eventually fuck up and be turned into yet another living onahole in his/her/its Palace.
>>you will never get to be a cute, purple daemonette for her grace
Not with an attitude like that you won't!
>This is why Khorne is so tsundere for Slaanesh
That and delicious musculature honed from literal eons practicing a single sword slash.
>Slaanesh is needing more, and more, and more, and MORE AND MORE AND MORE.
Yeah, but that doesn't mean you go full Cenobite.
Sure, you will take your obsessions to grotesque and horrifying extremes, but there is no reason to assume they'll be destructive ones.
>if you keep striving for perfection and letting your emotions out Slaanesh will see you as useful. Also being one of Slaanesh's favorites is all benefits with no downsides
Hell, given Slaanesh nature, you really just need to avoid zir ire, they're rarely going to mess with you unless it strikes their fancy.
>year 40,000
>religion still exists
That's not the only option, 'umie. You can WAAAGH too if you really want to. It's pretty zen.
Emps tried his best
more relate-able in this day and age filled with perfectionists trying their hardest to out do other perfectionists compared to angry war man.
Everyone is afraid of change deep down and magic isn't real so it's hard to find tzeentch relate-able unless your some turbonerd obsessed with wizards
Nurgle contends with slaanesh because they're the polar opposite and the desire to detach from modern society or even take a break
>Everyone is afraid of change deep down and magic isn't real so it's hard to find tzeentch relate-able unless your some turbonerd obsessed with wizards
Tzeentch is also ambition, plenty of people with a lot of that to go around.
Khorne also nets the unchecked aggression and anger people have.
Theres a place for everyone!
I feel they're all exactly as likely to fuck you over as toss you aside as if you never existed, they just do it in different ways.
Except perhaps Nurgle, but he's an entirely different kind of trouble. He's the one you WISH didn't love you so much
I do martial arts. When I started training I got loads better really quickly, and every session was painful and exciting and I got my arse handed to me by strong awesome people.
Now I've been going for a decade, and I'm teaching in a backwater. I've only got two or three people around who can push me, and I'm never sore after a session unless I leave the newbies in a corner and go nuts by myself. I'm the teacher now, and it's getting dull as fuck. I'd love it if someone came by here to kick my arse again.
they can be whoever you want them to be my buddy
they still cut you up but hey
Unless you are this guy. Then everything is just perfect for you.
IMHO the best part - Nurgle guys actually have a sense of humour.
*tips ecclisearchy hat*
you become immune to the pain of these diseases and nurgle actually loves his followers. in the maggotkin battletome, he has followers that fail him several times and he just banishes them for a few hundred years and always brings them back. other chaos gods have their favourites, but nurgle is the only kind and benevolent (in the perverse fashion of a chaos god) one looking out for his followers.
becoming a slave to chaos is a shitty deal but nurgle is objectively the best option if you read the fluff and go beyond Veeky Forums shitposting understanding of the lore.
>Tossing you away at a moment's notice
All Chaos Gods are like this, they will toss you away or drink your soul when you do things they don't like.
Tzeentch is also ambition, curiosity, and change in all forms.
Magic is just a miniscule part of the curiosity part.
>It's pretty zen.
Does Dakka make a sound if no one can hear it?
Nurgle will infect you with all of the deseases but will take care of you like a caring grampa. Khorne will treat you with fairness. Slaanesh will give you a nice time but will eventually make things worse. Tzeentvh will give lots of hopes and work the universe around you to make things look perfect but will always fuck you over in the end.
of course it does you git
>the one who's most likely to fuck you over.
>Tossing you away at a moment's notice.
That's Tzeentch.
One Slaanesh's titles Prince of *Excess* for a reason user.
Is it really that hard? It's a bench, and it's in the kitchen.
My parents' kitchen used to have one that doubled as a chest. They kept little-used, specialized items in it, like the puree sieve and the pressure cooker and shit I never learned names for (let alone saw getting used). Since there were five of us, and kitchen chairs tend to get sold in four-packs, moving the table over to the bench was the only way we could seat everyone at once.
Every chaos whorshipper has a sense of humor.
>moving the table over to the bench was the only way we could seat everyone at once.
But wouldn't that scratch the sexy, sexy kitchen tiles?
My. God. I...never in my life, have I heard of...