Warhammer 40k General /40kg/

Motto Edition.

>Forgebane Blackstone:

>WHTV Tip of the Day:



>Old Black Library Mega:


>Tau Codex Epub, PDF Soon.

>Previous Threads:

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Second for old Scars.

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not even yourself?

Do you guys think if I were to find somewhere that had a bunch of this model (place I did find online was sold out) that I could reasonably them off as DKoK infantry, with grenades or something glued over the chaos star.

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3th for bitter autists

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Is the Emperor's Champion worth it?

What's the rumor about a SW vs BL starter set? I haven't heard been around for a while.

Vior'la and it's twin stars are old and busted. Kor'tal Sept is the new hotness.

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how does /40kg/ clear the dust from minis? I'm gonna matte varnish mine but I've been told to make sure dust hasn't accumulated, can I use one of those keyboard cleaner cans?

Post games!

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And not even me.

Those are not nearly spiffy enough, heretic.

sjws are destroing 40k

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I wouldn't care, you'd be removing them in blobs anyway right?

They could be loyalist guard with the star covered/removed, and whatever regiment they are could of course run by DkoK rule,s but they themselves are clearly not from Krieg.

From where do you people get the art? Is there some pack or link with a bunch of art to download?

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Probably not. That star hangs out a bit, so just gluing over wouldn't work, and even if it did work I doubt cultists would make a good proxy. Hive scum/Steel Legion conscripts maybe could work.

Compressed air, running water or a brush all work for clearing dust off
Definitely don't use running water if you have transfers to worry about and be careful with fragile pieces obviously

No. Dkok don't have autoguns and are wearing actual uniforms instead of rags. Just buy dkok if you want dkok. Or use armageddon troopers if you can't get them.

Hey guys, concerned SW user here. Is the hate for us just le ebic meme or y’all seriously wish we weren’t a faction? (Yes I know Rune Priests are actual psykers, no “magic of the wolf world)

can he be redeemed?

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I just read the lore section in Forgebane.

>The byproduct of the biotransference was spirit-matter which is a metaphysical energy that the C'tan fed upon and grew stronger

If the C'tan hate and fear the Warp, how come they are eating souls? Soul are warp related, right?

>Necrons and the Adeptus Mechanicus share a common goal which is fashioning the Blackstone into technologies and pylons that will push back Chaos if not utterly banish it from reality. However, neither the Adeptus Mechanicus nor the Necrons will consider joining their forces in the banishment of the existential threat that is Chaos. They would rather destroy each in the most final and violent ways they can devise.

Justify this. Both factions claim that they value cold machine logic.

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found the IG player.

Every couple months there is usually a art dump either in its own thread or in here.

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>running water


yeah i've got transfers, so compressed air it is

Not anymore

>Justify this. Both factions claim that they value cold machine logic.
I'd assume the factions aren't really on speaking terms to work out that they both have the same goal in mind

The scale creep is getting rediculous, that primaris Minotaur is huge

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I hate furries.

Space Wolves are Space Furries.

Therefore, I hate Space Wolves.

Yes, he's cheap as shit and actually scary in close combat. Up to 5A S7 AP-3 and D3 damage with rerolling to hit and wounds vs Characters for 75pts is all kinds of fucking awesome, now he truly embodies the idea of a Space Marine assassin.

Nothing wrong with water over dry paint, just don't scrub it or do anything to otherwise agitate it too much

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Reposting the Tau PDF Mega Link: mega.nz/#!AbQG0CbA!RhIyj5eq1SUXx7m0oaDKVPhTfw5h6ibYQ0mSZRCGPTA

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Spiff is unnecessary when the life expectancy on Krieg is what, 16 years?
I probably wouldn't be fielding that many but yeah, they'd probably die a lot.
Just a gas mask and cloak aint enough huh?
Alright, I'll look at those.
Can always get other bits for the guns I think.

>an entire army of one model.

Only if he wanted to.

>Both factions claim that they value cold machine logic
Sure user.

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Horus Heresy audio books

Where can I get them that doesn't cost an arm and a leg

Im personally memeing.
You're lore just has a fuckton of wolfy wolfering in it that makes them quite ridiculous, even by 40k standards. That a some of your toys are a little bull, at least in 7th with the frost guns or whatever.

Never once read that they fuck the wolves user

Why the heck is the Devastator kit no longer available online?

That cold machine logic also happens to be held by two factions who think of each other as either backward savages squatting on their rightful land or as an abomination to the Omnissiah who also refuses to share their shit.

Water your miniatures with a garden hose and they should be good.

Stop making fun of 7e tau and eldar players!


>Justify this. Both factions claim that they value cold machine logic.
They are enemy factions. At best, they will have minor similarities in individual temporary goals. This material is limited in availability, and used for many things. Therefor, each faction must prioritise getting it for themselves, or else see it used against them in the future.


>If the C'tan hate and fear the Warp, how come they are eating souls? Soul are warp related, right?

That they devour souls has been in their lore since forever, they also feed on stars so its quite likely the C'tan dont actually eat warp-stuff but destroy it and eat the energy that may be released.

I spent all week gluing my first minis. I've never painted anything user, and I'm nervous about starting.

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>Spiff is unnecessary
Maybe for you heretic.

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Do I need to take precautions before working with epoxy resin?

are there any (preferably good) vostroyan books?

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Because you don't need them you now have Hellblasters


If you don't have small weak looking units your elite dudes aren't elite. Marines only look cool near guardsmen.

found the faggot

Both have multiple units and multiple models/poses?

I think the Ragnar series was the first SM-centered series I ever read and they always seemed ok. Its just that the whole wolfy wolves thing has gotten really out of hand recently and has become pretty stupid.

found the other faggot

Don't breath in the dust, a respirator helps with this. Don't work on it near carpet.

Im enjoying the new lore in this codex. I like how at every turn the tau learn the hard, painful way the same lessons that whipped humanity thousands of years ago (encountering orks, the warp, etc)

Also like that the greatest that the tsu pose to the galaxy isn't their military, but their brilliant and naive scientists acting on the whims of the arrogant leader caste

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Now kiss.

So is bolter munition caseless or not?

Gw keeps going back and forth, and now space marines seem to fire the entire cathedral of bullet. (I'm not being flowery)

The horniest man in the imperium? I doubt Emps would it.

According to this I can run Farsight alongside a Coldstar, because Farisght is Commander Farsight not Commander.

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Same here, user. I'm just going to take it from intermediate level tutorials very slowly when I get to it.

Surestrike did NOTHING WRONG

Uh even while mixing it?
Do I need ventilation?
Are there any obvious symptoms?

Jesus fucking christ.
No, no that is not correct. Intercessors are way too specialized, whereas scouts lack survivability. But if you want to run tacs you don't want the current sprue either because you either get a missile launcher (that is to say, trash) or you lose out on one of the most alluring points of a tac.

Is there any reason to go Chaos soup (other than just sticking magnus in your list)? They don't seem to synergize with eachother like imperial/eldar armies do?

Bolt shells are not caseless. Why do you think Boltguns have ejection ports?

Does he have the commander keyword?

You can do it! Watch some Duncan on Warhammer TV, and get the app to familiarise yourself with the colours required for certain jobs.

Get a nice even base coat with your primer, thin your paints and use two thin coats. Go slow, let everything dry before going to the next paint. Use washes to make shade, and learn how to highlight.

The worst mistakes people make to start is paint that's too thick, limited control and not tidying up - you might have to contend with these, but being aware of it means you can deal with it.

You're autistic.


So do we think Dark Eldar will be able to equip their archons with better gear (wings, bikes, etc) in the new book?

Will Reavers become troops?

Will Hellions not suck?

Will Incubi have a use?

Just remember you first mini will be your absolute worst.
You can always improve from there.

The rule doesn't state Commander keyword just commander. Farsight is a named Commander so he's not a Commander for this rule, same with Shadowsun

See above

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He really didn't.

I liked the little bit where all non- holographic ethereals planetside got blown up by artillery and the aunva hologram tried to order a commander, who just blinked and flipped it the bird before fucking off to farsight's house. Makes you wonder what the ethereal's power over other tau really is

Also what actually is Malk'la?

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Dirt and jams?

Yep, you're still autistic. Congrats.

Not that user, but I also haven't painted anything before. Should I start by trying to replicate colour schemes like on the box or is it okay to come up with your own colour scheme. I'm wanting to start admech, and I sort of know what I want my army to look like, but I don't know how to get the ideas really solidified without just painting a bunch of dudes poorly and then seeing if I get a scheme that works out. Also, as for brushes, I was thinking about getting an Army Painter Regiment brush and an insane detail brush, which I read are pretty decent for their price but I really don't know if that's all I need or what. They are quite cheap so I wouldn't mind picking up another couple.

What is the tac focus, user? Las-plas?

What an uninspired and uninspiring pile of shit this codex turned out to be. GW at their laziest.

Return when?

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user these rules apply to keywords.
Like when something says Infantry or Hellbrute

>T. Still salty from 7th and wants to twist rules to keep Tau down

Bold text denotes keyword doesn't it?

You fall on your head recently user?

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Either that or heavy bolter and plasma, which is what I usually run. Not VERY Dorn-y but damn does it work.

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Soon to have a 5000 point apocalypse game with ad mech
Think 220 boys would suffice?
Have 2 painboyz and 2 big meks, wazbom blasts jet and 1 morkanaught with a KFF supporting the mob
Another push would be from 50 stormboyz with big mek on a buck with KFF

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I've never seen that in the rules

Nigga, i play Tau.
I'm just not a retard.


A punishment handed by Ethereals. All who witness it are mentally scarred.

Has anyone tried making a non hq a warlord? I mean technically you CAN he'll you can make your LoW a warlord or that random cultist.

Sorry, I thought you were talking about FW resin or such. Anyway, I'd advise wearing gloves and a mask while mixing. Ventilation shouldn't be much of a problem, turn on a fan if you want. Watch out for headaches, coughing or dizziness, though you shouldn't get these unless you are at it all day.