How would Warhammer 40k fare in Ready Player One?
How would Warhammer 40k fare in Ready Player One?
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While I don't care for Reddit, the movie™
Would be a Solitaire.
>Eldar is seen in the final battle
Oh god I guess these leaks might actually be legit. Its so odd they would add an Eldar instead of you know a Space marine
>just an eldar
I guess they look the most space opera
What the fuck is this movie
pop culture memes in a vidya game land that millenials escape to because their lives suck. But someone hid a million bitcoin in it so the millenials are trying to find them and they're being supported by vidya characters
Your "cool" uncle telling you for hours how much the 80s rocked and how it was the best of times, unable to move on.
>movie is about 2010-2020 pop culture
>transformers are included
>ponies arent
>overwatch is
>tf2 isnt
I am slightly disappointed
And why does it have to tarnish the name of things I enjoy, like Okami and Pikmin, and others
What the fuck is this movie
>Nerd culture movie
>Has references to Power Rangers but not Super Sentai, Kamen Rider or any other tokusatsu of note besides Godzilla movies
>Has references to Voltron, Eva and Gundam, but not Mazinger Z, Gaogaigar or Getter Robo, or any other popular giant robot
>Has references to Naruto, Attack on Titan and DBZ, but no One Piece
Oh nonono
What the fucking fuck. The novel was a shitty 80s wankfest, they are not even going to keep themselves to that decade?
/v/ Isekai
It's based on what's popular in America where the novel takes place. Nobody gives a shit about Mazinger Z and One Piece
How the fuck did they even get the rights for all of these characters?
it's basically Pixels for 20-somethings
The book did. I find it hilarious however to see shit from the 2000s in it, which should never have existed because of the fact the entire timeline SHOULD be different.
Seeing Spartan-IIs running in the trailer made me double take though.
>Mass Effect
>Angry Birds
>Five Nights at Freddy's
>Dark Souls
>Marvel cinematic characters
>Transformers, but dunno if it's Bayformers or not
>Kylo Ren
>Ice Age
>Over the fucking Hedge
>Hunger Games
>Scott Pilgrim
>Family Guy
>Game of Thrones
>Walking Dead
>Yokai Watch
Thats just a few of them, there are a lot more.
I see, so Battleborn, Battle Angel, Over the Hedge and Miku are far more popular in the states, right?
Than one piece, yes
I can smell it.
The producers read the book, saw a reference they understood, clapped, then added even more references.
It's directed by fucking Spielberg
"I clapped when I saw it": The Movie
>battleborn characters
That... that list doesn't make any fucking sense. They am plays gods
>Over the Hedge
It's because it's an obvious woman and hollywood is Lefty central
Yeah it’s so oddly specific I’d expect a space marine
Shinji becomes an unstoppable ork warboss.
I'm impressed there's no Avatar TLoA/K, One Piece or Ghibli characters in there
You can only bribe so many people to let them use your stuff. Some people are either too expensive or too protective of their stuff.
This is the reason there's no Metallica in Brutal Legend.
Yeah, looking back I think Ghibli would never do as much as reply to an email about this film
The absolute STATE of seething MTG cucks desu
>Digital world where you can (presumably) choose anything you want as an avatar
>Everyone just plays a video game character
For what purpose? I'd expect to see OC everywhere
OC takes effort.
>he hasn't seen VRChat
Btw, happy 18th birthday to Sonichu
I've seen Second Life, and there's a whole market economy for custom shit.
Sonichu can now legally have bedz fun time with his wife Rosichu
If they made them OCs the movie wouldn't be as radicoolly tubular, bro!
VRC is full of anime girls and half-assed memers though, not vidya characters
Seeing as everything powerful in RPO is in the game, and thus not real AFAIK, I'd say any faction from 40k could conquer it with ease.
I might be wrong though, I haven't read the book because its terrible
>just one eldar
terrible faction for a terrible movie
Nostalgia bait: the book: the movie
I wish I was joking.
This movie looks very bad
>Eldar is seen
fucking christ pajeet
at least they put the best faction in
Even Tau is better than Eldar
OC would be fun, but being a space marine would be bad ass
wrong again emprahshitter
yeah itd be super epic bro
Good thing they chose the murder elves instead then.
sorry that eldar kept their glorious 80's designs and therefore more desirable in the shitty movie imperial fags hahahahaha
What is this fucking movie?
Eldar are only good as fap fodder for nerds.
That's a nice spirit stone you got there... would be shame if something "happened" to it.
A game about VR, based off a super popular book in the 80's about VR.
As someone trying to work in that field, I'm kinda tired of hearing about it.
It's going to be a huge huge movie though and a lot of people's first introduction to virtual reality so, you know, hoping it's good.
>bitching about Eldar being in RPO
>not bitching at all about muh 40k being in a mainstream movie
times have changed I see
Go home /pol/
You think Valves would care?
Hence their inclusion.
A movie based on Quite possibly the Dullest book in the history of dull books
>hey gamesworkshop, we'd like to use something iconic from your franchise for our upcoming movie
>say no more here's our space marine man from space marine land
>looks a bit like a shitty storm trooper, do you have anything a bit more unique
Try 2011
VRchat the movie, is it gonna be good?
This. Space Marines are just blue Stormtroopers on steroids and autism pills.
space marines were only unique back when they were beakies
I will fight you
It seems the movie is turning Art3mis into waifubait, which makes me sad
jesus christ where has my life gone
>not dull
He's probably not too far off base. Spielberg probably didn't want actual Catholic Space Nazis being heroes in his movie, but someone wanted to slip in a 40k camero somewhere. So they went with the race that's not immediately recognizable by most as waging endless campaigns of xenocide on lesser races.
Most retarded post on Veeky Forums right here.
40k isn’t real either, user.
A book that has it's own ideas and story to tell that are plenty entertaining, but idiots get obsessed with the fact that there's a bunch of references to things and think that's all that's going on.
Anyone who has told you the book is only references to 80's culture has not read the book, end of.
Actually, Ernest, people generally criticise the fact that said references are incredibly poorly written in.
It’s why people like airplane or Alice in wonderland but hate the likes of epic movie
I understand the book is more like "look how much nerd trivia I know aren't I great" than "here you losers eat this shit up".
The author intended the former.
The publishers intended the latter.
Vidya characters are coming slowly. There's issues rigging them with the motion trackers in mind but stuff like Genji, Tracer, Final Fantasy characters, and the Nintendo/SEGA mascots are all in already.
Someone was trying to do Morrowind characters, but you have to stitch the models together by hand thanks to how they're constructed so it was a massive pain in the ass.
Apparently the Eldar is supposed to be somewhere in this hot mess.
And yes, there's also the punchline to an ancient meme. This movie does, in fact, have Battletoads.
Actually, people generally criticize the fact that the references exist at all. I have seen criticisms of how they have been written in exactly twice, and one of those times is your mentioning it.
There's a lot being said about the kind of person who becomes an obsessive nerd, about the subculture of being a nerd, and why people turn to that kind of lifestyle in the first place. There's a little bit being said about despotic corporatism. It is absolutely just a power-trip fantasy for kiddos, and no one should imagine otherwise, but claiming that it's nothing but references - or that it's only value is nostalgia baiting - demonstrates that you either haven't read the book or you're actually too stupid to understand something written for teens.
The bits I've read have just been lists of references and where they came from. It is shit.
So, final verdict:
RPO > Gamestop?
I don't see why we need to wait for Spielberg to put Space Marines into Ready Player One. I'll do it right now.
>An army of sux0rs approached me wielding light sabres from the Star Wars movies and.44 magnum revolvers from Dirty Harry. Suddenly, to the best of my knowledge, Ba77sackjack arrived, wearing Mark VII Aquila Power Armour, the same power armour used by the God Emperor's Space Marines from the tabletop boardgame, Warhammer 40,00, which was produced by the tabletop company from Nottingham, UK, Games Workshop, who's designers were often harassed by the mining union.
>"For the Emperor." Said Ba77sackjack, as he drove the Wiener Mobile into the army of Suxors. I nodded in approval as I understood the reference, even through god was dead.
>implying you wouldnt get 2 mates and roll around as Captain Titus, Sidonus and Leandros
cash grab