>the Paladin/Cleric is in love with his goddess
I've got to know, is it possible to pull this off without being magical realm?
The Paladin/Cleric is in love with his goddess
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It depends how involved in mortal affairs his goddess is.
I did this when my paladin received visitations from his goddess in his dreams.
Yes, but your character will have to go through great deeds and much suffer.
Especially the suffer.
Why is the cleric barefoot?
Love the Raven Queen, become Thanos.
Play it like Thanos
The suffer only makes my love harder.
That's fine, once she sees how much I'm willing to suffer for her that'll just increase her love for me.
That happened to 2 paladin players in my group. They were best friends and both loved the goddess, eventually they began to compete for her affection and became rivals then enemies. They both ended up making it to very high levels, one was spurned by the goddess and the other became her lover. The god lover eventually became a god himself through a high level quest and he and the goddess got married and became twin gods. The other paladin fell to evil, and became a god sworn to break apart the two lovers and destroy the pantheon.
is that meant to be Haruhi?
>The other paladin fell to evil, and became a god sworn to break apart the two lovers and destroy the pantheon.
To be fair, what was he supposed to do, just sit there and watch himself be cucked by a god while he remains alone and mortal?
The other players in the group took sides as well, the rogue and wizard took the evil paladins side, the fighter took the good paladins side and was killed for it. My monk remained impartial in the whole thing, I eventaully became a nuetral god many sessions later through unrelated circumstances.
It was like a civil war between the group (in character only) and served as a great climax to the campaign.
>very much pic related
He/she/they/it love all things/followers/you and you'll be together forever in the afterlife.
Faith may or may not be required for this depending on deity and it incentivizes they stay true to whatever vows or path they chose.
Now the paladin/cleric will stay the course and, depending on the deity and vows/path, magical realm becomes a negative because it might debar them from the afterlife with their waifu.
>magical realm becomes a negative because it might debar them from the afterlife with their waifu
An eternal afterlife with his waifu is still a magical realm, just a delayed one.
>Someone has an emotional fixation on a divine, idealized being
Gee, that's so unrealistic.
Are you asking about if a cleric is capable of falling in love with their deity, or are you actually asking if pursuing and reciprocating that romantic interest would be "magical realm"?
Is that a followup to that one pic of the knight leading a kid up a flight of stairs trough a dungeon?
The poncho thing is kinda familiar.
Because that's Freide from Dark Souls 3. The armored knight is her servant who tries to talk you into leaving the DLC zone he's from.
Hard to say. I once played a snow elf paladin that was in love with the future-sent goddess version of his previous life's step daughter. It's wasn't as timey wimey as it sounds, though he only won her over by merging his consciousness that of his past life, who she was in love with, herself, while still a mortal.
It was all played fairly straight
— at least, on my part, but the GM was never creepy about any of it, either. Then again, maybe I just didn't recognize the magic realm because the GM was a woman. But yeah, that was a weird campaign overall, in hindsight.
>playing a forge cleric of Torag
>he meets goth chic npc
>turns out she’s a cleric of Pharasma
>my cleric is set to marry her soon
T-this isn’t heresy right?
Yeah but once he's dead I can just fade to black his happily forever after with his waifu. No actual magical realm need happen in-game.
Duh, wouldn't recognize her without the fucking scythe
>a cleric of distant daddy who let's you make your own decisions is set to marry a cleric of distant mommy who let's you make your own decisions
>both deities stood against rovagug
>both reserve their judgement until you die and stand before them
Seems kosher.
C'mon now
For somebody faithful to his waifu, Lautrec sure gets around with the other girls a lot...
This is why we only marry semi-divine people, the gods are too busy to have a proper family.
What sort of love are you talking of?
Devotional love? Familial love? Lustful love?
Play it for tragedy.
The "I want to marry you and make babies" kind of love.
I think a good idea would be for the paladin to "love" their god, which twists into lust, as mortals are corruptible. soon the god shuns them for their lustful gaze and impure thoughts.
Leading to the paladin falling from the light and wanting to "make the goddess see their devotion" , becoming what he once fought against.
It can be done, but in general, a goddess will have had many many of her worshipers be in love with her over the ages. What about this particular one would set them apart from millennia worth of the devout? Its sort of like the peasent being in love with the princess. Do such romances happen, particularly in storytelling? yes. But what are the actual chances of pulling it off? will roll 4d20, on an 80 you get a first date.
Kirk had really shit taste
Lets get that sweet sweet goddess puss
Rolled 16, 19, 11, 19 = 65 (4d20)
roll, unless I am failing again, in which case damn
What and said.
Go full Thanos on their ass.
He can do the impossible, he can become GOD, and he can do anything and everything for her, but still not win her affection in the way he desires.
Force him to come to terms with the fact that no matter how much his heart pains for her, and how much he desires her, that she simply is beyond such mortal things, and not available.
Unless it's comedic, then you can play it up with cucking him for a comedic side-character.
As someone who has done it; If it's not at least a little bit magical realm you are doing it wrong. If you are going to devote your existence to your (actually real) waifu you better not be half assing it.
>beyond such mortal things
She rejected him because he did everything for her like a slave would a master and she couldn't love somebody like that whereas it's heavily hinted she has a thing for wade who desperately wants her back but can't have her due to his standing condition.
>What about this particular one would set them apart from millennia worth of the devout?
So basically I just gotta do something totally awesome and over the top, like kill the devil or wipe out all her rival gods or some such thing?
I'm actually working on something like that for the primary villain of my setting. The gist is that he caused a cataclysmic event that ruined the old world in order to slowly build a new world in her image out of both romantic love and sheer awe at her power. Both of them genuinely have feelings for one another but her being a deity and him a human her way of showing him affection is alien as she isn't sure how to go about it. For example he wants to serve her so she tries to keep him busy all the time doing whatever comes to mind for her.
Mortal love, your need for emotional and physical connection, is for mortals. Your earthly need for affection should be sated by earthly means. Immortal love, the love of an idea or a purpose, that is what is sated by the gods. To seek mortal love from the immortal is hubris, for you ultimately seek to drag the divine to earth for your own pleasure. To seek immortal love from the mortal is simply foolish, for you desire perfection out of the imperfect.
>monster falls in love with a benevolent goddess and attempts to do very evil things to summon them
One must tread a fine line to keep it out of magical realm territory.
Why do you need to ask this? The answer is yes, it is possible, and it happens often in fiction.
Every Paladin/Cleric should be or is Platonically in love with their Deity.
I hold stroge, fileo, and agape for my deity.
Just not eros. Sarenrae is canonically beautiful, but I don't presume so much as to think of her in that way.
It means a regular, convex polygamy
I mean, as a generally rule, though they're capable of working hard to control their perceptions and outward displays, people are generally really poor at controlling what they value or want subconsciously. No presumption is required to see a beautiful thing that way, but if it would seem a presumption it'd be easy to end up wrestling that feeling.
Of course, tabletop games being what they are, that won't translate well onto the table, but the point stands that it's neither unrealistic, nor less interesting to consider.
>She rejected him because he did everything for her like a slave would a master and she couldn't love somebody like that
I dunno, I haven't read marvel in years, and I'm only familiar with up to cable & deadpool, but what little I recall has her being cold and uncaring beyond getting her duty as a natural force of the universe done.
Even when Thanos became a god she didn't seem like she was upset, annoyed, or whatever, she showed herself willing to serve the supreme being, and otherwise would return to acting out her primary function of exterminating life.
I know the Deadpool comics kind of put a twist on her with her having a personality and tastes outside of that, but I just assumed that's because Deadpool comics are supposed to be for funsies as opposed to any serious lore.
platonic love is non-sexual love. the kind of love a brother has for his sister.
and such.
It's simple, actually. As long as he never gets to fuck her, it's not magical realm. I mean, it's just one follower.
It's one for now. But in the follow up campaign you'll have a split church thanks to those weird guys having massive orgies with their goddess-blow up doll at the center.
Well it wasn't an emotion filled rejection if i recall just a basic I don't/can't care for you that way.
It would greatly depend on the goddess, her portfolio, her personality and how much it meshes up with your personal fetishes.
You could have a goddess of war who promotes her lover to become her eternal squire/shieldmaiden(male). Could be as fetishistic as either just taking care of her divine arms and steed, or taking care of her wounds and bathing her after being covered in the grime and blood of otherworldly horrors.
It could be a caring, ara ara~ goddess of healing who wishes to indulge a human's desire, who from her perspective is like a foolish but well-meaning child.
It could be a sadistic goddess of the underworld who anguishes her lover through constant arousal of denial, only allowing release whenever she feels like it (which may be as often as multiple times a day, or as uncommon as once a century).
And then there's love/sex deities. Ooh boy!
>To be a iover of a goddess is to willing advance yourself as one of the "Cucks of the Goddess"
Ah, no wonder it's a non-euro thing
>non-euro thing
You are aware that the founders of Rome claimed descendance from the human lover of Aphrodite, the goddess already married to the god of smithing who regularly fucked the god of war (and others) on the side? By your logic Rome, and by extent the entirety of Western civilization, were founded on cuckoldry.
Considering I'm a pure Mongolian, yeah, you're a cuck compared to me
Please be a cute steppe girl
>is it possible to pull this off without being magical realm?
Gee, I dunno.
>I'm a pure Mongolian
The fact you post Japanese shit means you're at least as unpure as me
Can't bring that home to horse mother, yeah?
Holy shit is that Brachydios
It was more of a "You're just not my type." thing. Death like a sense of humor and caring and like a lot of girls wants what she can't have.
>not a cuck
>literally doesn't know his own history
C'mon, now. your mother rode horses and liked it now tell your mom you're bringing home a stallion you filthy fluffer.
Female GM, and the goddess was in love with her former step dad? Bruh.
My goddess fucked my paladin daily in order to remind him who daddy is in his life
Different user. Females make the best GM's because they will willingly and shamelessly waltz right into and through magical realms and you won't even notice unless they tell you.
It makes for fun campaigns.
So technically the Romans where so alpha they cucked a Titan, a being older and more powerful than a god.
That's a legacy one can get behind.
Hephaestus/Vulcan is a god, not a titan.
No he's not
Different user. Hephaestus is the GOD of blacksmiths, artisans, carpenters, craftsmen, metalworking, metallurgy, sculptors, volcanoes, and fire.
Oh you are right, I thought of prometheus as the one titan among the gods.
You are wrong
Burden of proof, user. You made the claim first.
You are still wrong
I made the claim and Son of Zeus and Hera, so yeah not titan.
I'm just gonna shame myself for my lacking mythology knowledge.
>becoming what he once fought against.
God, it would be atrocious
>If senpai won't notice me when I'm a good boy, I'll become a delinquent!
>Punish me goddess-sama!
Good on you for the admittance.
Bad, user. Bad.
>taking care of her wounds and bathing her after being covered in the grime and blood of otherworldly horrors
I-I didn't know I wanted this so much, we're reaching prevously unknown levels of fetishism here
You do it like this.
Oh please user. We've tred this path before.
The fun part starts next tuesday when they switch places again and then the War God remembers all the nasty shit the War Goddess made him clean off her breast plate and cod piece so he's gonna go for a stroll through the NASTIEST neighborhood while she tags along and he's gonna make her watch every second of it before he just rubs it into all the crevices in the mail and makes sure the viscera really soaks the leather before he has her grab him a beer and gives her her toothbrush for a scrubber and has her get to work.
why she got a lazy eye
I'd be interested in seeing other Dark Souls characters like this.
I assume it usually works like Queen Guinevere. As a knight, you love her from a distance: You don't actually expect her to romantically reciprocate, you just think that's one hell of a woman. Like a waifu, basically.
Then you realize that ultimate Chad Lancelot has been fucking her for over ten years, and all hell breaks loose.
>The Virgin king
>The Chad knight-errant
>thinking that anything could possibly stop me from marrying Guinevere
Well, Mordred tried it. That didn't end too well for him. The Queen was about sixty years old at that point, which makes it even more fucked up. It's implied that he was just doing it to piss off King Arthur, though.
how can king arthur marry a woman if he has no penis
isn't that against medieval canon law
Mordred was evil though, just be a good guy and there shouldn't be any problems.
Merlin can magic up a penis for Arthur whenever.
Merlin gave Arthur a penis for the marriage ceremony.
Then he forgot to remove it and that's how Mordred was conceived.[/i]
Smug overload. Usually just causes mild seizures but repeated events can cause mild brain damage.
Notice how her "tick" uses the entire head region, that's the tell.
Don't fall in love with Gods or Angels.
Make sure they don't fall in love with you either.
It will end poorly for all parties involved at some point.