We talk about Monstergirls and build a setting for them. Though we can all post pics and images and art of Monster Girl Encyclopedia monster girls and take about them. But bear in mind this is not KCs MGE canon to the letter. Seriously lads a lot of people have their ideas and they aren't all the same, we can all agree to disagree. Just remember to have fun.
What do you think they may do and contribute to society? Both to The Order States, pro-monster girls and Pro-Demon Lord lands regions and states, and also what they'd effect towards neutral states.
Plus would you subscribe to Monster Girl-run news, even if ran by the Ratatoskrs?
Firstly domes are stupid. Either build underground, or have self contained buildings like Rapture.
Aside from that terraform where you can, induce global warming to melt the ice caps and produce liquid water. Introduce boreal plant life such as coniferous trees to start producing O2. If you can mine some asteroids for water or O2 start tossing those onto the planet I’m chunks that will disintegrate on entry.
Also mine what you can to try to turn a profit, and justify costs.
Try to get a space elevator up and running to save on rocket fuel.
Jayden Bennett
They wouldn't be anywhere near Mars. Because we would destroy their point of origin, Earth. Earth is weak and feeble, for we are the people of Mars are the true future and superior representation of humanity. We will destroy the Monster Girls just like how we will destroy Earth.
>tfw you'll never get to be a monster girl I'll even accept being an Alp. Only because I'm a transhumanist and I want to stop being human. I want to be more.
How would a modern monster girl setting go? Would there be "digital" or mechanical monster girls? Imaging dating a part-computer virus/computer magic, part-girl!
A Pantheon has been generally accpeted so far and also one can tap into divine forces so either apotheosis or being a veritable demigod is also possible, HOW has yet to be discussed though
Colton Foster
Well, I had this idea for a story about an exchange program, however Earth is a bit nervous about hearing the rumors about demonic energy, so the head honchos thought it would be safer to have them on Mars then Earth mainly because since the ground is dead, they wouldn't be able to turn Mars into a demonic realm. I was also thinking of creating conflict with the martian colonists and the Monster girls.
Lucas Phillips
There is a real and active pantheon that at least most people accept as being factual beings of power.
However there are several powerful beings that people worship instead, such as dragons or elementals or the abyss as alternatives. I don’t know. I like the idea of ai in precursor related things who work by Demihuman rules- not inherently monsters, but can be corrupted. Anything else?
John Rivera
Not really.
Levi Kelly
Monsters haven't been exposed to radioactive environments regarding direct sun radiation, so I assume they'd be reliant on human technology to survive since they'd be too busying fucking their husbands in the landing craft to bother doing anything in regards to establishing infrastructure.
Thomas Clark
>since the ground is dead, they wouldn't be able to turn Mars into a demonic realm. >Laughing undead
Xavier Torres
I still like the idea of their being a cottage industry of monsters creating pocket dimensions as retirement homes.
Jayden Butler
I mean they don't spend 24/7 fucking though.
Other than this, there's a lot more to succubus culture concerning sex, but in most cases, since it is in their nature to actively become involved with humans, much of it has also been heavily influenced by contact with human culture. At any rate, they are beings devoted to desire who will directly pursue whatever they take a liking to. Basically, most of their desire ends up being directed towards sex with men. However, sometimes, their desire becomes directed towards other things as well. And in the case when those things turn out to be science, or arts and crafts, etc., the results are astounding. Succubi are avariciously and single-mindedly devoted to their desires, and it's said that they exhibit so much focus and ambition that it's as if the typical lazy hedonistic behavior were a lie.
Sometimes the hearts of succubi are captivated by diverse and sophisticated handicrafts or works of art created by humans, and they end up studying under human craftsmen as apprentices. In fact, from what I've heard, there are also cases when technology and culture that was in the process of being lost due to the absence of a successor was salvaged by being carried on by succubi.
But of course, being succubi, it seems that they always end up tying everything directly to sex, and it's said that when they see a wonderful work of art, their feelings of admiration and respect towards the creator will often unfortunately just end up changing into yearning and lust.
Hudson Evans
Do we have a list of gods and goddesses of the setting? Or is it just a vague "pantheon".
vague, so far the only one mentioned was KCs a chief god, a sea deity, not!Eros and not!Ares
Nathaniel Price
See? That there is the intentions of the succubi and the Demon Lord and lilim daughters.
The monster girls are here to destroy humanity and all its rich culture and history through depravity, hedonism my ass it is.
Jeremiah Powell
There’s also the God of Death on the monsters side (which is why undead are allowed to exist) the god of alchohol who’s neutral, with Satyr worshippers, and Bastet the God of Cats who’s also on the monsters side.
I think we can use that as a guideline but are better off with our own version, with a god of harvest, a god if crafts, a scholarly god of secrets etc.
Eli Rivera
well, why not merge and include those?
Carter Campbell
This is going off of MGE
Bastet- Goddess of cats, pro-monster. Bacchus - God of wine, Neutral. Satyros in particular are devoted. Hel - Goddess of Life and Death. Pro-monster. Eros - Goddess of Love. On paper neutral, in reality will reward good deeds with waifus.
In addition, we have the snake cults, Inari shrines, Ryu are also worshipped as water gods.
Jeremiah Cox
And if we want to add in our own-
Folk religion- worshipping a local Deity often a monster, very loose and prevalent towards the frontier Chaos Cultism- friendly Mormon styled religion embracing the abyss and is pro-monster and corruption Fallen Empire Hero Worship + Priestly Sects Elementalists- reverance if physical nature spirits.
Charles Perry
>destroy humanity and all its rich culture and history through depravity >implying the greatest civilizations weren't fucking kinky deviants
Honestly it would be far worse. A world where everyone has sex 99% of the time, and only ever thinks about having sex. A world where every single good thing that isn't sex has been utterly obliterated.
Shouldn’t you be taking it up the ass and letting your salves do the hard work for you Vulpes?
Luis Evans
You realize that sex is only part of the equation right?
There’s all the stuff before and after the sex too. And also stuff to do with all the kids that result.
And of course you need money to do those things.
And it’s more efficient to give some of that money to a government so they will fix the roads and you don’t have to.
So pretty much it’s be the same as real life but less depressing.
Liam Hall
>"Everyone is a degenerate" user projecting degeneracy onto others who are telling him he's gone too far
Jaxon Cox
Everybody is a freak. It’s the ones who insist to others that they aren’t freaks that you gotta look out for. Because they are probably trying to convomcr themselves they aren’t freaks more than anyone.
You really think a monster whose life revolves around the man she'll eventually rape is going to bother with the trivialities of things such as art and government, or even raising a family? No, I predict a lot of disorder and orphans in the future if that demon bitch wins.
Again you gotta do something on date night. That alone necessitates an economy, which in turn necessitates a government. These things don’t form because people want to do them, they form as a necessity of society.
Plus monsters have very strong maternal instincts. You seem to forget monsters are just as much love junkies as they are sex fiends.
Justin Martin
or maybe you're just new?
Christopher Edwards
Maybe I expected better
Austin Thomas
Let me phrase it this way- do you ever see people throw fits over the really crazy stuff like snuff and guro? Because if anything were to cause the passerby concern it would be that. You don’t because people know that those guys stick to harmless fantasy. Nobody tries to get a moral victory over that stuff, they try to get moral victories over silly things like anime waifus, which tells you there is something more going on under the hood.
John Gray
>monstergirlsredux.com/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=1183 WHFRP user here. There's this fanlore I made years ago describing various gods. I would like to keep Hades in it with their being two death gods. Hades is basically Morr.
What do you mean, user? I am an unremarkable meat person, much like yourself.
Oliver Reyes
Forgot about that. I'll post it manually then.
>What is a God? >It is necessary to distinguish between a god and the many powerful beings that exist in this world. A god has the ability to dictate the rules of the world. For example, when a Demon Lord comes to power they become a god who is able to dictate the behavior and nature of monsters. Naturally, this is limited both by competition with other gods and a gods sphere of influence. For example, Poseidon, goddess of the sea has incredible power over it but has little ability to affect dry land directly. The world also seems to resist every attempt of the gods to change it which is why it took almost a whole generation to change the nature of monsters to female, another example is how it takes Poseidon hours to brew a storm and she can’t just cause the sea to go from calm to stormy in a moment. It is currently unknown whether there are rules that exist above the gods or how they gain such abilities. The gods either refuse to answer or don’t quite know either. >It should also be noted that this definition only applies to the conventional world that most beings inhabit. A powerful or intelligent being can create other worlds that they would be able to control like a god (Wonderland and the Red Queen are an example) through either immense power or creating a mechanism to keep the world stable. This is not godhood since said worlds are unstable and require constant maintenance to prevent collapse. Their control is also not innate or concrete since it can be usurped or the dimension could be completely destroyed.
Thomas Lewis
>The Gods in Person >Though the gods have an incredibly strong influence on our world they are considerably more vulnerable in person. They can’t just will an assailant out of existence out of existence and would have to fight said assailant. Likewise, using one of their more powerful abilities may risk harming themselves. This is not to say that the gods are weak in-person. Even a god that’s considered inept in combat (such as Gaia) in comparison to the other gods still has skill beyond most humans and monsters. They also wield powerful equipment and magic, and will usually turn themselves into colossals in a fight which are very hard to harm, let alone kill. Only the most powerful and most well-equipped mortals are able to fight a god and have a chance at being victorious. >The forms of the gods are not fixed, as already mentioned, in a fight they’ll turn themselves into a colossus. However the forms that they are described as having later on in this document are their preferred forms. >Likewise, a being is only considered a God or Goddess based on the apparent gender of their preferred form.
Bentley Lewis
>The Worship of the Gods Gods tend to have many names or forms that are given to them by different peoples or countries. For example, Osiris is referred to as Hel by the people of the cold north. Another difference is that many cultures have differing ideas on which gods are good, evil or have an alien moral code. The goddess Thoth is considered evil by more anti-intellectual nations like Lescatie but societies that value knowledge (like the many kingdoms in the desert who need specialized knowledge to thrive) consider him to be one of their most revered deities. A country that considers a god to be evil will view worshipers of that god as being either malicious or insane.
The organization of the gods is not fixed. Though incredibly long-lived, gods can still be killed or simply decide to pass into the aether willingly, whereas another will take the gods previous role (most often their greatest archangel) or the role will be left empty until another comes to fill it. The ordering of the pantheon has also changed many times in history with a the Chief Gods main sphere also being different in previous time periods. Entire cultures are unaware of these changes, worshiping the name of a god whose role has long been passed to another or believing the pantheon to be organized in a way that it is no longer.
Worship of the pantheon is regulated by “The Order”, a religious entity that acts on the behalf of the Chief God in our world. Though they do allow a lot of leniency for how a country worships the gods they do have several rules laid down by the Chief God where the reaction to an infraction can range from them correcting the offender to having an invasion organized against the offending country, obviously depending on severity.
Jason Johnson
>Some cultures worship beings as gods even though the being they worship does not fit the criteria as defined earlier. The reverence of Ryu and Inari in Zipangu is such an example. The Ryu are incredibly powerful and kin to the dragons, while only the most powerful (9 tailed) of Inari are worshiped. This suggests that (in theory) any sufficiently powerful individual could deceive others into thinking that they are a god. >It should be noted that faiths like the reverence of elementals or the snake cults are not false god worship as defined in the previous paragraph but extensions of the worship of gods who are aligned to the elements and the goddess Eros respectively.
Zachary Morales
>will usually turn themselves into colossals in a fight Well now they've got me wanting to pick a fight with a goddess.
>Illias: The current chief god. Her mundane and colossal form are only different in size. In both cases she takes the form of an angel with two sets of wings. Those who have looked upon her have described her as being constantly bathed in light with a pure beauty. As the current chief god she is tasked with maintaining the structure of the world and the hierarchy of the gods. Almost all worshippers of the pantheon consider her a good god. The Chief Gods are selected around their ability to dictate the rules of the world which is why one of the titles of the Chief God is "Creator Deity" (a holdover from the first chief god). Now it would be more accurate to call her the "Preserver Deity" since the Chief Gods responsibility is now to preserve the structure of the world. This is why she does not have a typical sphere of influence, instead being able to dictate all spheres to a limited degree. The Demon Lord’s husband still has some fondness for her due to working for her for decades. He’s wants his wife to negotiate with Ilias.
Benjamin Miller
Aries: The goddess of fighting, honour, protectors, fire and martial prowess. The first of the war god trinity who represents war in its smallest scale such as duels and skirmishes but also the laws and customs of war such as mercy, comradeship and respect for one's foes. While the other two of the war god trinity disdain pacifism she has no qualms against it, martial artists who nonetheless have sworn oaths of pacifism may receive her blessing and worship her in turn. She is a bit more flamboyant than her fellow war gods Enyo and Athena, who prefer simple brutality or bare practicality respectively. As such, impractical maneuvers designed to look impressive or ornamented armor are a part of her worship. Her normal and colossal form are human in shape and appearance though her attire tends to match the place she is currently in, ranging from ornamented armor if she is walking among knights to being nearly naked if among the Amazons. Her role as the goddess of fire once belonged to Enyo but was usurped from him when Thoth taught humans how to use fire, making it peaceful and controlled. She uses her influence on the world to attempt to minimize casualties in battle, so that the ones that fought it can learn from the incident and better themselves from the experience. If her control over a battle is dominant, axes that cut deep will fail to sever limbs or appendages and large gashes do not blead.
Eli Garcia
I shall address these in the morrow.
Dylan Bailey
>Enyo: The god of bloodshed, rage and battles. He is the second (and some would say, “purest”) of the war god trinity. While Ares is a god of honour, Enyo and his servants fight and kill for the sake of doing so. He has no temples or prayers, the closest equivalents are the battlefield and warcries. When walking among humans, he is a heavily muscled man with brass coloured eyes, razor sharp teeth and is constantly smiling. His colossal form is that of a blood red creature with the same general shape as the Devils of old times. He is on the side of the Chief God since the previous age meant lots of bloodshed and because of his views, is almost unanimously considered evil. Though he did not come up with the mechanism for keeping the living population in check he did fashion many of the more violent monsters such as the beastmen and most demons. He will always fight with Ares for influence over a battlefield. Should he gain control, the sky turns blood red and even minor wounds gush blood. >Athena: The god of strategy, war and leadership. The third of the war god trinity, he represents war in its largest scale, including many spheres that most don’t think of such as logistics and diplomacy. As such, while Ares and Enyo value warriors, Athena values soldiers. He doesn’t seek out combat, preferring to avoid fights that he can, and stack the odds in his favor when he can’t avoid fighting. His temples are built more like small fortresses than houses of worship, this causes his devout followers to appear paranoid, since they’ll keep the mind sharp by constantly acting like they are in a warzone, planning escape routes, and never letting themselves be unarmed. Unlike the individualistic Ares and Enyo, collective response and the chain of command are sacrosanct of Athena’s teachings. Devout followers focus more on maintaining unit cohesion so that many soldiers can fight together as a if a single entity.
Gabriel Lewis
>Neith: The goddess of hunting, the wilderness and animals. She and her husband Gaia form the nature god duality. She has a dislike of civilized places and because of that, devout followers tend to live in the wilderness as hunters, trappers or fishers. Followers of her train their wilderness survival skills, taking on an aspect of the wild to become part of it. Sometimes, she will create a temporary vessel for her mind in the form of her sacred animal - a white elk - and challenge a hunter to slay her by crossing its path. However, a one-sided hunt is uninteresting so hunter’s who miss with their first shot or do something to be noticed may find themselves gored on her horns. A successful hunter will usually receive a new challenge or perhaps a boon. Her physical form is that of a centaur except with the lower half consisting of an elk rather than a horse. Her colossal form is a physically fit women wearing a mask made from the skull of an elk. >Gaia: The god of the earth, harvests, healing and life. He is the second of the nature god duality and husband of Neith. Gaia’s sphere is primarily that of the flora of the land while Neith’s sphere is the fauna. His teachings are primarily about harmony with nature and considering life to be sacred. In a reflection of these teachings, priests dedicated to him are granted healing abilities and take oaths of both vegetarianism and sometimes pacifism. Many people who cultivate and care for the land will pray to her for good harvest and guidance. The Forest Elves are the best at this, only turning local plants to their end instead of introducing other species or using magic to reshape the trees into homes to live in. Like Neith, Gaia prefers wilderness living but is a bit more settled down than her since she considers there to be nothing wrong with living in a civilized area, albeit outside of the cities. His sacred animal is the sturdy horse and his colossal form is an elderly man in robes carrying a staff.
Evan Allen
>Poseidon: The goddess of the sea, water, sailing and storms. She has connections to life just like Gaia since water is considered the lifeblood of beings and societies. She is a loving deity and all life in the world is said to have its roots in the sea. Because of that, she considers all living beings in the world to be her children in the metaphorical sense. Despite her all-loving nature, she has a vicious temper that’s caused by the act of harming others or polluting the waters. Those that have experience with a ocean storm or hurricane will testify to such. She has currently betrayed the pantheon and sided with the Demon Lord due to not liking the system that the gods devised. Her mundane form is the same as that of a mermaid but her colossal form is a two-legged and two-armed humanoid shark, representing her vicious temper. >Nut: The goddess of air, the sky, the stars, prophecy, thunder and lightning. She has an unrivaled ability to look into the future and determine an outcome throughout its many paths. Since she controls the locations of the stars in the night sky, she is the reason why Astrology is a reliable method of predicting the future in a broad manner. Star charts and similar are actually code-books for how to understand the divinations that she is trying to pass on to mortals. As the goddess of the sky, she is considered universally benevolent. As the ruler of the sky, she is also considered the guardian against the formless void that surrounds the world which has been metaphorically described as a protective mother guarding her children. She is also the brewer of the lightning portion of storms, a role that she has been less involved in ever since Poseidon refused to start brewing the water portion. She must now add the lightning portion to storms that form naturally.
Cameron Gray
>Ptah: The god of alchemy, craftsmen, industry and technology. He is the smith of the gods and the only Cyclops to maintain his divinity - despite the rest of his kind being cast out - due to his capabilities. His previous goal was to restore his kinds divinity, but since they have adapted and the passing of generations has made the goal impractical; this has since morphed into wanting the “Inferiority Complex Curse” to be removed from the species that makes them ashamed of their lone eye. He doesn’t feel the need for followers to worship him, they instead do so through earnest work and honest profit. Reverence of him is mostly exclusive to the lower classes with higher classes only acknowledging him as being there. More benevolent nobles may revere him due to knowing how much the society they rule is reliant on the works done by the hands of lower class individuals. He is currently on the side of the Demon Lord, due to regarding the death and destruction of the previous age to be more counterproductive to the building of stable societies than the lustful indulgence of the current age, the Demon Lords alteration of monsters putting the cyclops race back into their roots and holding a grudge.
Aiden Harris
>Thoth: The god of wisdom, knowledge, learning, science and sorcery. Like Enyo, he has no temples or prayers, the closest equivalents are places of learning and tomes containing knowledge. He has been known to spread knowledge to mortals unasked and with nothing asked in return. He only wishes to see how the receiver makes use of such knowledge. The most (in)famous example is giving fire to mortals which resulted in his library being burnt to the ground in retaliation. He has no interest in the conflict between the Chief God and the Demon Lord, only wishing to study the universe though officially he must pay lip service to the conflict on the Chief Gods side. As mentioned earlier, his considered morality is dependent on the ones views of intellectualism. Those with negative views of him think that he is the enemy of traditions (a gift of knowledge from him usually has a major effect on a society), a view that he agrees with due to having a foul opinion of the concept. His form is of a humanoid with the head of a raven wearing robes.
Kevin Stewart
>Osiris: The god of the dead. He has a strong hatred of those who wish to cheat the natural mechanism of death. This means that he hates intelligent undead (most undead in this world) but also maintains animosity towards the worshipers of other gods binding the souls of the dead to protect holy places. Osiris is (in principle) disinterested in the current conflict between the Chief God and the Demon Lord, just wanting to maintain the cycle. In practice, he mostly opposes the Demon Lord since she has whole undead kingdoms under her command. Both of his forms are that of a hooded and cloaked figure carrying a scythe. In both cases, damaging the cloak shows nothing more than an empty void underneath it. Those that don’t understand the importance of death consider him evil. Those who do don’t consider him good or evil, just an entity that carries out his role in the universe. His sacred animal is the hound, used to either guard the gates of the afterlife from those attempting to escape or hunt down those who try to avoid entering. >Eros: The goddess of love, procreation, and the generation of new life. She is sociable and friendly, and is said to have no hate for any being, preferring everyone to care about everyone else. She and her followers will sometimes manipulate events so that soul mates meet each other. Officially she is neutral but in practice her goals align with the Demon Lord instead of the Chief God. In many cases, her followers have sabotaged the Chief Gods machinations such as getting a hero to put down his sword and abandon his oaths or turning a crusading army into mates for the monsters. Since Ilias made monsters only give birth to females, Eros has made human couples give birth to more males than females, which makes extinction less of a threat by lessening the unbalanced gender ratios. Evidence has surfaced regarding a connection to the snake cults, which is interesting since her form is that of a lamia.
Caleb Clark
>the skies turn red and even minor wounds gush blood >blood red creature with the same general shape as the Devils of old times >brass colored eyes, razor sharp teeth >is almost unanimously considered evil
>The Fallen God: The goddess of beauty, sexuality, desire, indulgence and pleasure. Her teachings advocate enjoying life, even if it means disregarding your duties, obligations or societal views of what is appropriate. Despite the stereotypes, this includes every vice known to mankind, not just lust. Since this is inimical to the Order’s teachings of restraint, chastity and duty, she is considered to be evil at worst and neutral at best. Unlike Poseidon, her reasons for joining the Demon Lord are largely selfish. Due to feeling unappreciated, she found a society that is more respectful of her sphere of influence. There are some disagreements though, despite creating the Succubi, she has disagreements with the Demon Lord. The Demon Lord is a monogamous wife and has imprinted that view into all monsters somewhat while the Fallen God prefers orgies and open marriages. The Demon Lord is also trying to figure out how to properly transition society after humans and monsters become the same species (including how the previous status quo, though exceedingly cruel, did it’s job at preventing overpopulation) which the Fallen God doesn’t have a care for. Before joining the monsters, her form was an androgynous male but she now takes on a female form.
John Torres
Bacchus: The god of alcohol, narcotics and ritual madness. She is the daughter of the Fallen God which is represented in how her sphere of influence is the use of substances to alter or form new sensations whose wine, music and ecstatic dance frees her followers from self-conscious fear and care, and subverts the oppressive restraints of the powerful. Bacchus is also known as the protector of those who do not belong to conventional society and is often represented as everything which is chaotic, dangerous and unexpected, everything which escapes human reason. The blessing that Bacchus bestows upon her followers empowers the effects of alcohol, and also goes beyond the bounds of race and nationality, ensuring that negotiations and friendships with others will succeed. She is widely worshiped by people with a variety of professions, such as ambassadors, merchants, brewers, and simply those who like drinking.
Thomas Cooper
>Bastet: A minor deity and the god of cats, maternal protection and perfumes. Bastet is an elderly deity whose existence traces back to the dead and buried ancient kingdoms of the deserts. Not many specific details are known, but one thing's for certain: she loves all cats, and those who love them. It seems she's a capricious deity, but it also seems that she rewards those humans who revere her and love cats by actively granting blessing such as preventing illnesses, and providing bountiful harvests as well as the treasure that is children. Domestic cats tend to be tender and protective of their offspring and as such Bastet has been regarded as a good mother and often depicted with numerous kittens. Women who want children sometimes wear an amulet showing the goddess with kittens, the number indicating her own desired number of children. Her name has been associated with jars used to store perfumes which also gained her the title 'perfumed protector'. It is unknown if this part of her worship was cultivated by her or a tradition entirely formed by mortals.
Luis Kelly
>Erebus: The god of darkness, shadows, tricks, subterfuge, revenge and murder. Calling it a god is a misnomer since its form is shrouded in shadow and has no apparent gender. Since neither god nor goddess are gender-neutral words, we will describe it as a god for simplicities sake. Erebus’s motivations are cloaked in shadows and he can shift from benevolent to malicious behavior in a moment with the reason for the behavior shift only being apparent to him. As the god of subterfuge, he is worshipped by more unethical members of the noble courts who wish for his favour to aid their own advancement, this will usually result in Erebus owning a debt from the noble, which can range from never being called upon to the noble having to do something major and risky. Despite his self-serving nature, he is complicit in the hero system devised by the gods, using it to gain advantages in the godly courts or in the mortal world. These heroes tend to be assassins (either ones who work close or at range) or Inquisitors who need a manipulative streak to fight secret wars. He currently serves the chief god but if things turn majorly against her then he can be expected to change sides, using a possible debt owed by the Demon Lord for her to accept the side change. He is currently a major enemy of Nut, wishing to steal her ability to see in the future for use of furthering his own goals.
Dominic Ross
>Eleos: The god of pity, mercy, clemency and compassion. The world can be a cruel place where disease, injury or extended bad fortune can drive men and women to the brink of despair. When many people suffer, they often turn to Eleos and his preists and priestesses for salvation, crying tears that give the promise of mercy and comfort. Him and his followers are devoted to easing the pain and suffering of others and his omens and portents usually serve to highlight that suffering. Sometimes the suffering Eleos's omens concern is not obvious. There's no need to bring a priest's attention to a man with a broken leg, after all -- both the injury and the treatment are clear. However, a woman whose broken heart may soon drive her to murder might be a more subtle injury, more difficult to treat, but in Eleos's eyes her suffering is no less worthy of care. His sacred animal is the dove and sacred symbol are tears.
Elijah Parker
>Baoht Z'uqqa-Mogg: The god of disease, decay, despair, perseverance, survival and pestilence. Baoht Z'ugga-Mogg is the strongest of the chaos gods locked away in the depths and the most loathsome of them all. While all the Chaos Gods are on a weaker level of power than the gods detailed in this document, Baoht Z'ugga-Mogg is powerful enough to be considered a god in its own right. It has not been subverted by the power of the current demon lord and actively refuses it. Baoht Z'ugga-Mogg is devoted to spreading pestilence and decay throughout the world, brewing thousands of the many poxes that have been released upon the world. As its victims suffering drives them into the depths of despair, they will often turn to him in order to escape their pain. These tragic souls spread sickness and plague throughout the world in a twisted devotion to him. Confusingly, these victims often refer to their afflictions as 'gifts' and seem to be tougher and more powerful than one would expect of plague victims. Baoht Z'uqqa-Mogg takes the form of a colossal bloated scorpion with an ant-like venom dripping maw and gigantic tattered wings that are unable to give flight. It is surrounded by a cloud of stinging insects and it is said that merely being in close proximity of it can be hazardous for ones health..
Nicholas White
Would MGs make porn or would they be more like dating profile magazines?
Michael Garcia
I imagine porn for them is like high-class art
Jayden Rivera
updated. lemme know if you want anything added. or changed
Misceus has ha a few of it's "gods" mentioned, though they're more folk-heroes than anything. Pullo talked about getting a full bunch of them listed out and giving them origin stories, though.
Caleb Gray
Jacob Barnes
I like the extravagant jewelry but there really is no reason to wear so much on a daily basis, is there ? Maybe think of some sort of cultural event that takes place once a year or month where craftsmen can show off the extent of their art, perhaps during a parade in the name of some deity.
And why not use the name we came up with in the last thread ? I don't recall seeing any objections to it there.
Overall, good work, user, don't be afraid to write some more extensive description of that place.
Josiah Peterson
Perhaps it’s just a badge of wealth and prestige of the city is known for them?
Justin Nelson
Question- do they have a navy? Ancient Egypt used reeds to make boats and the Nike of course was central to their empire. However due to lack of lumber they were completely unable to compete with Greeks on open water and had to purchase boats from other people.
Brody Long
>The Nike was central to their Empire It's true. The Egyptians just did it, their shoes were unmatched by any of the Mediterranean powers.
Xavier Bennett
The chaos girls are too good. Mindflayer wife when.
Okay so the gods can’t just snap their fingers and make things so, that seems like good balancing.
I feel we should hash out the rules for pocket dimensions one day. I don’t know- I think the Order would think all the gods to be consistently good, along with the names.
I think the Order should be okay with different practices but will over time try to bring those practices more into orthodoxy. But usually in a peaceful manner. I don’t know, I feel the Snake Cultism and Elementalism should be seperate from the Order Gods. Elementalism is tolerated so long as you acknowledge the gods and aren’t spreading corruption. The Chief God should be referred to the God of Gods, hence if you worship her you are worshipping every god. Also I think we said seraphim (archangels) have three sets of wings so maybe she should have four? Also reminder the Chief God is a NEET. I think we should pin down what the Fallen Gods original role is. Beauty is a good start.
Joseph Rivera
Okay so I’m thinking of a Lamia with green hair that is covering their face.