>playing with a new group
>hiding out in some cave for the night
>morning comes
>a dozen hired footmen who are fighting the same people we're fighting pass by
>decide I want to go down and talk to them, possibly offer them a higher wage (my character has about 4000GP)
>other players say they don't want to
>ok, well, that's what I'm going to do
>"no you can't do that"
>uh, yes I can
>"nuh uh, if the party doesn't want to do something you can't make your character do it"
Should I still play with them?
Playing with a new group
It's not like you can leave unless you're all leaving.
The soldiers were about 50 feet away.
I wouldn't stick around quite honestly. If these people are gonna treat you like the nail that sticks up every time you try to do a thing then you'll save yourself a lot of frustration by probably just bowing out. Then again depending on how many groups are playing/open for a new member in your area you may want to think carefully before walking away.
Just kill them. And tell the dm to let them take a footman as there new chars
We're not even really roleplaying at this point, just mindlessly moving as a group and cutting down enemies. All the other players are constantly OOC or on their phone, forget what they have, forget what their stats are, and are under the assumption that everyone in the party is also controlled by everyone else in the party.
See, the problem is, when I declare a character action that they don't agree with, they yell at me and berate the DM until he basically says that I gotta go along with what they want because they won't play otherwise. I'm good friends with the DM my dad but all the other players are girls.
Next time lead with that
Jump ship homeboy
This the game isn't even the point. It's just a connection for the people to hang out and be social with each other slightly.
You could replace it with a B horror movie and get probably the same/better response.
I kind of want to continue playing so I can slaughter their characters, but the DM will probably cave to their wishes. Either way, I'm gonna commit suppuku in game or they'll force the DM to write me out of existence.
Please guys, I just don't know if I'm the wrong or not. Should I just let them play their game the way they like, or should I bring the chaos of character autonomy into play?
Can you not think for yourself?
>Are you having fun?
>Are you not having fun?
Do you just make a thread any time a simple life choice needs to be made? Get your shit together, my guy.
I have an issue with making decisions
In retrospect my parents should have named me "the procrastinator"
>Then again depending on how many groups are playing/open for a new member in your area you may want to think carefully before walking away.
Should I check out my local gamestore? It's about 6 miles away.
Fuck, took me two hours to get it.
God fucking damn it.
first post
best post
>Wants to do individual RP by committee
user, is your group full of commies?
I'm slowly beginning to realize that they don't actually intend to roleplay. I'm not sure what exactly the fuck it is that they're trying to play at, but I don't want any of it.
>is your group full of commies?
Worse, feminists, female feminists
>Feat: improved bantz
>everyone else is getting along
>everyone else has a plan that they want to do
>you're the only one who doesn't want to do it
I think this is a That Guy thread boys.
>Getting along
>hating women for no reason
yup, this is Veeky Forums alright
I am fully aware that I am "That Guy"
But I'm pretty sure roleplaying consists of agreeing to go along and not being forced to go along.
To better phrase it: Yes, I'm the player that doesn't fit in with the group. I realize this, and instead of telling them they're having badwrongfun, I'm just gonna leave.
>Worse, feminists, female feminists
>the entire group
>female feminists
Are you femanon and fell into a group of feminists? Or do they keep you around as the token male in their group?
In either case I recommend you either jettison yourself from said group or troll the fuck out of them
The only thing as obnoxious as a group of feminists in an RP group is a group of MRAs in a group.
Its not that they inject their politics into the setting or characters, that would be fine. Its the fact that they have an autistic meltdown whenever their views are challenged by the players, established lore, or DM.
Ah, yeah sorry my bad. No, i am not female, nor am I girly looking boy. I'm a 100 foot tall skeleton with autism.
>I'm a 100 foot tall skeleton with autism.
Well you are at least half right
Come the fuck on
I'm a 6'5 lanklet
What are you two gentlemen doing?
Assuming you are telling the truth and that you are indeed OP
How did you fall in with a group of feminists in an RP group. I would imagine they would flee the hobby because it generally includes conflict and differing opinions.
They're my sister and her friends.
Yeah I'd just find my own game, since they have their own system of doing things
Ah, take my previous advice
Either leave or troll them mercilessly
Whos the DM?
His dad, don't you read?
Talk to your dm and group about your concerns like an adult. If you make no progress with them, respectfully bow out. Thus shit isn't hard
You should leave and tell your dad you're leaving because this isn't roleplaying, it's making a spoiled daughter more spoiled.
I'll second this.
Sounds like hell desu.
>You should leave and tell your dad you're leaving because this isn't roleplaying, it's making a spoiled daughter more spoiled.
Yeah, see, problem is my sister is bi-polar so if she gets upset she starts cutting herself/someone else/both at the same time
You know, maybe this whole thing was just a bad idea
It really sounds like it is
Being triggered by Vayposting
Yeah all those damn MRAs shrieking like banshees, pulling fire alarms and getting people kicked out of clubs. Intolerant fuckers. Oh no wait, it's feminists doing all of those things.
It was.
I don't know if rpg can be a tool to treat or ease bipolarity, I know it is one for other mental health issue, but if it was the point your dad should just tell you.
I dont understand how you got so many (you)'s. Did i miss something?
The joke is that OP can't leave the group unless they all agree to it.
Nigga what
Don't cockblock your dad, he needs this, son.
Well, shit. Some guys I know did express a curiosity as to what RPGs were, but I don't think I'm ready to DM a real campaign. I've DM'd some dungeon crawls, but what I really want to do is encourage roleplay and player initiative. Forcing my players to follow a plot would be pretty boring since I can't write for shit.
You must gather your party before venturing forth.
Yeah, you should talk with your dad or just leave the group on the grounds that you're not having fun.
Most MRAs I know will just debate until they think they've won. Trips be damned, there are terrible autists on both sides
>Most MRAs I know will just debate
My god. What mosters.
At least have the decency to not take the qoute out of context. Arguing for the purpose of winning is a terrible way to spend your time.
>DM is my dad, the rest are girls
lmao, what did you even expect playing with a group of girls, get the hell out of there
>if she gets upset she starts cutting herself
> At least have the decency to not take the qoute out of context. Arguing for the purpose of winning is a terrible way to spend your time.
Don't you see, user, that's one of the MRA's most used tactics, taking everything out of context, along with cherry picking and straw manning and other fallacies.
They are proficient mental gymnasts.
That's probably a good idea.
They're not even letting you play the goddamn game.
Throw them in a tavern, ask them how they met and put together an adventuring party.
Then when the place inevitably ends up in flames/in hell/squished by cow stampedes, the game can really start.
Even if it's just fucking around town, that's still character interaction/
> Can you make a characte you'd want to play who'd be willing to work as part of a team?
> Is your DM skilled enough to let you all experiment this way?
> Can you be entertaining enough for people to even want to sit through your part?
> Is there a way you could do that sort of things outside of regular sessions?
And more importantly:
> Are you sure you won't be kicked beforehand?
Good ol' Baldur's Gate...
> You must gather your party before venturing forth.
You must gather your party before venturing forth.
> You must gather your party before venturing forth.
You must gather your party before venturing forth.
Damn MGTOWs, won't stick together, each one ending up GOING HIS OWN WAY.
Why are you talking about feminists? This is Veeky Forums, not /pol/.
>your dad is trying too hook you up
>you just wanna leave
Think about how much he's put into this before you walk out. Try talking to the other players, see if they can understand what you mean and maybe try different styles of play
>roasties ruin everything like usual
It wasn't his idea, it was my sisters.
The only reason I joined was because I was invited and didn't have any other group
Looks like you gotta man up, user. Fuck your sisters.
I would have already if they weren't lesbians.
What's a good system for newbies?
hurr dungeons and dragons durr
But what version? I can't imagine 3.5 or 4 would be a good starting point.
I started with 4e. Its not great but its not bad.
That being said, the best system to start with is one you WANT to play. Have a look at a couple, see what you and the players prefer.
I'm a pathfinder pleb, that's no good.
Ah, I meant 'you' plural. Ask them what they want to play. Trust me, there is no quicker way to kill the interest of a bunch of newbies than to say "I know you wanted to play dungeons and dragons, but trust me this anime cyberpunk game is way better."
Explain some of the options, and see what they think. That's my recommendation.
Cool, gotcha.
Oh, so last time we played, the DM had my character, a level 1 mage, recover a wand of fireball from an enemy mage. Is he trying to tell me something?
This is why I even come here
Wow, my poor fucking dad just yelled out by the group because he told them about player self-agency. Bunch of cunts.