>run into a baby demon
>accidentally fell into the mortal realm by sheer accident
>it hasn't done anything wrong yet
What do?
Run into a baby demon
Other urls found in this thread:
Raise it so it can be a good person and tell the dm to stop putting memes into our game.
This but give it a cool hat too and then suffer tragic deaths so it can become a legacy character in the new party.
Goddamit why didn't i think about the hat
Start a new quest to take it home to its family.
Feed it pancakes
Kill it's physical form so it can return
That's a cute picture. I can now imagine a cutthroat corporate lawyer (female) who owns her firm stumbling upon the little demon and grooming her to become her de facto heiress. Especially if she's the kind of laywer who believes a case is won or lost before you even enter a court of justice, if you catch my drift.
Do you have a source for the pic?
Thanks senpai.
So you plan on making her an orphan?
I'd trick the demon into a contract that makes it my familiar and have to follow what would amount to the three laws of robotics.
Also thanks senpai
is he/she cute?
They'd be a shapeshifter, so yes.
Kill it, of course. Demons don't actually have babies so it obvsly masquarading as a bebe
I teach it the ways of the greasy street merchant.
Find out what species they are and how they could serve me and my people, then raise them as best (and loyal) as I can. Having an intermediate into the Abyss can be very helpful, maybe stage a coup and get them into positions of power in their own circle.
Raise it and make it kill and eat other demons
Depends on the setting.
> Unknown Armies
Eat it while there are no other fairies around.
> Warhammer
Kill it with fire!
> WoD, DtF
Raise it as my own subordinate. How the Jahwe could a demon possess a baby anyway?!
> DnD
Sell it to a wizard.
> Barbarians of Lemuria
Sell it to a druid
Raise it lovingly, then one day try to murder it. Leave a note for it to find after I'm dead explaining that everything I have done is to show it that it cannot trust anyone and that everyone in this universe intends to harm it, even if they temporarily conceal their intentions.
Depends On The Setting
Kill it like the rest
True evil.
This should have been the first and last picture of your dumb fetish thread.
>run into a baby demon
>accidentally fell into the mortal realm by sheer accident
>it hasn't done anything wrong yet
>What do?
Kill it before it kills anybody
>dumb fetish thread
user, we need to have a talk.
To be fair, there's an extremely high probability that OP was hoping to see this thread fill up with images of goth lolis with tiny bat wings.
I believe that everyone should have the opportunity to realize their potential. Raising a demon to be anything but a demon would be a travesty.
Considering demons are beings borne of pure destructive chaos. Studies show that there is no "life cycle" for demons, they just pop into existence in the abyss with the help of truly nasty souls, and when they die they return to the abyss to be reformed. What is there to say that this small cute demon is not just a ploy to cause even more chaos as people are led to believe it is just a babby.
But then again, times change and the outer realms evolve much like our own world. It is entirely possible that creatures are being borne purely from the chaotic energies, not quite demon, not quite mortal. In this event I would observe and record its growth. Encouraging it to engage in daily lives and learning mortal empathy
Current game I am running in Demons are spawned from the souls of the worst of the worst of the worst.
Not just bad or evil guys, the fucking worst of all.
All demons spawn fully grown, and full of hate, and list a laundry list of evils committed when they were mortal.
So you know. Slay it for before it eats you.
My man.
>That Paladin Bro Fist Pic.
I'm the demon
A Paladin would probably slay it, a Cleric would probably raise it to be good, and any other class could go either way.
Nothing fuck off with your shitty distractions DM. For the last time we are going to fight the dragon and that’s that
Quarantine it and study the myriad scientifically significant factors that can be discovered by examining a species that can perform cross dimensional travel on a biological level. Also give it a cute little jumpsuit and teach it the importance of pursuing scientific discovery in the name of the Terran Directorate. If it seems to understand and comprehend the importance of that then we can start working on integration with the rest of our wondrous society.
Sounds like they'll grow up to be the worst kind of demon.
does it have gold/drop XP?
Look mister lucky sevens, unscrupulous shopkeep is a fine profession for a demon
As someone with severe trust issues, you fucking evil bastard and absolute madman.
Raise it to fight crime, and encourage it to go on long-winded rants about it's conflicted nature.
Here's the whole thing for next time my dude.
Personally I'd try raising it to be a lawyer
Huh, guess someone already had that idea
That doesn't change the fact that would rather write this thread off as a fetish thread and throw it in the trash than have an interesting discussion about what our characters would do in such a situation.
Quest to hell?
Quest to hell
>Personally I'd try raising it to be a lawyer
>Devil's Advocate?
>A really darn good one to boot.
attempt to raise as good being but if it starts to actually do evil punish it harsher than normal and if it continues kill it
>In the landmark case "United States v. Gehenna" it was decided that such statements as "what the hell" are deemed racist slurs
Kill it.
Depends is it a male or female demon.
>Male demon
I will raise him to be like my own son, he will be the ultimate man, 20 feet tall with red skin and horns, I am sure he would have a promising career in the military.
>Female demon
Eh, fuck it send her off to a convent I am sure the Catholic church will make the right call.
Here's a higher quality image.
Pledge to protect.
How the hell does one look after a baby demon?
What does it eat? What do you do when it gets sick? Do I need to lock away my silver cutlery?
If you found a juvenile tapeworm, what would your first instinct be?
>What does it eat?
Either normal food or human souls.
>What do you do when it gets sick?
Give it a cold wet towel soaked with holy water.
>Do I need to lock away my silver cutlery?
Not likely.
Put it in a nice, secure cage and raise it as a pet, feeding it stuff from time to time?
>give it a cold wet towel soaked with holy water
Wouldn’t that just hurt it more?
Sir, that isn't a grey skinned human, it's a demon from hell.
Kill it like the rest.
I dunno, when I introduced a demon child made by a wizard to be his intelligent familiar the party essentially hard-lined into raising her to be a good person despite very chaotic evil tendencies on her part. It was kinda funny watching the Paladin try to chase her into a temple to baptize the bad out of her and she just constantly avoiding it.
Chuck it back into the infernal realms where it belongs.
raise it as a sex slave, showing that man is the true evil.
My last dnd campaign, kill it with fire.
My next campaign, probably raise it as he will be a kinda not too many fucks given (except about his allies and friends) if the system allows to make it interesting.
Heard dnd is pretty dull as a necromancer, but my dm might be willing to do a bit of homebrew to mostly add flavour so it's not just zamboes and skelingtons
You should partner up with this guy to try and raise the creature with ultimate trust issues.
Keep, it and raise it as my own child.
While continually experimenting on it in mostly harmless ways to continue expanding my own Gnosis.
Exactly, yet. It's made of pure evil so it'll commit evil soon enough, smite it now and save yourself and the world some trouble.
I roll to seduce
>all of these Lawful Dumb Paladin murderhobos in this thread
The child's morality is irrelevant. What matters is that it is mine now, and any who tries to take them away will be slain.
Pfffff. That's great.
isn't that the point?
I can't believe hellboy had a goatee that young
>Let it grow up and turn into the man-slaying demon it was born to be
Either kill it or raise it as your own. Never give it back.
Time to test that nature vs nurture thing out that that wizard told us about.
First we figure out how evil she is and what kind of demon we're dealing with.
If she can be swayed towards good, we'll let her train with the paladin, bard, and warlock to find out what her aptitudes and leanings are.
Worst come to worst, I hear the warlock needs a familiar.
>Be a cleric
>Smiting is for fucking paladins, I save souls
>Proceed to raise the child best I can
>Show the demon child the love and kindness of god
>They grow up to be a net work executive for Fox
I think I created something far worse than a demon...
I mean, Merlin was the son of an incubus, which is how he was able to use magic in the first place so...
That's the Christian revisionist version, yes.
I also hear he was born backwards so he ages in reverse.
Shut up, Frank. You're ruining it for me.