So, am slightly stuck with some loadouts based on what I already own (for example I only have 1 of each pathfinder drone because that's what you get in 1 box of pathfinders, and the pathfinder loadouts themselves are based on originally running the squad as a 10 hence only 3 special guns in total) but how does this look for a small tau force? Only things I don't own yet are the breachers and turret. And yes, I do have a slight fetish for rail weaponry, thank you for noticing.
>Tau empire, Sa'cea sept, Battalion detachment
Fireblade (markerlight) - 42
(Warlord: though unity, devastation)
Fireblade (markerlight) - 42
(Relic: grav inhibitor field)
6x FW Strike team (support turret with missile pod) - 66
5x FW Strike team - 35
5x FW Strike team - 35
5x FW Strike team - 35
5x FW Breacher team - 35
5x FW Breacher team - 35
Devilfish (burst cannon, 2x gun drone) - 112
3x Stealth suits (2 with burst cannon & ATS, 1 with fusion gun & drone controller) - 146
2x Marker drone - 20
>Fast attack
5x Pathfinders (1 rail rifle) - 54
Pulse accelerator drone & grav-inhibitor drone - 16
5x Pathfinders (2 rail rifle) - 68
>Heavy support
1x Hammerhead gunship (railgun, 2x burst cannon) - 154
1x Broadside battlesuit shas'vre (heavy rail rifle, 2x plasma rifle, shield generator) - 125
>Total - 1000 points
Should be fairly self explanatory, but basically each fireblade babysits 2 strike teams each, while both breacher teams go in the devilfish - units are split up to maximise Sa'Cea rerolls.
Attached: Sa'cea_Sept_Symbol.png (256x256, 9K)