>haha, the product is worthless anyway, who cares if the cardstock quality is shit!
Haha, the product is worthless anyway, who cares if the cardstock quality is shit!
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off, /pol/.
you're not changing the subject, you think you can get away with this shit?
I sleep soundly every night knowing even if I've fucked up in my life, I'll never be someone like who have corporate's big throbbing cock shoved down his throat 24/7
Nope, you'll just be a discontent nobody trying to force the world to obey an agenda you can't even manage to force on a mongolian basketweaving site.
>I'm forcing anyone
projection at its finest
The game is trash now. Commander is the only fun format but people are even starting to take that too seriously.
the game is good, it's just the people running the business that seem to have gone insane
Well, your shills need to get over it!!! Its have always been like this, since our childhood!!! Stop spamming disinfo, just put it in a vacuum silica case, or put a book over it!!! Its still playable, come to my limited FNM!!! Please, don't call the product defective, I can still make taco bells with it!!!
there is nothing wrong with my old cards, the new ones are curling up so bad that they are destroying my sleeves
Yes, thats the point of the post. There is people claiming its not an issue, that cards always warped. Truth is its a problem that started somewhere after 2014.
pretending to play isn't fun
Shelling out a couple hundred twice a year to remain viable isn't fun.
this shit again? stop fagging up the board
>buy product
>discover product is shit
>ffs OP stop being a fag
haha I guess you're right
Fuck off, /pol/, you're worthless fags and no money from Kremlin can change it.
I'm not defending standard lol
Try not buying china prints next time.
>open booster pack
>cards are already warping
>go complain on mtg reddit
>get banned
>go complain on twittef
>get blocked
>go complain on Veeky Forums
>......"fuck off /pol/"
what the hell is wrong with you people, do you hate the only people that are keeping your game alive, do you really want MtG to die this badly? How can you people be this shitty?
they're printed in belgium
>The russian government is funding anti-mtg threads of Veeky Forums
Did I miss something in the news? Is L5R Putin's favourite of something?
>china prints warp
>Felt the need to complain on three different sites so incessantly that you were banned on two of them
What the hell is wrong with YOU? You're fucking obsessed. You seriously sound like an insane person.
Putin's a FoW pro
If they don't warp why don't you just buy them instead? Problem solved. Do I have to do everything for you people?
There's nothing wrong with having a talk about a issue I'm having with a product I bought, it's why businesses usually have customer service
The OP was not inviting a discussion on the issue. He was just complaining, after having allegedly been banned from two other sites for complaining.
I barely mentioned the issue, it's like people are trying to cover up a bigger problem.
lol no he's mono Mono Black Control all the way
And now you're claiming it's a cover up. You are certifiable m8.
Everytime /pol/ starts babbling and pushing agendas, when called out, they point out to a real issue to vindicate their argument. There's the chance that you might be genuine but honestly fuck you, argue better if that's the case.
Cardboard is shit, everyone knows it, even turbofags like Reddit and Tolarian. Nobody is censoring you for pointing that out. Standard is a dumpster fire and the last 2 masters were bad.
Yet it isn't going to die. Magic has had streaks of bad sets before like from Dragon's Maze until Khans, and the game hasn't died. Eldrazi winter, 200$ goyfs, etc, etc. Modern was more expensive 2 years ago, Standard was worse and didn't had a Garfield set to look out for, and it still lived.
In the end, (You) have a bunch of nerds with fat pockets begging you for expensive cardboard, even if it's not going as well as before they're probably still profitting.
I'm not saying that they are, I just think it's suspicious that I get blocked on twitter just for asking one simple question about what's going on with my cards.
Can we go one day, ONE DAY, without this thread? It's exhausting. Yes, the cardstock quality has declined. Yes, it's an issue that WotC needs to address. But, unless you want to use this thread to start an angry letter-writing campaign, then nothing is going to change and all you're doing is shitposting on a niche hobby image board that only sad, lonely people care about.
So please, one day. Is that too much to ask for?
argue about what? I'm trying to say that I been sold shit product, and you morons push politics in my face, it's like you assholes really want to play politics really badly
>Dragon's Maze until Khans
>bad sets
Just because Theros wasn't broken and degenerate doesn't mean it was bad. Also the 2015 core set kicked ass.
can't you just hide it?
>I'm just asking questions!
>Can we go one day, ONE DAY, without this thread?
No, because if you don't want to see a thread, there are already plenty of ways for you to never see these types of threads again, whether it's the filter system or just hiding the threads entirely.
gaslighting cunt
>I know what to do to make myself seem legitimate! I will start throwing random accusations using the freshest /pol/ catchphrase!
No one accused you of having some kind of lacking mental faculty, he just pointed out that you're a giant fucking faggot with an agenda no one gives a shit about.
well you can stop replying, this thread isn't for you
lay off the cake, it makes you fat
>Be fat neckbeard with horrible personality
>So bad not even turbo autists like the MtG community tolerates you
>Be loud, rude and annoying enough with public accounts to get perma'd by the big guy
>Get banned from the only thing you had going in your life
>Infinite butthurt, how dare they
>Blow any chance you had at people taking you seriously, all the world now sees is a pathetic baby crying for it's favourite toy being taken away
>All you can do now is shitpost on Veeky Forums to make the evil company that banned you pay
>Not even fucking Veeky Forums takes you seriously
To you, Jeremy, these post are your personal crusade, and your best chance at revenge against the evil, unfair world.
To me, it's the shitposting break I take while studying Software Engineering and going to the gym.
I don't like being cruel but get the fuck out of my board you fucking autist.
>more gaslighting
well will you ever learn that you don't screw over a customer if you want to have a lasting business
Fuck off bagel sucker.
Fuck is this thread? Behave like adults WotC. Fix the cards and stop insulting your customers.
>imblying any of us cares about Magic at all
>Be apologist
>Ignore card stock
>Ignore the push for diversity
>Ignore pedos in the judges table
>All so his cardboard crack doesn't lose value
Is there really any community that are bigger apologists than MtG's? Because at this point someone on the design team could be accused of rape and you fags would still find someone to absolve them of guilt.
you're so brave user
I wish I had the guts to post on an anonymous image board with pictures that don't even have timestamps. You're really sticking it to the man, I bet the entire Wizards psyops team is freaking out right now trying to trace your IP.
what's the problem?
Warhams/GW. They let off some pressure recently by doing a Hebrew shuffle of their execs and pandering to nostalgia as best as they could, but they're as overdue for this kind of a shitstorm as Wizards.
Oops, I dropped this.
>it's not WotC running a false flag operation
Yeah the cardstock quality isn't garbage. Let's all go buy Hasbro products. I love being insulted. It's just that mean Russian hacker poll spreading lies about our game.
>tfw Putin is investing in YGO and is trying to ruin your favorite game
Ummmm sweetie, this is Veeky Forums we punch nazis.
we need to fight the nazis that are bending our cards
I wonder if people that think this is al /pol/ or Jeremy realize that you can (and will) get a warning or even a DQ at a competitive REL event if a judge can reliably know where a card in your deck is. But the curling doesn't matter, I guess.
It worries me that the first priority of a company is appealing to diversity (which isn't bad by any means) and short-term profit, instead of fixing the many, many flaws that their game has that would make more people actually play and enjoy it, solidifying a playerbase for the forseeable future instead of trying to be greedy at every single opportunity while making a PR effort so people don't take notice
Fuck, not even their card design is good anymore. They're just recycling ideas from eternal formats and making them work only for a couple standard environments, which in the end makes the cards useless for said eternal formats.
Lowering entry prices instead of giving players scraps with masters sets, fixing the cardstock and making card design interesting and useful beyond a couple standard rotations would end up making a better game. And best of all, you don't even have to stop caring about diversity to do so.
>it isn't Jeremy's fault that you got disqualitfied in the first place
Threadly reminder
No Mossad. You are not welcome here. Perthro.
>implementing nonbinary logic into a digital game