/mung/ Munchkin general #1

First official Munchkin thread. Post your cool stories and pictures, fun moments and Munchkun news!
useful links:
worldofmunchkin.com/ Official website
forums.sjgames.com/ Official forum

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First, I heard about some international promo cards, which can find in non-English sets. Has anyone more information?

But Munchkin is shit.

What kind of absolute madman would start a Munchkin general?

Which edition is your favorite?
My favorite is easily pirate, it's something that anyone can get the jokes for.

Is this thread God's final punishment for us?

Is the end nigh?

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Tfw no group besides my pf group that gets fantasy jokes enough to truely understand or enjoy regular munchkin

Aehm, no?

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This is what you get for complaining about the fetish threads.

I’d still take ironic Munchkin generals over /d/ garbage any day.

Why do I always get turned into a woman in this game? It's so bad that it's become a meme in my group, so they target me with it even more often. WHY DOES MUNCHKIN IMPOSE THIS /D/EGENERACY ON ME?
[Spoiler]And why do I like it?[/spoiler]

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I always liked the Cthulhu Munchkin personally

before Cards Against humanity it was my go-to Ice-breaker for new people to the group who were new to board and card gaming.

Cthulhu Munchkin is a great set, especially cultist mechanic, but I prefer use for first-player Star Munchkin, it's so easy

Yeah, for example, the Italian edition combines Munchkin 2 and 3 together (and adds a couple of monsters as well, "Orca Zozza" and "Orco Boia," both names are basically visual puns so they can't really be translated).

I still play Munchkin every once in a while. Great game desu.

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This. You dug your grave, now lie in it.

Just wanted to say thank you for keeping SJG in business, so they can keep publishing GURPS.

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>Munchkin General
>The final punishment
No. That'll be when we have a serious discussion on this board about Monopoly strategies.

I might actually hold onto this idea until it's forgotten and start a thread


Railroads and orange supremacy, actually.

Monopoly is mostly a solved game but its so random that strategy doesn't matter unless one person knows the strategy.

Look up landing probability to prioritize what properties to buy use auction rules as stated in manual when people don't buy them.
Create housing shortage by getting sets and never upgrading to hotels.
After housing shortage starts buy all properties that make it to auction it doesn't matter if your next move may land you and you'll be forced to sell the property you just got.
Do this before other people do and just wait for probability and time to do its work. Tedious and not 100% guaranteed but Monopoly was never to be fun, it was to be a learning tool.

Most importantly don't play with stupid house rules that extend the game, money on free parking, infinite houses/hotels, IOUs, and shit like that.

Despite how rare win through divine Intervention is supposed to be, it sure happened unnaturally often to my Group

For maximum dickery
>If a player wishes to buy a house/hotel for a property, it is not necessary to wait for their turn. The player can buy houses/hotels even if it is not their turn. The player does not need to be on the property they wish to put the house/hotel on.
Buy 4 houses when a person is about to land on that space.

>Most importantly don't play with stupid house rules that extend the game, money on free parking, infinite houses/hotels, IOUs, and shit like that.
If you don't play with those then the game is boring and predictable.