Party meets this angel what do
Party meets this angel what do
We FUCK her!
I know it's you Flair
It's a trap
What am I meant to know about this thing?
We conquer her heart
A trap angel?..... Where have i seen that before?
Does a hermaphrodite count?
Douchebaggery and turning a Russian woman into a Lady Gaga wannabe
I absorb it into my consciousness.
The Bible?
Fuck off, mastema
We trust this very handsome angel, obviously.
He's the only good lawfag.
A herm has both sets of organs.
It doesn't matter as long as he's cute!
> trap
The fuck you are talking about
Mastema is handsome as fuck
Put my trust in him, who could doubt this handsome Angel?
I would learn divine magic from him.
Join him in his quest to kill all demons
Aww what's the matter little chaos boy?
Still angry the cute angel turned you down for prom?