What are the wincons for W/B Vampires in Standard?
What are the wincons for W/B Vampires in Standard?
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Turn shit sideways? Maybe if you have some etb triggers that cause drain/damage?
There’s Sanctum Seeker, but even with that my other Standard decks are much faster. My Dino deck usually dishes out 32 or more damage on turn 4 by Flinging Ghalta, so my vamp deck is just sort of floundering.
haha breh I just made a vampire deck last night. probably going to be really inconsistent but seems like fun.
Your deck also has no actual win conditions aside from turning creatures sideways and hoping no board wipes happen before you turn enough of them sideways.
But it's FUN.
Winning is fun.
You god damn Spike. You'll play with 500 different vampires like my deck and you'll have a FUN inconsistent time doing it.
What's the meta in Standard anyways?
Waiting for Dominaria
Fuck off Timmy, the real players are talking.
Vampires are $100, where as every other deck is $300. It's weird that it's doing as good as it is, really.
>Has a vampire and dino deck
>Not a Timmy
You're one of us now, Timothy.
Be such an unbearable faggot your opponent concedes rather than spend another second dealing with your shit.
At least I assume that's the most common win condition among sparklepire players.
Hey, fuck you. Ghalta-Fling is wildly successful at my LGS.
honestly every standard deck with green on it could run ghalta
I had to google what that was. How do you even learn this slang?
>The people that play the game to have fun aren't playing for real
Get a load of this loser!
big juicy futa dick
Ghalta is extremely undervalued imo. It’s a fraction of the price of cards like Trapjaw Tyrant and Ripjaw Raptor but provides way more value.
My WRG Dino deck doesn’t run either of those more expensive cards and yet it’s way more successful at FNM than carbon copies of current top tier standard decks. I feel like I’m the only person who has realized how good the Ghalta-Fling combo is.
I cast Ghalta on turn 4 for 2 mana, give it haste, attack for 12 with trample, also attack with my 6/6 or 7/4 Ceratops, then Fling Ghalta to deal at least 30 damage on turn 4. It’s almost always a win, and when it isn’t I can get Ghalta back out of my graveyard, draw another one, Fling my next biggest dinosaur, or stall for a few turns because I still have the biggest creature on the table.
By being a massive faggot who calls other people faggots in the hope they won’t figure out who the real faggot is.
Go wide with pumped up vamps a. You can use Sanctum Seeker but I've seen successful lists that don't even run it.
>Friendship, marriage, and family make you weak
>t. (((Vampires)))
Still completely susceptible to boardwipes, weinies and control. Radiant Destiny giving vigilance is great, but not enough. Vampires really needed something to give them flying, rather than or in addition to Radiant Destiny. At least that way turning cards sideways would be a valid strategy
The fuck? Piss off, retard.
>Not Noseferatu
>He hasn't read the Dominaria spoilers
waste desu
It was too many to go through at once. What did I miss?
Look inside your heart!
What? I just looked at the spoilers and there’s nothing relevant, dickhead. None of the new vampires are new wincons for WB vampires and there are no white or black cards that do anything like what I was talking about.
You bet, but I've made you less stupid and more active in finding your own answer. Love is all around us. Let it flow.
You’re a fucking retard.
user you're such a faggot. For a moment I thought I have missed something.
If it helps, I'm waiting on the next 100 cards being spoiled and hoping they'll be good for vampires too.
It doesn’t help, and only a retard would think it would help.
How do you get out ghalta on turn 4? anything is not shit if you get a god draw.
hit opponent until they die, with sanctum seeker and bishop of the bloodstained speeding up the process
>How do you get out ghalta on turn 4?
Siegehorn Ceratops. Drop it on turn 2, damage it on turn 3 with Rile or Tilonalli's Crown and drop a Drover of the Mighty or another 2-drop.
So what does your deck do if you don't get those cards or your siegehorn is removed or your ghalta is removed/countered?
Build a wide board and then attack + Sanctum Seeker. 4x Radiant Destiny and 4x Legion Lieutenant make quickly even your 1/1s a serious threats. The only deck that plays boardwipes at the moment is Approach, everyone else is busy with exiling gods and birds. Just don't forget to bring playsets of Dusk Legion Zealots and Champion Of The Dusk, they keep your hand full. Thopter Arrest, Cast Out and Vraska's Contempt are your ways to get rid of the opposite board.
Take out Legion's Landing it looks better than it actually is.
>Dusk Legion Zealots
For a great example of this, check out this
Bring em back with Atzocan Seer, build a wall of dinos until I draw another Ghalta, or just Fling smaller dinos until I win.
I removed Legion’s Landing and Mavren Frain fairly early on because they’re slow and not worth the investment.
Radiant Destiny is really the best tool for vampires right now, it’s just not enough.
What's the cheapest standard deck that gives me a slight chance of winning? Should I just wait for challenger decks?
Vampires, ironically.
You still have to put money into the challenger decks. The mono Red one will give you the best foundation to build on. But that will probably cost $50-$100 more than a WB Vampire deck. The problem with the “top tier” decks is everyone see that a deck is called top tier and copies it, inflating the price of the cards artificially, ignoring everything else just because the other viable decks aren’t on a list on a well known website.
Profane Procession and Twilight Prophet make me want to go a more control route.
>sanctum seeker
vampired decks are mostly white. you don't want a win-con that is a double colored mana of the opposite color.
I would say that the better win-con is probably crested sunmare
That’s really dumb. Crested Sunmare is slow as fuck and doesn’t synergize at all. It’s not a wincon. Especially not in a vampire deck. You could slot it into a control deck, but it has no place in what is essentially WB weinies. Sanctum Seeker gives you more bang for your mana buck by doing more work much faster and synergizing with the deck extremely well.
>your deck is basically an army of lifelinker
>crested sunmare do not synergize at all
is that you, desolator?
and no, five mana is not that expensive in the actual standard
>on turn 7 you’ll have a few vanilla horsies with indestructible!
Not a wincon. At all.
>with indestructible
go...the 0-5 bracket waiting for you
If you can get into the magic arena beta you'll be able to play standard for free. It's pretty good.
They’re vanilla as soon as Sunmare is exiled or destroyed. Which will happen quickly.
You’ve probably never won a game at FNM if you actually think Crested Sunmare is a wincon.
>Everybody Ghalta in everydeck
>see the setup coming from a mile away
>watch little timmys smug smile vanish thinking he is gunna turn ghalta sideways and smash face
>kills himself on turn 4
It’s not standard. It’s Ixalan. They’re adding Amonkhet, but that’s still not standard.
Will literally never happen. No one runs that garbage card.
PTE posters should an hero
user stop trying to distract everyone from your bad pun.
You do realise FNM isnt the same as pro tours and GP's right?
sounds like you have never been to any LGS ever
>garbage gets used at FNM just because
It’s a shitty card that no one plays. If people were sideboarding it it would cost more than 10 cents.
Im sorry I forgot everyone who posts in /standard/ is a PT top 8'er
it'll only be one block away a week from now, pretty much the same thing. They might add the rest eventually.