I've been hearing that it's better since it has better card stock and a separate Mana deck do that players don't get Mana screwed.
How is force of will compared to MTG?
both are dying games so it doesn't really matter
Well magic is on a coaster between life or death, meanwhile force of will kind of shot it's kneecaps off a couple expansions ago so chances of it ever holding a candle to magic are super unlikely.
what's a good tcg to get into that isn't dying then?
how's that?
>how is setting your money on fire compared to putting it in a paper shredder?
>what's a good tcg to get into
It's time for everyone to print out and sleeve up some decks and have a revival of a real man's card game.
I would love to play Force of Will. I played a few of those starter decks and it is a lot of fun.
...I just wish other people shared that sentiment.
you, I like you.
MTG has been dying for 20 years
How did FoW mess up?
>separate land deck
Land is a shit resource system anyway.
Duel Masters saw your system and improved it vastly
It's "dying" but in reality its just smaller than before, but people are looking into it.
If you don't give me the name, I can't print them.
Please user can you give me source ?
>Also inb8 : I already tried reverse search
It's pretty good. The mechanics are pretty similar, but as you said no mana screw and the really nice card stock are nice. One thing that helps is that the game is super cheap compared to any other TCG around. The current rotation at least is solid. Just grab a couple of starter decks and try it out with a buddy.
FOW is actually a VERY good game with MTGs fuck ups I'm pretty certain they'll grow.
Thanks jeremy
>Not recognizing REDACTED
they recently announced that they're cutting off all print runs early making products more scarce.
card quality is amazing compared to the shitshow in MtG
Two blocks ago they introduced a new card type but made the first few WAY too overpowered. They made less OP ones as the block progressed but the damage was done and they stopped printing new ones after the block ended.
Last block they did things pretty well until the last set in the block where they printed a counterspell that can be case for free if your opponent has played more than one spell that turn, including the one you're trying to counter.
Then in the current block they tried a new thing with the starter deck rulers that required them to reprint them later in the block with updated rules text. It was a neat idea but it shared a valuable rarity slot in the second and third (of four) sets' booster boxes with actually new cards, resulting in availability issues for those new cards. On top of that the double-faced Ruler cards in the third set were initially printed with the wrong back sides.
So they've made a lot of mistakes in the past few years.
They had to do that with Time-Spinning Witch to fix the misprint problem.
That doesn't sound too bad desu, as long as the overpowered stuff has rotated out. The availability stuff does suck though, even as someone who mainly buys singles.
Here's the thing, is it all print runs, or just TSW, because TSW being cut a bit early to fix the misprint problems would make sense.
The game has always had problems with powerlevel, it was just less apparent for a while. The game was great during the Grimm block (2015-2016) then with Alice turned into a bit of a shitshow with the regalia and not realising how strong swiftness (haste) is in this game due to the difference in how combat works. That, and green and red being the best colours almost all of the time since the game has started.
They cut the first print run of TSW to fix the misprints. Thankfully they give anyone who sends in a misprinted card a correctly printed card.
>mfw Rudy keeps feeding fud about the game, making sure it dies
what a homo desu
I don't think that it is a good idea to give these youtubers too much credence, over forming your own opinion.
Even weirder, Rudy is almost becoming a Bishiroad/MtG channel
Whenever he has the opportunity he shits on the game though, even though it's only bad from his perspective because he can't make any money off it.
Probably because of how insane the Bushiroad secondary market is, he can make money off it.
>it's only bad from his perspective because he can't make any money off it.
That's one of my favorite parts of the game. The scumfuck investors kept at bay, making the game very affordable.
Considering how he still sells FoW despite him ranting about not doing it anymore in 2016, I'd consider him to be a masochist. Then again doesn't he still have a hard on for the game due to its cards being high quality phsyically?
Get into LCGs.
Legend of the 5 Rings or Netrunner.
Mechanically, it's very good, even better than MTG imo.
Art-wise, it's often really anime-esque, so this could be a turn off for you.
In regards to the playerbase, it's dying really bad
The cards and decks are pretty cheap compared to most TCGs (even before it started dying, since the rarity system is rather generous)
Balance/meta diversity is often about as standard MTG, but sometimes better.
*about as mediocre as standard MTG
What use is the granularity provided by the high numbers vs just making it 15/15 and +2/+2? Is it purely aesthetic?
You could just buy the deluxe edition of the Illuminati board game, it's basically the same thing.
Basically every jTCG does this though. Don't worry about it and just ignore the 0's.
Doesn't matter, a Japanese game will never be able to secure the critical mass of players in America to actively threaten MtG. These days it doesn't seem likely that a western one will either. When/if MtG dies the card game hobby will just mostly collapse because Wizards managed to clear the field of credible competition a long time ago.
It's just how they do things in Japan, because that's the sort of numbers they deal with all the time with their currency.
A game doesn't need to kill MtG to survive. YGO and Pokemon both managed to carve out their own niches, and they're both Japanese.
I myself have been enjoying the hell out of the final fantasy card game. Really cheap compared to mtg, and i really like the resource system it uses. And i get to build decks around my favorite FF games.
I really doubt Magic will ACTUALLY DIE.
There's just way too much money, dirty money, involved already.
Just like a drug cartel.
Meanwhile, I am comissioning pic related as my new playmat.
Having a foot fetish is worse than liking loli.
Why the hate user?
We are already degenerate fucks playing a degenerate game that cringe every single person not already neck-deep into this addiction that can no longer be passed as a hobby.
What is one more corpse lying in the foundation of our degeneracy?
Cardboard is out Digital is in. And Magic is behind the curve when it comes to digital.
FoW really isn't "degenerate", although I do know you're false flagging, pretending to play the game and posting images that you know others would hate, so they'd hate the game by proxy. Even though knowing that makes this reply futile.
>How is force of will compared to MTG?