What are the chances of this coin reaching above $5?
This now sits at 10th in total market cap. Everything else in the top 20 are well above $1.
Will this get me a free house and car?
What are the chances of this coin reaching above $5?
This now sits at 10th in total market cap. Everything else in the top 20 are well above $1.
Will this get me a free house and car?
probably $1.00
>Everything else in the top 20 are well above $1
Veeky Forums is such garbage last 2 months. Do you even know about circulating supply?
Token burn imminent
Especially after the coin burn.
Lets fucking go! Coinbase Inc.
What's a coin burn?
A reduction in total supply.
Who do they reduce it from? Are all available tokens in circulation now or no?
Get into this PnD backed by whales. Guaranteed profits
discord dot gg/hTTEEt2
A better question is why is it even going up at all? The internets tell me this is Ripple 2.0 as in normies 2nd favorite coin. I even had a co-worker talking about it 2 days ago.
>normies love it
>why is it going up?
Rlly nigga?
My favourite Justin Chinkalake
When will this pump end? I want the price to go down before I buy more
This. Fucking let me in.
GO back to pol faggot
Shit is going over $2. Just buy now, who cares about a few cents when it's mooning
This. Sometimes it's oke to buy high
It's bull market. Going in high can be just fine in order to secure early access.
buy now at around .14 you dorks.
mooned to .25 last night, so I'd be surprised if there's not money to be made buying in now.
buy on binance.1080 sats
hitbtc doing 1300+
Worth to sell icx for this right now?
>mooned to .25 last night
Are we looking at the same graph here? ATH on Binance was 3 hours ago.
i kept 250 icx for the month, i don't know anything about it. people say end of jan.
Timezones may explain a little, I'm GMT, but I know I got up at 7am and it had already mooned
dont listen to op he is part of that pump n dump group
they are targeting TRX
Hard to say, I would but that's just my opinion.
why don't normies understand?
flags when kashif?