How would 40k fare in the Ghostbusters verse?
How would 40k fare in the Ghostbusters verse?
How would Barney the Friendly Dinosaur fare in the 40k universe?
Hmm, 'dunno. Why don't you make a thread for it? Could be interesting.
How would South Park fare in the 40k universe?
How would Moana fare in the Ghostbusters universe?
How would the normal universe fare in the Ghostbusters universe?
How would the Ghostbusters universe fare in the normal universe?
How would Yu-Gi-Oh fare in the Ghostbusters universe?
>Being this triggered by a crossover thread
Pretty sad, friend. Thanks for the bumps though.
How would Adam Lanza fare in the Ghostbusters universe if he could grab all his mom's guns and thought the Ghostbusters were kindergartners?
How would FUCK fare in the SHIT universe?
How many seasons would MTV Cribs run in the Ghostbusters universe?
I suppose this is it then. The thread that was finally Veeky Forums's last straw
How would Ron Burgundy fare in the Ghostbusters universe?
(Honestly, this has potential to be great)
'Nah. It's just the last straw for one particular autist. The same autist I suspect, who usually ends up sperging about threads of this nature.