Warhammer Fantasy general - /wfg/

Get the grenades, Hans, edition.

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>We're looking for these novels for the archive:

>Alternative Warhammer Miniatures and Manufacturers

>Warhammer Wikis

>Warhammer Video Games.

Previous thread:

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What are some neat pre-6ed lore that could be transplanted into the modern setting?

So in the game, it seems like the Screaming One has a skaven speech pattern (repeats words, calls everyone "____"-things, etc.) but in the battle of the vortex we here what is presumably the Great Horned Rat himself speaking and he just speaks like normal. What's the deal with that?

I just found out they went the extra mile with the Doomwheel model.

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what did you expect?

I didn't expect them to add the little rats. Alot of players don't even bother to putt them on the model.

Chaos Dwarfs being fantasy Assyrians without daemon-powered technology.

What are you currently working on, anons?
Some nice conversion? Awesome paintjob? Exciting RP story hook? Tell me!

Remember, sharing your work inspires others and reminds each other that hobby ain't dead!

Still working on my giant, hopefully I can be arsed to finish him tomorrow.

choose your Nagarythi Shadow Warrior for tonight

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what do Tomb Kings think of Skaven?


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Nah, that's Tyrion's squire from the TW2 campaign. She's really pretty.

does it come in male?

>waifu shit

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Its an army for the sake of fun, to break a bit from my usual dwarves.
Also, I have the issue of what colours to I paint the bsb, because black amd yellow gets boring real fast

It's Moulder and Skryree ..and pestilens

Did they drop that idea? I don't remember that character.

Paint them white. Call them the Moon Klan. Paint the BSB's standard on fire.

CA is wealthy for sure, but they don't dwarf GW. Even with their sales slumps GW has the merit of age, longevity, and an expensive niche market, while CA is newer and while successful has only recently gotten mass market appeal.

Both are too financially successful to buy each other out. You'd need a company much bigger than either of them for that.

Nope, she never speaks though.

And it's revealed in the end she was actually a Druchi spy.

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Finishing my Bonebreaker I realized I've got no Warlord that would fit it

However I'm bored of making characters out of Stormvermins - while the kit is beautiful I want to base a character on something else for a change.

What can I make a Warlord out of?

That explains things. I always ignored the vortex mechanics.

Vermintide 2


When do you find out that she was a spy?

End cinematic

I just remember her being killed by skaven.

God I love voice acting in TW2

>"Ready, steady, DOOM!"

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Why are Skaven so hilarious?

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it was a druchii spy impersonating her though.

It's in the epilogue. You have to wait for a few turns for it to appear. They usually have a WTF moment.

In the Lizardmen one, Yuct's master awakens finally, and tells them to prepare for an anal fucking, because Nkari is coming to wreck there shit.

In the Dark Elves, Makelith actually shows compassion, and lets Shadowblade take his sister's soul back so he can bring her back to life in the future.

In the Tomb Kings one, you'r adviser is revealed to be none other then Nagash's brother, who somehow survived being sealed in his tomb. Arkhan get's a special ending we're he tries to contact Nagash, only for Nkari to manifest instead, to lightly flirt (incluing calling him MORTARCH) and say she's "coming to play soon"

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thot is such a retarded acronym, but "begone thot" makes me laff

Blue bun with helmet.

>That Hoe Over There
>but she's an insane sociopathic killer that won't fuck anyone
>therefore she's not a hoe
I'm confused.

why can't a Warlock Engineer take a Doomwheel as mount?

>caring about the actual acronym
it may have started as an acronym, but by now Thot has become a word of it‘s own similar to cunt or slut. It just works

I'm still fucking confused.

Naeh it's still retarded.

so while clashing with them all over the jungle I became interested in the Lizardmen, though I never cared about their fluff before

tell me about Kroq-Gar

the Oldest Saurus alive, remembers a time before Chaos came to the world. Has a prosthetic arm that can shoot lasers.

Oldest Saurus that spawn back when Old Ones fled and Chaos invade. His temple city got fucked up from inside by Chao, forcing him to go inside the jungle playing dad rock for some centuries until the Vortex open, losing one of his arm in the process
Then Mazda summon him, give him a prosthetic arm and tell him to go wreck more shit
Also his dinosaur was born at the same time of his spawning

Basically the doom guy on a T-rex.
Survived daemons overwhelming his temple city. has killed on every continent. has a spear crafted by the old ones and a BIONIC ARM that shoots lasers.

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> TWW will never get a grand map with Albion and the Chaos Wastes so you can helm Konquata and crusade Kroq-Gar deep into the heartlands of the ruinous powers

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TW actually made some adjustments to the fluff or more accurately brought some old flavor back. Instead of being brainless robots, their more akin to real, sentient creatures.

thanks a lot

maybe one day, who knows

I made a little house for Mordheim. How many pieces of terrain do you recommend I have?

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All. Of. It.

Neat house though.

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Currently five forest stands, a barrow, a stone circle, eight road section, eight hedge sections, an intersection and two houses.

Never noticed that he had an automail before

He genocided the native Albion people.

What would that accomplish? Do you think Sega would do anything with it, or would they just add a Karl Franz character to the next iteration of their Mariokart knockoff?

I want Karl-Franz in every game.

As many little houses, big houses, and bullshit as possible. I like my Mordheim cluttered and with shit everywhere. Makes it feel very awful and ruined and sprawling, as it is in the lore.

In the back of my head I just think
>"Mordheim architecture doesn't look like that"
just because of the structures my neighbour had for mordheim

A fair bit. I'm also trying to make the stuff in the Warhammer townscape. I think I figured out how to do it properly now; the trick was to only use a tiny amount of PVA, wait for it to dry, then flatten it under a ton of books for a few days.

Never heard outside of a few shitposters

Presumably the skaven speech patterns exist because in Queekish you repeat words for emphasis and they carry over the habit when speaking Reikspiel or similar.
In which case, the Horned Rat wouldn't do it because he's not really speaking the language, he's talking directly into your mind.

That doesn't explain the Screaming One though.

I doubt skaven speak reikspiel in the first place but its just that their speech has been written out in english for convenience's sake

I figured it that Vermin Lords are kinda sorta daemon princes of the Horned Rat, so may have been mortals once, and retained whatever speech patterns they had in life.

Horned Rat though is a god and never been mortal, so he has no reason to have quirky speech patterns.

Screaming One is the easiest to explain considering some Vermin Lords are daemonic creations of the Horned Rat but others are elevated skaven - keeping their speech pattern would seem a given.

Trying to explain away the skaven speech patterns always seemed a waste to me though, better left as an oddity rather than relegating it to intentional emphasis as a queekish rule.

Pretty sure it exists but is uncommon - iirc Thanquol used to pride himself on his ability to speak some degree of Reikspiel after having kept human slaves. It was depicted as being incredibly uncommon to have any degree of fluency, though considering they occasionally depict corrupt humans it seems more likely the odd skaven speaks enough reikspiel to make a bargain than a human learning queekish.

I forget whether that was 4th edition army book lore or just a novel though.

I thought Witch Elves were wanton sluts.

Only for Khaine

What about Sorceresses? I’ve got a sinking suspicion Morathi’s fucked her horse.

There are times in various novels and WFRP scenarios where skaven speak to characters of other races.
But in the context of skaven speaking among themselves, then yes, it would just be queekish translated into english for the reader's benefit.

Absolutely, it's more of a placeholder for actual ruined architecture. I'm going to grime it up in Photoshop at some point, but for now we're going to have to use little peasant hovels. Luckily I work at a print shop so this isn't prohibitively expensive.

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Tell me how to make a good color scheme for mu dwarf army Veeky Forums
I already picked the two main colors but i don't want every unito to have the exact same color scheme. How do i spice it up without making each unit too different and keep the army cohesive?

The thing is the buildings my friend had looked nothing like what Mordheim.
They were like almost featureless white rocky things with doors and windows.
But that's what we played around so in the back of my head that's what Mordheim buildings are supposed to look like.

The thing is the buildings my friend had looked nothing like what Mordheim is supposed to look like.

>A magical golden warrior imbued with a spark of the divine, riding a space dragon, fighting on elemental planes of magic against the forces of chaos, death and destruction in an ongoing conflict for the fate of the universe.

Why do people hate this game again? It seems pretty fucking cool to me.

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go away

Bait, but I will bite. It is the fluff rape of what passed before and AoS building is based in that fluff rape.

Also, sigmarines are stupid.

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Because it's every but as dumb as you described, with no redeeming campy aspects.

Were treemen/kin/dryads really that good pre-8th to deserve the awful stats they have in 8th?

Kinda hard for me to appreciate the individual Gary Bighammer and John Smallstorm when I can't even distinguish them

I actually like some parts of Age of Sigmar and it has a lot of (thus far entirely squandered) potential but I absolutely loathe the reasons why GW made it.

They torched a setting that a lot of people loved so they could 1) give everything names that were easier to copyright and 2) add fantasy Space Marines to it.

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If they were autonomous Daemons of Solkan or something like that, where they're neutral but only focus on killing the ruinous powers and only showing up south of the Chaos Wastes during dire situations, that would be one thing. Instead, we got shitty ascended-mortal Sigmarines who we're supposed to care about but don't and are double mad because they completely replaced the more interesting human order factions.

The new stuff for Khorne, Tzeentch, and Nurgle are alright as far as concept and models go for the most part.

Can I change the -ythi to -oth?

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I think the problem with Stormcast Eternals is that they haven't been fleshed out all that much beyond the masturbatory fluff in their army book and the admittedly kind of awful novels.

That and Games Workshop doubling down on their need to give everything a name that looks good paired with a big fat ™. I tried reading one of the novels and couldn't get over GW's need to refer to EVERYTHING by its tabletop name, capitalized, every single time.

This plus the fact that nothing about the Mortal Realms has been fleshed out means it's very difficult to get invested in the setting at all. Maybe if/when we get that supposed Age of Sigmar tabletop RPG things'll improve, but who knows?

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The lore is growing with the game. Unlike the stagnation of the old world, the mortal realms are growing and changing - including the malign portents

This is the male model. The females require larger codpieces.

The only reason that the stuff for Chaos looks good is because 40k players are a much larger part of their playerbase, and would be rather pissed if the new models were universally shit.
Daemonettes are still shit though, Juan Diaz Daemonettes best ever.

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>old world is stagnating
*laughs in nulnlander reikspiel*

Look I've never actually said this before but you actually sound like a shill.

Yeah, I get paid by GW to post on Veeky Forums.

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I do believe you.

You have AoS "storytelling" retconning things like how Morathi was supposed to be Hekarti's avatar (as revealed in ET) but now isn't but is devoted to Khaine but secretly isn't so that she can become a god which she currently isn't despite being Hekarti but also is Dechala because Slaanesh but isn't because "lol Ulgu" and "we need every god to be broken into shards" as people didn't already hate the idea of the Incarnates, and Malekith is fused with Seraphon (but not the Lizardmen, who are now Seraphon) and has some retarded new name and is a god(?) despite this never being a thing and he's not even Phoenix/Eternity King of all the (((A)))elves as previously established, so what's the point.

I would rather have a setting that some might consider slow than have one that was stupidly self-contradicting. All you have to worry about in WHFB were Storm of Chaos retcons but otherwise things were just dandy.

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It is cool - or it would be if they spun it right. But they don't.

Space Marines work because they're in a world of absolutely normal people, the best of the best - you can tell they're special and they stand out. There's a world around them that makes feels real enough, and we can look on the Space Marines with a level of awe. The Sigmarines? There's so little mention of normal humans, in such a half-assed 'oh right they're still here' sort of way that the golden boys might as well be on their own. It comes off like 'a bullet reflecting shield' a kid will imagine in a pretend fight - it's designed entirely to be awesome and to win without any real challenge.

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I'd love one or two waifu. It makes sense for High Elves to be waifu, but it's a barren wasteland.

It would be more respectable than doing it for free.

Why is Tyrion such a dick to Teclis? I thought he was supposed to love his brother. All he seems to do is scream at him for having compassion.

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>he does it for free

In the willy king trilogy, during an interlude, both brothers come to the realisation that as they begin moving in different social circles, their personalities will change and the early innocent brother they love will turn into a complete stranger.

The first time Teclis save the world he brings 2 elves. Now he brings an army of Loremasters and Swordmasters to get smashed by Saurus and rats

You've never fought with your brother before?

Posting for reference

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Thank you user. Have any more?

What are some good boxes to buy to have a sampling of dudes for mordheim games? Dwarf quarreler/thunderer kit seems like a decent one for example.