What's to stop a fairy from setting you on fire while you're distracted?
What's to stop a fairy from setting you on fire while you're distracted?
Other urls found in this thread:
Not much, but it'd be a dick move on the GM's part.
You're retardant.
Asbestos cloak
The threat of swift and terrible reprisal.
Why is that fairy dressed so slutty?
Are there pictures of fairies where they aren't dressed like complete sluts?
She wants the BHC.
One of the upsides of being an ember knight is that I love being on fire.
Whelp into the porn folder it goes
Me from turning her inside out
Bug spray.
We're dealing with Nurgle cultists so we're spraying a combination of disinfectant, insecticide and fungicide everywhere.
If that doesn't work, we'll return the favour with a heavy flamer!
Bug sprays doesn't really work on non-bugs from what I remember. Isn't that stuff pretty coded to fuck up exoskeletons?
It would definitely piss them off, though.
Have you read the health warnings on the typical insecticide?
It's still going to mess them up if it gets in their lungs.
The fact that I am an eight and a half foot tall druid with tendril fingers and a flail.
Larger version.
Is this even a fairy?
The artist doesn't list it as one.
Not quite underrated, but it still deserves a bit more attention. Good post.
This thread was built on a bed of lies.
She can't set you on fire if you're a fire elemental.
Or you set her on fire first.
No she's quite fine the way she is
If you're a ant.
>not casting a magnification spell on her and take her purity as punishment for her fire bullying
So a enlarged version.
Don' care, she is boofull. Into my cuddly characters folder she goes.
I'm honestly concerned for your mental wellbeing if you consider that picture sexual enough to qualify as porn.
>I'm honestly concerned for your mental wellbeing if you consider that picture sexual enough to qualify as porn.
>posted from Veeky Forums
You just lack imagination
What's to stop ANYONE from setting me on fire while I'm distracted, OP?
The Geneva Conventions.
The semen choking her throat
wrong, laws does NOT prevent crime but punish it after the fact
thankfully most people dont like being imprisoned and/or institutionalized for life
>Or you set her on fire first.
Not with that attitude
Because mentally, they are just a bunch of cheeky children.
If a picture of a well proportioned girl in a translucent leotard doesn't do it for you, you're either a hopeless degenerate or a faggot
Honestly, imagination can do wonderful things.
To give an example, I'm into female chastity. And let me tell you, while there's a shitload of chastity stuff out there, very, very little of it is female related, and even less actually focuses on the orgasm denial aspect of the fetish. Hell, most of it is just a girl in a belt and that's it.
So you've got to work a little creativity into the whole thing. Or at least I do.
Why would I be wearing clothing that's particularly flammable?
Me personally? I'd Ozzy Osborne the fuck out of her out of spite in between agonized screams before I was either put out or died. My character? The fact that he isn't afraid to dole out flaming bear hugs with enough strength to snap a man's spine like sandal wood. Even if she's fire resistant there's a very good chance that she's not going to survive having her head bitten off or the sheer force of being hugged by a half ogre. The real question now is whether or not the spell will persist after the little fucker is dead
What's to stop me from chucking that fairy in a jar?
She can sense magic and her first reaction is to counter it. If that fails, as a pyromancer, she can straight up control fire.
Good luck retarded fairy.
How is it even possible that people are so dull and desensitized that they can't fap to SFW?
>thankfully most people dont like being imprisoned and/or institutionalized for life
And so it does in fact prevent crime.
What's to stop you from making shitty threads every day?
>Me personally? I'd Ozzy Osborne the fuck out of her out of spite in between agonized screams before I was either put out or died.
sure thing champ. Looks, you're an user on the internet, its okay to admit you'd flail and scream like anyone else when set on fire.
I don’t have to worry about that because the GM stopped including fairies into his settings when the party discovered they were part of my magical realm
Dare'st thou enter?
>you hear a terrifying giggle and see tiny little lights begin to dart around the clearing. War do?
>I remove my pants, exposing my rock-hard erection.
>user.... with?
>What? You've clearly been reading my diary, you know how this goes.
Your pocket sorceress will counter any spell the fairy throws at you!
If she feels like it.
I braveth thy realm
Kinda, we were trapped in an enchanted forest and stumbled across a fairy sentry. She was acting smug (bonus) and wouldn’t tell us directions so after some time we caught her and decided to interrogate/convince her to help us. Nothing worked so I stepped up and removed her shoes while rubbing her feet. This was the first step in the Arkon torture technique I told the party and they were content to let me be.
Then I began to stroke through her hair slowly removing pieces of clothing at a time, asking her if she was enjoying it and to give me what I wanted or I would take it. My reason to the group being that if she wanted it to stop then she would help us.
They got suspicious when I used some oil to slide a finger across her now naked back (explained by me using hard pressure to disrupt her magic vitality) and when I told her to flip over to finish her off I was when I was stopped.
>Then I began to stroke through her hair slowly removing pieces of clothing at a time, asking her if she was enjoying it and to give me what I wanted or I would take it. My reason to the group being that if she wanted it to stop then she would help us.
>They got suspicious when I used some oil to slide a finger across her now naked back (explained by me using hard pressure to disrupt her magic vitality) and when I told her to flip over to finish her off I was when I was stopped.
jesus user, keep your power levels in check
There are pictures where they aren't dressed at all.
It wasn’t that bad all in all.
I wasn’t kicked out or anything because I pointed out that I wasn’t as bad as the guy who plays a Drow maid who kept going into taverns and spilling drinks on random guys and heading off to a private room to ‘clean up’ with some heavy bdsm.
Only when they're not dressed at all.
Frankly I'm disappointed that it took someone this long to make that joke.
>I pointed out that I wasn’t as bad as the guy who plays a Drow maid who kept going into taverns and spilling drinks on random guys and heading off to a private room to ‘clean up’ with some heavy bdsm.
What the hell? Random pub sex isn't in the same ballpark as whatever rape fantasy you were unveiling.
Hey it was interrogation rape, so it's perfectly permissible.
Repeated pub sex has no consequences
A one off encounter results in an entire race ‘dissapering’ over night
There might have been an overreaction from someone
>Rape fantasy
No no no, see when I was telling her that if she wanted it to stop just tell us and I asked if she enjoyed it,
Her response was
“Oh I love this, especially since it’s you and me alone” “stop this? But then I would be lonely without you”
Oh, and what makes you say rape for the purposes of interrogation is not okay?
>Makes the interrogated uncomfortable.
>Reinforces feelings of weakness and powerlessness in them.
>Violates a sensitive spot in the sapient psyche that holds sex as a 'serious thing'.
>All she has to do to make it stop is tell the directions.
Really, if he finished the job either he'd get the directions or the fairy would have wanted it.
I like fairies
>pure young knight with a fairy guide
>find potion of diminution after rolling for a hoard stash
>give it to partys paladin, she smuggly returns it to me
>both irl and in-character I don't understand whats so funny
>"user you could be the same size of your fairy for one night"
Fuck. Is it fine to magical realm if the offer is served to me this openly?
I know its easy to trigger Veeky Forums but sometimes stuff like that is just silly fun. Especially if its just fade to black, your group probably doesn't need to hear the details of fae coitus
I just have a tiny girl fetish.
You should think of the positives, OP.
Well, time for my knightly knight to court his tiny fairy with thicc thighs.
My GM knew what he was doing all this bloody time.
Can we go full magical realm in this thread yet?
yeah. lets get some true lewd fairies in here. some real cute fairies. the absolute best youve ever seen
If it makes you feel better, she's probably trying to trick you into having sex with her. Be wary of magical traps or contracts that may give her your height/soul/name or whatever.
She could be trying to Holly Would/Cool World you.
This is a condensed autism beyond anything I’ve seen. Tell us more user.
yes but Holly isn't smol
But with the work of magic, she can become large.
yes but she should be smol
I'd fill that little pussy with my seed
>Repeated pub sex has no consequences
Pregnancy, venereal disease, possible cumshots to the face.
Fuck off Airy, Your game would've been over in 15 minutes if anyone with any idea what was going on had explained anything at all.
>Someone talks about liking traps, shemales, vore, or furry
>Completely normal
>Someone considers a scantily clad woman soft core porn
>I am concerned for your wellbeing
I am concerned for your mental wellbeing friend.
That, or it had crossed over with Radiant Historia.
Agreed, user. There aren't enough diapers or gore to beat off to in that pic
D...did you miss the agonized screams bit? If the little fucker is within arms reach in going to take it with me the best way I know how. It's less to do with toughness and more to do with spite. Make zero mistake though, I will absolutely be bawling like a bitch all the way through the entire event.
This. Then fill it with lots of bugs to keep her company. Modern Japanese fairy literature calls for it
>Then fill it
Aye aye, cap'n
What kind of buff do I get for drinking fairy milk?
The fairy will laugh at you forever.
Because she doesn't see a reason for it?
I don't know user, tell me one reason why she should do it in the first place?
You stepped on a mushroom 12 years ago while rushing to the physicians hut to have him help your wife deliver your firstborn. Sounds immolation worthy to me.
A physical, mental, and emotional dependency-on/addiction-to my dick
>Here are these creatures 100 times our size.
>They like to act in numbers
>They give no shits about burning down/chopping down/blowing up a forest if they think there's a threat to their kind in it.
>If sufficiently threatened, they can and will get cold iron weapons, wizards, and siege weapons.
>Let's burn the SHIT out of one for something they don't remember!
>There is NO WAY this could bite us in the ass!
Compare to:
>"Tee hee! Your milk went sour!"
>Farmer shakes fist angrily, "Fuck you!"
>Be wary of magical traps
But what if I want a magical trap?
you are correct. Airy would have just killed everyone and it was a bad end
I cant imagine that ending well.
>Guys, the fairy is bad!
>"Welp, this world was a bust."
>Larvas out and Slaughters the party while they're off-guard.
>Forces the kid vestal to awaken the crystals, moves on to the next world, and dupes that world's party as usual.
Really, everyone being really vague about it is probably why they lasted that long since Airy had a habit of killing any group that came too close to figuring out her plans or got too strong.
I appreciate the second game didn't even pretend the fairy might be good that time and she was clearly an evil bitch from the word go.