>humans are one race of many
What are some weird, tiny things that humans could generally do that sets them apart from other species?
>humans are one race of many
What are some weird, tiny things that humans could generally do that sets them apart from other species?
Nothing. If there is a case of humans being so varied that other species can't compare you shouldn't have other species.
Stick their dicks in EVERYTHING that moves.
I can think of a few:
>make them the "giant" race of the setting
>make them the "tiny" race of the setting
>make them the religious race of the setting (not favored by the gods particularly, but merely the only race that seems to bother with prayers)
>make them the sexiest race of the setting
>make them the only race capable of necromancy
Make constant self-felating threads on GALchan about how totally special and unique and great they are until everyone is utterly sick of them
Couple of possible things:
>Facial expressions: While all beings have some form of facial expressions and indicators of mood, humans are unparalleled in their range of expressions in ways that often shock non-humans.
>Skin: Human skin is remarkably resilient to weather conditions while still being sensitive and reliable to determine weak tactile inputs.
>Fingers: Human fingers are strong enough to grip and claw with strength, but dexterous enough for fine motor skills.
>Immune Systems: Humans have remarkably adaptive immune systems that, with a little "adjustment" period, can adapt to a huge range of biomes and biospheres. They're also able to remain functional when their immune system is compromised in all but the most grievous of cases (such as with an infection, common cold, etc), and even those cases can pass in a relatively short time period (i.e. food poisoning knocks you on your ass, but only for a day or two).
>Knees: Human knees are designed in such a way that they're able to jump and strike forwards with them (kicking), even while standing still. This design is not a common one outside primates.
And finally, the general best option for a "humans are one of many species:"
>Flexibility: Humans aren't really the best at anything, but they're reasonably competent in virtually all possible fields. They're not the fastest, they're not the strongest, their tech isn't the best, they're not the most enduring, etc., but they're capable of doing all that and holding their own in any field against all but the best of more specialized species. Other species are often floored by the wide variety of tactics and strategies that humans will employ, as well as the range of actions they can physically perform in the accomplishment of those tasks.
Humanity is the race that invented romantic comedy movies and are disproportional involved in that industry.
Humans are the only ones that turn non living things and ideas into cute girls
GALactic Veeky Forums
>humanity becomes the entertainment capital of the galaxy
>species from all over the cosmos yearn for the films, music, and porn that we now create in a scale never imagined.
>our new global economy shifts to sating the needs of billions of new customers
It's a wild ride, everyone better buckle up
>What are some weird, tiny things that humans could generally do that sets them apart from other species?
Fucking anything humans do. Humans are your only frame of reference for sapient species.
Earth has been turned into a giant Space Hollywood. Entire cities are geared towards the production of the latest blockbuster rom com films that are sent instantly across the galaxy to be watched and consumed.
Your entire family line for many generations work in small cubicles to make sure the eye lashes of side characters are shiny enough.
Well, humans are basically heavy worlders. You can't get much heavier than our gravity is now before you end up unable to crack the fuel/weight ratio for space flight. So there's that.
So, the reason this is usually a problem is because most people think of other races or species as "humans but..."
The best solution is to pick some other constant imaginary progenitor race and work out how every other race including humans is "progenitor race but..."
Get some speciation going on.
I always enjoyed the ringword route
>"luck" is a genetic trait found only in humans
Other animals have shown far more willingness to actually stick their dicks in other things than humans
>Weird human
I will masturbate to this fox
>Average dolphin
I am going to shove my dick down a dead fish's throat
>Weird human
I molested a little girl
>Normal elephant
I am going to mount this dead rhino
>Weird human
I once had sex with a woman against her will
>Average duck
Is there any other way to have sex with a woman?
You know how in mass effect everyone sees the Asari as attractive and they are the social backbone of the empire with the unique ability to procreate with anything? Like that except it's humans.
>scientists, historians, and statisticians now unanimously agree that the perfect male acting form is a combination of Chris Pratt, Bradley Cooper, and Ryan Gosling. Cloning and genetic engineering trials are already underway to create this new actor.
>Endurance and will - having evolve from an endurance predator, humans have become notorious for their ability to just keep coming, and coming, and coming. This has affected human cultures through the centuries, so in addition to being distressingly tough, these hominids also consider perseverance, ambition and willfulness in high regard.
>Easily distracted - humans are quick to get affected by "hype" adopting beliefs and trends with ridiculous ease and ridiculous zeal. Many conflict zones have erupted into bloodshed and anarchy because a group of humans happened by and decided to "help".
So we're the evil race in this setting?
>"Of course it is, for the simple reason that no one else would've ever built a place like this. Humans share one unique quality. They build communities. If the Narns or the Centauri or any other race built a station like this, it would be used only by their own people, but everywhere humans go, they create communities out of diverse and sometimes hostile populations. It is a great gift and a terrible responsibility, one that cannot be abandoned."
Also, they'll fuck anything they can stick their dick into.
>You know how in mass effect everyone sees the Asari as attractive
They're parasites.
Humans should be seen as these weird dualities of compassion & helpfulness & warmongering killers. Elves don't think like this, dwarves don't think like this. They are either peaceable or warrior like or builders or artists etc. But every human is a warrior at heart. Sure we pass the time being explorers & artists & merchants but went we get provoked, or decide to war, every single human is a warrior, only our young come close to being called non-combatants, & any history book will have stories of kids killing. Sure orks are a lot like that. Mostly all warrior types, barbaric & such, but humans have another face, the nice face, the peaceful happy one, but don't let that fool you. Humans are born screaming, born to kill. The nice face is false & easy to take off.
It's odd to me that people still reference Mass Effect lore when, of the two most recent games, one had an ending so bad that even BioWare's most loyal fans were up in arms over it, and the other is widely considered to be a terrible game in virtually every aspect.
I don't see how your post relates to the topic of this thread
Despite Bioware's recent fuckups, Mass Effect is a good series and people still remember it fondly.
Can you call something a good series when half of it's entries are bad?
People still like star wars, and it's on 2 decent films, 3 mediocre films and 3 trash films now.
4 wasn't bad, it was just mediocre. 3 was bad though.
Apart from the ending, Mass Effect 3 was fine. Not great, but it wasn't terrible.
>eating sandwiches at the movies
If this is what humanity is like in the future then we are already lost.
Even taking your word on 4, half the series is dumpster-worthy.
Incidentally, I don't. It looked like shit.
Actually I like the idea that only humans can shitpost. Imagine if most species that make it to space have developed some agreed-upon ontology for clear precise communication. They can still lie, but generally they only do so for a reason, and their mode of communication just precludes stirring the shit for no reason.
Then the fucking humans got online.
Kind of.
Humans are the only race to have developed hypocrasy.
Other races may also lie, cheat, steal, backstab and betray, but at least they don't try to create a "moral" justification for it...
Personally I'm generally not a fan of the typical fantasy races but if you plan on adding your own flavor to a setting, I like the way dragon ball handles humans.
Compared to other races, humans are pathetically weak, basically the weak little babies of the universe, but half humans are much more powerful than any pure offspring of another race.
Genuinely neat human-only thing: basic addition. Most aliens, lacking fingers, work intuitively in the real numbers and start with multiplication, logarithms, and exponents. They can do addition & subtraction, but it's as awkward and unintuitive to them as statistics is for many humans.
In my setting, humans are the healthy race
The other races, which don't really fall into any category, the closest correlations would be non-one-gendered nymphes/elves, amazons, and valkyrie(why do so many cool ideas for races come from female only folklore creatures), humans are the healthiest, having the least issues with conception and childbirth, and resistance to disease and general vitality
>humans are the healthiest, having the least issues with conception and childbirth, and resistance to disease and general vitality
Considering how vulnerable women still are today with modern medicine, these other races must be fucking awful have having children.
The Ability to throw things developed enough to have multiple games revolving almost solely around it.
Also being accurate enough to weaponize it with explosive devices and white phosphorus if you feel fancy.
my personal favorits are
>humans are the only species who obsess with the human form, everything from portraits to smiley faces seem really weird to other species.
>humans ability to anthropomorphize just about anything is unique to us. This makes us renowned engineers and captains because we treat our ships as alive, and are willing to go to extreme lengths for their protection.
add in machine spirits for extra fun
>humans get along with AI really well, a lot more than most species. Human society's are a lot more integrated with robots and AI's than most. We also get along with synthetic species more and frequently play diplomatic middle man.
>Humans really are the most individually unique of all species, most other species fall into 3-20 behavioral archetypes. Because aliens fit most human stereotypes, most humans feel more at peace surrounded by predictable aliens rather than other humans. Aliens on the other hand think that most humans are mostly insane, but their ability to easily understand other species minds make them invaluable diplomats, traders, and strategists.
>Aliens rarely ever domesticated animals, only other carnivorous species ever even try, and humans are the only omnivorous species to do it. As a result we are the only species to keep pets, and domesticate animals in the space age. This freaks other aliens the fuck out, and has led to unsavory rumors. More importantly however its led us to having a big advantage colonizing habitual planets.
I always liked the, "Earth is a backwater shithole corner of the galaxy filled with unpredictable monkeys that are likely to kill you" take on humanity.
That's one that I've always been interested in seeing implemented in a sci-fi setting. Without alternate ways of getting off world, ie railguns or some such, earth-sized planets are about the most massive ones you can get, before traditional rocket fuel no longer breaks escape velocity.
Which means that humans are probably among the smallest species in the galaxy. But we are also the most dense, mass wise, and compact, organ wise.
So most species might be the size of houses, are shaped like weird jellyfish or walk on long spindly legs, and can bend the squared cube law due to their homeworld's lower gravity. While humans are small, stout, fast, and durable.
I figure this would also tie into how 'weak' humans are perceived on a per individual basis. If other species are on the average bigger than us, they'd have to be less dense to compensate. Because of this, they'd actually be physically weaker to small, fast moving projectiles than we are; due to their bodies having less mass to absorb the impact and allowing the bullet or knife to punch through them with much greater ease. On top of this, the human body has many methods of delivering impacts of concentrated force. We are the only species on earth that can curl our hands into a very durable blunted end, and we can throw objects at incredibly fast speeds with startling accuracy, like said.
These traits, along with our ability to be incredibly cruel, cunning, and efficient-in-slaughter when put into a high adrenaline state, would probably make us some of the most feared CQC races in the galaxy. Barring horrific, teethed, tentacle monsters, of course.
Dragonball humans do, however, have the best food in the universe.
The "half-humans are strong" thing seems to come from humans having strong emotions with which to fuel their power, but base stats too weak to benefit much from it. Gohan basically has a saiyan body and a human mind.
Let's take a setting like D&D, where most races have a tendency towards a specific alignment. Except humans.
Let's exaggerate that. Humans don't have an alignment at all. That's not to say they can't be compassionate or dicks, but alignment-based effects completely ignore them. Good races can't summon demons, and Evil ones can't touch a holy sword without getting burned, but humans can do both at once as if it was the most natural thing in the world.
Naturally, this tends to make races who *do* have an alignment really paranoid, since they can never tell if humans are really trustworthy or not.
They are
Nymphes spend years trying to conceive(slower gestation periods don't help), same with Oirpates(much shorter lifespans also don't help), while Valkyrie and the fifth race which I'm still working on also have childbirth and conception issues
>Flexibility: Humans aren't really the best at anything, but they're reasonably competent in virtually all possible fields. They're not the fastest, they're not the strongest, their tech isn't the best, they're not the most enduring, etc., but they're capable of doing all that and holding their own in any field against all but the best of more specialized species. Other species are often floored by the wide variety of tactics and strategies that humans will employ, as well as the range of actions they can physically perform in the accomplishment of those tasks.
There's more to flexibility than that. Particularly when the species in question is also highly social.
Look at an elf. Elves are usually self-sufficient and don't form strong family bonds. Every elf is decent with magic and archery and swords and hunting and songs and so on.
By contrast there are humans who dedicate themselves entirely to one skill, at the cost of everything else. Unlike elves they can get away with this, because they have friends and family who specialized in other things, and can cover for each others' weaknesses.
One on one, a human is no match for an elf. A thousand on a thousand, elves are no match for humans.
tl;dr - the strongest force in the universe is teamwork
The fact that several species of animal (including chimps, but also animals like bees) have rudimentary languages indicates that language by itself is a shit metric for intelligence. Also, does no one defending human uniqueness ever mention our GIANT fucking neocortices or our executive functions?
>These traits, along with our ability to be incredibly cruel, cunning, and efficient-in-slaughter when put into a high adrenaline province, would probably make us some of the most feared CQC races in the galaxy. Barring horrific, teethed, tentacle monsters, of course.
"Holy shit! The only things MORe lethal than these guys are the squidarians. Check out this country named 'Japan', though - they make PORN out of Squidarians."
Okay, but those are animals with less sapience (sentience?) And it's not abnormal to rape or fuck the dead.
A human can make a stop sign attractive and wish to fuck it.
>humans are the space dwarves of the setting
I'm okay with this.
desu if we give retarded people rights we should probably give lesser sapient animals rights too
I really like these. I’ll probably end up using them a bit for when my players ask.
You know, I always figured that Earth governments would limit where Aliens could land. Maybe Earth is a backwater, but we take care to make sure they don’t get shot where they go
what if humans where the only sentient species that masturbated?
Then God help the prudes we meet in the galaxy.
That sounds infamously erotic.
Humans are just better breeders and make better offspring than any other race.
Along with our adaptable fetishes, that's interesting.
>Every other culture out there has abandoned fapping for the Lord
>We're the only ones who haven't and God finds that a little weird so he doesn't visit us as often
I'm sorry.
They're the strongest and toughest of their body size which makes for good soldiers maybe.
Settings with more than one sapient species that's met eachother for more than a few generations don't make sense. Either one is murdered or they interbreed.
they're not nocturnal like dwarves and elves, and they can see more colors
Making humans stand out more depends on making races that aren't just "humans with a quirk". Most of the time readers/players will treat humans as normal because we know them, so the contrast works best if other races are wildly different.
You don't need to work to make humans stand out from other species if the other species are Modrons, the Orz, a hivemind race, and, I dunno, clowns. They'll stand out naturally
I mean you could look at what made humans able to get ontop of the food chain. One being that there really is no animal that can run for as long as humans. Sure some can run faster, but not for as long and certainly not also regain a bit of stamina while still running. Meaning it's easier for a pack of humans to both escape and hunt their prey. Also dwarves basically stole a lot of the humans features. Humans are great at making up new shit and using tools. Remove or alter dwarves, make humans the industrial powerhouse who can seemingly run for endless amounts of time with their repeating magazine fed crossbows and you got some nightmare fuel for some of the other races that ain't even too far out there.
>You can't get much heavier than our gravity is now before you end up unable to crack the fuel/weight ratio for space flight
I never like when people make assumptions about the evolution of technology like that. We have no idea how other species might figure out space travel, and assuming they'll do it the same way is nonsensical.
Iono, be human? What makes aliens special to other aliens?
>Humans were the only race made in Gods image
>Also the only race to be banished from the Garden of Eden
So what does that say about God then?
>The Existence of humanity is proof that god isn't perfect, absolute heresy to the rest of the galaxy.
Also he's kind of a jerk. The kind of guy you meet at a party that won't stop talking about himself.
The tough warrior race that is small yet enduring.
Physics is constant. We do things the way we do because they are the most efficient way of doing it. Even if it were possible for some sort of magical anti-gravity engine, we don't have the technical knowhow yet to build it, thus we use rockets. it stands to reason that another race would also use rockets because it's an effective vehicle compared to giant cannons or mega balloons or something, unless you are talking about some wacky zany Kerbal like race that does not care about efficiency in any way.
The only time you might actually see wildly different forms of space travel would be in long range inter planetary/interstellar travel, since there are a lot more options with various pros and cons.
Humans fucking love getting exicted for somthing, If you can convice them in some form of future endevor then you have gained a staunch ally
Most animals and I doubt 99% of spacefaring races just on pure necessity would not kill themselves to inconvenience another, humanity has far more than mere sadism, the ability in literally every person to be a bitter fuck and hold grudges years in prosperity, many of the great human stories are those of cruel revenge.
>art of the deal
Humans motherfucking love a good deal, the entire species just loves trading so god-damn much. Everybody loves selling and buying while believing they have recived *value* for their transaction. It may not even be a real or tangible value being exchanged, this applies to diplomacy and any and all exchanges.
Tricking a human into a false deal can cause suicide or induce critical pettiness the likes of which can burn nations.
>humans get along with AI really well, a lot more than most species. Human society's are a lot more integrated with robots and AI's than most. We also get along with synthetic species more and frequently play diplomatic middle man.
Only because we mindhacc'd ourselves into treating them better through a generational fear of Skynet and 100's of teen feel good A.i's are people too movies
I genuinely hope that happens and all that effort doesn't go unlearnt when we make some
>some wacky zany Kerbal like race that does not care about efficiency in any way
The mistake you're making is that you're looking at efficiency from a human perspective.
Would their rockets be less efficient than ours? Well, considering their bodyweight would be way higher, a manned rocket would undoubtedly be less efficient. But an unmanned one wouldn't, so there's nothing preventing them from figuring out how to build rockets. And from there on, it's just a matter of time. They're not going to be all "oh boy we sure are bad at this compared to humans so why even bother!" because they don't even know what a human is. They are by default the pinnacle of efficiency because there would be nothing to compare it to. And while it may take them longer to figure out how to actually get a dude in space, there's no reason to assume they could never do it.
This whole idea you seem to have is utterly ridiculous to start with, because there's no hard cap on how much weight you can send up other than what our currently available (and economically viable) technology is capable of, and efficiency can be improved in other ways than just reducing weight. Human spacecraft are designed for human use, so of course it wouldn't work for something the size of an elephant. But that doesn't mean that we couldn't get an elephant into space if we wanted to.
It depends with what species you are comparing humans to.
Humanity, out of all fantasy races, has the greatest capacity for extremes of emotion, making them able to perform the greatest acts of charity and kindness and produce the finest examples of art and music but can also perform the greatest acts of cruelty, genocide and opression.
A factor you may have missed is planet composition.
We have the resources to make rocket fuel, that fuel having certain properties.
Elements could be found in wildly varying amounts on different planets, many things deemed dead ends or useless or too dangerous or bad for the environment may not be concerns for another race.
The only two AI options user is A. total destruction via an accident B. A rapid increase in technology, changing humanity.
We probably still die in option 2. But you know, we'll see. Soon.
>Well, considering their bodyweight would be way higher, a manned rocket would undoubtedly be less efficient.
Compared to what other option they have? The words "less efficient" require a "than" to complete the thought.
Not him, but that guy is totally right: The laws of physics are constant. We know exactly what is possible to do with a chemical rocket engine, even considering seriously dangerous rocket fuel like chlorine trifluoride (which you would be completely insane to use, this stuff burns already burned ashes and even itself in a complete vacuum). There is a limit to chemical rocket engine. This limit isn't very higher than our own gravity.
Incidentally, we are at the limit of what a space elevator can do, and at the limit of what skyhook can manage, and both space elevators and skyhooks need to be launched in orbit firsthand.
It is possible to imagine a civilization using nuclear rocket to achieve low-orbit, but it is far more difficult and dangerous. Antigravs are equivalent to both FTL and time travel, and such will probably never be invented.
Point is, there are not many solutions to a specie bound to a high gravity world. If they achieve space travel, it won't be after a while, if ever. The cost would be enormous.
These are better than what I usually see
Mental illness. Humans are the only species to have mental illness that is not the result of neurological damage
>There is a limit to chemical rocket engine. This limit isn't very higher than our own gravity.
This is... not true. Your rockets just have to keep getting bigger.
Here's a random link with some math:
At 4x Earth gravity, the same rocket would only carry 1/40th the payload. The Saturn V carried 310,000lbs to LEO, so a 4x gravity species launching a Saturn V would be able to put 7,500lbs in orbit. That's big enough for the majority of the satellites currently in orbit, for example. And while expensive, that was also 1960s technology - give your species circa 2100 Earth technology, and they can probably build a cheaper rocket.
The details also matter, though. If the planet is 4x the mass but also 4x the size, that changes things and makes it easier. But in general, the only theoretical line at which gravity becomes so high that spaceflight is infeasible is when your rockets start needing to be so big they become a substantial fraction of the planet's mass. It gets increasingly expensive as you scale up mass from Earth, but there's not some arbitrary breaking point at double or quadruple Earth's gravity.
>Humans are the healthy race
>Least issues with conception and childbirth
>While we still have placenta and mother-child being competitive
>humans are the jack of all trades species
This trope needs to die
Thanks user, I try to make my races different for a lot more than physical reasons. Sometimes the best way to make an alien is make its perception alien as well.
Humans are the rats/goblins of the galaxy.
Short lives. Fast breeding. Can coop up in places other races find too dirty, too hot, too dark and too loud to survive in, including sections of stations that were originally only accessed by remote repair drones. A station can have an entire city of humans in it without the population proper ever seeing more than a few wealthy or politically relevant stragglers. Humans even find some of these places comfortable. Anything with a semi-controlled temperature, oxygen supply and water source can become a mobile home for the traveling critters. They even spend entire lives on starships, with ship crews acting as a nest in and of itself.
You could possibly add strength and speed to that list.
Earth may be at the top end of the gravity scale for a people that can reach orbit through propellant rocket technology. Much heavier gravity and it wouldn't be feasible.
Because of that it may be likely that other space fairing races that we come in contact with (assuming they come to us and not we to them) may likely be from a planet with a lower gravity than earth. So humans may, from their point of view, be stronger than them. And, because of that strength, faster.
This is literally the plot of deathworlders, the book.
I truly love it.
They deal with certian monsters better than other races.
Random various traits that are unique to humans:
Selfless cooperation. Even among primates, humans are ridiculously cooperative. Small children have an instinctive drive to "help", regardless of the expectation of rewards, from before they're even old enough to speak. You can determine this to be a necessary artifact of evolving higher intelligence, but then convergent evolution is gonna do that to you a lot.
Hands are weird. Human hands do all kinds of weird shit no other animal's hands can do, our manual dexterity is ridiculous. Other primates have opposable thumbs, but our hands are flexible even by their standards. We're also the only animals who can make fists or throw things - chimps can toss shit at each other, but not throw a fastball.
We're weirdly hairless. The only other mammals with hairless bodies like ours have either extremely tough skin (elephants), or live in the water or underground (hippos, mole rats).
Only humans can faint from fear. Other animal play dead, instinctively, but none of them actually *lose consciousness*.
We colonize fucking everywhere. Not talking about modern man, with technology - ancient man, with sticks and fire and pointy rocks, walked right out of Africa and to basically everywhere else on Earth. Cold, hot, dry, wet; and unlike rats or bugs, we didn't rely on or follow another species around. We went of our own accord.
Period blood. Human women bleed a lot more than females in other primate species.
Our brains are really asymmetric, with various knock-on effects. Other species don't have, for example, the extreme predominance of right handedness humans do.
Only humans cry for emotional reasons. Other animals can laugh (well, an evolutionary predecessor analogous to laughing), but only we cry.
Human birth/pregnancy is wierd in general, with all the unnecesary pains and struggles
>tentacles training
Legitimately cute and there needs to be more.
I think we should be careful about describing stuff that makes humans different from other critters on the Earth. That doesn't really have to apply to aliens that are advanced enough to visit. While they may not have the exact characteristic (for example 'hands') they will likely need something that is an analog to them.
>Only humans cry for emotional reasons.
There is no reason to believe that aliens will have the full range of emotions, or the exact emotions, that humans have. More interestingly to me, is to consider what emotions they might have that we do not.
Humans don't have exclusivity to sadness. Just exclusivity to crying over it.
Can you call Star Wars good movies when the amount of bad movies greatly outweigh the good ones?
I don't even mind ME3, the DLC and extended ending was enough to keep me happy. I'm more upset about the pacing. 2 should have really been the first game and 1 continued off from there. Now you go from galaxy saving hero to some small fry space pirate looking for missing colonists, back to a galaxy saving hero.