what would be the best way to run a killing bites campaign including all the stupid tropes ?
What would be the best way to run a killing bites campaign including all the stupid tropes ?
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Lets get obvious generic answer, i.e. FATE, out of the way first.
You get to name your beast aspect and tricks in ALLCAPS ANNOUNCER VOICE.
Also you always get "That's what killing bites is" game aspect to invoke.
The one the sharpest fangs wins
Is this show actually good or is it just Ecchi and memes?
Yes and Yes
First step is to define what Killing Bites is.
Every time I see this anime it reminds me that we'll never get another Bloody Roar game and them I'm sad.
So is this some kind of tournament anime like the Zodiac War?
What is Killing Bites?
You play documentary about the animal players are fighting right now in the background.
Whenever someone reminds someone about the sharpest fangs, they get extra experience points, but other players have the right to slap one saying that if the situation is inappropriate.
All females are barely beastly, all males are full-blown furries except for sympathetic B-list character.
Don't talk shit about Best Girl
Beast girl*
ooOh i wanna to kiss this cat girl! i want touch her hug her and kneel for her lick her leg Ou
That's what Killing Bites is!
You use superior transformation sequences.
>dat tail wrapping
Looks like an even shittier Inuyasha for the modern weeb demographic.
>Her shoulder hair is so sharp/hard it tears through her shirt.