Should "ugly" characters be able to succeed charm/seduction rolls?
Should "ugly" characters be able to succeed charm/seduction rolls?
I don't know. Should you?
is english not your first language?
no, ugly characters should not be able to succeed difficult charm/seduction rolls in the same way weak characters should not be able to lift heavy objects
If you meant "should ugly characters have low charisma" the answer is it depends, since charisma is explicitly not "beauty" otherwise it would just be fucking called that. Hideous ogres and krakens and shit have like 40 charisma because they're big and imposing, a side effect of weak game design in DnD means that they will have huge bonuses to charm/seduction but that's easy enough to handwave.
OP, have you ever gotten laid?
Wow, it's impressive how wrong you are. Yes, an ugly person can be charming. Charm and seduction aren't all about hotness, because this isn't a porno. If an ugly guy sounds like Vincent Price and acts like James Bond, he's charming. If Adonis sounds like Mickey Mouse and acts like an autist, he won't be seducing anyone.
>>no, ugly characters should not be able to succeed difficult charm/seduction rolls in the same way weak characters should not be able to lift heavy objects
Weak bants desu
What are you implying about my Nozomi?
>tfw Steve Buscemi
Not bad, user. Not bad at all.
L. Ron Hubbard managed to start a religion.
Charm? Yes.
Seduction? With significant penalties.
It's obviously unthinkable that some of the most vain people in the world wouldn't damage their image by admitting they fucked and sucked a walrus for fame, prestige and millions of dollars.
How many women have came out as 'almost raped' by the Stein?
Now compare how many have admitted to actually fucking him? Even if he's portrayed as a predator they still won't admit actual intercourse.
>Kavorka man
Op, if i may ask, where does that image hails from?
That's Deception, though.
Mick Jagger, Steven Tyler, and Tom Petty pretty much drowned in poon, dude.
Charisma > Attractiveness.
But ugly players shouldn't.
If you are charismatic, wealthy, funny, or famous, or if the person you are seducing or charming just isn't that socially adept or attractive themselves, then there's not much of a penalty for appearance. Especially if you're a man.
You raise good points. 0/10 would not fuck micky mouse voiced Adonis.
do they have Cha or not?
In real life ugly people do get laid sometimes, as proof of this ugly genes still exist. So the answer is yes.
However, there should be a crazy penalty for that. Seduction is first and foremost a matter of appearance, doing the exact same thing will turn people on or off depending on whether you're hot or not.