Spellcrafting Thread: Pyromancy Edition

Welcome to the Spellcrafting thread, where people write out the description, effects, lore and statblocks for spells they just made up.

Todays topic is Pyromancy, the magic of burning things. While most systems don't have a dedicated pyromancer, fire-magic is common enough that it deserves some discussion.
Hard mode: Come up with non-combat applications for pyromancy spells.

You can go as in-depth as you want, from just the general idea of a spell, to a full-blown history and game info to go with it. I'll post some to keep the thread alive in the hopes that other people hop in and start posting their own.

Attached: unchained_01.png (1920x1080, 2.69M)

>Hard mode: Come up with non-combat applications for pyromancy spells.
Creation, passion, cooking, heating, communicating, travel, illuminating, healing

Oh silly me, I meant to go into further detail and ask that spells FOR non-combat applications are made.

Through a complex incantation, the caster heats the magical energies in their body or the target at a number of specific spots, causing heat to spontaneously manifest and cauterize existing wounds. Failure to properly cast the spell results in the magic manifesting as piercing gouts of flame that most definitely do more harm then good.

Ailera's Gentle Rest
Materials: a handful of kindling and a piece of charcoal.

A circle made with charcoal is placed upon the ground and the kindling is placed within it. When a campfire is lit with this ritual cannot be extinguished by non magical means, additionally it will not spread beyond the charcoal circle, meals prepared with this camp fire will always be free of disease and poison and non friendly creatures up to a medium size will be warded off (this includes parasites such as ticks and fleas).

>Rite of Swallowed Flame
>Level 3 Evocation
>V, S
>Duration: 1 min/level
As a full-round action, the caster draws a fire of Large size or smaller into their body through their mouth. While the fire remains in their body, the caster gains Resist [Caster Level] cold, and can endure arctic temperatures. As a standard action, the caster may end this effect and release the fire from their mouth — dealing 5d6 damage and setting those in a 30-foot cone on fire (REF save for half and not catching on fire).

>Fire of Inspiration

The caster gently wraps their hands around the targets head and a gentle heat and glow emits from their hands. This spell is said to draw upon the creative and motive force of fire to inspire intense feelings of self confidence and personal energy driving away fear and doubt in the mind.

This spell has become a favorite particularly among atheletes and artist who live for the moment and pour all of their life and energy into their chosen activities. While some frown upon the use of the spell seeing it as "cheating" the fact remains it does nothing to actually enhance a persons abilities merely only inspiring them with confidence or drawing it out.

Typically, one use of the spell is enough but others have been known to have the spell repeatedly cast upon them to the point they feel deep depression and no passion without it to the point the spell will no longer work on them

>TLDR: Hot blooded nonsense, the spell

The caster sears the essence of cold ash into an object, leaving a fairly permanent black mark where their finger or focus rests. A simple cantrip often borrowed by generalists, it's easy enough to use it for writing in place of ink.

The caster touches an object and burns out all of its potential in an instant. Nonmagical objects are aged and dusted, while magical objects and people are merely sapped of energy and covered in char.

>Tame Fire
The caster rebukes a fire, magical or nonmagical, and (using a sample of the stuff or the individual to be protected) prevents it from burning that sort of thing or person. Simple enough to do alongside massive attacks, it's also used to protect libraries, allow owners to bypass fiery protections, etc. An offering of rare woods can make it as permanent as the flickering attention of fire allows.

>Burning Purgation
The caster or target is befit by intense sweating and salivation. (Harsher castings of the spell can result in other, less flattering ways of emptying the body)
Through this process, toxins, poisons, and diseases are extracted from the body and released through sweat. Due to the dehydration this process can cause, it is delegated to use in hospitals.
>Filsons Boiling Purification
A similar spell used in Alchemical pursuits to draw out impurities and otherwise purify an ingredient of negative effects.

>Voice of Ashes
>Duration 10 minutes
The links one goes to to acquire knowledge is never enough. Even being cremated is no garuntee of safety against an eager necromancer.

Requiring the ashes of the deceased, the necromancer fills a bowl with the contents and sets the bottom of the bowl alight with fire and an object of relevance to that individual (a scrap of clothing for example). This causes the ashes to form into a flaming skeleton and forces the spirit to dwell within for a short duration though questioning can be hampered as the spirit is uncomfortable in their new, burning vessel.

Use Dark Souls logic for Pyromancy and you can greatly expand what it can do beyond just burning things.

Fire is a process. A state of change.

In my setting, mankind is born of fire. Starting off as tiny, helpless sparks, growing into healthy blazes and eventually guttering and decaying into ash.

Fire mages embrace this philosophy, and as such are passionate, wild souls who see themselves as humanity in it's purest form. These 'Wildfires' are the philosophical opponents of normal Pyromancers, who maintain mankinds churches and sometimes political positions.

"Fire can be a show of strength, but it is also a symbol of wisdom and comfort. Fire is what the caster wishes it be."

Power Within is fantastic

>Dust in the Wind
In a terrifying display, a mage is consumed by flames, and crumbles into ash. This ash is then moved by a subtle but powerful wind, allowing for subtle and swift travel. After a period of few hours, the ashes gather and in a flash of heat the mage is seemingly reborn from the ashes. A caster can focus and push the spell even further, but doing so risks the ashes dissipating along with the casters essence and life.

I like the idea of soothing lost spirits with a warm and calming fire. Something to chase away the cold feeling of undeath.

God I loved the pyromancy descriptions in one.

Flame is just one aspect of Phlogiston, which has countless more applications in corroding metal and other substances, transmutation of oils into other curious substances, and invigorating living creatures (though rumors abound that mages who make regular use of the latter become aged before their time - the candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long).

Staring at fire is supposed to be calming and soothing to humans.

Something like
Long Days Rest: You create a small campfire that calms and relaxes those who stare into it. Your rest is magically more restful.

Or a spell that is a charm effect that relies on fire to enthrall.

Fire is also used to remove obstacles: So you could have a flame thrwer style effect that melts/removes almost any obstacle.

The natives in my area believe that there is a fire in all of our hearts. So You could do a healing spell where you can bring someone back by relighting the flame or heal/buff them by increasing it's power at the cost of shortening their life.

I also just thought of a guy who is "the town wizard" because he "knows some magic" but the only spell he bothered to learn makes a small flame that he really only uses to light cigarettes/candles at parties to try to mack on dumb peasants.

There's a priestess npc in my campaigns who has Pyro from X-Men's power as a spell. She moves fire that's already around, because it's easier than creating fire. She mostly uses it to play with candelabras and do party tricks, but if she had to, she's willing and able to take a flaming bale of hay and ram all that fire up your orifices.

>Mystic Incense
The caster channels the energies of fire magic into a measure of any flammable material. As it begins to crack and smolder from the heat, an intoxicating cloud begins to billow out. This incense clears the mind of any negative affects, lets casters re-focus on their spells, and leaves those who enjoy the smoke clear-headed and in good spirits.


Through supreme self confidence and will, the caster radiates light and heat, becoming as a terrestrial sun, blinding those nearby and striking terror into all who see it. The land nearby is reduced to ash and fused glass, and raging chords of light whip and arc around the caster, searing anything they touch.

>Breath of the Sun

The caster calls on the Sun's gentle aspect, breathing warmth into the hearts of those nearby. The kind glow of the morning sun rids the targets of their fears and sorrows, and sets them completely at ease.

>Demon Brand
>Time Instant

The caster takes a broken piece of an actual branding iron and casts it into a non-magical fire to heat to red hot. Once this is done the caster grabs the broken bit of iron and their arm will begin to glow orange-white hot as well and whomever or whatever they touch will be branded with their handprint.

Upon doing so, the caster will know the general location of any item or person branded within a range of 50ft per caster level and can "rebuke" a living individual by triggering the pain of branding at their choosing or causing a small fire to erupt on the object that does not harm the object.

The spell can be dispelled with a Dispel magic spell/effect, Greater Restoration (if on a living individual). The effect can be nullified if the subject is enclosed in a thick barrier of lead or is on another plane of existence

Oh I actually really dig Entropize.

Fuck I was waiting for a thread like that to pop up one day
I made a character for a fantasy campaign (in the gm homebrew setting), its a pyromancer but I wanted to stray away from the pyromaniac & more or less literal hot head pyromancer.
Its an old man who is trying his best not to burn everything to the ground. I deal the most damage out of the party but I'm trying to find fun ways to use fire magic that doesn't involve burning everything until its ash
Due to how fire magic work in this setting (it's mainly for destructive purposes) I can't go the Dark Souls pyromancies route and have it heal people or shit like that.
So far all my spells consisted of making various artistic projectile out of the fire, giant bow, giant ram or skull ect. Some spells I made are
Gradually makes an area (to the maximum of 50 diameter) more and more hot, ideal to make guards in heavy armor uncomfortable or having them go fetch a drink, the heat can rapidly become lethal though.
Engulf the area with smoke, highly lethal, even more so inside buildings

Attached: Charcoal Cole.png (621x833, 735K)

>Righteous Fire
>9th-level Evocation

>Casting Time: 1 action
>Range: Self
>Components: V, S, M (skin scorched black and a fist aflame)
>Duration: 10 minutes

You become a great warrior of divine fire. For the duration of the spell you gain the following benefits:
>You take 5d10 fire damage and 5d10 radiant damage at the beginning of each of your turns.
>You provide bright light in a 60-foot radius and dim light for an additional 60-feet. Each creature of your choice in the bright light when you cast this spell must make a Dexterity saving throw, as must a creature that enter the bright light for the first time on its turn or ends its turn there, taking 5d10 fire damage and 5d10 radiant damage on a failed save, and half as much on a successful one.
>You cannot die.

Fire of Ashralak
Components needed: 1 vampire's heart, 1 obsidian censer, 1 sulfurous torch
Directions: Place vampire's heart in censer, burn with torch
Effect: Hellfire from one of the worst hells in existence blasts up in a huge explosive geyser, the hellfire present for level-number fractions of 1/10th second (so level 8 cast would be 1/8th of 1/10th of a second), the hellfire several times hotter than a nuclear detonation.

>The Warm March
The caster, quite literally puts a fire in the belly of a target, providing supernatural warmth and nourishment along with a dull light, emanating from the stomach. This spells effects last for a standard 5 hours, plus the casters level.
The side effects is a cloying, chilled feeling and a sense of fatigue that lasts for half the time spent under it's effects.

>Cherry Bombs
Cast 10 small fiery orbs up to 30 feet away doing 1d4 each. you can target multiple enemies with one or more orbs, a single orb can not target multiple enemies.

>Warm blooded
Passive: You do not let the fire burning inside you die out. You ignore any environmental effects related to cold.

>Hot Tempered
Your stubborn rage burns hot, you now make con saves with advantage

>Flaring Temper
Stoke the fires of rage in a target, giving their attacks fire damage and improving movement speed, but clouding their minds in a haze of belligerent red.