A intelligent humanoid race that hunts and eats humans

>A intelligent humanoid race that hunts and eats humans.
>They are physically superior to humans.

How and where could humans survive?

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Shoot them with guns. Physical superiority sucks when compared with technological superiority.

Lions eat us all the time and are superior to us physically.

And yet we nearly drove them extinct because we're smarter than they are and can make tools.

When you say "intelligent humanoid race," how intelligent are we talking?
If they're more intelligent than us, my guess would be that at least one of the places where humans survive is in their human farms.

Well there is evidence neanderthals ate us.

Most popular theory these days is we fucked them to extinction.

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About the same intelligence as humans.

Evidence suggests it was neanderthal men fucking human women, so they fucked themselves to extinction.

That and our ancestors banded together and genocided the shit out of them.

Same way rival cannibal tribes survived

Well, they wouldn't want to eat all of us at once, right? That would prevent them from continuing eating us in the future. Surely that results in us surviving.

Not necessarily. Even humans are notorious for killing off stuff due to lack of foresight and instant gratification.

Approximate population size VS Humans? And how technologically advanced are they?

Well of they're as intelligent as us, one can assume as technology advanced, so it would be an incredibly long and drawn out fight for both sides. Guns equalize many physical shortcomings. Unless you mean they're vastly physically superior.

Not that we wouldn't have an uphill battle. Even if the physical difference is only as large as the one between human men and human women, it would be difficult. We'd have to find some advantage and leverage it.

Chimps are physically superior to humans and we keep them in glass cages for our amusement. Humans have outright genocides countless species more physically impressive than ourselves. You'll need a lot more than that to threaten humans.

>How and where could humans survive?
>same intelligence as humans
>physically superior to humans
As cattle.


Also, we've wiped out entire species on accident before. Imagine what we could/would do to a species that tried fucking with us.

Easy. You send in a bunch of diseased fucker to fight them, lose and get eaten and then HIV starts wiping them all out or leaving them so weak that they cannot fight. Then you just walk into their cities and gun them down.

Isn't that basically old school elves?

Depends on a lot of things, either humans are far more numerous and a normal predator/prey dynamic works out, humans go extinct or out smart their predators and make them go extinct. The how is all setting dependant.

Chimps aren't intelligent.

>looks at Hiroshima and Nagasaki
>looks at the Holocaust

If they're as intelligent as us then we could try appealing to morality. I mean, would you still eat cows without any hesitation or qualms if the cow could play games with your, or discuss philosophy, or create fantastic works of art, or plead charismatically to you for the lives of its people, etc.?

Yes they are. Not as intelligent as us, but certainly intelligent.

So, We're looking at a predatory species with similar (or identical) intellectual capabilities as its prey, and only a direct physical superiority to rely on.

So, let's take this to reproduction strategy:

Predators can not breed anywhere near as fast as their prey, or they end up overpopulating and depleting food resources. Since humans have a M-Type reproductive strategy which is contingent on a prolonged post-birth development and an long, complicated pregnancy cycle with low birth numbers, our hypothetical predatory species would have to breed at a positively glacial rate, with equally low broods.

So: we end up with single Superior Predator enemies confronted by mass numbers of Humans. We're looking at a "how many people to wrestle a gorilla" scenario here, except the humans would be able to use the same force multiplication techniques that the hunters did.

You know what I mean man.

OP said "intelligent". Say what you mean, in future.

I always thought a setting where humans were farmed in very densely packed conditions would make for nice grimdark.

>there's something that'd just plain better than humans, how do we live
We don't, except by their mercy. What other fucking answer were you expecting? When you take the strengths of humans and arbitrarily assign values to the enemy that nullifies those strengths, we lose. It's not even an interesting question, just needlessly anti-HFY.

You're dumb as a chimp if you genuinely didn't know what OP meant by "intelligent" in that context.

Okay, listen: Those first two? Well, the second one was only because our leadership forgot to tell our general to stop dropping atomic bombs, and the other thing? Yeah, that was part of the list of things Hitler did wrong, right alongside Russia and Winter and putting the tank commander out to Africa and etc. etc. etc.

>implying humanity wouldn't become the cockroaches of the humanoids
>popping up all over the place, ruining your day and being seemingly impossible to kill

Read the thread in the future.

You forgot the part about the lions being

Lets disregard the whole fact that the OP question also stipulates that the preds are humanoids and thus capable of tool use. Intelligent lions in Africa would have utterly assfucked humanity during earh's pre-history and wiped us out*....Actually they would probably keep human slaves around and then the power of technology would march to the point where the human slaves with all that wonderful new inventions could overthrow their lion overlords and*.... Shit this is starting to sound like a surprisingly nice little setting premise.

>Bronze age world ruled by utterly inexplicably sapient lions who keep humans around as second class citizens/slaves/company/food/out of pure respect for the only other thing in the world that shares sapience with them only for the impracticality of being obligate carnivores and not being dexterous tool users starts to catch up to them and the lions end up with the human slaves on the cusp of making the lions irreverent/revolting and murdering them all.

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So something like the Chinese?

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Caves, bro.
Nobody's going to hunt something that's a bitch to hunt unless the demand is so high that a good catch will get them a shit ton of money.

Tell that to an elephant.

Just how physically superior are we talking here?

Well, you do have to worry about reprisals. If we can into chemical warfare, so can they. But I suppose since they require us to eat, but we require their destruction, we have far less to worry about. I think I'm on board with this. The black and gay communities might hate us, though.

OP is demonstrably retarded. As are you.

Aside from That, just examples of humans reacting to people actively fucking with them and the scale of our retribution towards wrongdoers.

Go extinct and let them starve.

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If you're too retarded to say what you mean in the OP then don't expect people to dig through a thread trying to find your appendices.

These answers are dumb.

People are either ignoring the intelligent part (since they're about at our level, that's not that big of a deal), but also ignoring a crucial element: we can and do eat anything that's not us anyway.

IF they were exactly as physically capable as humans, I'm 100% certain we would eat them as well. In fact, if they were there from our very beginnings, I'm certain we would also hunt them.

As another user said, prey always outnumber predator, but if they rely on meat (fairly certain we're supposed to be their #1 food source if your intention is clear), then we would definitely outnumber them. Humans can take down mammoths, humans can take down a smart carnivore mammoth.

It's not a matter of guns vs guns, the battle would definitely be decided far far before that. Think about it from a different angle, if you were the predator and your prey were suddenly as smart as you...just imagine all cows were instead very weak humans. Still smart, still as numerous, we'd still be in for a very very rough time.

So, it all depends on exactly how their diet works, just HOW physically superior they are, and when we're looking at. Practically speaking, though, I'm quite sure the """prey""" would end up eating the predators.

>The black and gay communities might hate us, though.
No they won't. Cuz they'll be dead. Everybody wins.

Well I mean, wherever the intelligent humanoid could not, or if humans gained a technological advantage, or any number of things. Your scenario is too nebulous, how physically superior to humans are they? Do they die if stabbed with a spear? Are they fifteen feet tall?

I mean realistically unless human is the ONLY thing that they eat then humans will likely survive due to being too much of a pain in the dick to hunt compared to say, deer.

Superior numbers, adaptability, tactics, intelligence, technology, organization, birth rates, etc.

The technologies of both sides matter insofar as the degree to which physical prowess matters. Guns are a great equalizer, etc. The hunter's need to consume humans also limits their tactics: while they need to eat us (read: the bodies of their prey need to remain edible after combat), we are not similarly constrained.

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I'm sorry you can't read more than 3 posts, user. Maybe you shouldn't be on an internet forum if you can't keep up.

How intelligent? Do they have access to our technology, or technology of a similar level? If not, how good is theirs? How many of them?
If they're as smart and numerous as humans, then we die, of course. That's a stupid question. If not, we kill them, our own losses be damned. Humans don't like to move when we're threatened.

It was really obvious it mean sapient. Otherwise it would just be every single predator species.

>There is evidence neanderthals ate us

No there isn't. There is evidence desperate Cannibalism was around but not that they ate us as an active foodstuff.

High power balistics vs elephant...hmmmm

Who would win guys, I cant for the life of me figure out


We survive by the nature that they literally can not wipe humanity out without starving.

Using this knowledge, we grind them down with attrition as you can never outnumber your food supply.

>Enslaves the prey species for later.

wew, that was close.

It's an imageboard.

Say what you mean in future.

>Enslaves the species.

If the Hunter species has the capacity to do this, then there is no point in setting up the theoretical question.

And unlike Cows and such, Humans are not stupid enough to accept slavery.

So unless this is literally a Matrix Scenario, the Hunter species will never win.

What if the cattle don't know they're cattle?

>It's an imageboard
Right, next time we'll explain using pretty pictures so you can keep up.

There are a few ways humans could survive which I'll summarize.

1. The predators are intelligent, but not moreso than humans.
Our rapid technological advancement outpaced theirs almost immediately, giving us a crucial edge even if they have some form of technology.

2. The predators do not breed as quickly as humans.
They may be required to stick to stealthily and independently hunting humans because even though they would beat us easily in an even fight, we outnumber them too greatly for them to win an open confrontation.

3. The predators have a critical weakness.
Maybe it's sunlight like vampires, cold iron like fey, or some sort of magical technique they can't counteract but humans found it and abused it to keep them safe, however the weakness wasn't crippling enough for us to exterminate them given the difference in combat power, only to keep us safe.

4. Humans have grown adept at hiding.
This prevents any sort of settlement from forming but you could have a society of humans that live nomadically in natural environments to hide from predators, who in turn most likely built their own cities.

5. As people have suggested, humans could be livestock.
If the predators are just humans but better in every possible respect, we could only survive by being domesticated and farmed like animals, and maybe occasionally escaping to live briefly in the wild outside civilization.


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Say what you mean, mongo

You know elephant guns have a almost perfect record against elephants, right?
I've never heard of an elephant killing an elephant gun, but I've heard of many elephants being killed by elephant guns.

On another planet.

In an enslaved people, in every generation, there will exist people who know they are slaves. If you're lucky, you'll find those willing to fight and die for their freedom in every generation like the Irish did. If human history has taught us anything, is that no human is truly content in slavery and a group of discontent humans is a rebellion.

The problem with that is that in those circumstances they were humans fighting against humans.
We're talking about humans fighting against betterhumans

The OP's question is in itself pretty fucking stupid what with the preds being utterly reliant on eating humans specifically. But it is possible to build a long lasting population of slaves and it is also possible to build a population that idealised the use of mass murder (as seen by the aztecs.) Exactly how much more the preds are physically superior to us changes how many people they could bully into going along with it.

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That's why elephants are being hunted to extinction in Africa. Because guns don't work on them. Oh wait.

What difference would physical superiority made in a guerrilla warfare scenario? Superior firepower > superior physicality every day of the week and even superior firepower and technology couldn't stop the Irish from driving the English out.

Well,they probably need more food, sleep more, have shorter lifespans ore some similar disadvantage, so they'd either die off from food crisis or we'd kill them while they sleep, nazgul-like

>And unlike Cows and such, Humans are not stupid enough to accept slavery.

most humans would or slavery wouldn't have worked in the first place

>Most Humans would

Tell me exactly, even during the height of Slavery in America, did the slaves outnumber the population the slaves were drawn from?

You can't enslave entire civilizations, That's not how any empire worked ever.

Chatel Slavery worked much smaller and was less effective than entured Slavery.

Mutually assured destruction.

Unless they have vastly superior technology, we'll just nuke each other out of existence.

The same thing the Vietnamese did.

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> the timeline starts in the 1200s, nothing before that matters or is allowed to change the outcome of history


> actively fucking with them

Do you know why the jews keep getting fucked over historically? Its because good christians are not supposed to practice usury, but banks are a financial institution that is really fucking useful for an economy so kingdoms and nations keep needing them.

And then, when you are tight for cash, some fuckwit realizes that there is an exploitable religious divide that seperates this group of people that just so happen to also being a high concentration of wealth. Confiscating their assets not only gives you gold, it also means you don't have to pay your debts to them either. So win-win!

That's why Nazi Germany targeted the jews. In case you forgot, WW1 left Germany in a shitty financial situation that wrecked their economy. Rebuilding Germany costs money. Targeting thew jews and taking their stuff is just the easy way to do that, the only thing that changes about that over time is the ideology used to justify it to your people.

Thanks for that.

Have you ever read Blindsight and Echopraxia by Peter Watts? Sci fi novels set decades in the future. I'll spare you the details except to say that they're pretty good, but in them they have have a race of extinct people very similar to what you're describing.
>Humanoid, though taller with longer limbs and bright yellow eyes, but they look very similar to regular humans
>Hunt and eat humans
>Solitary and very territorial, they talk frequently in the books about how getting 2 of them within sight of one another is a guaranteed bloodbath
>Insanely intelligent and capable of solving extremely complex problems that would normally require a super computer in seconds, one example they give in the book is that you know how when you look at a 3d cube like pic related your mind plays tricks on you and you go back and forth seeing different angles of the cube? One of these guys is able to see both angles at once
>They were relatively few in number, and went extinct on earth sometime before the dawn of recorded history due to a condition that causes them to go into a grand mal seizure when they see a right angle
>they can live for a very long time, going into a hibernation where they almost completely shut down their metabolism and live only off the water stored in their bodies

They're referred to colloquially as "vampires" in the novels due to the preying on humans, the long sleep thing, and the reactions to right angles which is dubbed "the crucifix glitch".

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So the Jews are a farmable, renewable natural resource?

Quite. Take loans out from the Jews, kick the jews out because no one likes them, free money.

>>A intelligent humanoid race that hunts and eats humans.
>>They are physically superior to humans.
So we're talking about a carnivorous version of pic related? I think we'd be extinct, OP.

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I know you learned all of this from Veeky Forums and I'm proud of you for knowing about usury but Nazi Germany targeted Jews for trying to destroy Germany in 1918-19.

Less a resource, and more a resource collection system. As long as religious usury laws were in effect, they money that wasn't already in the hands of the crown would just naturally accumulate in the hands of the jews because everyone else was not allowed to perform the practices that make you a shitload of money.

The Jews are not the resources, the money is the resource. But you need the Jews to collect it for you.

Imagine farming honey, if the only way we knew how to collect honey from bees was to fucking kill most of the bees. So you kill a bunch of bees and drive them off to get the honey you want, but then after that you realize you want more honey so you have to let the bees back in. Not all the bees come back, but the ones that do are enough to repopulate and the system starts over.

Its honestly a really unfair system, but it does sadly explain why bad shit mysteriously happens to the jews like clockwork across history. All it takes is desperate or greedy people to be in power and them to come up with an excuse why they should be allowed to take away the jew's money by force.

There's an easy way to genocide humans. Not by eating them, but by fucking their women so much that they can't get enough of it.

That is why Tentacle monsters will be the one species that will destroy all humans.

Weirdly, I actually learned all that in church.

Growing up a Unitarian Universalist is fucking WEIRD. You spend every sunday as a kid learning about everyone else's religions.

Not true, the neanderthals died specifically because they didn't fuck their own women and instead went for human females.

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Oh, another example of their intelligence:
>In the future, these beings were brought back using a field of study called paleogenetics
>Basically they're cloning and breeding these guys to command complicated and dangerous missions in the name of science because they can do the work of super computers and are basically just walking talking predatory logic machines
>There's one part where they describe a lot of them breaking out of a facility they're being raised and trained in with a perfectly coordinated uprising, despite the fact that not one of them in the facility had ever seen or spoken with another one, they just knew what each other one would be thinking at the exact same time

Thats the point where you have to just accept that those guys are simply too dangerous to ever work with. There's working with someone smarter than you, and working with someone so much smarter than you that its effectively magic.


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can you blame them?

How do Neanderthals resist this? Especially when rape was legal

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Their is evidence that neanderthals performed canabalism. The end. We know nothing of the context of the canibalized remains and no evidence has been brought forth suggesting that they did so to homo sapiens. That is strictly speculation on the part of one anthropologist who wants to portray neanderthals as rape-crazy man-eating super gorillas.

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We don't actually. There are some birds that are considered intelligent but we'd never consider them to be on par with humans.

Yeah. The kicker in the novels though is that their is a drug humans have created that allows vampires to overcome the crucifix glitch, and they are entirely dependent on it to survive because... well if you got a grand mal seizure whenever you saw a right angle, I doubt you would last more than 10 seconds where you're sitting right now. They're everywhere, which is why the vampires went extinct as soon as humans started developing any technological advancement at all.

Not OP, but if you two autists couldn't grasp what OP meant when he said "intelligent" and "humanoid" in the same sentence then you should probably refrain from commenting in such threads in the future while expecting to be taken seriously.

He said "physically" gunfag, try lilling that without your precious firearm and see how far you get. Any asshole with a gun and half a brain can kill just about anything.


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Whoops, meant to quote

bu-but, that's not 1v1 final destination no items!!!!

>try to mock people for not being as intelligent as you
>Too stupid to quote correctly

Isn't this an SCP

Several of these SCPs can be summarized like this.

Clicking the wrong button on accident does not equate to stupid, user. Those are some fine straws you're grasping at.

>Yes they are
By what metric?

You darn well know that the subject presented in the OP is not the same as stone age grazer animals.

The inteligent things trying to kill and eat humans throw the same spear twice as far, clonks the club harder and outruns us if an ambush ever happens.

You. Know. What. The. OP. Meant.

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