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...devoted to pre-WotC D&D, retroclones, and all other related systems.
Are bards overpowered?
>no thread question
In true OSR tradition, OP does not wish to build railroads over the true sandbox experience of this general. Learn this ancient wisdom.
1e? objectively so.
Any suggestions for if I want to get rid of the Magic User class as it exists in D&D normally and instead have S&S-style sorcerers whose magic takes a while to cast but can have longer-term and/or long-distance effects, where dark magic twists and mutates you over time?
Sorcerors from Carcosa.
You'll take it back soon.
Oh. Why?
You were being memed on. Carcosa is awful.
Ban PC magic users and have your NPCs do whatever and work however you want.
>muh opinions
I was just looking at it, and it seems fine to me if you want a bloody cross between Stormbringer and Barsoom. And you could easily write your own rituals if you don't like all the humanoid sacrifice stuff.
I too would like to know what makes Carcosa so terrible.
It utilizes a dice mechanic than can only be described as bad, and it doesn't even explanation how this system works adequately enough. The Hexcrawl isn't very interesting. The fluff is vague and short. Carcosa isn't actually described in the good at all. Running an adventure from level 1 is basically impossible. There's no house rules for interacting with the world. It's mostly unplaytested.
I can't say for certain, but Crypts and Things and AS&SH do swords & sorcery, and so might have something along these lines.
None of that really affects the concept of the Sorcerer class, though.
Except the dice mechanic and the lack of playtesting?
Every day you reroll your hit dice, and the way damage is calculated makes absolutely no sense.
Plus, despite the length of the book, it says shockingly little about the actual world of Carcosa, and absolutely nothing about the city of Carcosa for that matter.
The big issue here aside from Carcosa's known failings is that its Sorceror only works within Carcosa. Even if you're taking out the murder and/or rape sacrifice shit, that still leaves you with a class utterly tied to the setting. You can take the Sorcerer out and make new rituals for a hex map of your own making, but that's a pretty big effort.
Dungeon Crawl Classics could work for you. Sure, nothing's stopping you from casting spells as quickly as in mostly any D&D system, but spellcasting is really unpredictable here and can fuck you up, and you can take a longer time and do a bunch of rituals to improve your odds.
ACKS also has rules for spell rituals: basically any spell of 7th level or above is just what you described it to be.
Neither of those really affect the Sorcerer. Don't reroll your hit dice; the magic is mostly a few saving throws and exploiting knowledge.
This is true. You could still use most of the ritual things by replacing "green man" with "man" and dropping the site on your hexmap somewhere. I don't think it would be all that much of an effort, and afterward you have a weird and flavorful S&S-styled Sorceror.
>dismissing one of the greatest OSR products because of a two-page spread of explicitly optional dice rules
No offense bro but this looks a bit like you're just salty about something unrelated.
>It's mostly unplaytested.
Objectively incorrect, IIRC McKinney ran several campaigns set in Carcosa before even making the original booklet version.
Carcosa is *great* if you like a certain style of product -- basically the Wilderlands hexcrawl format. I guarantee that leaving the city of Carcosa undescribed was a deliberate design decision, because A) it lets the referee decide whether the city is a megadungeon, a spoopy empty ruin, the sole bastion of human civilization on the planet, or whatever else, and B) the King in Yellow exists, so anyone who wants a quality description can go to that.
(Personally I strongly suspect that McKinney used the CSIO as Carcosa, only modified to an island -- no firm evidence of that, though)
>You could still use most of the ritual things by replacing "green man" with "man" and dropping the site on your hexmap somewhere.
Yeah, it would work fine for a Hyborian sorceror with the colors just swapped for Stygian, Shemite, Aquilonian, Pict and so on.
>one of the greatest OSR products
[citation needed]
Hey, we're all posting hot opinions here, he's entitled to his just as much as "it's awful, you're being memed on" guy.
Is cyberpunk dead?
Which one of you pieces of shit flagged me to the Suicide Prevention Hotline?
How is that a bad thing?
Literally all of us
We love you user
And OSR has way too small of a playerbase so we need you
How, exactly, would anyone do that on an anonymous Turkmen artisan distillery board?
I don't even know who you are.
How...how...did that even happen?
Some dude posted a bunch of stuff about trying to find a painless way to die and that this thread was his only meaning in life and stuff like that. It was maybe one or two months ago? If it was a joke, he was very dedicated to the cause.
For the love of God don't half-ass the meme. It should be "BBS" or "summit" or "convention" or similar.
If I see this again I'm reporting you to the Suicide Prevention Hotline.
More like Odious Shit Revolting. Am I right?
But I play DCC.
It's pretty rare (because >>>/global/rules/7), but if you want your report addressed IMMEDIATELY then you can make it happen.
Joke's on you, they're no longer returning my calls.
Yes, because we're living in a cyberpunk world. There is no longer any wonderment about it.
>but if you want your report addressed IMMEDIATELY then you can
hop on to IRC?
Wow...I knew that the hotlines could be shitty, but that just takes the cake.
Wait, there's an IRC where we can message the mods? I thought we just wallowed under their iron fisted reign with no way to interpret their wishes.
Someone last thread said they were going to play one last game before killing them self. Best response was "make the suicide hotline play with you"
Not only is there an IRC, we have an /entire/ board that's only purpose is to house a sticky directing you to the IRC.
It's a good thing this is a Circassian beekeepers' lodge or I might believe you and get worried.
Isn't that a 2E kit?
Well now I just feel like an idiot.
>I play DCC
Well, in that case.
No, why would they be?
He doesn't know.
Fucking phoneposters.
>Lodge of the Circassian Beekeepers
>by Zzarchov Kowolski
Fund it.
I'll keep suggesting lastgaspgrimoire.com
No, but Leomund's Bee-Filled Lodge is a 2E spell.
>we're living in a cyberpunk world
Yeah I sure hated it when my buddy flatlined while burning the ice on a black node belonging to one of those Japanese megacorps that own all of us the other day.
Well, now he's getting fired because he liked a pro-Tibet tweet and the Chinese megacorp owning his company pushed for his removal.
>in the hopes that someone actually figures it out and makes a class guide.
First off, that's the cleric. You're looking for the Maleficar. Second of all, I /think/ I understand it, but it's not that great? You're really likely to just die or explode people. What do you mean by "class guide?"
>Fucking phoneposters.
>not google.com
>Fucking phoneposters.
Just finished another great session of my SWN hexcrawl. They've only reached 3 planets total but its going amazingly.
>What do you mean by "class guide?"
"How to build a similar class, but about something other than snakes?"
Gotcha, I'll be back in like an hour.
Nice! Any good stories?
I want to lick that womans left breast
Cool! See if you can decipher the author's intent behind some of the bits too - design notes of any kind would be nice.
You are a wise and helpful human.
In first mission they break into pirate hold who are assembling a ship whos frame is pre-tect. They steal it from the pirates and capture two gangmember npcs. The local boss, and just some guy. I improvise and say the random guy is a young man who joined for quick cash so he could get into med school.
They make him a long term member of the crew and on a later mission, requested the head scientist to pay for some of his schooling and write a letter of recommendation.
Since 1990 or so?
Anybody got Operation Unfathomable?
a player who missed the last session has just been written an ACTUAL invoice for living expenses incurred over the last two in-game weeks.
It's out there. Check the share threads?
Are all your players fiscally responsible accountants or something, because those are some reasonably middle-class heists.
That reminds me, stat the Dick-Eye Dickbeast.
No, but I scared them after the first mission. They finished the mission, got a ship and reward money for dealing with the would-be pirates.
Then there were registration fees for the ship
Then there were repair costs to make it space worthy and up to code.
They watched their reward turn into pocket change.
this is a blue board!
That's an eyestalk.
Checked the last couple. No luck.
I've got a clean copy, I'll upload it to the Mystical Secrets vola.
that's a branch. It's always been there.
I wanted to believe you, but it's not in Wizard's Spell Compendium Volume 2.
Apparently Leomund has a spell that distracts creatures with interesting conversation though.
Thanks, user
I'm still oddly annoyed that KtA hasn't been pirated yet. What, not good enough for you guys?
Remember what those anons said a while ago. People are either going to care about it and buy it, or see it for the skerpshit that it is and ignore it. You've got a fairly polarized audience.
For a hexcrawl in a "fallen magic empire with tons of stone ruins and random magic stuff everywhere" setting, would it be better for the starting settlement to be a town or a city? Advantage / disadvantage of a city is that it's a safe place for the PCs to retreat, advantage / disadvantage of a town is that it's more vulnerable to attack, gives a potentially adventure hook / motivation for PCs to defend it, but is also less "central."
Thoughts? How many hexes of radius should I go from the starting city to develop? Or should I just make a whole map of hexes so I have a map to show the players, but only develop things as needed?
It's >8MB and the Trove has been dead for months.
Work on the 1e psionics shitbrew/retroclone continues. I managed to condense the Psionic vs Psionic chart to 1/6th of its original size.
Ive got the mega dungeon itch, and want to run The Ruims of the undermountain. However. Iam having trouble understanding the map. Near the entrance to floor 1 is two secret rooms labeled D and E. There are no entries for them (all other things have numbers, or numbers +letters) i thought tgis was treasure types, so i googled a treasure generator and the treasure made is gigantic (one example had thousands of gp). Whats gong on? Is this treasure or something else?
Is the goal to be playable or is it just to be readable?
So you are essentially running Barrowmaze?
I would use a town about 12-24 miles away from the start of the ruins and have a city that is maybe 200 miles away. Start the PCs in the town and generate the hex map about 10x10 hexes. Do not show your PCs the map, hex maps are for your eyes only.
What Is the quentitional AD&D 1e module?
>What Is the quentitional AD&D 1e module?
Q2, The Quentitional Quaverns of Quesquaton, of course.
The problem with 1e psionics is that it's definitely playable but it's more complicated than it needs to be so I'm trying to streamline as I go. Instead of three pools of PSPs there's only one, stuff like that.
ZZ-07 Drug Den of the Dao Daimyo
What map should I show them? What if they want to buy one? I've seen a hexcrawl run without the PCs having access to a map and they just got pissy because they felt like they didn't know where to go or what their options were. I know it's FOEGYG tier but I like to start the PCs with some sort of map.
Ive been up for 25 hours, gimme a break please
The terminology is an issue but the elephant in the room is psionic combat.
Just hand draw a rough map of the area and pass that to them. They know where everything is but the map is shitty and doesn't show everything.
That is how I usually do it.
It will still be there and I'll likely still include ye olde "psionic-only 10 attacks round" before real combat. But I'm going to smooth out the effects of using attacks on non-psionics/exhausted psionics