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Which do you prefer more, Pure Euros or Ameritrash? Say something nice about the one you didn't pick.
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Which do you prefer more, Pure Euros or Ameritrash? Say something nice about the one you didn't pick.
>Which do you prefer more, Pure Euros or Ameritrash? Say something nice about the one you didn't pick.
They both suck. Give me hybrid designs leaning towards player interaction over MPS any day of the week.
>Which do you prefer more, Pure Euros or Ameritrash?
Fuck, I really enjoy both. I guess I'd lean more towards Ameritrash.
>Say something nice about the one you didn't pick.
I really love how Euros are more subtle in their interaction between players.
How's your store going? Any big plans coming up?
Has anyone played Battle for Rokugan? I'd be very interested in hearing people's thoughts on it
>Euros or Ameritrash
Euros are much more interesting to me generally.
>Say something nice...
I like games with player interaction and take that mechanics. Sometimes it’s fun to chuck dice.
Store is going... oddly. Masters 25 this weekend and me not having the WPN yet meant I had no one show up for my Magic draft. But i did sell master 25 boxs. So even though I only had 8 people show up all weekend, I floated my costs for the weekend.
Big plans are going to be a Splendor tournament in a few weeks as my monthly store tourney. Game dev night in two weeks on wednesday. And today I had a family come in that are a part of the SCA. They greatly approved of the place and will be recommending it to their SCA friends, so suddenly I might have a fuck ton of people. We'll see. Also I get my WPN tomorrow (sigh).
I prefer Euros a bit more. Ameritrash usually has much better presentation though, and that goes a long way to getting people to play it.
> play 5e
> that guy writes textwalls
> backstory
> crisis
> character development
> pages and pages of text
> formats everything in that script font and prints at 8pt
> handed me two packed sheets 5 minutes before last session
> literally could not focus on the shitty font and tiny print
> blew up the digital copy from email and it was 5 pages in 12pt arial
> look at OP
> didn't think it had text
> blow it up
> dat tiny font
RRREEEEEEEEEEEEE I'm triggered StoraNon
>Which do you prefer more, Pure Euros or Ameritrash? Say something nice about the one you didn't pick.
Both. I like pure Euros but they're stressful, I like point salad trash but it's swingy. I really just like everything until I own it and then it's meh.
So do I have to buy a copy of Great Western Trail to ever finish a game or is there some other way? Frigging sessions are 3 hours and it's just not enough time to teach and play. I've had two partial games and it's becoming "a thing" and I'm starting to wonder what I have to do to get a game finished.
I also noticed that I'm one of the few people who brings their own games, a lot of people show up to game group with nothing. I realized the reason is these people play their own games at home with friends or family, co-workers, etc. My only opportunity to play with people older than 5 is game night, so the only chance I get to play any games is then. I don't really care if they're mine, I like learning new games, it's just it's like literally my only opportunity to play.
And that's what happens when I try to say something nice. Fuck your shit OP, you're an OK guy tho.
Did anyone try playing Mascarade with only 3 players? Does it work well like that?
Someone just bought me exploding kittens. What do?
1. Burn it
2. Kill them
Thank them for their thoughtful gift. At christmas regift it to some normies
This is what anyone would do. Don't encourage autistposters by responding, they think it's cute to not know how to interact with humans.
>Euros or Ameritrash?
Euro, Ameritrash are luckfest and get old fast once the novelty is over.
OtoH, I just finished the Dunwich Legacy campain for HH LCG and it was quite refreshing.
The sweet spot is 7~9 for me
What board games are good to write own campaigns for?
>I like games with player interaction and take that mechanics.
'Take that" is the opposite of player interaction.
Just because you're too dumb to understand the strats doesn't make a game 'multiplayer solitaire', fucknuts.
Where does something like Inis come down on the euro\ameritrash divide? Genuinely curious because I feel like the labels do a shitty job describing games like this (which I happen to like.)
There is basically no economy\engine building, which is what defines euro. It is all down to player interaction and politics + drafting. It is not at all a game defined by luck, or 'take that' / draw - go mechanics.
Is it ameritrash because the components are made of plastic? That seems like a shitty metric.
How about Amerimutt game?
basically a bastard
This is a fantastic shitpost for this general.
>looking forward to playing Rising Sun again
>we unexpectedly have 8 players
>end up playing Eldritch Horror because someone in the group just bought it
>wildly rng dice chucker co-op with no real risks or thought, except when the game arbitrarily decides that you lose
>takes 5+ fucking hours and we don't even finish
>i just wanted to play Rising Sun
at least i got to be the best character
forgot my pic.
>chilling in san fransisco all night, singlehandedly carrying nearly everyone
it salvaged the night for me
Eldritch Horror is easily the least favourite game I own. Lovely components but awful as fuck mechanically.
See Fury of Dracula for games like this done right.
>People will genuinely answer Ameritrash even though there's literally no redeeming traits to them
If I wanted dumb luck to determine if I won or lost, I would just flip a coin.
>Which do you prefer more, Pure Euros or Ameritrash?
Phil Eklund science/history simulators and train-operating stock market games.
Ameritrash cooperative games are at least better than their euro counterparts, as I prefer choose your own adventure books to sudoku puzzles.
I have to ask, what's it like to be so impotent that you have to masturbate in groups of 3 or 4?
He's not wrong about the second part.
>Which do you prefer more, Pure Euros or Ameritrash?
>Say something nice about the one you didn't pick.
I'd say the terms are outdated at this point. The divide was much bigger back when the terms were coined and given his differently people use and view the terms, they have lost a lot of meaning.
It really is more of a sliding scale these days, with some mechanics here and some elements there.
The hallmarks of ameritrash seems to be successful chucking/other heavy luck elements, thick on theme, lack of strong game ending mechanics (i.e. no limit on number of turns, no pool that empties to finish the game etc., instead you just check if the ending conditions are met which can happen whenever, like "all other monsters are dead/I have 20vp" in King of Tokyo). Plus, of course, a lot of direct player interaction. Thing is that it's not disqualified for breaching one of these descriptions. They're just general ideas, which is what makes Euro v Ameri a weak, confusing way of discussing things.
Just because you CAN play a certain count on a game doesn't mean you SHOULD. playing 8 on Eldritch is retarded. Going above 4 is already stretching it.
In the moment, I prefer Euros. In the past, I prefer Ameritrash. What I mean by that is that Eurogames are more enjoyable to play, however they're dry enough that it's very rare that I have any specific memories of them. Ameritrash is often boring in the moment, as there's too much luck and not much to think about, but I have far more memories of interesting/funny moments in them. Basically, if you asked me what game I wanted to play now, I'd say AFfO or Viticulture. If you asked me how I felt about that decision tomorrow, I'd say that I wished I'd picked Tales of the Arabian Nights or Arkham Horror.
Minor footnote to my own post: It really annoys me when I talk about 'Arkham Horror' and people assume that I mean Arkham Horror the Card Game. If I meant the card game then I would have bloody well said 'the card game'.
>Arkham Horror
Doom, descent, Space Hulk, shadows of brimstone, stuffed fables, imperial assault, mansions of madness, etc...I'd imagine any dungeon crawl game could work
>The year is 2187, the apocalypse has destroyed all modern technology. You must make a home for yourself with harsh, primitive methods. The alien overlords will count your VP and destroy the losing homes.
Replace the year and the type of overlord when writing a new campaign. As you can see, is very rich.
>Pure Euros or Ameritrash?
>Say something nice about the one you didn't pick.
Some pure Euros have really interesting abstractions of real-life
Twilight Imperium
Yeah actually I was just checking it wasn't some kind of gem disguised as cards against humanity tier shit. Also I wouldn't be caught dead regifting a bad game, I was seriously disappointed in my game group using the gift exchange to cull garbage from their collection.
Thanks, about what I expected.
So many flavors
So you agree Euro is superior in every way.
> go early to game night
> early has gotten more popular
> seven people
> in a rare moment no one insists we play 7 up
> 3 people spend 2.5 hours trying to learn alchemy the app based thing
> get to play back to back stockpile with some of the best gamers in the group while listening to the suffering at the other table.
Everything went better than expected.
It's fine as long as you don't have to eat the cookie.
So I get this feeling that going hardcore visitors cards is the way to really dominate this game. It seems like the rng nature and occasional chaining would really allow you to rack up a heathy lead while other people fight over spots on the board.
I haven't had a chance to enact this strategy, but it seems like it might be good, at least until the other players do it too.
Yeah except you still have to play Agricola
An interesting theory, mitigated somewhat by the fact that they're really swingy, and it'd be fairly easy for other players to work together to lock you out. Still, if you can manage it I'd be very impressed.
Swingy was the idea, strategy can't beat swingy when it swings right and with a hand full of visitors is likely you can make it swing better.
But yeah, theory not practice and not playing in a vacuum. Still I think turn one double draw might really work.
In my last game I mortgaged and unmortgaged a field and farmed about 12 VPs. It wasn't my intent but by the end I was planting for a VP, ripping out and mortgaging for a VP, then unmortgaging on the next turn. I probably cheated on the turn I rooted and mortgaged since it was more than one action on a field, but the rest of the game it was legit (and because I actually needed the money)
My collection so far is: Bloody Inn, Troyes, Biblios, Mascarade, Love Letter, Arboretum, Lost Cities, Hanamikoji and Targi.
Point me in the right direction for my next buy, preferably something from the left field.
You've gotta be slightly more specific than that. At least say what sort of length, weight, and player count you're thinking about.
And how do you feel about that collection? What are your favorites? Any regrets? Looking for more of the same or a new direction?
You need more dice, get Fuse or Escape
Out of all that I've literally have only played Lost Cities online. I don't even know what most of the rest are even.
So with that in mind:
1. Terraforming Mars - big fun ameritrash
2. Great Western Trail - epic western
3. Nefarious - probably not like anything else you've played
3 player count ideally
Favorites would be Troyes, Biblios, Hanamikoji and Targi. Regrets Bloody Inn, Love Letter and Arboretum (have to play that one few times more)
When he said the right direction user I don't think he meant where the hemp fandango looks appealing.
Anyone played Royal Goods? (oh my goods)
Is it goods? haha
Charlie Kane is actually best taking a boat to Tokyo and chilling there, buying people shit and giving out free actions. That way on his encounter phase he can damage monsters while sitting on his fat ass. While sitting on San Fransisco, you'll probably end up improving your Observation twice and then any further encounters that do that will be wasted.
Still yeah, I think Eldritch Horror is pretty not great at 8 people. I've run at that number a few times when my friends absolutely HAD to play at 8, but even then I did everything as fast as possible while keeping everyone on task. Otherwise the game will take absolutely forever. Eldritch Horror is really best at 4-6 players, and you should always assume it will take 4 hours even with a good handle of rules and quick setup. I do think there is a lot of strategy in mitigating RNG in it, but I also like Ameritrash so whatever.
>I do think there is a lot of strategy in mitigating RNG in it
do share. I find that EH games never give you enough time to 'level up' your character, and without improvements you are very likely to fail half if not more of encounters.
Is Century Spice Road better than solid? I'm not looking for a 'good' game, I want something good.
Outside of games that require 8+ players like Captain Sonar, I've always prefered when our group gets to 8 people to just play two 4 player games. There are so very few games for large groups that play fast. I guess Dixit with teams was fun, but still.
Thats a hard one to answer I think. Cause its definitely solid. It's easy to teach to new people, it has genuine strategy, but at the same time it feels undercooked. It's good, but that might only be what you are defining as 'good'.
Leveling up characters is an easy trap to fall into, actually. Sometimes it is a good move, and when it happens on the way to an objective, it is great. However, planning to try and level up your character for more than maybe the first two turns of a game is generally not an optimal move. The two most important things are 1) stopping the game from ending 2) solving the mysteries. So your characters should always be moving to close gates, solving game ending rumors, and solving the mysteries as fast as possible. If a character dies, it's whatever. 1 Doom will advance and you dig another out of the box. Sometimes, if a character is hobbled and a burden, just throw them under the bus and get them killed. An investigator that needs 4 turns to rest to become effective again may not be worth it when you can just advance doom by 1 and get a new character who can be effective for 3 turns instead. Sometimes you even need to just ignore gates and rumors if you think you can blitz down the last mystery, though of course that has its own risk. Generally, do not try and level up your characters as a primary objective. I find that over the course of an EH game, generally half the characters end up being revolving doors of suffering victims who none the less help out a lot, and the other half power up like mad and become power players anyways. Also, the Focus mechanic introduced into the game with expansions is simple but helps mitigate RNG a little more by giving players access to more rerolls. It's easy to integrate even if you don't get any expansions.
>Charlie Kane is actually best taking a boat to Tokyo and chilling there, buying people shit and giving out free actions. That way on his encounter phase he can damage monsters while sitting on his fat ass. While sitting on San Fransisco, you'll probably end up improving your Observation twice and then any further encounters that do that will be wasted.
yeah, i realized that after the fact, when i kept drawing garbage san fran cards, i started trying generic city cards, which didn't improve the issue, much. still, i was buying the whole reserve nearly every turn, and we were effortlessly beating the game up until the 4-5 hour mark, where 2 other players got randomly devoured through no fault of ours.
still, i think the other half of the group had a good time - we usually play stuff like Eclipse, which is to say: accessible strategy games with mitigated rng that can be finished in
Did anyone play Samurai Spirit? Is it fun? Bugmen from Britain praised it, but I'm not sure about getting it.
>where 2 other players got randomly devoured through no fault of ours.
Don't take those Dark Pacts bro. They're bad shit, unless its on a character that you don't mind throwing away. Sometimes they aren't so bad, but RNG is always going to make you roll that 1. Whenever I take them, I always seem to roll a 1 the following Reckoning.
>Don't take those Dark Pacts bro.
the one that i got went as follows:
>draw card for the group during that reckoning phase or whatever
>"give the lead investigator a debt" (this was me at the time)
>"roll to resolve this debt; the result is always 1'
>flip debt card after being forced to fail it, ignoring my 6 persuasion
>"discard this card and gain a dark pact"
>"dark pact: devour another player"
i realize this was a freak occurrence, but it definitely underscored the general theme of the evening: mindlessly rolling through the game with no challenge whatsoever, until it decides someone loses their character
I prefer Ameritrash, since it's way more fun to engage in a story than abstract min-maxing.
Mombasa is a good Euro tho, since you can play an area control game and still get jewed on since the units are not tied to a player
*if it wasn't clear in this rambling shitpost, i didn't actually take on a pact voluntarily, or fail any rolls
I'm a crazy asshole who wants to try to do a Captain sonar tournament, and also try a 4-6 teams match. Like, 3 teams of 4 vs 3 teams of 4. Especially in real time mode
I think it would be just an insane blast.
Reposting from old thread.
Collection on the left, wishlist on the right. My wishlist is more of a storage file for games I might be interested in rather than a real wishlist. Wanna help me cull the herd?
Aw yeah sometimes you just get an absolute shit sandwich in Eldritch Horror. I can understand not liking that, but I enjoy rolling with the punches even when it sometimes gets absurdly bad.
One thing, did you resolve that all during the single card? Because I think I know the card you're referring to, and if it was the "lead gets a debt and resolve all reckoning effects on deal conditions, acting as if you rolled all 1s", you only are supposed to get the dark pact. You can't trigger the debt, gain the dark pact, and trigger the dark pact all from one action. You would just trigger your debt, gain the dark pact, which would conclude the Mythos' card text, and then keep playing until that dark pact triggers. If you got the dark pact and then next turn or whatever you already flipped it, well that just sucks. There are also very few ways to get rid of a dark pact, so once you have it you're basically stuck with it unless you draw Sanctuary from the assets pile.
Also I admit I only know the game rules really well and understand the ways to mitigate the RNG because me and my partner love playing this game a lot, so I have something like 50+ games of this under my belt now. If you only break EH out every couple months during game night, it will be very hard to dig into the systems of the game, and it's a very difficult game to break out often due to its time requirements.
You should determine what exactly draws you to those specific games and determine if the game fulfills on that. Since you have a really wide range of games here, it's hard to get a feel for what kind of games you like. Furthermore, what kind of group do you have? Will they be willing to sit down and invest several hours a single game of Dominant Species/TI4/Space Empires, or are they even interested in those types of games at all?
Given your collection of wargames/4x I wonder why you would want more. Are you bored with the ones you have or are you aiming for a different kind of itch?
Will you spam your pic for ants in every thread now?
>One thing, did you resolve that all during the single card?
nope; i held onto that pact for another couple hours, actually. after i had to leave, while i was at work, i got a text along the lines of:
>you just devoured user
i peeked at the back of the card, but didn't say anything to the rest of the group before leaving
Well shit, I guess you better take out more dark pacts. If all your friends get devoured, nobody will know you're the one to blame.
Are you the blind retard from last thread? Because when you open the pic to full size everything is clearly visible. Is that too difficult for you?
This whole "there's no player interaction" is bullshit and always has been. There has always been player interaction in all forms for it. Idiots just don't count it because it's not literally shooting a guy which is the only kind of interaction americans are capable of acknowledging.
My group would play pretty much anything. I'm not bored with my current games but getting something new is always nice.
Why don't you like Love Letter?
I like quick and easy to teach it is, plus it's not expensive. A nice filler game if you ask me.
Not enough depth, game often plays you.
captain sonar is only really good if you have a considerate group that understands the game is better if both sides communicate fairly. for example, a captain who refused to admit a mistake or even verify anything when she goes back across her own path can really sour the game.
>Like, 3 teams of 4 vs 3 teams of 4
have you played? You literally cannot because the radio person has to hear each captain and it's hard enough when you're ass to cheek with one captain.
>wanted to play Rising Sun
i can absolutely see that. the second time i played, i admitted that i accidentally erased my path after a silence (when it's only supposed to erase following a surface). so i called a surface immediately to correct the mistake, because i couldn't remember our path.
we still ended up winning; our quiet little radio operator carried that shit in a big way.
it's super easy to learn/teach, and even a 6 player game is comfortably
>are ks games frowned upon?
CMON is frowned on even more
Eric M. Lang is frowned on the most.
I was interested because I liked the theme and the pitch of a sort of Dune/TI-esque area control game, but didn't buy in and it now seems pretty unattainable. I've yet to hear any real negatives of the game itself beyond "REEEEEE LANG! REEEE CMON!" but also fairly little from people who have actually played.
Yes, Yes I have. And I've done a 3 sub game of it already (9 players, 3 on each team, dropping first mate)
And yes, the radio operators on all three teams had smoke coming out their ears by the end, but holy fuck was it fun.
Since the topic is on captain sonar, how vital is it to play 4v4?
I bought it recently and friends have been asking for a play but I keep telling them I'm waiting for a 8 player opportunity.
3v3 is recommended for turn based, 4v4 for real time.
The game better in real time if you have players who won't try to cheat. When playing in turn based, it can degenerate into captain vs captain because too much free time happens between actions, allowing the captains to micro manage everything on their side removing the need for more players. You must keep the game moving quickly in turn based to prevent this.
Also, completely eliminate distractions from the area like cell phones.
3v3 works fine for real-time, it's not too big a stretch for one player to handle engineer and first officer jobs together.
The game has no depth. The combat is uninteresting since it's just bidding with no hidden info. The ally system seems like it was designed by a child. There is no real "betraying your allies" you just lose ally bonuses if you take the "betrayal" action. There is negotiation allowed for everything simply because if they didn't allow you to pay people off to do things the game has nothing going on. Money disappears at the end of the turn for no reason. The monsters all have abilities that are boring modifiers. The honor system is completely uninspired. The clans are just asymmetrical enough that they can put the word asymmetrical on the BGG page.
I could go on. I've played the game a dozen or so times because my group loves it and I'm really considering not going to their game nights for a little while.
Thanks for the tips.
I will try a first play in turn-base with 6 players and see how it goes.
Am I right to fear that the first mate might get really bored? From what I gather he really should try his best to help everyone else and ease communication or else he might just spend the whole game doing his checklist.
It's the most likely to get bored, yes, though how likely that is to actually happen is quite dependent on how fast your group plays - I don't think he'll actually zone out unless you're playing turn based.
It's probably still too early for people to catch on the less apparent flaws of Rising Sun; hype and consumer bias will often make people let some issues slide because they WANT their game to be all they thought it'd be. There's a ton of itnteresting stuff on consumer psychology and confirmation bias.
The hype will die down and if the game really stands the test it'll keep getting talked about.
I already have a couple smilar games with points, area control and heavy politics and dnegotiation, so I didn't feel especially compelled to get it just because minis are pretty, which seems is the main hook for Lang dudes on a map games.
"The spiritual successor of Blood Rage" they said. Not a good selling point IMO.
>The combat is uninteresting since it's just bidding with no hidden info.
aside from the last battle each season, you have to consider that any coins you bid can end up being paid out in reparations. so there's definitely incentive to bidding the least amount possible, in order to just barely win what you need.
i agree the total lack of hidden info is a con, to me, though.
>you just lose ally bonuses if you take the "betrayal" action.
taking the honor hit can be pretty game changing, unless you're playing oni strats - in which case, it's extraordinarily impactful (because you NEED to lower your honor, sometimes).
i agree that RS isn't very complex at all - BUT it plays very fast, and can be comfortably taught to anyone in
>defending fotm games
>plebbit spacing
>it's fast and easy so it gains points in my book
>i'm a sucker
Go back to /v/.
>no u
SAD. Do you actually play games, friend? Do you have anything to contribute other than telling people to go away when they call out your shill bullshit?
>t. Mr. Redditor, the Shit Games Peddler
Drafting is precisely what killed it for me, along with Loki tactics.
>minis are pretty
Ya this is definitely the selling point for CMON in general. Lang is the most obvious offender but most of their games are insultingly simple and lack any type of complexity.
>Loki tactics
Classic Lang design. "What if doing bad is sometimes good? GENIUS!"