WIP - Work In Progress General

Work in Progress, "Warrior Now Has Extra Fist Power!" Edition

>Citadel Painting Guides:

>Figure painter magazine issues 1-36

>Paint range compatibility chart across manufacturers

>Painting Videos only

>DIY Lightbox

>DIY Spraybooth

>DIY Wet Palette

>How to Moldlines

>Fuckin Magnets how do they work?

>List of mini manufacturers for converting and proxy

>Stripping Paint (yes, the ellipses are part of the URL!)

>Priming With Acrylic Gesso

>Green Stuff Casting

>On the consequences of insufficient ventilation

>Thin ya paints, ladz!

>WIP's own 10-point painting scale:

>This planet is ours, witch!

>Previous Threads:

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Other urls found in this thread:


Repostan from last thread

Got some work done on a post apocalyptic warband that I'm working on for fun, currently not with any particular game in mind. I'm going to be cleaning up some of them and adding some more details like goggles and/or respirators to some. I also have to get a lot more work done on the warboss who I'm going to try to make look like Imortan Joe.

Attached: Warboys.jpg (860x645, 113K)

Your conversions are eternal, shiny and chrome, but your photograph is ... mediocre. Any way you could throw more light on the front, or maybe get us a larger picture?

Maybe taking the picture in your fridge would help...

Attached: ani_shiny_and_chrome.gif (680x285, 1.7M)

Hold on let me amp up the light on my lightbox

Alright, more light and larger image. Here are the gun bois

Attached: WarboysGuns.jpg (1080x810, 178K)

and the melee bois

Attached: WarboysMelee.jpg (1080x810, 169K)

Ded 'ard, boss!

Attached: ani_thumbs_up_chewing.gif (200x200, 696K)

thanks m8

Does anyone here paint x wing ships? I'd like to give it a shot but I'm a little overwhelmed how to get started

>I also have to get a lot more work done on the warboss who I'm going to try to make look like Imortan Joe.

Attached: HFA190 Immortan Drumpf composite.jpg (680x800, 460K)

yeah I've seen that one but I'm basing mine off the conversion in pic related.

With some differences to make it look less fantasy of course.

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Have you ever painted something before?
If not then go to the mega (might be in the 40k general's one if you can't find it here) and download the old ~2004 how to paint miniatures books by GW. Those provide a really good starting point for brand new painters.

If not I've found some pretty decent guys for repainting X-Wing ships after a quick google search. The community for the game is pretty big so there seem to be a lot of guides around.

I can't help you with first hand experience, but I'd say you have three ways to go about it.
>strip the model, prime and repaint from scratch
Or, after cleaning
>paint over the factory paintjob as is
>matt varnish first if the paint doesn't stick to the factory paintjob. Think of it as a see through primer

I think the bald primaris Reiver heads would make a good base.

Found a nearby game store that actively plays, still deciding on a color scheme to do these guys. For painting things in pieces, what are some materials that help with that? I've seen people stick them to corks with wire and some sort of putty to hold heads and bits in place. I just don't know the materials used.

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I've thought about that but I don't actually like the way they modeled the teeth on them, it's kind of cartoony looking. I might try an experimental idea I had where I'll make a push cast of the skull shoulder pad from the Goliath set and recast the teeth with some greenstuff and model the rest around it with more greenstuff. I'll test that out and if that fails I might have another look at the reiver heads.

>and some sort of putty to hold heads and bits in place. I just don't know the materials used.
blutac if you are a britbong or something similar by UHU if you are on mainland europe.
I think burgers also have blutac.

thanks for the info.

>plastic miniatures
stop what you are doing immediately, watch this video youtube.com/watch?v=dSx8ZBQlM_s buy appropriate glue and then start assembling models

Not him, but I prefer superglue in the odd event I fuck up with bit placement and need to snap them off later. I've had a couple models that looked good when bluetacked, but didn't line up properly once I put the glue on.

>Have you ever painted something before?
I haven't, but I'll go and find that book to read through.

I've seen a few videos that explained things well, I'm just trying to get as much info as I can't before I start.

Thanks for the help, though!

I use superglue on all my models, don't listen to this guy.

Reposting from last thread because I'm a vain cunt

Finnaly got some time to finish the bases for these brutes and their shoulder throphies

what do you guys think? Any c&c welcomed

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Also me megaboss got a fancy base too

Attached: 1521408603540.jpg (1300x581, 272K)

There's a difference between doing something on purpose for a specific reason, and doing something by accident because you don't know what you're doing.

That difference being that the latter usually results in poorly assembled models with patches of CA glue all over them.

you seem awfully sure about your opinions

And plastic glue is messy, leaves strands everywhere and permanently fuses pieces together. And why assume that guy doesn't know what he's doing?

Post your battlestations fags.

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>And plastic glue is messy, leaves strands everywhere and permanently fuses pieces together.
Only one of these things is actually true, and that's parts being fused together.

There's nothing about plastic glue that is more inherently messy than superglue, they're both liquids of approximately the same consistency that are applied from the same kinds of tubes, and the only time plastic glue ever "leaves strands everywhere" is if you do something retarded with it, like apply huge amounts of it to something, leave parts together for some time, then pull them apart, if you did the same thing with superglue glue you're left with clumps of CA on one or both surfaces.

The only reasons to use superglue on plastic miniatures rather than plastic glue is if you don't actually want strong bonds or if you wear contact lenses when modeling. Both of those are valid reasons, those two you posted are not.

>wear contact lenses when modeling

Is this actually something to worry about? I'm kinda spooked now, about getting contacts again.

I'd say superglue is messier in general than plastic cement. I buy a lot of second hand models and the quantity of issues I encounter because someone had put a shitload of superglue on something and it has dribbled down the model or overflowed the area it was applied to outnumber problems with plastic glue like melted detail. In either case the problems come from applying far too much glue and bad assembly in general.

My personal most dire experience was a carnifex slathered in so much superglue the arm joints were rock hard to the point where it would have been easier to get them off they had been glued with plastic glue. I had to use actual de-bonder on that guy.

But that's all in the context of doing a shitty job. If you're building models competently with either kind of glue it should be fine. Though using superglue for final assembly plastic wargaming minis seems pretty dumb unless you expect to have to change limbs or something or youre pinning since it's asking for that shit to break in transport.

shit isn't common but fumes melting contacts has been known to happen. honestly just don't put your face directly above and 3 inches away from your models while using glue like a sane human being

or just wear your glasses

don't listen to this guy! use superglue, ALWAYS. there's nothing worse than plastic glued models. no way to change something later on and a nightmare for everyone who's going to buy these models used at some point to strip and modify.
use plastic glue only on little broken parts.

fuck they look AWESOME user. fantastic stuff.

Working on a Rotworm Brotherhood army atm

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>barrels aren't drilled

This is just bad advance. You should use plastic glue on anything you want to be permanent, for example tank hulls and the majority of any infantry figure. Assembling those things using superglue will just result in them being more fragile than they need to be for no benefit.

I don’t have a drill. And am also in a unique situation where things can’t easily be shipped to me.

Another work in progress of mine. Never painted regular Space Marines before, much less Primaris.

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Why use plastic glue when super glue give you the option to change it out later? Its not even cosmetically different.

Why not just have the option??

Super glue doesn't bond as plastic glue and if I hate one thing it's glueing back parts that fell off while simultaneously ruining the paint job.

Looks good

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Because a huge number of models have nothing to "change out", and in the case of models that do have things I want to change out later I achieve interchangeability with magnets. I also use models for wargaming, which means they're subject to very frequent transportation and handling. That being the case durability is important.

There is no benefit whatsoever to using superglue in this case. Parts which I may want to change are interchangeable and using superglue would just result in weaker bonds and subsequently more frequent repairs. Using plastic glue results in less repairs with no loss of interchangeability.

It's like I said, if you want permanent bonds use plastic glue. I use plastic glue because I want permanent bonds.

Why would you want to "change out" the treads on a tank or the bond between parts of it's hull or an infantry model's legs to torso join?

Stop being retarded, plan your models properly, use magnets or pins if you really want something to be removable.

>And plastic glue is messy, leaves strands everywhere
Not if you use good plastic glue and aren't a complete tool.

>no benefit.
Apparently there is one, see below.

>a nightmare for everyone who's going to buy these models used at some point to strip and modify.
Oh, we should make our models worse so that poorfags have an easier time taking them apart later.

I'll be sure to keep that in mind.

not super concerned about the feelings of some hypothetical super entitled person to be perfectly honest, also not sure why I'd care what their feelings about glue are since they'd have already have paid for them by the time it even became apparent to them

Careful, he might give you negative feedback on ebay. Which I'm sure you will be very upset about.

The guy in the middle that's just oozing shit from his face is fucking disgusting. In a good way of course!

Well done user.

I'm with this guy. Poly cement is no fun compared to super glue. Especially with today's all-plastic GW kits with weird large joints there's no need for a chemical bond between parts like that.

Question for you guys. I'm working on a Death Guard army, and I'm really trying to make every model unique (turning out to be harder than I thought it would!). So I've been doing a lot of minor converting and kitbashing and it has been ok for the most part.

However, Chaos cultists are giving me some trouble, believe it or not. I really want to boost my horde of cultists, and I'm sure I'll order some of the forge world stuff to convert Cadians, but I'm hoping to have like 40 of these dudes with long range weapons eventually. I have the dudes from Dark Vengeance, they are awesome, but I want to do more and do my best to make each guy unique. I wondered if you guys had any ideas for conversions. I was originally thinking Necromunda might help, and I am sure I could use some bits from Necromunda models, but really, after a hard look, I don't think they are a great fit for the rest of my army.

So, looking for ideas on both basic models to convert from, and bits for chaos cultists. Any thoughts appreciated, thanks!

here -

These guys are cool as hell - what's the kit these dudes are from?

I've got two minis built and primed and highlighted, ready to go. Anything I should know about trying to use only washes on it?

Looks sick! I'm currently converting a bunch of miniatures to fit a Post Apoc theme as well. I've been using a bunch of Chaos and Ork bits and minis. lol

I dont paint very well but I wonder if I should highlight it red evil sunz.

Attached: 20180319_143356.jpg (2840x3472, 5.23M)

really well painted. Does the models justice. nice work user

>you shouldn't glue together your zero option monopose miniatures permanently because ??? also superglue is more fun than polystyrene cement because ???
this is pretty much the dumbest thing I've seen this thread

lol i use superglue on my plastic miniatures most of the time, dries instantly, who wants to have to hold steady a miniatures pose while it dries?

you dont have a hardware store near you? a drill bit for gun barells is cheap as fuck mine was $3 only because the cheap ones were sold out

People who don't want to glue the arms back on to the same guy every time they get home from the LGS and don't want to field a base with nothing but a pair of legs on in it in a game.

any highlights will make this model pop, at the moment its all flat colours. Just take your time, dont rush it and it will look awesome when its done

lol i use plastic cement on plastic miniatures and have never had to wait longer than 2 seconds for them to be dry enough to hold their own weight

What do you mean ? I think I'm gonna use evil scarlet sunz to highlight the pit line all around the ship. What do you think?

>highlight the pit line all around the ship.
I don't think you understand the term highlight correctly. Highlighting is painting a lighter colour on the edges of a model to make the details pop and stand out more, especially at a distance.

That's not to say painting the pits a bright red will look bad, it's just not highlighting the model.

>make the details pop and stand out more,
You dont understand highlighting. That is not what it's for. It makes the model look sharper and harder.

>tfw zero motivation to paint most of the time

Help me /wip/.

I just want to have a nice little blog, a few skirmish warbands and a display cabinet. One or two painted miniatures a week isn't too much to ask when some people can paint a full miniature in a day. I must get distracted.

Might be partially because I mostly paint old stuff and rubbery things like Reaper Bones, which can be a pain in the arse to prepare and paint "well". I've recently replaced most of my brushes and tools to give me the best chance too.

Attached: Duncan.gif (480x408, 2.6M)

the words are pretty subjective and both mean similar things. I was just trying to use words he'd understand, you pedantic fuck.

Sorry, my correction, you don't understand the fucking English language. If you think making something look hard is the same as popping.

Not him, but calm your tits mate.

>>Stripping Paint (yes, the ellipses are part of the URL!)

can someone give me the full link?

just dug up a bunch of old metal LOTR models that are absolutely horrific to look at but I'd like to reuse.

My wip rubric, done for the most part I got 20 of these things to paint so

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Just copy that, ellipses and all, if you have clickable links enabled it'll break the link.

Motivation is a false god, discipline is what gets you to do things. Just sit your ass down and paint, put on a music/podcast if you listen to things while painting and eventually you'll have a shit ton of models done. It works pretty well for me. Another thing I do is organise "painting nights" with my buddies where we hang out, paint models and drink whiskey together. It doesn't get as many models done but it builds a positive association to painting in your mind.

oh I see, I thought the url was cut short, silly me

>talking this much shit in a WIP thread
yeah whatever fat neckbeard

I use a mixture of super glue and plastic wield I've never had any issue with super glue other then on my metal models.

>(yes, the ellipses are part of the URL!)
Sometimes it helps to read, user

Hi all wip of artillery/heavy weapons this is imperial guard hw teams morter and missile the bases ive put holes in and character feet ive pegged for wound removal

Attached: IMG_20180319_152430395.jpg (4160x3120, 2.23M)

Here is the aps helstorm and 2 cannons with 2 men with pegs as example

Attached: IMG_20180319_152837232.jpg (4160x3120, 1.3M)

Bloodreavers, various Ork bits, various Orlock bits, various Neophyte Hybrid bits, various Goliath bits, and some ammo pouches grenades and bandoleers from various Space Marine kits

A few odds n ends pistoliers/roughrider captain, ratlings mauder from a dwarf spur, 2 bullgryns from ogres with carried on theme, bag pipers/vox operators a few odd musket/laslock men and example of blank mortar base

Attached: IMG_20180319_155838843.jpg (4160x3120, 1.84M)

So I'm slowly gearing up to paint my Lord of Change, wanted some advice on colour.

Instead of doing it like pictured, I was thinking of painting the "skin" (so the cream colour in the picture as well as the non feathered parts of the arms and legs) in a dark grey/black, the feathers in bright blue and the beak, claws, talons etc in bright yellow. How do you think that'd look in practice?

Attached: 99129915028_LordofChange01.jpg (920x950, 91K)

Like a toucan of doom

Just paint a parrot.

Attached: colorful_parrot_2-wallpaper-2560x1600.jpg (2560x1600, 1.22M)

You're only making me want to do it more

Paint it like a fockin' legend

DO IT!!!!! it'll atleast be different from standard ones

So I did a test model to see what my color scheme would look like on suits. I'm pretty happy with it, still have a little cleaning up to do.

Attached: IMAG0807~3.jpg (1876x1320, 635K)


Attached: file.png (900x675, 1.04M)

Alright. I will name him Tu'Kannous

Might paint a few space marines in that color scheme.

Attached: 6973_Box.jpg (747x549, 287K)


>drilling barrels is for turbo autist overfags

>Motivation is a false god, discipline is what gets you to do things.
Holy shit ain't that the truth.

I've just about ground to a halt on the centrepieces for my Fools On Parade board (progress: exactly as much as last month) so I've sprayed the smaller bits and I'm going to sit down and do half to a full hour a night every night this week after the wife goes to bed.
If thirty minutes of that is working on a side-model, and the drying time is spent mindlessly layering glossy white on the big pieces, that should be comfortably enough to get the small shit to an acceptabel level and the big bits covered.

I just need to finalise the shape of my board and start cutting foam, blocking areas and arranging the bois in a pleasing fashion.

>drilling barrels is for autists!
>you use the wrong glue!
Worst /wip/thread I've seen in a while. Post models or gtfo.
will post when I get home from work

Yeah, this is way un-cozy my dudes.

Death to those who don't drill barrels and use super glue
Jokes aside drilled barrels look better for minimal effort and superglue just leads to unnecessary breakages during transit, though I'd probably use it if I played a game where I'd actually want to change unit loadouts frequently

Fite me faggots

Attached: tamr8738.jpg (245x400, 20K)

>not using the one and only true god

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I'm finally about to open my as-yet untouched pot of Nuln Oil for some robots.
Is it really as simples as spray silver, wash oily, highlight silver?

Attached: Metal Gamin - Sandeep.jpg (1500x1012, 263K)

>can't be applied by cappilary action alone
Your god is WEAK