Public apology when?
Masters 25
Why do you think you deserve an apology?
If Mark Rosewater doesn't come out and address me BY NAME i'm gonna FREAK
I agree. All players should apologize to WotC for turning a once great game into a card speculation cancer
If you are selling packs at $10 a pop you should probably atleast make an effort at making it worth people’s time.
Other than the fact that WotC themselves enforce it by making the packs expensive and not doing any reprints?
yeah I hate sets like these
total boom or bust on value
either you pull Jace or you don't
which if thats the case why would I buy a box for ~$200 when I could just buy 2 Jace for around the same price?
This is straight from MaRo himself
>The reason “Wonder Woman” and “Black Panther” have been such cultural touchstones is because it’s allowing new groups of people to experience something they’ve never experienced before.
>I get it’s easy to mock that when it’s something so basic to your experience that you don’t even realize it’s a thing you would miss if you didn’t have it, but I beg for you to try and see life through other people’s perspectives just as I always talk about how good designers see the game through different players’ perspectives.
>Try to take actions that build up the world and make it a better place for everyone than tear it down for others to make your world better in comparison.
In other words, nobody gives a fuck if you are unhappy with the quality of the product. Just try to be happy your game is infested with fags and trannies.
How is it filled with fags and trannies?
It's not, but that is what we are told to care about. Cards warping right out of the pack is not addressed. Masters sets that are rip-offs geared towards not upsetting the secondary market are sold as "draft environments". Problems with the randomization of boxes of said Master sets go unmentioned.
But change a couple of pronouns and throw a few "non-cisgendered" characters into a storyline nobody gives a shit about, and suddenly WotC is tearing down social barriers and MaRo is a modern day MLK. MtG is not a card game anymore. It is a social tool that will change the world.
Give me a fucking break.
Because OP is a manchild
Don't worry, it'll come with the next masters set.
>I have good news for you. Masters X is the masters set you've been waiting for.
>It's not
wotc themselves drove the game towards that. mark rosewater constantly names the reason why sought-out cards are reprinted at mythic rarity as either "we don't want to upset existing owners" or "we want the card to remain rare"
wotc deserves all that's coming to it. it's a shame that a damn good card game has to die for them to get their comeuppance
In the 1950s, following world war two, project mk ultra was set up in North America to study the pacification of society through chemical and pavlovian response based mind control. Though the original project was eventually "officially" shut down, sub projects, such as McGill in Canada and Project Manchild worldwide, continued unabated. As part of Project Manchild (the mission to infantalize the next generation so they would be unable to prevent the rise of communism) entertainment and toy companies such as Hasbro were infiltrated, and the next generation of propaganda was created. Transformers, MtG, recently MLP and more. The so called divide between capitalism and communism disappears at the highest levels, and both become a nearly identical system of land control built around a homogenous slave society of uneducated chattel and a master society of the hyper rich who own all the land.
Amonkhet was the most blatantly religiously evil set wotc has ever produced, featuring a desecrated Egypt, the horns of moloch, and the death of Thoth. This sort of symbolism is the calling card of the so called mystery school behind the Mossad and George H. W. "Moloch" Bush's CIA, who themselves work for Mossad.
Bravo, but you forgot to mention how the Jews are behind it all
>One card out of 10000
Not even a gay apologist but this is not even an argument. If it makes your blood boil that they get one fucking card then the one in the wrong is you. Also Ogre Wizard and Phyrexian Angel from that set were infinitely superior in design, powerlevel and coolness, but all you can see out of it is two greek dudes gaying it out. Which also make sense, since they're greek
Go learn about Mossad kid.
>Cards warping right out of the pack is not addressed.
Even Rudy acknowledges that they CAN'T say anything about this for business reasons. And since we know cards are printed and packed at least 5 months or more before they go out, even if their printer switched cardstock back in fucking November we wouldn't know until Dominaria. Or M19 if it took longer.
It's more about "you should care that they are fags and trannies" than "they are what they are".
All I see is Greeks being Greeks.
>The reason “Wonder Woman” and “Black Panther” have been such cultural touchstones is because it’s allowing new groups of people to experience something they’ve never experienced before.
It can't be, does Maro actually think that Black Panther and Wonder Woman were the first ones to make a female protagonist or black protagonist? Does he really think he is on the vanguard of some cultural revolution by changing the gender of a picture printed on a cardboard?
what a sperg
Obviously not retard. This is the first time multi-million dollar marketing has been associated with films intended for general mass consumption (especially children) that turn gender and identity into key plot themes and elements though.
no he said it's because it fucking sells packs
they're a company who's after the bottom line, of course that's what they're gonna do
I'm having fun.
List of decks I've drafted so far:
BGx Living Death ft. Horror of the Broken Lands and Living Wish 4 Ruric Thar
Five Color Green Goodstuff
Like three sifts, a bunch of counterspells and five accumulated knowledge with no real win condition
It's actually one of the best draft sets in recent memory (better than triple Khans but not as good as triple Innistrad), and it's a damn shame that they priced it at $10 because it's so god damn fun to play.
I had no idea they were gay until someone pointed it out. I just thought they were bros, and they're still my favorite commander from that set
Paid 170 bucks for the Display, i think I'll get my share of fun out of it and have a good chance of going positive or losing very little moniez.
>balance a celebration set around draft when literally every single product bar the commander precons are balanced for draft
>cards still curl like a motherfucker anyways and are shit quality
Why even bother?
>wizards encourages people to do something
>people do that
>"its your fault people are doing the thing they're encouraged to do"
Reprinting expensive cards to make them much cheaper works out for other games, why not magic?
>muh draft boogeyman
It's funny to see people who think they're clever and able to see through WotC's bullshit still buy the lie that draft is the REASON sets are shit. It's not. We've had great sets in the past that were a blast to draft and well balanced.
>he didn't get his Ishan's Shade
Stay mad faggot.
our groups mythics were Bridge, Animar and red Akroma it wasn't me who pulled them but I got a foil Blood Moon which is good stuff
B-because diversity user!
Don't mind me, just playing MtG as intended by WotC
>gender and identity into key plot themes
I thought that the key plot of wonder woman was that she had superpowers. Also, a good chunk of the movie was about how living in isolation from society made everything new to her.
I don't remember any part where being a woman was actually relevant, it's not like the villain said anything like "Being a woman actually was a key factor and if it was a man with superpowers doing the exact same thing I wouldn't be defeated".
Also, about Black Panther, Blade is making 20 years now. It's just not targeted to children, but Black Panther also isn't.
It's not the first time a "multi-million whatever you are trying to cherry-pick" made a movie/game/show(for stuff like bands and actors) with "diversity".
That’s not what he’s saying you illiterate autist.
>get great cards for a cheeky Orzhov deck
>opponents get Animar, Bridge and RIP
I hate how this set was "balanced for draft" but still was a shitty draft. Draft would be more fun if this set was just fantastic cards from the wholea25 years. I grabbed Flash too in the hopes of getting my Protean Hulk, including that combo is the best part of this set.
>and have a good chance of going positive or losing very little moniez
iirc, the expected value of the box was around $120, but the problem is that the variation is too great, so in the end it will depend on if you open Jace, or if you lost $100.
Of course that if you bought it just for the drafts, and the value out of it is just a bonus, then it's just a bonus, but don't expect to even get near to $170 without Jace.
If draft is their scapegoat, then I'm going to hit that scapegoat until it no longer works.
>if I just take the bait repeatedly then eventually they'll run out of bait
Companies have this crazy notion called quality control, which basically means you check the shit you make before you ship it. Now go be stupid someplace else.
Obviously people who buy packs in LGS. Any smart LGS will have already pulled the good packs. People buying or drafting will be getting screwed.
>We've had great sets in the past that were a blast to draft and well balanced
What do you mean by well balanced? A reprint set is supposed to let people get the cards to play the game without spending a shitton of money due to scarcity.
The problem is that every masters set after the first modern masters has been a complete let down in those terms. And you can check that based on the price of most cards.
What is he saying then? He was literally talking about representation of "minorities" in media. And then he said that "they've never experienced before".
That or he's insinuating they're too dumb to remember the HUNDREDS of previous times in the past year alone
He's referring to the Gavin Verhey apology for IMA. He's suggesting that A25 is at least as deserving as IMA was
Did you even watch those movies? Do you even know what key plot means? In Avatar, being an alien was a key plot theme, but neither in WW or BP their gender/race were key plot theme, it could have easily been a white dude in both movies and the movie could continue the same, but in Avatar, you wouldn't be able to change them into humans without a major change in the story, that's what it means to be a key plot theme.
When he was talking about new groups of people he was obviously talking about woman who didn't have any contact with media before the Wonder Woman movie.not
Panther is the first movie to break the Hollywood adage that a primarily black cast can have international appeal or reach the upper echelons of hit movies WITHOUT being a comedy.
>the first [superhero] movie
Being black was not part of the movie key plot theme. It was about how he was basically batman.
>all that specification
Malcolm X. Or literally google what you wrote. Depending on what you consider primarily black cast, Pursuit of Happyness just came to my mind and it won a bunch of awards.
>what is Hotel Rwanda
Does Ali count? For many, he was basically a hero, and being super isn't that far from him.
A movie that was a critical darling, not a financial smash.
>Being black was not part of the movie key plot theme.
I never said it was. I said that it is a common belief in Hollywood that a movie with a largely black cast won't make money the same way a white cast will.
>Pursuit of Happyness
>Malcom X
You are confusing black main star for a black cast.
Superhero as in comic book style superhero.
So, he counts then.
>Killmonger's entire worldview was based around Wakanda helping black people overthrow white society and take over the world
>being black isn't a major point in the story
Did we even watch the same movie?
Did you even watch malcolm X? It was a primarily black cast.
And Pursuit of happyness had a primarily black cast if you only count the main actors.
>huge thread of people bitching about card stock in a premium set @ $10 per booster on leddit
>people complaining about how fucking terrible A25 is
>suddenly maro decides to answer a """controversial""" question about diversity in card games
>wow maro is so brave this is why I love wotc!
>card quality thread quietly slips off the front page
When will people learn that they are being played for fools?
It's not even like Maro's post was about some sort of charity on wotc's part. The biggest reason for them to increase "diversity" is so they have a bigger audience to sell to. In what world is that some sort of saintly behavior. The mtg consumer base is the thing killing magic.
>Killmonger's entire worldview was based around Wakanda helping black people overthrow white society and take over the world
We really watched different movies, because from what I saw, the main reason for his actions were that his father was killed and he was exiled, and not "I hate the whites so much I will rule wakanda and then oppress the whites".
Also, it was not him being the Black version of Magneto, but him just wanting revenge and seeking power.
True. I wouldn't consider myself any sort of feminist, but I was still confused as to how exactly Wonder Woman could be called a "Feminist" movie, given that her entire motivation is wanting to get it on with some dude.
Consistency in good sets would improve if everything other than draft was an afterthought.
It's feminist cause she's a woman and it's good and popular, therefore it's feminist
If they had put a foil Basic Land in every pack this would have sold very well at a $9.99 pricepoint. Everyone (except Pauperfags) could use some bling lands, right? As thinks are now I don't care about Jace and I find the cards in this set have bland artwork and boring effects which makes them horrible to draft. What's in for me WotC? What incentive do you offer me as a player that doesn't play standard but has some cash to burn?
No it wouldn't have, because the basics aren't full art, which is the most bling out of all lands for the secondary market autists.
Pauperfags love bling lands, especially Snow foil lands.
Even Imperial Recruiter is climbing back up because they need to get some money out of this set, but it's going to crash hard.
its "feminist" because "feminists" keep praising it for being "feminist" even though they dont understand what that word even means
But black panther was a comedy, it mocks black people throughout the entire movie.
Also it's popular. That's the most important part about being feminist
>go on internet
>see retards spouting retarded shit
>die a little inside
Plenty of unpopular things are "feminist" like drinking tampon tea and freebleeding. I don't see why you think only popular things can be feminist.
lmao please let this be real.
I hope it is, esp when he didn't have any impact at all. Would be funny as hell if people still suck up to Wizards with this, after everything that's happened already.
l'ordre de l'étoile orientale.
I want to believe.
>lets kill the game even more!
Boy that would be the deathknell for Wizards now wouldn't it
Honestly if you're leaving MTG over this "they" shit and not over the cardboard quality, standard being shit and garbage like M25, then good fucking riddance since you probably smelled like ass.
Everyone likes "they" or even just "he" for the sake of tidy cards and efficient game design. The grammar is acceptable. The problem was that it wasn't introduced for any healthy reason but explicitly just for progressive points. Will the next rules change be similarly motivated? It's pure luck that this choice happened to be something they should have done years earlier.
False alarm guys
>publishing error silly goyim! ;) don't worry you didn't waste $400+ on some piece of cardboard!
They apologized for it so I assume it's real.
Hit submit too quick, along with that they also have no reason to ban Jace because he fucking sucks.
Its two birds with one stone. WotC is desperate for progressive points, this is not anything new. They crave getting women involved and they want to shed the idea that MTG is nothing but smelly fat white dudes.
Phew, I'm glad they commented so quickly I was worried I might have to think about this.
Drafted Living Death and Triskaidekaphobia. Managed to use the former several times for maximum opponent rage. Got a kill game two of match one with the latter for turbo maximum butt frustration. Ultimately tied for second and won two packs. Loving this set.
Come play Netrunner. You'll never have to worry about this again.
anyone who didnt see this coming is retarded
>>The reason “Wonder Woman” and “Black Panther” have been such cultural touchstones is because it’s allowing new groups of people to experience something they’ve never experienced before.
ok... how do i experience being a black female slut?
How do you even justify $10 for a booster? I make a lot of money and that is still retarded.
I want fantasy
They can't ban Jace anymore because his price.
>"why don't they say anything about X"
>"they can't say anything about X or they'll lose shit tons of money"
>"well it shouldn't have happened in the first place"
Fucking retard. You think I disagree? But it did and they're not going to burn 5 months of pre-printed product because the sales lost from sub-par card quality are orders of magnitude less than what they'd be out if they either destroyed the defective product or acknowledged it in a statement and opened themselves up to legal challenges and refunds.
You dumb cunt.
They can't ban Jace because he doesn't do anything.