>a bunch of kids bully a bigger kid
what's your party's course of action?
A bunch of kids bully a bigger kid
Roll to seduce
Rolled 4 (1d20)
Hold on, playing drunk
>Rolled 4
Fugg, what was the minimum i needed to roll in order to succeed again? I want to see if being a half-elf bard with the "Pedophiliac" feat would be able to boost me to passing if it is decently low
Not only do you fail to seduce anyone, the town guard has now been called and you spend the night in the stockade, being pelted with rotten food.
Considering what happened the last time the Warlock was near a group of kids...
He casts Shatter. Again.
Pic related
By "bigger" you mean older kid or fat kid? This is important.
That depends on whether or not the party is being paid, who's paying them, what they're paying them to do, and how much more the bullies are able to pay us if at all.
Nothing. Bullying builds character.
my rogue would give the kid a knife and tell them that all problems can be solved through the sacred power of the blade.
In join in, kid must be hella lame.
I've got more important shit to do than worry about children hurting other kids.
Same. This is how adventurers are made.
>Bullying builds character.
If you call 'becoming a sociopath' "building character"... I have bad news for you.
Cast Enlarge Person on the bullied kid and stand back.
You realize you're talking to adventurers, right? Mental illnesses and character traits are one and the same to those guys.
You make a good point. Man, I am glad I don't play DnD anymore.
>Casts Enlarge Person on the bullies
>Bully someone when youre all on equal footing!
>Cast summon 1000 shotguns and hand one to the each of the kids.
> thinking this mindset is only in DnD
Depends on who gets to them first
Demands they cease and uses nonviolent punishment to make them straighten up
Demands they cease and chastises them to the point where they'd probably prefer physical punishment
Ignores them because she believes bullying builds character
Stoicly stands behind them and waits until they notice him and his pet leopard and move on because of the sheer creepiness this man exudes
Shoos the kids off and grumbles to himself because he's got a chip on his shoulder from childhood bullying but can't act on it the way he really wants to
Punches whichever kid seems sturdiest in the chest and tells them to fuck off before asking what was up with the big kid. Depending on the answer he gets he might decide to teach them a thing or two to kill time until the party is ready to skip town.
Other than vampire, I don't see that sociopathy is a trait samurai have, not in the party at least. In L5R I mean
Give big kid an axe and hope for the best
>Punches whichever kid seems sturdiest in the chest and tells them to fuck off before asking what was up with the big kid. Depending on the answer he gets he might decide to teach them a thing or two to kill time until the party is ready to skip town.
I love it when PCs help be the origin story for other characters!
I play a Crane and I have to actively hold myself back from just straight up slaughtering some criminals.
kidnap and sell to them to the Splurgoth slave markets next time we stop in Atlantis to restock our raiding party
so Barbarian in training then?
as in the Clan or the Bird?
the fucks a Splurgoth?
You know why russian boys don't become effeminate weaklings? Because boys who don't conform get bullied.
>gang mentality is a strength
>t. never been to Russia
t. Russian weakling
Bullying teaches you how to deal with people in the real world. There are many ways to deal with bullying without becoming a nervous wreck. However if you cannot deal with it and expect others to take care of your problem with bullies, how the fuck are you capable of navigating the world as an adult?
help bully the kid too
they probably deserve it
Disrupt dispute, use presence as the superior distributor of force to coerce them to divulge why they're fighting and make them find a different resolution.
>I play a Crane and I have to actively hold myself back from just straight up slaughtering some criminals.
What criminals are we talking about? Because as long as it's a peasant, you can kill it.
bigger kid is likely more well fed, hence likely to be of better stock, possibly ashigaru, potentially even samurai
little shits are likely peasants or even eta
better to end them rather than let them think they can rise up on their betters
>Bullying teaches you how to deal with people
fucking murricans I swear
t. St Petersburg bitchboy
I walk over and scare the shit out of the kids, mainly due to my height.
We said it built character, not that that knd of character bwas very good.
>Bullying teaches you how to deal with people in the real world. There are many ways to deal with bullying without becoming a nervous wreck. However if you cannot deal with it and expect others to take care of your problem with bullies, how the fuck are you capable of navigating the world as an adult?
You don't really experience a whole lot of schoolyard-type bullying in the adult world, and the school-yard bullying you get there does not really prepare you for the kind of institutionalized/sexual harassment/socio-economic exclusionist/legalized discrimination kind of shit adults have to put up with.
I mean, unless as an adult all you do is pick fights with random (usually drunk) assholes who decide they want to hassle you or talk shit in front of their friends, but those guys are so rare that you really don't need a lesson in how to "deal" with them because when you're that age, it's harassment/assault and not "bullying" and people generally won't think twice about calling the police.
For the most part, adults don't care about one another to fuck with each other. It's honestly one of the best things about being adult. You can do almost whatever the fuck you want and as long as you're not messing with people, almost nobody really gives a shit and will just walk by you without comment.
>Bullying teaches you how to deal with people in the real world.
I dealt with bullying by beating the shit out of them. If I do that to people in real life they cry to their lawyers and put me in jail.
Inform the bullies that this is assault and that shit might fly with the other cops, but not with me. If they don't stop immediately they will be arrested on the spot.
Once that's dealt with I demand a sufficient explanation from the bigger kid as to why they're being such a pussy and letting younger kids walk all over them. I'm not unsympathetic, I was bullied plenty at various stages during my childhood. Probably try to encourage/mentor them a bit, and i'll add the park to my patrol route for the next week or so, in case it happens again (it will).
I'm not giving up on these kids goddamnit.