Muh succubus waifu

Paladin player meets a dretch, a balor or a arcanoloth

Paladin player meets a sexy succubus
>G-g-guys, being a paladin is all about redeeming evil!
>Yes, her entire job is pretending someone she isn't and corrupting people into evil through sex
>But that just means she's close to humans all the time, right?
>This just means she should be easily converted!
>I just gotta show her what real love is
>And I'll have a perfect devoted waifu, who's kinky - but just for me
>There is no way this will backfire at me.

Is there ANYTHING more pathetic than waifuing a succubus?

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Good thing in my settings sexy succubess don't exist....however...same could not be said about other demons.

>Failing saves versus being enchanted

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can i fuck it and then kill it?

Depends on the setting.

>anything more pathetic

Waifu-ing your deity

This is why Clerics are better than Paladins. Paladins want to fuck succubi, while Clerics want to fuck angels.

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Why is this trope never done in reverse.

Succubus corrupting a paladin? One of the generals around here is all about that.

Or do you mean death knight going for an angel?

Does this even happen in your campaigns or is this just shitpostig?

>Is there ANYTHING more pathetic than waifuing a succubus?
Ask the Welsh.

>succubus corrupting the good boy

More like succubus Is thirsty as fuck for that righteous dick and just cant get honorable senpai to notice her

>hey! I did a good deed today!
>dont give me that look, its true! That boy is going to be so popular when he tells them what happened?
>what do you mean taking a childs virginity isnt a good act? Virginity is the worst!
>Uh.. I mean, when its not on purpose.. I-I know youre saving yourself for marriage

Paladins too are beings of flesh.

I hope this is ironic. Otherwise, it's just sad.


But what if the arcanaloth is a cute foxgirl, like a more idealized Shemeshka?

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more proof that flesh is WEAK

That is not too far from one mange, just replace honor with depression and it's kind of funny.
Yuuutsu to Succubus-san

Fuck you nigger its awesome!

No bully

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If you're a virgin robot dreaming about a perfect 10/10, who obssesses over you for no reason, maybe. Otherwise, not so much.

get raped by a pack of wild jews

What can I say, succubi are very good at their job.

>virgin robot

Nice assumptions fuckboy, the fact that you automatically assume the worst in people is telling, must be a real fun person to be around.

>The Robot is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a NEET, a parasite, a virgin, a slob, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Robot and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

So defensive all of the sudden. Did I hit a weak spot?

>insult someone
>get insulted back
>wow so defensive

So, succubi. How to insert succubi in game. Gib helps plox.

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I have to say, I don’t really understand the appeal of always-evil species. Not ones you can talk to, at least; I can see how you might get entities so completely alien in mindset and outlook as to render coexistence impossible.

So succubus waifus are fine by me, but that’s because I wouldn’t be using capital-E Evil demons in the first place.

>be a succubus
>succ racist guys who call you a semen demon
>their souls are already so corrupted they're almost worthless
>suddenly a pure paladin who thinks she can redeem you and marry you
>check the value of husbando souls

Remember, succubi only pretend to go along with your redemption plan to steal your purity. You're nothing more than a literal meal ticket to them, one that will make them wealthy and plump.

>You're nothing more than a literal meal ticket to them, one that will make them wealthy and plump.

Oh right, you're talking about succubi.

That's what's wrong with your thinking. Demons are not a species, and neither they are a race.

I mean, Its actually a better idea to trust in the repentant ideal of a balor or a dretch over a succubus because they're too direct and straight forward to think about tricking you into thinking they want to find absolution.

so really succubi and pit fiends are the only creatures you should as a paladin smite 100% of the time because their bluff scores are so high you'd never be able to tell if you were being lied to.

thats why paladins should always give absolution to any daemon except the ones with tits.

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Those sheep were gagging for it, m8.

>paladin meets succubus
>paladin meets tief-ling priest that is chaotic good
>paladin meets child near the place of evil with no relation to it what so ever
>paladin meets monk from a slightly different denomination of worship to his own deity

>paladin’s God changes it’s mind about Religious doctrine
Better believe that’s a smitin’

I've always played succubi as the ONE kind of demon that's irredeemable, for the simple reason that they're used to that kind of stuff. Like, their whole appearance is to lure people into getting their guard down, and playing the good girl is a really effective way of doing that.

And that's when they fuck up your life as thoroughly as they can, because a snake will ALWAYS bite you. One player I had took it pretty personally, but it wasn't that I didn't warn him.

But my goddess a cute

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Because it's like reverse-corruption. You can turn a girl into a ho, but you can't turn a ho back into a decent lady.

More, if you're a demon of illicit sex, you're going to be getting laid a LOT. Especially if you're a gorgeous woman, you can get all the cock you want.

It's offensive to virgins to compare them to robots.

balors and pit fiends actually have mental scores higher than a succubus. And the average pc.

On the one hand, I absolutely understand what you're talking about, and even agree to some extent. On the other hand, I really hate this snake bullshit. As someone who has owned a snake, and knows other people who have as well they really aren't hyper aggressive for no reason.

Why not redeem a Dretch husbando. I feel like they could pull off the daddy look after a lot of showers.

What if the Succubus passes Detect Evil without pinging after multiple arcs of interaction with the party and character development.

>Not choosing best goddess.

Ceterum autem censeo Peashy delendam esse

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In other words, I’d understand the appeal of always-evil demons if I viewed them as something other than a species, such as... what? Evilbots? Big chunks of walking evil?

I mean, I feel like I have a handle on monsters, sort of. Ranging from eerie to terrifying. There are creatures that are incompatible with humans, for one reason or another— they enjoy torturing or eating us, maybe, and they’re not smart enough to be reasoned with, or lack the neurological primitives needed to assemble the idea of coexisting with humans. And then there are things which don’t have comprehensible motives— which might be a mercy, really, because understanding them wouldn’t help.

But evilbot demons make no sense to me. They clearly have the cognitive toolkit needed to be something other than evil. They also aren’t self-interested or incomprehensible. Always-evil demons are a... er, collection? assemblage?... of dedicated puppy-kicking baby-eaters, which makes no sense to me.

While I’m at it, I might as well add that I don’t know why the succubus waifu thing upsets people so much.

Kind of depends on the setting. If they're literal embodiments of evil then that's not possible. If not, okay, but I'd still tread with caution.

You're being kind of an ass, really. It's fantasy, if the dude wants to redeem a succubus you should let him. There's even 2 of them in official canon that I know of, probably more.

>P-p-pls gib waifu

cool argument bro

But demons aren't remotely mortal. Mortal creatures can vary, but demons are basically made of evil. No mortal can be WHOLLY evil, but demons and devils can be WHOLLY evil the way angels are wholly good.

There's no need for a spiritual balance in demons. A demon of slaughter only cares for slaughter, for example.

At least use a good picture of FFG

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You're aware that the first one took a literal Act of God to make redemption even remotely possible, right? Arueshalae is redeemable because a goddess decided to fuck with her.

Catechism has this to say:

392 Scripture speaks of a sin of these angels. This “fall” consists in the free choice of these created spirits, who radically and irrevocably rejected God and his reign. We find a reflection of that rebellion in the tempter’s words to our first parents: “You will be like God.” The devil “has sinned from the beginning”; he is “a liar and the father of lies”.

393 It is the irrevocable character of their choice, and not a defect in the infinite divine mercy, that makes the angels’ sin unforgivable. “There is no repentance for the angels after their fall, just as there is no repentance for men after death.”

This is catholic explanation as to why demons are wholly evil, and can never repent or be saved - if they could be saved, they would never rebel in the first place.

Frog and scorpion, then.

And? The gods do what the DM says. The multiverse itself does what the DM says, and if the DM says *this* succubus can be redeemed then she can be. If that's what your player wants, then why wouldn't you give it to him, or at least set up a way for it to happen?

>If that's what your player wants, then why wouldn't you give it to him, or at least set up a way for it to happen?
Because what he wants is stupid, and if he wants his waifu so badly, he can dream about her while jacking off alone, separately from my campaign.

Which is exactly what I meant by you being an ass.

The only thing that's going to redeem a succubus is if she wants to be redeemed. Other demons can probably redeemed by just showing them a better way and maybe they'll decide being good is worthwhile. A succubus understands and doesn't care.

The problem is trying to figure out if said succubus is being genuine or not. Chances are they're not.

The only circumstances in which I would even begin considering inserting a succubus for the player to "redeem" is to yank her away in the end, preferably by showing him her being fucked by some other paladin. Complete with her swearing how he's her "special" person, who makes her want to reject her evil nature and embrace the goodness.

You wanted a succubus? Here's your succubus. She's an evil, manipulative liar who controls people through sex, like every other succubus out there. You knew it damn well from the start.

>Actually thinking you're arguing with a single person
Do you honestly believe that the rest of Veeky Forums is dying to fulfill your sexual fantasies in their games?

But I'm the DM. And I say they can't, because it'd undermine the story. In fact, they're already approaching it from impure motivations!

If you want to redeem a succubus, your main motivation shouldn't be "I find her attractive, and I want to dick her." That immediately renders you vulnerable. Why would a demon of temptation, deception and lust NOT strike? You're painting a giant bull's-eye on your back for her to stab.

Roleplayers will want a succubus paladin because of waifubeat. Rollplayers will want a succubus because of their massive Charisma modifier.


But that's just it. YOU are doing that, and hand waving away your responsibility for the act. As the DM you decide whether or not she can be redeemed, and if you choose no, then so be it, but as we've seen there are canon examples of it happening, and thus your decision tells more about your own personality and insecurities than anything else.

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> The problem is trying to figure out if said succubus is being genuine or not. Chances are they're not.

Yes, exactly. I don't get why people are so upset when the evil sex demon is faking a desire for redemption.

Because waifufags don't like being cucked. Which is exactly why cucking them is so fun.

Oh, you already are, cupcake. Talk dirty to me some more.

>If you want to redeem a succubus, your main motivation shouldn't be "I find her attractive, and I want to dick her."
That's a perfectly valid motive.

>That immediately renders you vulnerable.
Yes, which provides a setup whereby she can prove her desire to be redeemed, if it's there.

>Why would a demon of temptation, deception and lust NOT strike?
Because she wants to be redeemed?

Look, I'm not saying it's likely, just that the excuse given "a snake will bite you," isn't supported by canon, and as the DM, it wouldn't matter if it was or not. If you don't like it, cool, but it's most definitely possible, ergo you're being selfish if you flat out refuse it.

But the PC wouldn't have this problem if he went for another girl instead. There are perfectly mortal women where you don't have the issue of wondering if it's all an elaborate deception.

>I am ENTITLED to have my succubus waifu!
No, you are not.

Agreed, but this is a game about fantasy and role-playing. What's the point if you have fun?

>I am refusing to understand what's being said because it's easier to knock down strawmen than have an actual discussion

Or maybe you're just being an idiot? Either way, keep it comin' tiger. Rawr.

My character is somewhat infatuated by the idea of encountering a succubus. She's also present of mind that such a thing is a dangerous fantasy and would realistically be terrified if she encountered one for that reason.

Ah yes, the "fun" argument. You know, it would be really fun if Hamlet pulled out a machine gun and just killed everyone, Schwarznegger-style, dropping one-liners every five seconds.
What do you mean, it would be terrible? Come on, user, it's fun!

Sounds like some chaotic evil god has a lot of fun with this guy.

Au Contraire, it could be GREAT fun, you stick-in-the-mud, you.

>A demon of slaughter only cares for slaughter, for example.
Those are just mechanisms. They have no capacity for moral decision-making, so they’re evil in the same way cholera is evil, or killer robots are evil.

I think the general view of demons amounts to something like “They kick puppies because they know it hurts and they enjoy inflicting pain; they also know that this is an Evil (or at least unethical) attitude, and an evil act.” (As opposed to the more sociopathic take: “Why shouldn’t I kick puppies? It’s fun. ‘Evil’? What do you mean?”) That’s fine for a story, but feels sort of contrived in an interactive setting where you have to pretend that this creature which clearly has a moral understanding of the world is sort of impervious to language.

Yeah, not in my campaign. And no amount of whining and crying "PLEASE GIB WAIFU" will ever change it.

This perspective is alien to me. I’m not sure what you mean, and I don’t understand why it would be fun.

That's pretty hilarious, minus the pedophilia.

It's because some people are so desperately thirsty, they'll chase imaginary titty against all characterization and reason. Shutting them down, or showing them how pathetic that is, is really funny.

>Unironic "fun is just a buzzword"
Oh lawd

Yes, thank you, that's my reasoning exactly.

I think the way Dresden Files dealt with the "redeemed fallen angel (succubus-like)" with Lash and Lasciel was fairly interesting.

>imaginary titties are the only reason I could have for doing this therefore they are the only reason anyone else could have for doing this.

Go on, tell me your reason besides 'imaginary titty'.

>Guys, I'm TOTALLY trying to fuck that succubus because it's an interesting character study

here's another user

Eludecia the Succubus Paladin

and incase no one clicks, her whole story is seeing a hot angel and deciding to become good for them

the angel doesn't smite her because she's hot and redeeming her would be awesome for his reputation

the applesponge is easily triggered

The same reasons I'd have for pursuing any course of action in an RPG. What goal do you have for saving the princess? What goal do you have for stealing the imaginary gem? What reasons do you have for becoming an epic spellcaster? Think about it man. Actually think about it, and I'm sure even you might come up with something.

If you want in-universe rationalizations, how about:

>aspires to be a high-figure in his church and thinks redeeming the unredeemable would be the crowning achievement of a career. Maybe even enough for sainthood?

>my wife has been sent to hell via cult sacrifice, or whatever, and a succubus' tears of true love are the spell component I need to rescue her

>I'm an angel trying to secure a spy in a demon lords court

>I'm a softie that believes love conquers all, and wants to try to save this succubus, even though I know the dangers.

>Was once a former criminal and while his eyes were once opened by the light of godX, thinks maybe hers can be too? Maybe sees some traits of his daughter or a person he killed long ago in her?

I could keep going but I think that's enough for now.

So imaginary titty, then.

>I'm so desperately pathetic, I can only find an ounce of enjoyment by laughing at people who like boobs.

Yes, keep going, user! The transparent shame-tactics didn't work the first 4,294 times you tried them, but surely they'll work this time!

I know balors are smarter but its not in their nature to lie to people.
pit fiends, yes you can't trust them as far as you can throw them. but you can take a balor at face value.

I dunno, I would probably try to redeem a succubus because they don’t try to kill you immediately. I prefer non-violent solutions whenever I can manage them, but most demons don’t even give you a chance.

I.e., substitute “redeem” for “smite” in and you have my general approach to things.

>Crying about a DM disagreeing with me hasn't worked first 4,294 times, but I'm sure if I keep whining, he'll change his mind!
Die in a fire, waifufag.

Doesn't count. As points out, the only reason she could be redeemed at all was because a goddess literally mentally tortured and mindfucked her, then dumped a bunch of memories of a mortal life onto her and left her to wallow in guilt and misery, but now stuck with empathy so she couldn't just go back to being a demon. And even that only got her to the point where she CAN be redeemed, she still had to work like mad just to reach "neutral" (and when there had the danger that a single slip would send her flying back down to Evil).

Her I will give you, to an extent. But has a much better picture. Grace is technically the granddaughter of Malcanthet (Malcanthet birthed Red Shroud, Red Shroud birthed Fall-From-Grace). In any event, what turned her around to Neutral (and Lawful) was years/decades/centuries of brutal torture both mental and physical by the baatezu. So, again. Mindfucked and broken into not being evil.

There IS, however, one that might match what you're looking for, and that's Eludecia. Succubus Paladin, but her canonicity is questionable. In her case, she was off corrupting souls when she met an angel, and though the details of the encounter are not specified, she "fell in love" with him. Given that she was a succubus and CE, I would probably take that to mean she was yandere-equivalent. While she was eventually redeemed, and is a Paladin, it's again said to have been a long, difficult, and even near-impossible road to get to where she is. And she's still not all the way.

There's no easy "redeem a succubus". There certainly isn't going to be any "redeem a succubus with your lawful good dickings" (in the above case of Arueshalae, that actively sends her back towards Evil).

>the way to redeem a succubus is to torture them
>redeem a succubus at the price of your alignment sliding to evil because of all the torture you're doing
Can't fucking win.

Yeah, I was never trying to say it was easy. I'm simply pointing out that it has canon precedent, so it's the blanket denial, rather than the redemption, that is against characterization.

But tweens are gonna tween, so we get shit like and so on.

Hunh, neat. It's too bad she's still listed as evil, but that goes to show they, like every other sapient being can choose to overcome their natures. Like Hellboy, I guess. Thanks, user.

Pretty much. If a succubus approaches you to be redeemed, they might be genuine. If you approach them to redeem them, any response agreeing to this is most definitely not.

she counts as both I believe

Demons are Made of Evil! and nothing can change that, however canon is Free Will is a thing so they can try and change.

so she will always be hurt by Smite Evil and the like even when she herself is throwing them around

also Smite Good hurts her too, yeah shit kind of sucks for a redeemed demon