Warhammer 40k General /40kg/

Blood Angels edition

>Necrons soon

>WHTV Tip of the Day:



>Old Black Library Mega:


>Tau Codex

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first for scionanons

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first for the inquisition

>outfirsting a inquisitor
report to your commisar immediatly

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First for the True Kin!

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I was like five seconds away from hitting post on another new thread. Good timing, user.

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it was actually another inquisitor who told the scions to get in first.
let them deal with it.

but sister, the inquisition always sends in the storm troopers first

I have that hive tyrant and 60 of those termagants

Post your conversions

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Hey guys, I've kinda lost interest etc in 40k, just been busy and got tired of endless power armour.

Was thinking of trying out Orks, they seem simple to paint and seem fun to boot. However I just wanted to ask; how is their start collecting kit?

Is it good value? How are the models themselves, do they have options, are they hard to build etc? Is it a good starting point for an Ork army and what would be the next step?

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i use eisenhorn for that sweet LD10 buff, and ride behind a meatwall of conscripts. the only way gw would ever get me to use a stormtrooper is if they bring back kasrkin models

How does this list look? My local store is running small all-comers games, using either 1000 points or 60 PP (players choice). My idea is a rounded list that can more or less deal with whatever it has to.

Patrol detachment:
Commander with 2 cyclic ion blasters
3*10 strike team fire warriors with pulse rifles, and a marker light in each
3 crisis bodyguards with double plasma rifles
Ghostkeel with double fusion and cyclic ion raker
2*6 vespid stingwings
1 Devilfish with double SMS
981 points/60 PP

Commander goes with the bodyguards, the 3 strike teams split up and either go for objectives or act as zoning units, while staying near other units for supporting fire. One gets a Devilfish for the mobility, but with how expensive they are, I can't justify bringing more.

The vespids will be used like always, as fast assassin units, while the ghostkeel either helps them assassinate something, or as my primary tankbuster.

I am probably sticking to Sa'cea sept, since that is fluffwise the sept they are from and painted as. Probably not ideal, but whatever.

I know I'll get shit talked for saying this but if you're interested in orks then you should give Age of Sigmar a look. Their Ork models put 40k to shame.

Sweet, where'd the sights come from?

Marauder heads? Look like some sweet renegade guard.

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you can still get karskin models on forgeworld or from chinaman

i personally take greyfax if i need that LD10 aoe buff, plus she has a flat +1 to deny, a steal for 85 points

the sight is literally just the normal hotshot lasgun with the scope sections cut off to leave that part

Their models are good I agree but their range is so limited, Orks in 40k have tons of units and tons of options, even if they are older kits.

Age of Sigmar has this thing, which you may or may not approve of, where they take big factions and split them up into tiny factions. I'm not a fan of that to be honest.

40k ork players wish their units were this good

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you have 3 troops, honestly i would drop 6 vespid or lose the crisis suits and get a 2nd HQ, then you have a batallion for +3 CP

I've never built that kit. Scions look like they have the coolest tacticool kits.

they do unless you want to spam plasma guns

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they look like orks wearing dodgy terminator armour

>this same guy using a name for like 30 threads for no reason
I just wanna know why. Why use a name for no reason? Names are only supposed to be there for when you need to identify yourself in a single thread. So why?

>not wanting to point the enemy to death

Did this a while back, still not sure whether I'll use it for my Daemons or make a small CSM force for it to lead instead.

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He's a fag, everyone just needs to stop replying to it

thats a pretty ork thing to do

honestly no reason you couldn't use AoS orks with minor conversions as appropriate, especially if you wanted to run Snakebites (speaking of which, give us Boar Boyz back)

Back to the topic at hand, the Ork SC isn't the best one, but its not actively terrible. Hopefully they'll get a nicer, updated one in time.

Flagellant heads and loyalists, actually. But thanks.

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there are multiple people using this name user but i was the first, I've actually not posted at all since friday

I originally did it to do as you described, but then people got irrationally upset that i did, so i just kept it to see what would happen, now there are 8 of me

>not actually owning the army that points people to death

how does it feel user

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it's orks. even though their SC box is decent, even if you get 3 of them, to make a decent ork army in 8th you'll still need another 60 boys.

Where would you go next for Orks?

I'm not worried about relative power level for now since things will probably get buffed with an upcoming codex.

A HQ though do seem like a good idea IMO.

I've got some regiments scions, but I'm tempted to get the real kits for some fun kitbashing

Hmm. Might drop the Devilfish instead, it just looks so expensive for very little value. I am not lacking mobility.

I'll revise, the HQs are just either expensive, mediocre, or sept exclusive, which kind of suck.

Newbie here, I'm really atractted to chaos and so I'd like to start with any chaos-y army.
Which one should I pick, CSM, DG, TS, Daemons, or anything else?

Also, any cool advice to start?

Nobs with AP-1 3 Wounds and being a troops choice would probably make a lot of people very excited.

honestly the fireblade is amazing for its cost, you get a 2+ BS markerlight and you increase the fire output of strike teams by 50% at half range (or you can advance and still rapid fire if you are viorla)

What should I make my third detachment?

Plan is for the troops to sit in the fearless bubble, spam linebreaker bombardment whenever I can.

>DP w/ Wings, fleshmetal exoskeleton, cold and bitter, diabolic strength
>Sorc w/ Jump pack, prescience, delightful agonies

>40m cultist blob, shooty and slaaneshi
>10m CSM squad, 2 lascannons
>10m CSM squad, 2 lascannons


>3x vindicators

I could grab a vanguard detachment for some close range stuff, I am not sure here.

Just do whatever you want. Pick the thing you like the look and idea of the most and do that.

I remember the Tyrant...coolest looking model, awesome paintjob!
Now it's all about how long his tongue sticks out.

>ruining countless threads as a shitposting namefag that doesn’t understand Chan culture and thinks he deserves a name despite it bearing 0 relevance at all
You really are one piece of work fella. If you MUST make yourself known (little known fact: that hasn’t happened to you) then just post more pics of your poorly painted an unconverted shitty vanilla scions. Stop poking the beehive and take off the name, every namefag here (you included!) is just another ego-bloat fest that ruins thread after thread.

I guess I could just filter, but where’s the fun in that? And it doesn’t stop the board going downhill. Member when names used to mean something?

Reckon we'll get the announcement of the DE pre-order next week, or it'll get dragged out a little?
Also, any hope we'll get a new model with it? I'm leaning towards no, but hopeful.

Why do you keep feeding it?

the current tyrant is great, though, he looks a lot like the 2nd edition model while also being very up to date

I run a small Dred Mob instead of a horde, so I'm not an expert on meta Orks.

HQ is naturally a good start. The common way to run Orks so far is massive amounts of Boyz with some Nobz, then have a Weirdboy fling them at the enemy with Da Jump.

Walker spam with lots of Killa Kanz and Deff Dreds is okay to, as is apparently massed batteries of Mek Guns (which is something I might try if I expand actually, because it seems more fun to paint and play than 300 boyz).

Those three options are reasonable at the moment by most accounts. As you said, hopefully they'll get some buffs in the Codex.

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>chan culture
wont somebody think of the memes and traps!!!

> If you MUST make yourself known

I don't, i just wanted to see what would happen

>little known fact: that hasn’t happened to you

the fact that you are mad that someone else has been doing it over the weekend sort of proves that wrong

generally speaking all I do in the threads is reply to people who want advice, maybe if more people did that instead of complaining about something we both agree is irrelevant, perhaps the threads wouldnt go downhill

>Reckon we'll get the announcement of the DE pre-order next week, or it'll get dragged out a little?
Probably a while yet, Tau Codex is still new and we only know so much about Crons because of that big leak. It'll be a little bit before DE.
>Also, any hope we'll get a new model with it? I'm leaning towards no, but hopeful.
Same, though it'd be nice. But I think unless they've got another set like Forgebane up their sleeve I doubt it.

Its probably my fault for not researching it but after leaving the game in 3rd ed and coming back in 8th (though I followed some of the stuff between the two, but not seriously) most of the Tyranid big bugs look the same to me.

I figured Crons was 2 weeks after T''''''au, so with necron codex this weekend we have hope for next.
I shouldn't be in a rush anyway, I'm in the middle of my billing cycle, but I just wanna see what we'll get, how they'll deal with coven, cult and kabal etc.

I guess that isn't half bad, especially if it gets me another 3 CP.

Why does everyone love Tau?
Is it because they have the least eye-rapingly bad colors/designs that should have been buried in the 80s?

Since Thousand sons codex had some units from AoS do you think some orruk units will be in ork codex? What units would you like to see if any?

A Spacehulk was recently found drifting around the Segmentum Ultimas. When identifying the serial number, it is revealed to be a important vessel, and is carrying technology from the Dark Age!

Wrapped all around the vessel are gigantic Tyranid tendrils, and from the few scans we've done, there is A LOT of activity in there. Life support seems to be on the frits as well, but is just barely functioning.

As Imperial Citizens, It is crucial that we get these relics! However...There are no Space Marines currently available to send in! What unit and from what army should we send in to substitute the Terminators normally sent it?

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Everyone hates tau. And no, people like most of the designs like that provided they’re well done (harlequins) and not weird or ugly (EC)

Where the fuck are my HQ options GW. We wanted more options, not a fucking "enforcer" that is literally the stock commander with +1 wound.

This is such a fucking joke. I want a Stealth suit commander.

Skitarii, no question. Leave the job to admech and they’ll clean it in no time, anyone else would get lost or killed in the DAoT stuff.

i dont really see any of the fantasy orc units working that well besides maybe the squid stuff

The new guy borrows a lot of visual cues from the old one, the carapace design, the pincer tail as well as the general posture, plus lashwhip and bonesword are back.

However they're now almost always fielded with wings.

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They don't really fit.

The shaman works as a weird boy already.

>Is it because they have the least eye-rapingly bad colors
>Bad colours
Yeah, it is atrocious of GW to force Tau to be painted in a certain way. Have you heard how they will literally kick in your door if their advanced surveillance systems detect you used the wrong colours?

GW are actually the equivalent of Hitler

Literally all they need to do is make a generic version of shadowsun and use the helmeted version for the model. Also yes I want a generic darkstrider to ride along with some breachers.

do khorne berserkers come with 2 champion / sgt heads?

Wouldn't genestealers make mincemeat out of Skitarii? If they slash through Terminator armour so easily I can't imagine the Skitarii would have such a great time.

Achtung achtung, mutterfikkers, best IG regiment coming through

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admech sicarians

conscripts. we will choke the tyranids on the dead corpses of our soldiers!!!

Who said anything about painting, budski?

Aside from maybe some Snakebite clan stuff maybe, I don't see much getting ported over.

I actually like the aesthetics of Tau and I miss their mobile infantry playstyle from the Fish of Fury days. That's how I still play them in casual games, it's just not good. Got better with codex but still find it a fun way to play.

You can of course play similarly with Dark Eldar who also look really cool, I'm actually thinking of starting an army of them if it is a viable way to play them after their codex. I just genuinely love mechanised infantry armies supported by fast tanks (or suits in the case of Tau).

yes, but skitarii are a lot more expendable

Sure, they can kill skitarii 2x as fast. But there’s 6x as many skitarii, they can close doors almost instantly (provided they don’t get into a long-term relationship first), move faster, are more expendable and daring, and also provide better data uplink and as such can get new objective and command updates faster. Also send in socarians to beat GS at their own game.

Regular IG in void suits. Same thing you use for normal boarding.


I feel like armour doesn't seem to matter much, as you said even terminator gets shredded, so just go with the most shots down range/most able to inflict damage.

No, I doubt it. Most of the Ironjawz units look pretty out of place next to the 40k orks save for the Weirdnob (and the shaman from the old savage orks too) and those guys would be most appropriately used as weirdboyz.

Fluff Genestealers pretty much rape everything, even Terminators. Better to just send in expendable void troopers or Ad Mech skittles to clear it out. Skittles have the added benefit of being able to interface with lots of shit and steal datas. Also imagine it's easier to detect Genestealer infections among them.

What’s 5he best way to use Lias Issodon’s ambush rule? I can’t think of many units I actually want to deploy that close to the enemy in a Marine army.

Or is it more to take board control positions?

I fucking wish. Especially now that they locked both behind a sept.

At least the fireblade is a steal now. 42 points? For real? That is a very cheap buff to apply to any firewarrior unit. Still angry they opted to NOT let him work with breachers. Those guys are apparently not allowed to be good.

M8, that is why terminators at shit. If they carve through them like butter anyway, you might as well go light with more firepower.

And god damn do Skitaari have a lot of fire power.

>I want a Stealth suit commander.
People have been wanting this since the first dawn of war game with tau in it and GW have inexplicably failed to deliver even though it's obvious as fuck.


Literally the post I quoted.

>However...There are no Space Marines currently available to send in
There are official rules for guardsmen in space hulk. If the rest of the squad dies, the vox officer can call in another wave.

Yeah, can’t use it with Primaris.


Now I'm tempted to run a Spacehulk game with alternate rules and units. Not only would it require new strategies, but you'd run into different problems with different units.

>i actually like the aesthetics of Tau and I miss their mobile infantry playstyle from the Fish of Fury days
This... This was literally one of the best ways to play then in 6th and 7th, and even now.

We just moved mostly from FWs to crisis suits. Different units, but the mobile infantry feel was never gone. Unless you were a dirty Triptide faggot.

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Company veterans with plasma
Sternguards with SIBs, preferably with Storm of Fire on Lias for masterful Marksman awesomeness.

I remember them announcing at one point a few years ago, that it didn't fit the flavour of a commanding officer, since the fluff paints stealth suit operatives as very fucking autistic.

Which would be fair, if we didn't have Shadowsun. But we do, so unless it is some GW waifufag who throws a fit every time someone suggests that a "generic" Shadowsun should exist, I see no reason for why we still don't have it. It is super retarded.

He's talking about the "official" colors in the codexes

I know because he is me

Theres something so strange about seeing a admechs bare arms

Still can’t use it with Primaris.

Hey user that actually knows the rule, thanks!
Sternguard could be pretty cool,actually, that’s some fairly punishing shooting.

Who cares what the "official" colours are?

Besides, a lot of the official colours are pretty neat. You do know there are more than 1, right? Or did you just jump on the band wagon hate train for no reason?

So since the cadre fireblade's ability works on pulse rifles, do they work on the sniper drone's guns since they are longshot pulse rifles?

Nope. Different guns.

GW heavily restricted the volley fire ability in 8th.