How would the Tau deal with a Chaos Cult on Gue'vesa planet within their empire?
What could happen? I imagine that the cult would use magic because the Tau have no defenses against it and they would try to contact Chaos Space Marines like the Word Bearer's especially.
How would the Tau deal with a Chaos Cult on Gue'vesa planet within their empire?
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the T'au would shoot them
ranged weaponry is a pretty efficient defense against magic
The cult would start out as a insurrectionist terror group like SPECTRE or so. The best gun won't help you if you get backstabbed.
Also >The enemy cannot push a button, if you disable his hand!
What do Chaos think about the Tau?
What do Tau think about Chaos?
I want to see a Chaos Lord invading the Tau empire for the Farsight's artifact wand waging war gainst the Tau by using Chaos Cult terror groups.
Chaos thinks very little about the Tau.
I believe the ethereals suppress evidence of Chaos being anything other than really weird xenos. Generally speaking, the Tau don't like to acknowledge the "magical" parts of the setting.
They would kill Slaanesh.
What happened to him? I hope he became the Doom Guy for the Tau.
>khorne decides tau are okay
Melee tau when
Shas'la Kais eventually became Shas'o Kais, and was the hero unit in DoW. He continues to be one of the GARest tau ever.
Unknown. Some sources say went mad, some - went chaos, some - he's the commander in DoWDC, some - founded path of Monat and Tau Assassinorum. All wrong, so far.
wanna fuck shadowsun's facepussy
Name's not an indicator. Kais is a really popular name in the Tau empire. Think John Smith popular.
He already was the Tau Doom Guy in the game.
He died of old age 10 years later.
Badass Tau never die of old age. Farsight, most of his crew, Shadowsun, Blue Kermit, ancient Aun'Shi who being an old man BTFOed entire WAAAGH with but a bladed stick, and still kicks ass to this very day.
Well, Aun'Va bit it, but he was neither liked by players nor badass.
Kais lives in the hearts of all manly Tau. Any Kais is Kais because they are all Kais.
Yeah, that may be the great part of the reason of why the name is so popular.
Might as well ask this here. Did the new T°au codex mention The Eight at all?
Surestrike is right!
Tau write it off as a psychotic delusion that humans are inherently prone to as a species. In the Fire Caste novel a Tau who had encountered a daemon-possessed human believed our whole species was sick and ought to be put down.
I wonder, is there any surviving ethereal among the 4th sphere? Do they agree with such tactics?
Read for yourself. I hadn't time to read it completely yet, but I think they'll keep them for the Enclave supplement re-release.
And what does Chaos think about the Tau?
>Chaos thinks very little about the Tau.
I know that the Word Bearer's were delighted at the Tau extermination on Kronus because the Tau's atheism is an affront to them.
Nothing, really. They're terribly unfit sacrifices. They don't get anything out of them
Still, Chaos likes to steal tech and sometimes killing is fun. I think the Tau need a invasion story that beats everything they knew and Chaos might show them the true terror of the galaxy.
Ugh, I hate Nu40k, instead of more alien auxillary we get mechas...
An entity in the warp seems to have taken interest in them. Enough interest to save the fourth sphere of expansion from destruction. It could be a Chaos God, a Daeomon Prince, an Eldar God, an Old One or something we dont know.
How long will it be before the fourth sphere adopts carpet nuke bombings on the planets of the Imperium?
>Chaos marks us all.
>, some - founded path of Monat and Tau Assassinorum
Tell me more
I think Tau are interesting due to basically being the "atheists in a setting with actual provable gods" and it gives them a power over the power and influence of these gods.
also their guns go blam and their vehicles are neet
>it gives them a power over the power and influence of these gods
Not as far as I know. They have no defences against it, its just that their souls are very small.
The cult would corrupt the planet with alien sacrifices because Tau are far less responsive to non-Tau affairs. Then when they are bold enough, they will kill/assimilate Tau into the cult. They have tiny souls but it doesn't afford them any tangible defense against corruption. Then the Tau will face an insurrection where the enemy shooting them has guns as effective as their own, or sometimes even better thanks to daemonically possessed pulse rifles guiding the shot's aim.
Would make a good novel.
Shadowsun defending her home from a millenia year old warlord. And she has to deal with the various cults emerging from human worlds, worshipping the primordial truth. Chaos could be not only a martial threat to the tau but an ideological test too.
>What is a your Greater Good compared to a good that is divine?
No longer canon for the most part, like all other mentions. Monat is the highly objectionable practice of going solo, usually picked after all your comrades die in battle. Retarded on anything below crisis suit, kinda meh on the crisis suits, was rapetactic on dakkamanders for a while, now axed out of existence.
I distinctly remember a daemon commenting that the Tau are very hard to corrupt the Tau due their amount of ironclad belief in the Greater Good (or brainwashing, if you prefer) and disinterest for terrenal pleasures.
Why would it do any more damage than either Necrons or Tyrannids? Both of which are unfathombly more terrifying in the long run.
Oh, if you do use Monat, always take drones to sponge/support your commander. Fun fact, the best use of non-commander Monat was practically making it Torchstar (TL flamers, VRT, incinerate enemy and dodge out of melee, very annoying for your enemy, very gratifying for you) or Shadowsun (TL blasters, SG, deepstrike on top of anything expensive with a hull and isn't surrounded by heavy infantry, either blow up whatever else you can or make your getaway, tauface as your enemy loses more than your himmelsfärdskommando costed you).
Because a chaos lord like Eliphas could talk with them. So they would be a villain that is ultimately evil but still could hold a civil talk. There would be more chances for betrayal, corruption and intrigues as Chaos could use human chaos cults within the Tau empire as terror groups.
I would also like to see Chaos challenging the Tau's worldview. The Chaos Lord would be a Dark Apostle who would present himself to be a prophet to save the unbelievers.
(Necrons could too so a Necron invasion fit as well but I would prefer a Chaos invasion because old magic evil vs new technological good)
You'd be amazed how ineffective subversive insurrection is when you have an infinite supply of semi-aware autonomous murder-drones.