Nature edition:
>Unearthed Arcana: Expected nothing, still disappointed
>5e Trove
Stable releases -
>Previously on /5eg/:
How do you guys play druids?
Nature edition:
>Unearthed Arcana: Expected nothing, still disappointed
>5e Trove
Stable releases -
>Previously on /5eg/:
How do you guys play druids?
Druids shouldn't have animal companions. Nor should rangers. They are stupid and they drag down the game and clog up the party. At least summoned monsters disappear after a few rounds, and those are barely even in 5e anyway.
>how do you guys play druids?
I don't know which is more fun, having played Land and Moon. Having a spell for anything and a form for anything are both great times.
Honestly, all the "primal," classes are my favorite. Rangers are ton of operator fun, barbarians are 100% grand, and druids are the most aesthetic and thematic casters.
I haven't played Druids much, but I got the idea in my head to play one that only turns into draconic things. The big problem with that is that unless I stick to playing really small baby dragons there's no real way to do that.
>he cant even handle one (1) extra creature on the table
lamo what a brainlet.
Ask your GM if you can refluff forms? A wolf as a wingless hunting drake, an eagle or other great bird as a young wyvern?
>How do you guys play druids?
I don't. And as a DM, I ban them alongside Bards and Monks, unless they fit the tone or the adventure, or a player has come with an interesting enough concept for it.
However, I played one once, during a heroic fantasy campaign. My character was the daughter of a nomad tribe's shaman, in a traditional ritual of travelling in my own path alone or alongside strangers to know the world and its worth without being tied to "what's best for the tribe's survival". It was pretty fun, plus my character showed up in the campaign's continuation as the tribe's current shaman, as a wise and mature lady that served her father's role. It was pretty nice.
What are some good adventure ideas for a low level Castlevania-Esque campaign? I want to break away from Vampires=CoS
Why would you ban monks of all things?
When did you realize that 5e was a lost cause?
Why ban those classes? Also, despite your seemingly reasonless bans, your anecdote sounds like it was neat.
Borrow the plot line of one of the actual castlvania games? Steal a plot from one of Anne Rice's lesser-known vampire chronicles books?
Some elves are more godly than other by their standards. Don't like it, ignore or ban it. Please stop shitting up threads.
Because again, they rarely fit the tone or context. I try my best to refluff them when I DM (druids and monks alongside barbarians as part of the same nomadic groups and whatnot) and I just let Bards be in there when we're not playing seriously, but I feel like they don't fit most settings and tones. Bards inherently make everything sillier, Druids need a really good justification to come along, and Monks simply don't fit the traditional fantasy scenario unless they're heavily refluffed or we're playing an oriental campaign.
I do allow them if the player who's interested makes it worth it, so it's not like I'm 100% banning them, I kinda just put them in the "ask the DM first" bin alongside some races.
Fuck off
>Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes
Newfag here. What're the rules on other characters rolling against each other? Genuinely confused on how that's supposed to be handled. If X rolls deception on the party do they contest it with a check or something? How about if they pickpocket someone? What if they cast a spell to charm their team mates? What if X wants to roll to persuade Y to go along with the plan? I'm sure there's more I could ask about but those are just off the top of my head.
What happens if you cast Disguise Self, then wild shape? Does the disguise hide the fact you are now a bear?
That's dumb.
>bard inherently make everything sillier
If they focus on being sex gods, yeah. That's a problem with the player. Otherwise they're just another kind of caster.
>druids need a really good justification to come along
No they don't. Someone who knows magic that happens to be twinged with nature doesn't need a special reason. A druid could be an up-jumped kitchen witch or just a guy who really likes trees.
>monks simply don't fit the traditional fantasy scenario
Someone doesn't like fish out of water stories. Or doesn't like the idea that a pseudo-European could punch people really well.
Honestly, you sound like a boring GM. If it isn't traditional tolkenian or something like that, it isn't worth? Get out of here with that shit.
Players rolling against each other is the same as rolling against NPCs. If a player wants to deceive other player, they roll deception against the other's Insight roll, and so on.
That's ridiculous. Class doesn't define a character. My monk, for example, is a noble knight errant who just has a tendency of dropping his sword mid-battle to smash in skulls with his hands.
If your character or your players characters can be described by their class, they are shit characters.
Almost exclusively contested rolls.
I'd dictate the wild-shape takes precedence. Unless you disguised self into something similar. Wild shape into a wyvern and then disguise self into a dragon? That could work, because those are pretty similar forms.
Just wait, they'll have a sourcebook on marshlands. They'll call it Lileath's Guide to Baeniff Tor.
I’m just mad they keep favoring Elves with content, to be honest.
I say let them be faggots. We already know elves are anyways
Why isn't your Monk a western-styled friar who gets fat on blueberry wine instead of a kung fu man?
>5 days ago
How did I miss this? I've always thought that people that play elves are fags, but I'm amazed that it's now REQUIRED.
It's about as required as highly religious Christians needing to be a bunch of burning metal hoops covered with eyeballs and lion's feet, retard.
Did you read my post? I don't outright ban them. If they make it fit, I allow them for that player. I've just had one too many players that did shit jobs with those classes and completely threw the campaign off-tone. If a monk is a traveller from another place, it makes for great roleplaying, same with a non silly le i fuck everything bard or a druid that fits, but I've seen enough xiaolins with no explanation, iredeemable womanizers that hit in everything, and literal hobos that have no reason to be with the party and complain when they don't fit. It's not quite about the class themselves, but more about the kind of "default" mindset they have.
If you prove to me that you can make a good character with these classes that isn't a walking meme, you're more than welcome to play it at my table.
About as required as it is for you to play in the Forgotten Realms, dumbass.
Yeah, but the difference is that there aren't any Christians out there that do that, but there are a bunch of people out there that mutilate their genitals.
>he allows sorcerers, barbarians, warlocks, and rangers despite their introduction to D&D being many years after monks and druids
do you have a problem with psionics, too
>Once per day
Lets boycott bigots of the coast
I know this isn't what you had in mind, but
>there are a bunch of people out there that mutilate their genitals
>the difference is that there aren't any Christians out there that do that
holy shit is that some delicious coincidence.
It's fucking dumb that druids don't get the alter self spell before lvl14. It fits them much more than sorcerers or warlocks.
Whatever though, my plan is to make a character that focuses on fighting in melee with bear arms and uses magic to bolster himself. What class and spells would you suggest?
I don't know if this is a US thing but all of my friends are circumcised for some reason despite being raised christian.
Sounds like the problem is with your players, not the system. Do you even ask them for a backstory? Goals, aspirations? Because that's when you vet people, not when they choose a fucking class, a purely mechanical thing.
Did you read my post? I don't outright ban them. If they make it fit, I allow them for that player. I've just had one too many players that did shit jobs with those classes and completely threw the campaign off-tone. If a barbarian is a traveller from another place instead of a shitty Conan remake, it makes for great roleplaying, same with a non silly le i am actually Drizzt ranger or a fighter that fits, but I've seen enough "basically joe rogan the boring as shit swordsman," with no explanation, iredeemable mot-Conans that hit on everything because "what is best in life," and literal bad guy races with hearts of gold that have no reason to be with the party and complain when they don't fit. It's not quite about the class themselves, but more about the kind of "default" mindset they have.
If you prove to me that you can make a good character with these classes that isn't a walking meme, you're more than welcome to play it at my table.
That's how dumb you sound.
Just because Christians can't get so close to their God doesn't mean that Elves can't.
The Bible's obsessed with dicks.
>Wherefore David arose and went, he and his men, and slew of the Philistines two hundred men; and David brought their foreskins, and they gave them in full tale to the king, that he might be the king's son in law. And Saul gave him Michal his daughter to wife.
*tips hat*
Is anyone really surprised that a race descended from FUCKING FEY that is so highly morphic it can easily diverge into genetically distinct subgroups and has a hermaphrodite god might, if they were very close to their god/fey ancestry, switch out their dicks?
so if I roll a persuasion or intimidate check with 20 charisma anyone who rolls lower than me is screwed?
why does every thread no devolve into this! It's fucking stupid...
>How do you guys play druids?
Infinite Bear Works
If you DM is shitty enough to allow it and their end number doesn't beat yours? Yes.
*tips molested altar boy and impregnated pre-teen daughter*
keep your screeching about fedoras on reddit
it means your character might not suspect them if they're lying, acknowledge their points if they're persuading and so on
but your character can never be forced to do something socially that you don't want them to
I'm not asking about shitty DMs I'm asking about the rules and what's generally accepted because I'm confused to how this shit works.
Archdruid of the Yester Hill Grove, has bonded with the Gulthias tree as a way to anchor himself to the valley of Barovia, subverting even the dark power's will to excise him
His grand design is to carve out enough territory from out under Strahd while pretending to be his loyal subservient servant.
>what's generally accepted
PvP social rolls are NOT generally accepted. If you try, you're that guy. If your GM lets it happen, then leave that game immediately.
Only his niece, the daring independent PC druid can dare to stand up to his misterious design, while he tries to seduce her into the family buisness
Circle of the Shepard, always have animal friendship prepared. My party has never had to kill a single beast the DM threw at us because it just becomes a part of my druids pack.
Disguise Self requires the illusion to have the same basic arrangement of limbs. Wyvern has no forelegs.
These guys have it right. My groups generally only roll against each other for comedic effect in situations which are purely roleplay and even then only when both people want to roll for it. It's led to a few really nice moments, so it works.
>summoned monsters
>barely even in 5e anyways
A fucking druid player of mine does nothing but summon and take forever to handle all of his attacks, and when I do something to clear his summons he immediately starts sulking.
Circumcision became a kind of trend, because of religion. It still happens because people think it prevents infections, although as long as you wash your fucking junk you should be fine. You know what's really funny, jews in Iceland or somewhere are outraged at a law that would prevent them from circumcising babies, because apparently genital mutilation is a religious right and being denied it would be considered an attack on their Jewish identity.
Fucking elgi. Why did I ever leave the mountains?
Depends on the party really. We have an edgy blood-drinking tiefling bounty hunter with us, but the rest of the party are missionaries. No shit we try to insight his deception every opportunity we get.
Rolled 18 (1d20)
This roll will determine my paladin or cleric's allegiance.
At least your DM isn't as God damned insufferable as mine that allows the local druid to summon pixies every time.
Summoned Creatures would be fine if people just did standard move/attack shit with them but every fucker who takes spells like this has to be clever about it and take 25 minutes to take their turn.
I -AM- the DM. I try not to limit my players' options but when the druid's many bears are making turns take forever no matter what kind of enemy they face, everyone else seems to be bored. Thank god the druid doesn't know about pixies polymorphing.
fuck me I had to get the evil edgelord deity
how the fuck am I supposed to play a paladin or cleric in service of a super evil shitter
That's a third of the deities on the list ya goofball.
Your pally follows them ironically
It's crazy how defensive people get over it too. I had a friend post "please consider not circumcising your sons, moms" on normiebook and the amount of butthurt people coming in to shit on him in the comments was unreal.
Rolled 14 (1d20)
Raven Queen? Based.
What all do I inherit if my half elf becomes a vampire?
Strength, Dexterity, Constitution Become 18, and I gain Damage resistances, traits and actions. Are things like Shape Changer and spider climb traits? If that's the case why did the book put emphasis on Damage Resistances and Darkvision? They're in the same section, so wouldn't they also be traits?
As the DM you are meant to roll for what beast comes out, fudging the result to take into account summons that would be apropriate for the fey spirits present in that envyroment (no summoning sharks in space for example) and the weight your care to assign to player preference (a Druid that worships the raven queen might be able to conjure Ravens consistently for example)
Shit, it's totally intentional, isn't it.
You might be reluctantly in service. Like you were rope a doped by a Warlock like bond
>Mearls' waifu
Anyone got any good combat music? I got some mileage out of this in an underwater dungeon.
Last session I just came up with a magic item on the spot, reacting to stuff that the players were trying. Ended up with a candle that never burns out, can be lit through a command phrase, and gives out a spell that dragons and dragonkin are attracted to. Essentially dragon opium, I guess.
Also, by saying another command phrase and sacrificing some of your blood (you roll a hit die + CON and the magic of the sacrifice reduces your max HP by that amount), you gain the ability to cast Inflict Wounds.
Have any of you ever done that? Did it turn out good?
>you roll a hit die + CON and the magic of the sacrifice reduces your max HP by that amount
Shouldn't CON reduce the amount of health stolen by the sacrifice? It'd be like your body is resisting the dark powers that grant the spell.
Paladin that's blatantly trying to be evil and follow an evil deity, but in actual fact the god doesn't notice them at all. They don't have a god.
Their powers come from the last bit of light that's still inside of them before they were driven insane, which all makes sense due to high charisma = good force of will, low/mediocre wisdom = doesn't realize they're still driven by their former good self.
So they help an old lady across the street yelling about how their god said it would bring ruin by delaying someone's horse carriage slightly which would alter the fate of the world, when really it's just their god is themself telling them to help an old lady across the street.
Fuck gods anyway, bunch of nerds.
So I'm gonna be running Lost Mines of Phandelver for a group of 6 newcomers (god help me). How much tweaking should I do to encounters, and how? Do I increase health, or add more enemies or both?
Any other general advice? My largest party size I've DM'd for before was 4, and they were all reasonably seasoned players. I'm sort of apprehensive about the table of newbies thing.
Yeah I know I could just split the group into two parties, but I don't have the time to run two games and study for a PhD,
plus if I can get it to work, it should be pretty fun
Considering your health is already proportional to your hitdice and your constitution modifier, it just makes it essentially a (1/(YourCurrentLevel+MaxHitDieRoll-RoundUpAverageHitDieRoll))*100% sacrifice of your HP.
My players just jumped into the Feywild, they are deep in the territory of the Winter Court, and need to travel to the Summer Queen. What are some great feywild adventures/encounters?
Does this mean an Aarokocra or Winged Tiefling has to have wings in its disguise?
>How do you guys play druids?
Underdark. Bugs. Centipedes. Millipedes. Horrid Arthropods. Loads of spiders.
add more enemies, consider upping the AC and/or health of the important NPCs, make sure they get used to knowing what to do on their round in combat as quickly as possible, and remember that lvl 1-2 characters are really fucking easy to kill without meaning to.
Still, it feels a little steep for for one spell. I imagine most characters wouldn't fuck with that sacrifice anyway since there's clearly some evil shit going on there, so it's fine I guess.
Punk ass kid beating up people who defile his "precious place" with a baseball bat
Maybe, but in that case I'd use your maximum hit die value minus CON mod. And it's usually more fun to roll.
They just found this at level 2, I think I'm gonna say they can sacrifice a number of hit die up to half their maximum, rounded up, and then cast Inflict Wounds at a level equal to the number of hit die used. Mind you, this doesn't actually spend any hit die, it just reduces their max HP.
Let the players roll whatever the fuck they like and let them decide the outcome. Give some suggestions, though, such as deception being countered by insight.
If a player really doesn't want to fail to notice the teammate pickpocketing them even though their friend rolled ridiculously high because they always roll ridiculously high, you either tell them 'no, he can steal all your shit suck it up boy' and let a fight start out and your campaign fall apart or you can say 'well, either you respect the dice and not notice it or if you're really that angry you can notice it by some complete fluke, we resolve this like adults, you get your stuff back and we continue on with this without being fucking dorks.'
Rolling against each other is similar to PvP in some ways and different in others.
>There still isn't a Spirit Shaman archetype for Sorcerers
Anyone ever played DnD with children? The kids I babysit (7 & 8) show interest. Any advice?
Is that from Mystara/Mysts of Eyr? Looks hella familiar.
>feels a little steep for for one spell
Maybe, but this is at a very low level. Besides, the one who used it was a dragonborn monk, so I'd allowed him to use Inflict Wounds instead of his bonus action Unarmed Strike. He didn't actually know what was going to happen when he tried, so he wasn't trying to cheese or anything.
>I'm STILL trying to homebrew an entire seperate manakete class to satisfy my dragon fetish
paladins are powered by their oaths and not by gods in 5e anyway.
Not for conjure animals, it says the player chooses.
It's not when a bunch of 3.5 memers all play druids and clog up the table with ten fucking pets.
The wild hunt
The CR
RAW is unclear, RAI is that the DM chooses the specific creatures based on the player's choice of CR.