If you had to make a tRPG only using ideas and implementations found in any DnD edition, what would it be like?

If you had to make a tRPG only using ideas and implementations found in any DnD edition, what would it be like?

Attached: D&D_Transparent.png (1500x750, 57K)

I would just take 4e and splice in it the 5e feat system.

I'd just reedit b/x and call it a day.

Mix b/x with the 4e tabletop focus.

Birthright rip-off.

Attached: bQEISal.png (1053x361, 535K)

Mainly B/X with some additions from 5ed like proficiency (but not for everything and more loose with skills), saves, advantage/disadvantage (to take out some modifiers) and spell progression (faster at low levels around half spells than B/X at high levels).

5e, but with items actually having listed prices.

An OSR feeling game with race and class

Ain't BFRPG basically that with increasing AC?

Birthright is bizzare and full of bad design decisions, it should have been a complete failure, but in its heyday it even had a computer game and it keeps dedicated fanbase to this day.

It will be forever a mystery to me...

I'd make DnD but in space.

So Starfinder but better.

You are a aware of Spelljammer, right?

Attached: sj-box-concord.jpg (1257x1604, 403K)

Different from Spelljammer.

1. take b/x
2. add ascending AC
3. adjust prices so you won't get full plate til level 5
4. adjust saving throws to Fortitude Reflex and Will
5. add feats for combat
6. add backgrounds that give you a profession skill, like making arrows or blacksmithing or farming
7. strip out some other autistic rules
8. add rules for playing on a battlemat
This is objectively the right answer. Skills are shit, skill checks are shit, feats are mostly shit but are a salvageable idea.

>1. take b/x
>2. add ascending AC
>3. adjust prices so you won't get full plate til level 5
>4. adjust saving throws to Fortitude Reflex and Will
>5. add feats for combat
what are you doing
>6. add backgrounds that give you a profession skill, like making arrows or blacksmithing or farming
please stop
>7. strip out some other autistic rules
why you do this
>8. add rules for playing on a battlemat
I am sad now :(

>d&d came from a tabletop miniatures wargame
>autistics sperg out about using miniatures in D&D for the next 30 years

Probably because it was a novel before a game and the world is far superior to any kitchen sink. Also, it adds politics and warfare which is quite unique in D&D.

Take 4e, use the low HP/damage numbers of OSR, splice in the 5e advantage system and heftier feats liberally.

No one remembers much about the Birtright lore, but it will always be remembered as "that game where you can command armies and become a king"
Which I would say was a nice diversion from the regulary small adventure trope of d&d

This. Also a straightforward system for crafting magical items, an alchemist class(the UA artificer wizard school is shiiiiiitttttt), add stats for a few black powder weapons besides just the pistol and musket the DMG offers, and finally revisise a few of the feats that kind of suck(I’m looking at you, Weapon Master).

Otherwise 5e is pretty much the ideal system for the way I like to play.

AD&D or B/X with a few edits

Basically remake of 4e, but understanding what the system was good for, and how the math works out, from day 1..... Probably expand the ways that you can use healing surges to include rerolls and dramatic editing... maybe include a rename for healing surges to go along with their new name: protag points?

Came here to post this. Finally kill dnd

>>d&d came from a tabletop miniatures wargame
If we're talking mechanics it just as much came from Avalon Hill's Outdoor Survival.

The focus and quality of lore from 2e

The combat system of 5e along with basic class forks, but with additional leveling options in 4e (avatar/paragon paths) style probably somewhere around 7th and 12th

Feats 5e; Skills 5e but with extras to gain in a 2e "non-weapon-proficiency" style: every few levels you can improve the bonus or add a new skill to your repertoire.

check out my most disgusting take on d&d:

1. take b/x.
3. add 9 alignments.
2. add ascending AC.
3. make 6 savingthrows, add to each a different stat modifier.
4. add trimmed races which mostly just modify stats and give minor gimmicks.
5. add fighter (str), specialist (dex), barbarian (con), magic-user (int), cleric (wis) bard (cha).
6. make multiclassing possible.
7. resolve abilitychecks/skillchecks whatever with 3d6 roll under stats.
8. add lotfp encumberance system, refine it to make guidelines to define what is nonencumbering - oversized.
9. add hitlocations.
10. add hexcrawl rules.

I love this idea, thank you very much

I cant count for shit

oh and add passive perception

Perfect! Make that shit!

an unholy combination of 2e's main rules with 4e's classes made to fit 2es rules. How would i do it? Fuck me idk but i'd play it forever.

Attached: 99.jpg (1008x1600, 421K)

It'd honestly just be B/X with some suggestions for class creation

Take 5e
Double proficiency bonuses
Remove expertise
Give Bards and Rogues proficiency in more skills
Cut each class down to 8 levels and bring back Prestige Classes to fill in 8-14 and 14-20.
Crib whatever missing rules I want to from 3.5

I forgot:
Halve everything's hit points
Make target AC scale more appropriately to the increased proficiency bonuses
Make it so you get both feats and ASIs

Yeah and that part got fucked, too.

>Halve everything's hit points
Combat goes fast enough without that, are you kidding? Especially for monsters intended as singletons.

>I don't understand shit about good games but must post