Thread about the best by the best.
God-Tier MTG Artists
While it is a bit more CG that I usually like, Villeneuve makes really striking portraits.
Scrapper Champion is also really good.
>Woman Soldier
>Token creature
The jokes write themselves!
Ir's a goddamn shame that the eternal witness playmat is only from a GP. I'd order a signed one on Nielsen's website in a heartbeat
Looks like the containment thread has been archived...
do not engage
Johannes Voss is my favorite. He could have literally only drawn Gift of Orzhova, and he still would be, but his other stuff is nice too.
>Amazing art
>Shit card with generic effect
R&D fucked up mang. What a waste
Meanwhile powerful, played cards like BBE get a granny and a big eyed moe elf before having a good art on their third attempt.
get off my lawn you damn kids
the foglios were cancer, with phil being the far worse of the two. all of his characters look so samey, with the jagged teeth and fucking polka dots goddamned everywhere.
Post good looking lands. Bonus points if they're 25 cents or less.
Rk Post
every land from khans, all my decks have foil khans lands showing the changing state if the plane
My nigga.
Feel free to interrupt my chain.
I like this one.
I love any artist that draws stuff that make you uneasy or scared. Worldbuilding has been ruined by creating world that look inviting and adventurous. The best world so far have been perilous for humans. Just staying alive is a minute by minute struggle.
Carl Critchlow is my man. Kev Walker is good too. A lot of good artists.
All the Lorwin ones.
I enjoy both concepts.
Especially this one.
Mirage has some great lands too.
As does Odissey.
Onslaught lands are also great.
I love Black, can you tell?
Ah I see you are also a person of refined taste.
I mean, you aren't wrong.
I usually love Nielson but that looks so fucking bad.
That land isn't actually real.
You what? If I'm not mistaken it's also featured in a Rudy video.
Not a basic but I love this one.
Obvious one.
Last one.
One of my favorite plains. Great artist.
Step aside edge lords; top tier plains coming through!
Step aside edgelords; top tier plains coming through!
This is the stupidest art ever.
To quote
>The Eldrazi are an ancient race native to the Blind Eternities that have neither physical form nor color alignment. Their nature is ceaseless hunger, so they travel between planes devouring the mana and life energy until the plane’s destruction.
Nah, lets have this nigga meditate in front of a sea. This pisses me off more than them having genders
I'd take an entire plane of Foglios over the current mandatory art direction
Its an old April Fool's joke. Arabian Nights didn't have basic lands except for Mountains, so as a joke a while back they announced they were releasing that set's other basics.
Yeah, I read about it after posting that, you're right.
Yeah, Kaja was decent, and a lot of their work has very inconsistent styling. There is a talented artist who went too far making her work whimsical and silly.
Link to these?
I hate that they haven't reprinted the EURO/APAC lands ever.
Let's hope Dominaria looks like this and not like Time Spiral.
Rebecca Guay is the only artist I need.
That Ron Spears Swamp looks fucking GOOD, where is that from?
>tfw the likes of Tucker, RKF and Spencer aren't coming back for Dominaria
It hurts.
At least they won't end up Like Quinton Hoover, forced to make horrible crap to fit the style guide.
Ya, the promo fucking sucks. Pack art is 10/10 though
Objectively the best creature art in the game
i've always liked val mayerik
That does look rather good.
I'm fond of D. Alexander Gregory myself. His stuff still looks like traditional art.
Briarhorn is goat
RKF is the shit
I don't think it's meditating, it just finished killing some dudes. It's even dropping the ashes of what used to be a guy into the sea
It's a shame Dandan looks like ass on a real card, its printing was too dark to really see the fish.
Seb is my favorite
That reflection though
I really like this plains artwork, a shame it's so underrated.
Rob Alexander is the only right answer
Jason Chan is fantastic- I love Pact's art, its probably my favorite counterspell next to swan song or abjure.
Drew tucker is a god
>pact negation is best counterspell
>when FoW exists
I think I love everything Igor does, but Elesh is absolutely beautiful.
Chanheads unite
>cuombajj witches
How far we've come.
I love everything about this piece.
I wish Ian Miller illustrated more cards so we MTG's past could have been inundated with whatever wonderful acid trip horror land he had in his head.
Also great that he apparently didn't know what an Ankh was...
>dat kimono slip
Is this the lewdest official MTG art?
I adore the use of shadow on his Black Vise. It looks blacker than black.
no, that title goes to Victor the Enthralling.
invocations were such a waste
The invocation border is the actually the ugliest thing ever put on a magic card. It doesn't help that they are all totally fucking unreadable. The fuck were they thinking.
still mad
S o m a d
so much amazing art completely wasted...
>those eyes
>The art direction for Amonkhet invocations was flippin' excellent, all of the invocation art has consistent style and mood.
>The art direction of the actual cards in Amonkhet was "Make it as ugly as possible."
Why would Wizards do this...
Voss have some great arts.
>Fuck, where did I drop my keys?
It's not only expensive, it's so scarce that you can barely buy one even if you'll pay a high price.
Daarken is one of the best of the modern cgishit artists.