what are some /rude/ things your players have done so far? IC and OOC
What are some /rude/ things your players have done so far? IC and OOC
>players on their phones
>don't pay attention, make me repeat things because they missed ten minutes
>"ugh geez user we have lives you know"
Then don't play a fucking RPG
that's pretty /rude/
Well last night one of the players was teaching another player how to open a bottle with a lighter. In the middle of the room. In between me, the dm, and the rest of the group. While I was starting the session.
Like, for real? I just ran down the recap, and I just asked for what the characters are going to be doing or discussing, and it gets interrupted for five minutes as these two try to open a bottle and flirt and not let everyone else know they are flirting, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROOM.
Seriously the entire rest of the table was doing side eyes at each other. Was kinda uncomfortable.
Kek I love when people show off all their retarded ways of opening a bottle, gives me a chance to just twist the cap off with my bare hands and look like a Chad.
Nothing gets me to drop a game faster than this.
If they can't take an hour out of their time to pay attention then they shouldn't be there. Unless of course they have an actual reaon like a call from the doctor or something important.
You're in the Shit GMs Do thread too, aren't you?
No, that's just a general statement really. Obviously there are always exceptions to the rule, but there's a difference between texting a silly message to a bro and answering a call from your sibling that needs to be picked up etc.
>allowing women into your game
You already fucked up.
>"ugh geez user we have lives you know"
If they are actually saying this, then they need to go. I've had players like this. Restrictive scheduling due to children / relationships / shitty job. Drop them. They aren't worth it.
I made that mistake once, never again
>be on their phones and tablets all the time
>so many offtopic and "omg awesome haha" references that it drove off our last DM
>as a result we never finished the campaign which was the best I've ever been in as a player
>now I am forever DM
>have to deal with them always being on their phones
>2 players always get into it and one of them goes into insane rages, has smashed shit before
>the other player asks for specific types of campaigns then gets mad when they aren't what he wants
>also will leave the table when he actually gets what he wants because he didn't actually want what he asked for
>player who plays music without prompting during game
>player who gets salty when his character gets attacked or takes damage
>player who gets salty when he rolled a 1 on acrobatics (actually causing him to fail, i don't do this nat1 memery) and fell for barely any damage
>another player makes a flippant comment, sending the player who rolled a 1 into a rage and he storms out of the room
>spend 10+ hours making a custom miniature for a battle, they all make fun of it and one of the players rages over something non-game-related then storms out of the room
>constant off-topic comments destroy any sense of immersion
>literally showing each other memes on their phones AS I AM TALKING
>always talk over me and I can't stand shouting at my friends because I can only shout when I am mad
>I know I'm not that bad of a GM either, I actually am good at describing battle, I use evocative words and all that that I learned from years of writing (poorly, but even poor writing makes for pretty good GMing if you can pull that off)
It's not as bad as it sounds but I am starting to enjoy DMing less and less. My other group gets offtopic too but we get it over with at the start of the session and then we are focused. Both groups I DM for say I am the best DM they have ever known which is nice but apparently I'm not good enough to be worth paying attention to.....
You know they're designed to twist off easily, right?
Actually the one time I get to *play* D&D (as opposed to DM), two of the members of the group are women and one of those is the DM. The difference is that it's a bunch of people in their 50s who have known each other for years so it doesn't cause any problems.
(Not him) Yeah but they're old school when people say girls what they mean is "women that unironically watch the big bang theory or got in to nerd culturexD!!!1". They obviously aren't normalfags, I bet they both played EQ back in the day.
Oh yeah? my mom and dad are both old school and when my mom plays with us my dad does the same faggot shit that a 20 year old nerd with his first girlfriend does while playing D&D.
>my dad does the same faggot shit that a 20 year old nerd with his first girlfriend does while playing D&D.
Uhh groping?
>Playing as a Cleric
>If I save my spell slots for healing and only use cantrips and melee attacks for damage: "LOL WE ALL DID MORE DAMAGE THAN YOU WAY TO BE USEFUL."
>If I use some spell slots to push out more damage "WTF WE MAY NEED HEALING LATER"
>And they never want to long rest
Dude, walk. It isn't worth sticking around a group that doesn't give a shit about you or anything you are doing.
The problem is, they DO give a shit. Their minds are just so addled that they cannot take a break from technology and meme references for more than a few minutes it seems. Sometimes I do get focused play out of them, and we DO get shit done. I just wish they would shut the fuck up sometimes.
thanks cell