Which Imperial Guard regiment is the most well liked?

Which Imperial Guard regiment is the most well liked?

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Catachans rule

Death Korps drool

And the Cadians layed an egg

I prefer the Steel Legion but if I had to guess the Cadians are the fan favorite.

cadians are cool and all but they're supposed to be the average imperial guard duders. I love me some salvar chem doggos

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Death Korps without a doubt. They got everything, the best faith, the best the tactics, the best waifus.

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The correct answer is Your Dudes.
I'm partial to Tallarn Raiders tho, gotta love them wacky tactical shenanigans

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Savlar motherfucker

Ah shit, didn't mean to reply, my bad

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I miss nick of kreig

i haven't kept up with him, what happened

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You boys got great taste

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Valhallan ice warriors

it's funny because the rest of the imperial guard hate the sticky fingered bastards

I would say people generally touch themselves over deathkorps and steel legion but the cadians in my experience are the most popular. I personally like the mordian iron guard and the praetorian guard the most.

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while i personally fall into the death korps/steel legion bunch i will always have a special place for guard regiments from old historical armies such as the praetorian.

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Elysian Drop Troops, because the idea of equipping guys who are basically meat fodder with incredibly expensive equipment that is definitely not getting a return value is pretty cool.

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The Cadians are undoubtedly the best Imperial Gaurdsmen ever. Yes, really! Thanks to the heritage of Cadia and their myriad heroic deeds, the Cadians are the exemplars of the Imperial Guard. With a few fringe exceptions who originate from worthless deathworlds or possess stolid stubbornness, all Imperial Gaurd Regiments want to be like the Cadians and recognize Ursarkar Creed as their spiritual liege

>you may not like it but this is the Ideal Guardsman
>This is what peak loyalty looks like

Pfft, they weren't using that equipment anyways, it's in better hands now.

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How come we never got a crack pot IG team of soldiers from different regiments?

and no Last Chancers do not count they are a penal legion and are mostly criminals

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>Imperial Guard threads

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>m-maybe if I keep posting it it'll be the next epic maymay

>1d4chan the image
that said the "release new ig models" iis actually true of guard fans, i love the guard myself but there are alot of other armies that need new models before ig

Id let the guys who made Vermintide tackle this idea

Whats wrong with 1d4chan and the "interpretations"

>not just enjoying things

I like my own regiment


nothin wrong with 1d4 itself, its people who take it like a bible for lore and for how a given factions playerbase thinks/acts

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nah they suck

too grimdark without being self aware like grimdark stuff should be

Sly Marbo got an update new Catachan units when?

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Drookian Fen Guard>everyone else

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From my experience 1d4chan operates on a 100% accuracy with 0% margin of error. It's not like the cite was actually filled by real fans or has weird edit wars or anything.

The insufferable parts to read are associated with the insufferable fans. The bland or short entries are usually associated with the more palatable fans.

No such thing considering that there are countless numbers of regiments from countless planets fighting all over the galaxy. One regiment that is celebrated as heroes in one place are completely unknown in another.

Death Korps are usually the one that people talk about the most. Forgeworld made them the uber-badass looking regiment you wanted when you got bored with standard Cadian minis. Personally I prefer the Vostroyan Firstborn. Crazy Space Cossacks are more interesting (and better dressed) than Depressed Space Germans.

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Vostroyans are cool. They were the first regiment I collected and the first ever 40k army. But then I realised how the most wargear is missing and how difficult it is to convert metal, not to mention how expensive it would be... I traded by 40ish Vostroyans for over double the Cadians.

I do love my Cadians, but every now and then I wish I had stuck with them. Best official regiment right there.

>Crazy Space Cossacks
Also they are all pretty bro. The whole firstborn tradition and camaraderie/brotherhood stuff only seen among Space Marines is also a big plus.

I want to believe that the Mordian Iron Guardsmen and the Praetorians have an intense respect/rivalry thing going on. Kind of like Brit and Kaiserreich troops -just- before the Franco-Prussian War.

If only Non-Cadian Regiments got more lore

Isn’t messing with the makeup of the a Guard regiment in that manner heresy at this point, though?

Or at least something for which you’d have to fill out metric tones of paperwork and then get BLAMM’d by the Administratum?

>And the Cadians layed an egg
I sense some Xeno influence here

Those dudes could stand for the entire 40k fanbase, so I don't know why you have to antagonize people. I don't like Orks or Tau but I'm not telling players of those races that they are shit. In fact I just want to have a good time with anyone.
>I'm a Chaosfag if you are wondering.

But they're pragmatic grimdark, instead of stupid grimderp, so it's okay.

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Imperial Guard fags are the most vocal and frankly the most embarrassing, literally detracts from the faction.

>Deathkorps of Krieg ( German for War)
>Not self-aware
They are 40k as 40k should be, not some ironic shit, but being METAL as fuck. In my opinion 40k has to rate itself on a metal album and Krieg does it, Krieg is Paschendale and The One.

I would say that people like you are what we don't need, shitheads that go around and insult people just for the sake of it.

>Not Tau

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That pic proves his point.


Catachans because they are based on American soldiers

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Blood Axes.

>Tallarn Raiders tho, gotta love them wacky tactical shenanigans

>2500pts of Death Korps
>WWI German scheme
>mud/trench bases

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Yeah the Catachans are fucking stupid and should not be in the guard

imagine how triggered someone had to be to make this image

They could be an inquisitor's team. He went around and got the best guy at whatever that regiment specialized in to put together an IG Joe team.

Damn good taste. Imperial Armor made the Elysians seem awesome.

>guy on the heavy bolter is having the time of his life

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Can some guardsplain the difference between the Elysians and the Hiroshima Warhawks for me?

>getting mad that people who play an army want it to have new models

>nobody picking Chainveil

Better looking helmets

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Redemption Corps is sorta that.

>Imperial Guard fags are the most vocal
this just isn't true and you fucking know it
IG hate has only intensified because of our codex, despite the fact that it isn't even the strongest or most broken

My fellow of Celtic descent

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>The Commissar
>The Storm Trooper
>The Sanctioned Psyker
>The Priest

Personally, I always liked the Maccabian Janissaries since I heard about them.

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one more

Also Sergeant Bane

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The Enginseer

>commissar is balanced (kruber)
>stormtrooper is ranged based (kerillian)
>psyker is a wizard (sienna)
>priest is melee focused (kruber, victor or bardin)
checks out

I was thinking of converting some models to be ANZAC troops circa Vietnam, giggle hats and boonies. I know Catachans are never going to get an update though.

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Do it anyway faggot, Catachan are meant to be Vietnam Americans and Aussies
cunts for life

Tanith First. If only because they introduced me to 40k in the Gaunt’s Ghosts books.

>eldar tanks are too fast
>fuck it, take the armour plating off of our chimeras so we can catch them

>be a civilization that has existed for literally millions of years
>your hovertanks can be outrun by a fucking tractor with some of the pigfat removed

This is making me want to buy a Catachan or Steel Legion army. Fuck the prices and the costs.

Lurenz's Gravediggers. When the 3e guard book came out, they ran a bunch of small fluff pieces for the "main" regiments in white dwarf.

There's also one of some cadians and stormtroopers doing a not-market-garden on an ork controlled bridge. Because elysians didn't exist and those were the most contemporary looking soldiers in the guard.

>Inquisitor Joevious, do you not believe your retinue has sufficient guardsman? Perhaps you should take in the service of an Arbites or a Mechanicus?
>No! I have a Vostroyan, a Krieger, a Steel Legionaire, a Drook and a Chemdog, but I need a Mordian, those Tallarn twins and a Catachan ATLEAST....oh and maybe a guy from that one PDF, I want that one guy with the twin swords and black pajamas, dont even issue him a gun!
>Well you are the Inquisitor...I suppose youre going to the Warfront?
>What? No! Were going to hunt subversive chaos cults to the Minor Chaos God Kk'obra!


I can totally see a 40k version of G.I. Joes called I.G. Joes that is basically just about giving each of the characters a chance to shine and show off their respective regiments.


Aussies? I dont see it

Does anyone have pictures of Vostroyans without the silly hats? I dig the idea of an AdMech approved Guard force, but the hats are so goofy.

This is what the Skitarii is for!

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This is basically a less comically inept version of All Guardsman Party


Cane toads and barking toads are eerily similar. Cane toads even explode.

So basically still the Propaganda piece that the original G.I. Joes was?

I love Mordians and Praetorians. Sucks there're no Praetorians left to model thoughhhh.

I wanna play Mordians but all they have are just squads lol

Paratroopers are always sexy. Hell even today the idea of HALO dropping guys is a lot more badass than just a helicopter dropoff.

I'm already planning on playing Skitarii! I just was considering a Guard detachment to use with it, if that's possible.

>Does anyone have pictures of Vostroyans without the silly hats? I dig the idea of an AdMech approved Guard force, but the hats are so goofy.
>but the hats are so goofy.

Get Out.

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Those masks are cool but I feel they would be a huge limitation when it comes to vision.

I'm torn between Tallarn and Valhallans.

>ministorum forgot to supply these three entire armored regiments with fuel
>abandon tanks after dismantling the weapons
>we are now the tanks

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I'm partial to the Steel Legion, myself.

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How did the admech feel about that

>Raised on the deadliest death world turns you into a super warrior
>Be the ultimate jungle soldier if the Imperial guard
>Command ends up send you to a fucking ICE WORLD

You see I never understood sending fucking Cadian regiments who barely know anything about jungle warfare when Catachans exists.

and yeah yeah "who ever is closest gets sent" but like 5/10 times the Catachans end up STILL getting sent to assist the current Regiment on that jungle planet to save their asses

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Comically ADEPT thank you very much.

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Army of space rambos duh

Elysians are air-dropped light infantry similar to a lot of real world paratroopers while the Harakoni Warhawks are more like heavy infantry shock troops with more of an affinity for small unit tactics iirc