bucking the trend edition
aiming to build a scifi setting dealing where nomads play a strong role. also looking for North Asian/Polynesian/Romani/First Nations characters to help influence the fashion.
bucking the trend edition
aiming to build a scifi setting dealing where nomads play a strong role. also looking for North Asian/Polynesian/Romani/First Nations characters to help influence the fashion.
six pictures is enough to start a thread, right?
They kind of look like they are face palming at something.
Requesting Warforged.
figure it's worth another shot, looking for pictures of asian styled characters that can pass for martial artists or be part of a martial arts centric story, that also have a clear cyborg aspect to them. Something like this, a warrior with a prosthetic rather than a full blown robot man.
Or like this. Cyborg kickpunch guys.
Starting to plan a design for a visor/mask/eyepatch for my starting lvl 3 elf fighter (possibly multi classed as a lvl 1 druid changing to fighter at lvl 2.) Pathfinder. Possibly with a curse on one eye removing dark vision but gaining bright light immunity.
What sort of motif could I go with? I sort of like pic related, but I think there's something better than that out there.
I was going to ask for pictures of Warlocks that are not edgy but then I realized that would be just Wizards...
More like this?
More like op or your pic? You're asking for either sci-fi women or bearded women, going off of those pictures.
More berber tieflings.
I need merchants and i need them now!
Got any unusual player character races?
Only one I have user.
Lucky for you, my friend ! I happen to have a whole batch of wandering peddlers, tell me if that's what you're looking for.
Probably not the niche you were looking for, but at least i found the occasion to dump those somewhere, so thank you for that.
yes, more like this
Thanks. I'll take what i can get really, if it happens to fit my Darksun game then it's a plus.
Why do they have beards?
I think it's part of their Berber-themed jewelry ensemble, not real beards.
Oh, okay. It just looked like they did to me.
I need a young, Celtic, druid boy with one eye. Anyone have something like that?
Please, i'm looking for an image of either a man or a woman with a falcata in one or two hands, and no shield. I need it for a Pathfinder game in Golarion, so it should be fantasy-ish. In the meantime i'll dump some of my favourites.
This one's unfinished, but it's ny favourite
he needs a pair of coconut halves
I need some more fantasy mechs
I did try looking through d20pfsrd, but I couldn’t really find anything similar, at least in Wondrous Items. Would something like that be part of an armor set?
(Also apparently I’ll be level 4 instead.)
Requesting asian themed fantasy stuff, especially elves and dwarfs.
Anybody have anything similar to my PC? Pic related.
looking for tasteful pic of Fem!Emperor of mankind
It's for a game non 40k related
Maybe you guys can help me, I'm looking for a specific picture I've seen on /k/ but that I could see getting posted in a thread like this.
It's a drawing of a cowboy/gunslinger type, but wearing a modern plate carrier under his duster and a chest-mounted retention holster that has a single-action revolver in it.
>bucking the trend
Hate to ruin this, but does anyone have anything with a Knight that has a very large plume?
I'm looking for an old king, with a halo preferably. He should have white hair, and a bit of a holy look about him.
Is this big enough?
Anyone have a desert-themed Lizard Monk?
>aiming to build a scifi setting dealing where nomads play a strong role.
Read a deepness in the sky by vernor vinge.
Anyone got any images of people wielding large spears, preferably in two hands, either gender?
ill find my few and dump them to see if it helps
I think this might be my last one...
Thank you.
I need female orc pictures, preferably ones in plate armor or an intricate headdress, something that says "warchieftess".
op here, thanks for the suggestion!
Does anyone have pictures of magic users creating their own elementals/ magical constructs or controlling them?
Mechs, or fantasy power armor?
How about the Bedouins?
(I have no idea if this picture is Bedouin themed)
This anywhere along the right lines?
Mechs, but I'm also low on power armor as well
Pretty gud desu
How about one handed?
Might be a little on the Sci side, but have something anyway.
>"desu" changes into desu
Learned something new.
T.b.h changes into desu
Spear-knight, with a Plume. Two birds, one image.
I feel like you're asking for something bigger, but have a small elemental-thing.
I'm unsure if this is a large sword, or a tiny person.
Aha! Knew I had some more!
I don't know if this exists as it's super specific, but is there a picture of a flat chested female elf mage with super long legs?
Now that I've added a few, maybe Veeky Forums can help me. I need Interwar Pulp! That time period between WW1 and WW2 when Adventure with a capital A was around every corner, and it seemed technology would take humankind to new heights. Extra special bonus points for dashing fighter pilots and anything aviation related, but I need anything that would fit between the Treaty of Versailles and Poland getting knocked over.
and I do like that artists style, regardless. :P
looks good to me!
that's neat.
looks like that native american chick from Tekken.
I need characters using katanas