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Paizo Games General /pgg/

What was the best one liner ever delivered in one of your games?

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"I could've killed you the first time we met. So I could've the second, third and fourth time too. But I had better use for those arrows than to pepper your undeserving back with them."

Only fighters get attacks of opportunity by default? The fuck?

Kinda lame for other beefy martials like Paladin but they did say they wanted to emphasize the level of weapon mastery fighter has compared to other classes.
That's a decent way to do it, especially since I imagine it won't be very hard for the builds that want AoO back to get it. There's no reason wizards should get one just because they're holding a dagger.

Also you don't know what kind of stuff the other classes got, AoO could look super lame by comparison.

It had some really stupid shit in it too, but it felt more appropriately timey-wimey magic nonsense to me.

>I imagine it won't be very hard for the builds that want AoO back to get it.
I'd wager it's just a feat like Combat Reflexes to get it back, especially since you probably won't get more than one reaction per round with the new action economy.

That's what I was thinking.
Probably something most classes who want it can take at level 1.
And since you're limited to one reaction per round, you might decide AoO isn't worth giving up the ability to use your class specific one.

It's incredible that after all these years they're still this bad at martials.

>Taxation is theft!
My low-INT warpriest rolled a nat 20 on a diplomacy roll, and the DM said whatever I said would catch on in the other guy's home nation. He then had me roll again to see if I could pick what I said, and I failed. "Taxation is theft" was my character's new favorite phrase, so despite not knowing what it meant, that's what he said.

>Attacks of Opportunity are now reactions
God fucking damnit.

I am running a mercenary theme’d campaign with the following and new thoughts:
Character creation & leveling rules:
>SoM/SoP only
>Epic 8
>elephant in the room feat tax

Magic item related rules:
>scaling magic items
>automatic bonus progression

Background related rules:
>background skills
>backgrounds/occupations (modified to make different occupations even)

Organization rules (for running the company):
>mass combat (w/ Ult. Warfare)
>caravans (minus combat)

Social rules:
>reputation and fame

>Hero Points

What should I drop? What should I add?

They finally merged power attack with vital strike.

Good riddance, I say.

They were already reactions you imbecile.

Just discovered there was a Pathfinder mmo kickstarter that raised over a million. What happened to the game?

The money was spent on midget prostitutes.

I'm talking about what they are in PF 1e. They are effectively free actions that you could use out of your turn, and don't mess up your immediate action.

Don't worry, I'm sure Ssalarn will have a feat for Fighters that lets them do that. You might have to pick up a few qualifying feats first.
Doing it right away with no fuss, though? He's not a miracle worker!

There's absolutely nothing wrong with this.

>Power attack is literally just vital strike now

You say that like that is a bad thing.

As long as they make it as easy to use as Power Attack, that wouldn't be so bad.

Power attack was a mistake, I'm glad they're fixing it.

>Other classes can get this ability—and numerous monsters will as well—but only the fighter starts with it a core feature. Fighters also have feat choices that can make their attacks of opportunity more effective.

>Could have just taken the work they'd done on martials that have resource systems, the combat stamina system and create a system that emphasises giving martials options, potentially both in and out of combat, that are balanced out by resource use
>"Fighters hit good though!"

Paizo is truly an exemplar of doing something for absolutely years and still being bad at it.

He did say "by default". I'm guessing it's probably a feat or something now.

Pathfinder first edition fucking sucks.
Second edition can’t fail to improve it.

You're right about the first part. Nice dubs, by the way.

>Fighter gets a shield bonus to certain types of Reflex saves
>At 14th level
>Second edition can’t fail to improve it.

I'm wary honestly.

>Fighter gets a shield bonus to certain types of Reflex saves
>At 14th level

Jesus christ, say what you will about 4e they at least just went 'Shields boost AC and Ref', done'.


We don't know that they didn't.

Look, I think Paizo is shit too, but we gotta evaluate this for what it is instead of taking all these knee-jerk reactions. They're emphasizing skills more in 2e to try and make them not be obsoleted after a few caster levels, and we know that most people including fighters will have an easier time getting them. If the actual skill system works instead of being the clusterfuck we have right now, then there might not be any problem if fighters don't have features for them.

Right now we don't know much about the game and the majority of complaints I see are shit that assumes we're still playing Pathfinder. We can speculate about all the ways it'll fail, but complaints about things like the power attack change or attacks of opportunity requiring expenditure are ridiculous without seeing the rest of the framework.

Starfinder trove is offline.

So tell me, do you think plastics development is feasible within the current technology scale of Pathfinder?

By mundane means, no, but if a wizard decided to do it, it wouyldn't be that hard with the appropriate transmutations.

Who has experience with starfinder ship encounters who can help me pace a thing?

My plan for a practice ship encounter near the start of the game involves the party escaping in a mostly automated shuttle. They have to fly in a straight line from a station to an "escape vector" I'm marking on the map before the ship can get away and they'll have to fight off a few little drone ships.

The question is how many hexes I should make that. I don't want the battle to drag that long, just long enough for a few rounds for the party to learn how space encounters in this game work. Then if they don't like them we'll be avoiding them most of the rest of the campaign.

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How does one Ivy?

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Are there any other Charisma Magus archetypes (Paizo or 3PP, doesn't matter) besides Eldritch Scion and Extempresario?

Well SoP Magus is an option.

8th level druid
Speaking of which, i'm surprised to see a lack of plant-based druid archetypes

"Knife to meet you!" followed by "Have a knife day!"
I'm probably alone in this but these Paizo blogs are giving me flashbacks to Wizard's posts when 4E was in development. A lot of the stuff Paizo's spewing just sounds too familiar.

4e is the best modern D&D edition, so that sounds good to me.

Wrong Ivy.

"[...] after all, you're both my teachers. Buddy taught me to kill, and user taught me to heal!"
Context is our friend talking about how Buddy and i have a master-student thing going on in-character, with his character being absolutely ludicrous in combat scenarios and mine trying to get there, and "heal" is used as a metaphor for "dealing so little damage you heal them back up"

That was several months ago, and my ass is still incredibly sore from that burn

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>What was the best one liner ever delivered in one of your games?
>This isn't the first time I've been threatened with execution!

I agree, but WotC REALLY fucked up hard with the advertising. Fun fact: WotC got Adam Phillips, the guy behind the Brackenwood flash animations, to help promote 4e.

Tell me about your character's first kiss, /pfg/.

His beloved was the one who initiated. It was sudden and amateurish, but it was passionate.

The baker boy who loved her far more than she loved him.

A boy from her hometown almost got it from her, but she freaked out and punched him. Then, in a panic, ran away.

She still has yet to have had an actual kiss.

>Onryou is Louise from Bob's Burgers

Who the hell is Onryou? My character's name is Evrina.

I don't know what rattles my shit more: It requires a feat, or that feat requires LEVEL 14

It was with her best friend. It was terrible and awkward. She's gotten much better at it, not sure if he has.

Kineticist has Kinetic Whip which is a reach weapon that also functions within normal range, I think the minimum level for that is 7 and there's an archetype that supports it.
Other than that I think you're limited to double weapon polearm shenanigans or a meteor hammer.

Never because he's a Kobold who's into humans

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My group needs a character with trapfinding and ranged damage. A Slayer is the obvious choice, but I'm wondering what else is worth considering since full attacking every round is pretty boring. Gimme ideas, 1pp material with standard feat tax.

Not sure if it counts but
>The party Cleric attempts to console the Gunslinger after the gun they just spent all their money on misfires twice in a row
>"They don't have Improved Hug, I get an attack of opportunity"

It sounds like you want to make it a survive from point A to point B scenario so take the speed of the ship and multiply that by how many rounds you want the PCs to have to survive to reach the escape point. Put in at least that many hexes on a straight line with 5-10 hexes on both sides of the straight line for maneuvering.

How automated is the ship? Is the ship going to auto-pilot in a straight line or can the PCs control it? If it will only fly in a straight line make sure to include a turret or two for targeting the drones. If the PCs can take over piloting then they may take extra rounds trying to line up shots if you have fixed arc guns only.

Speaking of guns, if you give them only a couple of weak guns it can take a long time to fight off even small drones. One group I ran had a straight from the book ringworks wanderer and they took forever to kill a necroglider even though they had the better piloting score every time due to the single front mounted light laser cannon. In a different group we had a modified wanderer that had a turret with a coilgun added which handled a necroglider in about 3-4 rounds.

Hope this helps.

One of my players, a Dwarven conjurer: "Now, witness how I gained my nickname: GORED BADGER-BALLS!"

Playing my necromancer for a Vengeance campaign, I was showing another necromancer the raised Skeleton Hiracopath we fought at the end of Book 2, and mentioned that the bones in question used to make it a skeleton were underneath the metal plates. They reached under the plates and made a positive comment about the bones.

"Thanks, I had to import the bones from a bull since Hiracopaths don't have any of their own."

The execution of that line was so quick and well-timed that the entire party had a good ol' laugh for a solid 5 minutes.

>"We are going to die. The tarrasque was nothing. The combined force of every ruling Monarchs cock will kill us"

I love starfinder but no one plays it near me. What do

make some friends.

Considering they get damage reduction and an extra reaction when readying a shield at LEVEL ONE, unlike all other classes, I think your concerns are unfounded.

>At 6th level, fighters can take the feat Shield Warden, which allows them to use their shield to block the damage taken by an adjacent ally. At 8th, they can even get an extra reaction each turn, just to use shield block one additional time. (And yes, they can spend this extra reaction on another use of Shield Warden.) At 14th level, a fighter can use their shield to protect themself from dragon's breath and fireballs, gaining their shield's bonus to Reflex saves.
I think it's a rider off the 6th level feat actually, which might imply that scaling feats will be a thing.

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Dude, you're gay. STFU

Yeah do are you are you suck dick better pld


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Turret Alchemist I'm working on.


Sorry friend, I don't speak ebonics.

isn't attack of opportunity the fundamental game mechanic that stops every combat from becoming a hit and run chase-fest ?
wouldn't restricting it only to certain classes make the gameplay stricly worse in all situations where other classes/monsters are going into meele?

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No, your understanding of Pathfinder combat is fundamentally broken from the ground floor. The short of it though is that most combat involves fairly little movement in the first place and that restricting it doesn't mean anything in a vacuum.

>a hit and run chase-fest
Better than two men standing perfectly still next to eachother at all times full attacking over and over

Caster never use AoO anyway... well maybe for Cleric at very early level.

> not two men standing still and use "ready action to attack him and 5-foot step before he attack me".

shit edition as expected
i fucking saw it like i was no man sky ruse

Exactly. Now movement mean nothing, you can flank with impunity, 0 tactics. Near angry big barbarian? Just run away behind the corner and start Benny Hill theme. 2 Guards stand on sides of a door? Just run into it, as long as they are not fighters they cant do anything.

If they are trained guards whose job it is to guard things then I imagine they *would* be fighters, or martials with a reaction attack feat.

you can 5 foot step during an action, so he will just 5ft step afte you

"Finally, a worthy entertainment!" bored war cleric when goblins attacked the festival.

Alchemist with either a few useful traits or an archetype that gives them trapfinding, they rely on int and dex so both ranged damage and skills will be through the roof

In an inn room filled with the corpses of recently killed assasins.

"On the one hand, in concerned that someone actually had the good sense to send assasins after us. On the other hand, I'm actually pretty flattered someone had the good sense to send assasins after us!"


Wait a minute, has a single dick been sucked in PLD? Or has it all been anal and impregnation and valiant heroics?

No, the shitty ass full attack mechanic and the game's obsession with making standard action attacks suck is. AoOs don't do shit for stickiness for anyone who isn't specialized in it.

You need to start one space apart and not adjacent. Whoever move first lost.

Hark, the very heavens themselves and all the world seemed to quiver and shake under the spell of her otherworldly passion! Verily to meet yon winsome lips was to pass a threshold through which one could never again return.

It killed him. Level 1 commoners don't survive demon rituals that involve being tied to a stone slab and being kissed by a succubus.

So they were in a dimly lit room with this barmaid... and he was drunk and she was too... she stumbled and fell, right into his arms, then as they eyes met... a vargouille flies through the window and stick right to his face!

He was a cute sailor boy that got into his pants after he'd declared himself too violent for love with women.

The problem is that it already exists to a certain extent with Covering Shield, which is easier to grab than waiting for 14 levels.

It's leaps and bounds better than any other line posted in the thread, so I'll allow it.

Damn right, and you can use Bodyguard chain / Vanguard Style feats if you want to build shield warrior, or Saving Shield, or one of many fighter archetypes.

Recommended stat array for a 25 PB magus?


12 16 14 16 12 7

Mix and much as you see fit.

Do the people know that Paizo has already put weeaboo fightan magic in the game?
I had never looked at unchained barb before.

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