How does buying counterfeit Magic cards compare to other crimes?
How does buying counterfeit Magic cards compare to other crimes?
Below buying a bootleg dvd. Now selling bootleg cards might get you in trouble but I doubt it.
It's easier to claim that you didn't know the cards were bootlegged compared to a movie. So it's extreme safe and chances are, you won't get ratted out for buying a product.
Have you ever killed a man OP? Looked into his eyes as the last light fades, felt that last breath leave, sending his spirit on to that undiscovered country from whose shore no traveler returns.
My LGS owner has photos of each of us and is on the lookout for litteral newcomers with full top8 decklists or regulars with a full set of modern staples overnight. Us regular are also on the lookout. If we find someone suspicious, we kindly ask to desleeve his deck (in all honesty, Latin America is devoid of female players. The only female that ever comes to store is the nice old lady that comes each night selling homemade hamburgers and other goodies. She is having a nice old age free of money worries solely thanks to us).
If someone is found out having counterfeits, his DCI is promptly reported to Wizards and permabanned with a WANTED picture permanently posted on our WALL OF FAKE FUCKERS.
Buying conterfeit Magic cards is justice.
Are you serious or joking? I find it hard to tell these days.
I hope you get caught in the middle of a match, get called out by the entire store, DQ'd, your cards ripped and literally thrown out of the store Fresh-Prince-of-Bel-Air style.
Seeing as counterfeit cards are higher quality than official ones these days, I don't give a fuck.
In a world only the high echelons of society can afford to play cardboard crack, the introduction of fake shit is SERIOUS business.
Including but not limited to: publid humiliation, expulsion and beatings.
>Latin America
But why though. You aren't the target market and your actions have no effect.
Simple capitalism, OP. If wotc is either unwilling or unable to provide a quality product at a reasonable price, someone else will.
Target market or not.
People here take their cardboard cocaine, and actual cocaine, quite seriously.
We even have, DUEL COMMANDER tournaments with actual money prizes.
picturing an sweet old lady selling homemade food at an LGS sounds nice. 10/10 I bet she's a good cook too.
Yup. She makes the equivalent of 50-60$ a night (remember this is US dollar equivalent in a third world setting). Even better on prerelease nights.
It's on the "But we STOLE a balloon" level.
Sounds like bullshit. I mean is serious business meme waiting to happen.
100 years in the neckbeard pound
Is buying cards actually a crime? Selling them is clearly naughty but surely the purchaser is either an innocent dupe or simply making a personal choice to save some money
Is copyright violation a criminal offense of a civil offense?
That's fuckin dope. We had someone like that when I studied architecture, when we worked late in the studio he came in with baskets of sandwiches and sodas
MtG's existence is a crime in and of itself, so I don't see an issue.
>your cards ripped
Proxies or not, that's a great way to start very, VERY violent fights. I'll sure as shit treat any asshole the way they treat my property.
How does buying unsanctioned, unregulated gambling items (packs) under the age of 18 and with no gambling tax applied compare to other crimes?
>your actions have no effect
on the wider market? sure. But I'd say actions like that would have a very significant effect on the local community.
What if I'm using them as proxies due to being a broke ass? What if I only use them in casual or practice marches and state that I have "high quality proxies" in my deck before hand? What if I stamp or write "proxy" on the card in some way that doesn't act as marking? Is it ok for me to purchase counterfeit cards then?
>Introduced your flgs to cockatrice.
>the dozen or so people who played MtG no longer bother with physical cards.
>except for that one loser in his late 40's who's always trying to get everyone else to play vintage.
To be honest, we're having more fun than ever. Store management is getting pissed though.
LOL you guys are faggots and I hope that store crashes and burns.
>Cut your opponent's deck
>Slip in some forgeries with sleight of hand
Banned from all stores in a 50 miles radius.
Yeah, it really puzzles the will. That just makes me rather bear the ills I have than fly to others that I know not of, you know?
How does Cockatrice compares to Xmage?
never used xmage so I couldn't say.
If you know you're doing (as a buyer) it it's usually a civil offense, but you're usually not worth the expense of prosecution.
If you're actually producing the counterfeits, it's more likely a criminal offense.
Really it depends on the jurisdiction, but as a general rule, civil offense. Which is not to say trivial; they can still wreck you in civil courts given sufficient evidence.
>latin american
>banning him
>not just chopping his legs and head on the internet
I call bullshit.
>not printing cards off the internet and sleeving them over a mana card.
You can even print them in colour to get really fancy. Why should rich fags get to have all the fun with their $2000 decks?
Why do you poorfags take fakes so srsly? I never give a shit if my opponents have fakes even at gp's. I would never try to angle shoot a win like that. Hell Id prefer to have more opponents I can play my expensive cards against than some gated old boys neckbeard club.
>LGS keeps photos of each player
>snooping for disloyalty to the corporation
I'm not saying I would throw a Molotov cocktail into that store in the middle of the night, but I'm also not saying I would report it if someone else did.
except to the firefighters, no use burning unrelated buildings.
I'm almost certain this is not be a crime.