Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

Thin your paints edition

>Sautekh preview, Tomb Blades are finally usable

>WHTV Tip of the Day:



>Old Black Library Mega:


>Tau Codex:

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First for Farsight-san.

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1rd for autistic funposters

Dark eldar best

Post your fucking minis you cum dodging autist.

First for glorious Chinamen and their powerful recasts

Attached: chinaman.jpg (1024x682, 241K)

Nth for oppai necron and shitty lighting in my apartment.

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Lesser known chapters are cool.

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Xth for does abbadon ever got tired of waging a one-man war on the imperium for 10 000 years ?

Reposting for hopefully some feedback.

Tinkering with the next iteration of my chaos list. Any ideas/things you'd change/add?

Alpha Legion Vanguard (All Mark of Slaanesh)
>Chaos Lord w/Jump Pack
>Chaos Sorcerer w/Jump Pack
>3x Obliterators
>5x Noise Marines - 5x Sonic Blasters
>5x Noise Marines - 5x Sonic Blasters
>5x Noise Marines - 5x Sonic Blasters

Thousand Sons Battalion
>Sorcerer in Terminator Armor - Familiar
>Tzeentch Prince w/Wings - 2x Talons
>Tzeentch Prince - 2x Talons
>30x Tzaangors - Brayhorn
>10x Cultists
>10x Cultists

Demons Battalion
>The Changeling
>30x Pink Horrors
>3x Nurglings
>3x Nurglings

I also still have 35 points left to spend.

General Notes - The wingless prince accompanies the pink horror ball along with the changecaster and changeling, gives me access to a potent, durable shooting ball. The lord and sorcerer land with the oblits to stack up +1 to hit, delightful agonies, re-roll 1s to hit, etc. And the Sorcerer lands with the Tzaangors to pop warp time and then doombolt to slow down a key unit.


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Those are some nice Resurrection Orbs.

>cum dodging autist
You know damn well he isn't doing any cum dodging

Hah cool, guess i'll finally do that OC chapter of mine, they'll be called templars and have a maltese cross on the shoulder

whats the least used army

I sti can't do faces user-sama, no matter how thin my paints or sharp my tip.

They work for casual games because few people bring enough anti-tank to defeat that, but they'll fail against a list with too much firepower. It's also a super slow army so you need a good firebase while units advance.
The only way to win with dreadnoughts is by objectives, you are too slow to get across the battlefield and crush the enemy they come to you.
You need, without a doubt, a leviathan dreadnought and at least one other "fast" dreadnought in order to get across the board while absorbing firepowoer and deal out damage because with 6" movement regular box dreads get to the other side by turn three at the earliest, and that's rolling high on your advances every turn. With -1 penalties for moving and firing heavy weapons and some short ranges on your guns, you have to make your army as efficient as possible. Salamander chapter tactics, machine empathy, honor the ancients, and a captain is/are the easiest way to do that.
Redemptor dreadnoughts just aren't worth it despite being cool. Chaplain dreadnought warlord is a must. Deredeo+rifleman mortis is a good firebase for a 1500 point army. Don't bother with heavy flamers on regular dread fists because you'll get one shot off with them if you're lucky. Always remember your smoke launchers and tarantulas are a good way to screen your deployment zone for cheap if you're worried about that. Since you have a lot of single model units you'll have a lot of deployment drops so consider that also, first turn is a strong tool

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>finished painting DI plague marines months ago
>actually happy with how they turned out
>want to post them every time I see a post like this
>still haven't taken a photo


>hue hue gay jokes xD
Wow, glad to know that the retards defending the fucking brainlet who can't thin his paints are like 12 years old

Are imperial fists really hard to paint because they are yellow? Should i go for smurfs for my first army because of that?

At least his poor anime figures aren't.



Is Pask worth the 10 points and getting locked to Cadians?

I'm looking to make a 3 Leman SupCom detatchment.

but I use ultra marines

They're actually not that bad if you batch paint them with spray and washes. Theres a good Duncan tutorial on it somewhere

Found the dark angel players

Should I stop collecting Slaanesh now before I get in too deep or is there even a chance that the Dark Prince will remain in the game and make a comeback? Parroting memesters need not answer, I'd like a real answer.

Just finishing uo a troop of really nice looking Daemonettes I may not ever get to even use and the morale is tanking :/

just post the minis though. Also Cum dodging isn't about being gay its about being a little bitch who talks shit but wont even show his own fucking models because he knows they're shit that's why he attacks others. I bet your a grey horde fuck boy.


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And no, painting black and silver are easier options

>mfw my lgs says necrons will have to be painted their dynastic colors because "wysiwyg"

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Ye dark angels can be cool

Yellow is easy as piss, I don't understand why people hate it so much. If you use a white undercoat you can get fucking awesome results with yellow just by using two washes of different yellow shades, and a little bit of highlighting

hes squatted sorry.

Is now a good time to jump on Tau or DrewCarey?

Which start collecting box is more Point advantageous?

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We just don't know.

Nice b8 m8

Wait for Deldar codex, then decide.

They've revealed some of the Slaanesh lore in AoS which is indicative that its not being squatted. I imagine that what it is is they're waiting to re-imagine Slaanesh in AoS and that'll inform eventually 40k releases.

There is nothing to indicate Slaanesh is getting squatted. By the same token, there isn't anything indicate its getting future support. Worst case scenario it'll just be "there", kind of like how Dark Eldar were for a few editions long ago.

I suspect they probably will get a shot in the arm eventually though, probably because of them returning in AoS. Who knows when that'll be though.

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>templars were white/red
>hospitaliers were black/white

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Your LGS is flat out wrong.

well the new necron box coming out is probably the best value.
The tau box that came out in a limited release in december was probably the best tau package to buy, otherwise the current start collecting box of tau is still a decent value.

I dont know enough about darkeldar to tell if their box is good or not.

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>because of them returning in AoS
They're squatted in AoS


Don't know about the points, but the Dark Eldar SC is pretty good. Venoms over a Raider would be nice but its still good.

I'd go for it now as even Index Dark Eldar were quite good (though Codex creep is starting to hurt), but if you want to wait for the Codex it not too far away.

They had to make sure they weren't infringing copyright. Catholic Church has pretty good IP lawyers

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just say the dynastic colours are metal

They can’t do that unless you’re playing a different sub-faction every week because you can say that your obviously Ultramarines are “White Scar successors :^)”.

SC Tau gives you 3 Commanders if you are that kind of guy.

Does many people even know anything about Dynasties. Pretty sure to lots of people, Necron Dynasties are a new concept.
Probably doesn't help that "leadbelcher and wash" summed up painting for a bunch of people

>this again

How easy it to paint techmarines? They look complicated.

Memes are fun my dude.

Incorrect, they've revealed specifically where Slaanesh is in AoS and there is a Malign Portents story about a champion of Slaanesh who is hunting down that location to free him/her.

>Ass rapes your favorite character

Who dare challenge me!

Attached: Emperors champion.jpg (697x961, 171K)

They're not the worst i had to do

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But the Emperor's Champion is my favorite character...

Time to find a new store?

no bully the dumb nerds

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I have more money and free time than common sense. I like to make a different army of the same faction for use on different types of boards (urban, jungle, snow, etc.). Right now I'm thinking about making a jungle Tau army with a fuck-ton of Breacher Teams for fluffy reasons of doing a lot of close-quarters fighting.

Are Breacher Teams any good or are they dogshit? I haven't really looked at the new codex yet (it's still in the mail and I don't like reading PDFs). Like I said, I care more about the army being fluffy than crunchy, but at the same time it's no fun to get tabled on turn 2

If anyone is interested in the army, I'm going to make an attempt at painting it in a Rhodesian camo scheme. At least as close as one can realistically get to that on a 28mm scale model

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Why does SC! Dark Eldar not show up on US Games workshop webstore?

Well there's more than one Emperor's champion. Nothing wrong with some mutual respect between warrior brothers, just ask the Dark Angels.

Don't forget what knights look like.

Attached: Knights of Dorn.png (1167x847, 1.95M)

Likely being re-packed in preparation for the new codex.

100% - that store sounds like a shit show. There is no support, at all, for having to match a paint scheme to the dynasty/chapter/craftworld or anything else.

Dark Angels literally fuck each other in the ass tho

This is bait.

Breachers Devilfish is a classic combo like peanut butter and chocolate. Don't know if that's fluffy for a jungle army but you can do a similar thing with piranhas.

Call them out on their bullshit and say that you don't have time, nor envy to repaint your entire army just because of their stupid rule

70th for ultra triggered thin your paints autist

Depends how hard core they defend the rule, or if they said it by mistake or whatever. Ask for clarification. If they really are setting that rule, then fuck that.

What's that thing on the middle of this pack?

Who would win

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That makes sense. Was just browsing to double check what was in it, can just find it on the other language webstores.

How is it bait? I make $120,000 a year and I'm home for 2-3 months at a time without having to work. I also live in the Pacific Northwest so it rains every fucking day and I'm inside a lot. I have 2 Space Marine armies, 3 IG armies, and currently 2 Tau armies. Granted most of the "armies" aren't anymore than 1200 pts at the moment, but still

I actually really like these guys because of their short story.

Attached: Final Duty by David Guymer.pdf (PDF, 957K)

Is it possible to ally Imperial Guard with Primus Marines + Thunderwolf Cav? IG being the main force, Primus and some dogs just being support.

Reason: I have a load of random shit I've bought and want to include it.

The "yellow is hard" meme started way back in the 90's when yellow paints were awful.
Now you can just start with Averland Sunset spray, drybrush with Hexos Palesun, then shade all over with Cassandora Yellow.
That is enough for tabletop quality on regular marines armour. If you want to go a bit further (or for important characters) you cab add an edge highlight of Ushabti Bone.
Trim colour for IF depends on company, but most people use either Black or Red. Black makes it even easier because it's also what you use on weapons, grills etc.
After that you've just got small details, weapon barrels etc.

>Log: we've been ambushed by a unit of skull faced space Marines at sundown. Their blue armor appears to be damaged and bleeds a low power electrical current. Engage blacksun filters

>Log: we seem to have repelled the attack force with minimal casualties after gunning down another ambush of jet thruster warriors

>Log: the enemy seems to have retreated however we have found several dead fire caste. They were discovered hanging on the walls of their quarters via their own bonding knife through the neck.

>Log: We are not alone. Several suit teams were found dead. Their bodies were hardly recognizable inside the suit however their heads were removed and placed over the optical equipment.

>Log: I have heard nothing but screaming for the past 4 hours

>Log: translation of the bloody messages on the wall suggest we surrender. The ethereals give no heed. We continue for the greater good.

>Log: I have received a distress warning from the command deck. I fear our leaders made be under attack as I move to intercept.

>Log: They're all dead. Fear and dread and hate fill my blood. Our leaders were scattered about the command room with their heads on display. I must escape and warn the others.

>Log: My proximity sensors have detected movement yet I see nothing and hear only distant screams an- wait... *Ave Dominus Nox* I ha-

He is, but he's always targeted right away. If you play against not retarded people, he will die unless you go first and get off Nightshroud and Barrier on him.

>Night Lords being good for anything but bullying civilians


>tfw the Schola Progenium is Hitler Youth
>tfw there's nothing wrong with it

Attached: Schola Progenium.png (345x138, 73K)

>”I’ll take you on with one... No, two arms tied behind my back!”

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I agree

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>tau are better than worthless civilians

>3 IG armies
What do you run?

Pretty spooky.

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If "Do It For Her" is a covered up version of "Don't forget, you're here forever," what is, "Do it For Him?"

What if I don't really like any of the characters?

No idea, tesla coil ?
And i hate that pic, make the model looks retarded, have some salamanders instead

Attached: Tactical_squad.jpg (4096x2304, 2.49M)

Mentors are my favourite, if I was to collect a new space marine force, I'd make some Mentors. (my existing force is a 'my dudes' Ultras successor)

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that seems like a reasonable rule. harsh, but fair, like the imperium of man.

do dude look better on cam?
these are my first few.
when i watch them irl i want to puke,
but in the pics i am fine with them.
is this normal or am i the only one?

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So what? I don't give a shit about your faggy memes, I like Tau because they, along with IG and Space Marines, are the closest thing to a realistic Sci-Fi army.
It varies based on what their fluff is. I've got one that's a desert force that I modeled after the Afrika Korps, so it's mostly tanks. Another that is an urban fighting force, so it's mostly infantry supported by Hellhounds and sentinels, and then I've got one that I just started that I want to model after WWII Japan, but I don't know how I'll do that yet, and I think I'll put it off until I do this jungle Tau army

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Generally things look worse on camera, though you really need to take care with clearing moldlines and thinning your paints