Sadistic edition
What's the most evil, pain inflicting deck you've ever built or seen played?
Decks that just don't let your opponent play at all, taking 10 minute turns, countering spells, destroying land, storm. Hit me with your worst
Sadistic edition
What's the most evil, pain inflicting deck you've ever built or seen played?
Decks that just don't let your opponent play at all, taking 10 minute turns, countering spells, destroying land, storm. Hit me with your worst
Other urls found in this thread:
Op bump. Countertop miracles was pretty bad before ban, especially with maindeck rest in peace along with helm as a wincon, because the maindeck RIP was so devastating to many strategies at the time. And once the counterbalance top was online, you just knew you weren't resolving anything else
I think lands is a definite contender, loaming for wastelands is pretty oppressive when you can easily crop rotation for a tabernacle or maze of ith any time you want against creatures, And non-creature strategies are just getting shit on by the land destruct
Disclaimer: I know nothing about Legacy
Did Countertop make Ingot Chewer popular or was it entirely Chalice id the Void's doing.
Storm is pretty sadistic too. You let your opponent's fair deck tick you down, and when they are just within reach of victory, you take a 15 minute turn and just the whole time they know they're fucked. Even if they have archive trap or flusterstorm, you can just flashback past in flames and do it again. Let victory dangle just out of reach and then massively deny them
It's a pretty excruciating experience, I bet it feels pretty nice to win with a deck like storm
Just chalice. You can't even hit a top with ingot chewer, they just return the top to the library and draw a card. You really need a card like krosan grip to deal with top, and by the time you get 3 mana it's often too late
I had a deck from back in the day, I guess you'd call it counterhell. It had force spike, counterspell, ertai wizard adept, mana leak, and every counterspell I could think of. The only win condition was a solitary prodigal sorcerer to slowly tick down your opponent's life. The goal was to, from turn 1, counter every single spell they ever play. It wasn't even particularly good but man was it fun to play
There’s a Legacy “Win-a-Box” event weekend at the LGS (new store, and we already had a healthy group of Legacy players around). I do not have anything resembling a legacy deck, do a I just bring my Modern Zoo Deck or make something Janky from the stuff I do have?
I already know I don’t really have a chance at the box, but I’d also like to not just be meat for the grinder so to speak.
Is your goal to spend $0 and play legacy?
Yeah you could probably play your zoo deck. I don't know what you have lying around but I doubt it's a tier legacy deck
You could play something rogue-y and relatively cheap, like zombardment, but that still has revised dual lands in it
The absolute cheapest legacy deck in existence I have to imagine would be burn. And with chain lightning and price of progress seeing somewhat recent reprints, I think you can get away with a budget version under $100
You can't counter Krosan Grip, dingus. The real hell is if they somehow already had a 3 CMC card on top for Counterbalance, so they didn't even need to activate top.
Here's a pretty serviceable list
Again, if you don't want to spend $100 I'd encourage you to play your zoo. But brewing is fun, nothing wrong with seeing what you've got lying around. I've seen people make janky elf decks for legacy that have done pretty respectably with just commons
Split second. meaning can't be countered, can't be responded to in any way (well it can, they'd have to have a counterbalance on 3 on top of the deck)
>Tfw making a legacy affinity deck and its still almost 1k
didn't link the list like a retard
You need to think more rogue-y if you want cheap. Affinity cards are popular in modern, and so even if there isn't a legacy market for them, modern by itself runs up prices
I want to brew up something with cabal therapy, thoughtseize and inquisition of kozilek because it seems crazy strong (maybe gitax probe too for good measure?) but the problem is there are decks in legacy that are perfectly fine with discarding their hand. So you just do nothing to them at all
maybe what it needs is maindeck leyline of the voids or something
>Death and Taxes is a tier 1 deck
Dominaria brings me a card that makes me bust out my stasis deck after a year. Feels good man
Maindeck RIP to get so many easy g1 wins
Can we make lantern work in legacy?
I once made a concede deck. The format was kitchen table so basically vintage. My deck was heavily into draw and mana producing. It had a graveyard recycle combo so I could go on forever. And then it would simply lock the game. All focussed on enchantments and creatures that made me, others enchantments and creatures and my life total unchangable/untargetable/indestructable. Also lots of deliberating shit to prevent counterspelling and activating stuff. After a while they just gave up. Was pretty fun and very frustrating to play against.
>could've put together $2300 worth of sneak and show
>the most dumb fun deck i can think of
>instead got a used car
No, because brainstorm and good counters exist.
Feels even better to as naus down to 1 and win through a counter and surgical through proper sequencing.
Am I the only who thinks brainstorm is busted? I have a feeling everyone knows it's busted it's just that no one wants to talk about it.
Finally a thread for best format
running Death and Taxes, classic Goblins and Burn, hoping to have Stasis and Pox built later on.
my lgs is mostly EDH sadly.
It is busted. Busted AF. The fact that it's restricted in vintage should tell you all you need to know. At its best it's as good as ancestral recall. Drawing 3 new cards is insane. Replacing half your hand to be more useful against your opponent will always be good. The fact that it's instant elevates what would already be a good card to straight up bullshit.
That said, it's one of the last cards I'd actually want banned. It's fun as fuck, incredibly flexible and decision intensive. Its a card that defines the format, in the best way. It provides a bar of strength that competing cards and archetypes must match up to. I personally love it and hope it stays.
Its only busted in conjunction with shuffle effects.
The card itself is nothing special outside of those combos.
Brainstorm doesnt give you any card advantage it only increases your card quality.
Its not nearly as broken as ancestral.
Just play Grixis pyromancer.
Keeping this thread alive with P O X !
where's the chains bro?
I was saving up for them but then the buyout happened. I'm probably just going to order fakes of the price doesn't go back down fast enough
M8, we're not examining the card in a vacuum. The fact that shuffle effects are plentiful is relevant. And nowhere did I say that it gave you card advantage. But in a perfect scenario, where you have useless cards in your hand, it is still LITERALLY as good as ancestral recall, because you still draw 3 fucking cards. I could even construct scenarios where it's better, because the cards are better in your deck than your hand.
Sounds similar to Randy Buhler's Draw-Go from '98
1 Rainbow Efreet
4 Counterspell
4 Dismiss
2 Dissipate
3 Forbid
4 Force Spike
4 Impulse
3 Mana Leak
1 Memory Lapse
4 Nevinyrral's Disk
4 Whispers of the Muse
18 Island
4 Quicksand
4 Stalking Stones
2 Capsize
1 Grindstone
4 Hydroblast
4 Sea Sprite
4 Wasteland
I've played it during the gauntlet challengers on MTGO, it's absolutely the worst deck out of all the "best decks" nowdays.
What's up lads? It's been a while since I caught a general. I haven't been able to play much Legacy recently, work has been keeping me from making to many Legacy nights, but I'm still memeing with Parfait when I get a chance.
Ahh, parfait. This will forever be my first love (deck).
Hi, is there any blue/white control decks in this format? i want to join in this format from modern (played blue/white control there)
>going down
user just buy the fakes already, Chains ain't ever getting affordable again.
Parfait is a classic and your list looks lovely. Well done, user.
I feel the same way, I fell in love with the deck; I pretty much only play Parfait and TES in Legacy now despite having 4 other decks put together.
Miracles is still a deck, and can be either UW or UWr. Stoneblade variants are decent and can be UW, UWr, UWb, or UWbg depending of what cards you like to play. You could also play a Landstill variant, which can be UW, UR, UB, and sometimes UWr or UBG.
Thanks! It's been a labor of love, took me forever to find a Moat at a reasonable price that wasn't absolutely beat to hell and back.
>Thanks! It's been a labor of love, took me forever to find a Moat at a reasonable price that wasn't absolutely beat to hell and back.
Man, Moats aren't easy to come by either. What'd you end up shelling out for it? $300-400?
I traded 2x MP revised Tropical Islands (Moat is MP), so I guess it was ~$400? Totally worth it though.
Not a terrible deal at all there. In any case, deck looks great. How's your record with her?
(WU purist here)
is there anything in the list of decks that i can just take the shell of and build around? im rather poor and i want to build up to some of the important pieces, like i know i can use hallowed fountains in the stead of tundra, but can i just roll with draws, counters, and finishers/stall to finishers? or is it just "these are set in stone, and if this deviates one single Angstrom of a Atom away from these you are doomed to fail in whatever endeavor you set out to acomplish" sort of thing?
(if its any comfort, i have the full playsets of counterspell, Swords, brainstorm, ponder, (a half playset of daze, but that will be remedied soon no worries) and some pieces from UW control in modern like sphinx's rev and supreme verdict)
You are going to *have* to acquire Forces my man. Control sans Force is not a deck in Legacy, nothing for it. You can probably kludge something together with what you've got, but without Force you will just be leaving games on the table.
Well I figured I’d have to make some sacrifices in terms of expense, my primary goal before I play at a store or something is to get a set of forces, I’ll roll with what I have but forces are key to control. So im not playing until I have them
>How's your record with her?
I haven't kept close track of my matches, but the deck feels great against large chunks of the meta. RIP makes DRS bad and makes my G1 really solid against Bx Reanimator, Dredge, and ANT while Energy Field makes G1 against Burn and Lands almost impossible to lose. The main problem decks are things that are blazing fast or require you to have force to not lose, particularly Infect, Belcher, PSI, and TES are really bad.
>roll with what I have
In terms of modern anyway
Standstill will give you a good base to brew around for a pure UW control build and will be the closest thing to draw go that you can build. Miracles/Stoneblade are the established UW control archetype in Legacy if you're looking for something less on the fringe, but is right, control in Legacy requires Force.
Ok, I’ll take a closer look into landstill, also I mentioned earlier that I intend to brew around until I get the cash to buy a set of force, (brewing around being using xmage liberally, I hope I don’t come across pox control much)
Have you tried playing Belcher in this, user? I gave r/w parfait a go ages ago and the one of belcher was a good wincon and a good repeatable removal spell.
Not him (UW new guy) but what’s parfait suppost to do? It seems like a rather entertaining prison deck
>All this Tundra love
Post your Tundras
Wish I could, hope to have some soon, I can post the art tho.
I haven't tried it, I've always been hesitant because making Belcher good would require me to drop the 3x CoT and 4x Flooded Strand, which have been great. Adding Belcher would make the deck slow down a lot, which makes it hard to jam lock pieces against faster decks and would probably require cutting some of the 4 drops. The fetches also make Scroll Rack and Jace better by giving you additional shuffle effects.
You have a few ways to win, RIP+Energy Field makes it so your opponent can't deal you damage, RIP+Helm exiles your opponents library, Isochron Scepter + Orim's Chant on their upkeep makes it so they can't cast spells or attack, and lastly you can simply hide Moat/Humility/Ghostly Prison/Energy Field and kill them with either Thopter Spy Network or a Jace ultimate
*Hide behind Moat/Humility/Ghostly Prison/Energy Field
Sounds like an absolute joy to play.
YEAAHH finally a general for the only format who matter. Turbo depths, D&T and esper deathblade owner here btw :3
Currently building my long time wanted GWu Turbo Enchantress.
Anybody seen the updated Blue Belcher list? It looks fun as fuck, I'm tempted to pick up the last couple Mox Opals I'd need and give it a go.
I brewed U belcher years ago, something really similar to this without the new tools availible of course (mainly paradoxical outcome) but with transmute artifact (perfect to fetch your belcher sacing a grim monolith). Sadly the deck is really bad
It's probably pretty bad, but I thing Paradoxical gives it a big boost, probably enough to take it from unplayably bad to hilariously bad.
So I'm playing a team trios this weekend, and I'm thinking Eldrazi aggro, with my 2 mates on modern storm and standard RDW
Is that a stronger arrangement than Grixis delver modern eldrazitron standard RDW?
My mate would take my grixis delver instead of storm because I'm hot garbage with delver, and eldrazi is a dumb enough deck I can play in legacy or modern
i'm really doubtful but the hilarious part is probably right haha, from my memory i was also running land grantx4 + tropicalx2 instead of synod to assur an early land bcuz if you lack your first mana enabler you simply can't start to ramp/cantrip and you are forced to mull to oblivion. Imho the guy who posted this list didn't tested it a lot if at all. Give it a try and let us know how (bad) it did for you, godspeed user!
i wish i were you user
>Harvest Pyre
What in the fuck? Is this guy good enough to win with that in his deck or is it some kind of inside joke?
probably a mtgtop8 decklist error, it happen sometimes
picking up doomsday
fuck fair magic
>Harvest Pyre
It actually seems like a decent out to a resolved Gurmag or other high toughness threat for 1R in a deck that only lightly uses it's graveyard.
>in a world post SDT
yes it's unfair for you, you sir are a gentleman to impose such a handicap to yourself
Somebody on reddit is playing that Blue Belcher list.
I bet it is supposed to be Pyroblast.
True but I'm doubtful.
It's no joke. It's a very solid removal spell that gets rid of big threats where Sudden Shock and Lightning Bolt fail.
>Reserved list card, still at $20
>Tons of non playable reserved list cards way higher
Will there ever be a buyout of this?
Heh, going big with cabal coffers is more my MBC deck.
Shit, don't give them any ideas
I like Maverick.
i'm unironically doing so since last month. I've not an updated pic but i alrdy bought 40, it's not really a buy out so to speak. I know 2 try were alrdy made (2012 and 2016, respectivelly few time after LLoV and RIP prints) but the guys who tried underestimated the numbers in circulation and the fact numbers of players weren't sentimentally attached to them. For me, i don't even plan to sell them one day, i just am obsessed with the card since years idk why, but just decided recently to pull the trigger and start buying them because i fear they wont stay cheap any longer, a lot of ppl start to see the RL as a safe investment with a good interest rate, and having a colorless artifact, comboing with as low as two pieces required, with multiples setup possibles to ensure an immediat victory, from an early set (and remember, Alliances wasn't the main set, it was Ice Age, and was printed almost 3 times less than IA : 500M vs 180M) which is good on its own in few cases (opponent running RIP, S&T matchup up or in EDH),with a weird wording and a weird illustration is making Helm an almost unique card in the mtg pool. The card is very undervaluated and underplayed imo, just like few others RL pieces like Humility or Intuition.. Any deck running RIP or LLotV in side could potentially run helm as a transformational surprise side tech, as we saw not so long ago. The variety of decks who arldy inserted this card is simply astonishing, we saw miracle, enchantress, parfait, UB tezzerator, pox, nic fit, D&T, different dark depths variation (especially in vintage), imperial painter,stoneblade etc... featuring helm. And i'll tell you something very few players know: when Helm was printed, it was on the R2 print sheet, making it slightly rarer than few others rares from the alliances set, nothing big mind you, most of the rares were on this sheet anyway, but it can may be worth mentioning.
All this to warn the anons who don't own at least one (you don't need a full set anyway) : buy one while it's still ridiculously cheap compared to the playability of the card/ it's age. One day, someone with deep pockets will make a real buy out of this shit and this day you will be glad to have listened this weird user obsessed with Helm.
Oh shit I'm glad you guys are still around. I havent had a chance to play magic in almost a year and my interest in following mtg threads dwindled, is ddft still around?
no it's my thing è_é , it's the basis of my Ramp Nic Fit :
1 Expedition Map
1 Tireless Tracker
4 Crop Rotation
4 Veteran Explorer
4 Verdant Catacombs
4 Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
1 Snow-Covered Swamp
5 Snow-Covered Forest
4 Cabal Therapy
4 Primeval Titan
1 Phyrexian Tower
1 Maze of Ith
1 Karakas
4 Green Sun's Zenith
1 Eye of Ugin
1 Cavern of Souls
3 Cabal Coffers
1 Bojuka Bog
3 Bayou
4 Abrupt Decay
1 Emrakul, the Aeons Torn
1 Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger
1 Innocent Blood
4 Pernicious Deed
1 Hour of Promise
SB: 1 Ugin, the Spirit Dragon
SB: 1 The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale
SB: 2 Pithing Needle
SB: 3 Thoughtseize
SB: 2 Surgical Extraction
SB: 1 Night of Souls' Betrayal
SB: 1 Golgari Charm
SB: 1 Lost Legacy
SB: 1 Gaddock Teeg
SB: 2 Mindbreak Trap
It's my favorite list amongst the decks i developped so far, too bad it's taking the dust since the sensei ban (i was running x4, and i brewed this deck especially to defeat Miracle when it was everywhere, the matchup was literally unlosable kek) I was so disgusted with the SDT ban i decided to tidy the deck in a box since then but i miss it and want to play it again since few days. I replaced the tops with random shit, so far a Hour of Promise, an Expedition Map, a Tireless Tracker and an Innocent Blood. If you have anything coming in mind who could fit instead of theses please let me know, the deck is really surprisingly strong; flexible and resilient, it's not rare at all to be able to go for infinite turns as soon as turn 4. Well... i should say it was not rare, since idk how it does without the tops...I miss them so much.. Why wizco always have to fuck up ?
Dunno if he's still around, we haven't had a stable general for a while. Kinda bums me out, this was one of the few places where trip fags weren't just tolerable, they where actually nice people that really contributed something and wanted to help people.
Hes still around, even post vids now and then.
He posted a video a week ago so he's not dead
I want to play mongrel/madness stuff. Does anyone have any decklists that are updated to 2017/2018?
me too, and it got sweet new tools with tireless tracker and thalia V2 (especially thalia v2 who win so many games if simply landed turn2, it's insane)
>mfw the only thread that matter is dead
What up losers? Havent seen a Legacy general up in months.
Go to if you haven't already
You right there come up with a wild mongrel madness decklist right now
Senpai just look up UG madness decks, they were a thing like a decade ago. You're gonna want your Force/Daze/Wasteland suite proabbly, some circular logics. Brainstorm and ponder. Maybe go BUG and you can play Big Game Hunter or Unearth. Get real spicy and play Hollow One.
we never die, unlike the others we have jobs
Sonic burst is actually pretty cool as a one-of. Gonna try this in min.
Legacy burn is such a cool deck
I did a short video this morning: a couple matches with Doomsday, and a special spicy match with Nourishing Lich.
You think that's bad? Nobody plays CanLander at all. At least you can talk around the store and find a handful of legacy players.
Did you used to play this on cockatrice? I distinctly recall getting btfo out by this combo several times
yep i played it mostly on cocka, i'm Blitz91 if it's ring a bell. Glad to see my brew get remembered after so long, it warm my heart, thanks user!
Is Cockatrice even still around? Kind of want to play again, it's been at least a year
just use the loam/crucible/wasteland shell and bring the beats with the mogrel
are there any legacy-usable delirium cards?
what a nice 56 card deck :^)