Are you a romantic tg? Or have you been spurned and cannot imagine people actually being in love? What is your take on love and Relationships In general.
Are you a romantic tg? Or have you been spurned and cannot imagine people actually being in love...
I don't really know what this has to do with traditional games but I will bite anyway. I've never known love or intimacy in nearly 30 years of life. I can imagine others being in love, and while I want to find love, I cannot imagine myself ever being in a relationship nor would I even know how to meet people. I mostly paint and collect miniatures since my work keeps me too busy to get to the store much at all. Outside of work, vidya gaems and posting on Veeky Forums are the only means social contact I have.
Out of game yes
In game no
My group is all dudes and the only guy interested in romance wants lesbian action between his character and any and all attractive female NPCs
I refuse to roleplay that shit
I thought that Fury was the most romantic movie in years
Way I see it, I or my GM have done something very wrong if my love interest survives the game
Best job I ever had
im no romantic
Im not ugly, just wierd looking, and after hurting my ankle and quiting smoking i put on a few pound that im having trouble droping. So im non-egsitent in the daring game for a bit
>Are you a romantic tg?
Yes. By both definitions of the term.
>Or have you been spurned and cannot imagine people actually being in love?
No, I just can't imagine anyone ever loving me, because I feel like all of existence has decided to reject me.
>What is your take on love and Relationships In general.
I wish I wasn't apparently excluded from the class of people that gets to have those things.
"woe is me"
getting a bit too real there, user, let's dial it back a bit
I’m in pretty much the same spot, except that I’m over 35.
In-game, I have roleplayed romance only once. I had a player in a campaign I was running who wanted to date one of the NPCs. She asked me 'is this something you'd let my character do, or should I drop it?' I thought it was a fun idea, and she went for it.
Ended with her character eventually retired to set up a gunshop with the love interest NPC. It was all very cozy.
Out of game, I have had exactly one steady girlfriend and some of hook-up lasting from one night to a few weeks. I can imagine being in love, and want to pursue that someday, but I don't really feel up to it. I don't think I have much to offer a girl.
I see you're a man of suffering as well.
I'm a romantic in the platonic sense. I can definitely imagine it is to be in a romantic relationship, but I've forgotten how being in love actually is after not having experienced it in the past ~8 years. Which is probably for the best.
Since I'm an idealist, my take on romance as a GM is to either make it perfect or make it not exist at all. If I say two NPCs are in a relationship out of their own will, you can expect it to be perfect for them. Even nobles that married for the sake of politics get along just fine - they either genuinely fell in love, or just keep up the facade while being good friends and having whatever lovers they want.
I really only ever use unhappy relationships as plot devices, and do that sparingly, can't even remember the last time I did that.
I'm a hopeless romantic, even if most people wouldn't think that of me if they'd see me.
I'm asomewhat fit guy in his middle tweenties and i write emotional stories for my characters. Not necessarily romance, although this was the topic of one short-story, but emotions. I think it's what drives a character. And my GM appreciates it for it gives him a better sense of what my character is thinking deep down inside of him. Helps with roleplaying. Something my group is heavily invested in.
Personally I admire love, desire and all those emotions. I have felt all of them in my Life, maybe not in a measure I would like but I think I can find more Love and romantic.
When the other person is all you ever wanted, when you egt the feeling that she understands you more than anyone before and vice versa, that's a feeling I crave.
That's nice
Romance is for rich kids. Among the working classes, what typically starts with infatuation or lust ends up being held together by economic necessity + "this is probably the best you can do." To say nothing of situations where toxic behavior patterns or mental illness are in play.
The better off you are and the more cohesive your community is, the better your chances of finding a healthy partner and maintaining a stable relationship with mostly positive qualities. Even then it's still a bit of a crapshoot.
Romance is a meme that only exists to make females feel special. If love is the female equivalent of games, then romance is equivalent to painting and basing your models instead of just assembling and playing. Only the true fans of table top give a shit what colour their dudes pants are, and only females give a shit about romance.
Veeky Forums is only one step removed from /r9k/, you're asking the wrong board.
here. I’m deeply disturbed by the fact that I’m far more positive and optimistic about relationships than most fa/tg/uys. By all rights, I ought to be complaining about thots and whores and posting on /r9k/, but I actually think women are fine and I’m kind of screwed up; I could never endorse a sentiment like “love is a meme.”
>I don't think I have much to offer a girl.
Yeah, me neither. C’est la vie.
Like everything else, love is something that will be retconned out of reality, once there is no longer any means to prove that it ever existed. It's not my primary concern right now - that would be peace of mind, something that is surprisingly lacking considering how many of my physical needs are met. But it'd be nice to have, ya know?
Don't be perturbed, this place is hardly a clearinghouse for the well-adjusted. Chances are you're just younger and living in slightly happier circumstances than other respondents. Tend your garden and enjoy.
I know, thank you.
I also know that this is not the case for most people.
In that case, when no love exists anymore, both should take about it and split up in a way both are comfortable with.
We live to short of a Life to waste it with someone we don't love.
I'm a romanticist, does that count?
I would say yes... in a way... early, middle or late/dark romanticism ?
Entertainment-wise I don't care about romance. I don't want to read, watch or roleplay it. And when I engage in communities full of shipperfags I wish I could set them on fire.
I'm a romantic in both the modern and the philosophical senses, but despite being in a relationship I can't really 'get' the idea of someone being attracted to or in love with me. Just doesn't compute, can't grok it. I just sort of ruled out that kind of thing a long time ago and stopped letting it influence my life and thinking to the point that I stopped letting myself be attracted to people, so when someone actually started to be into me I really just didn't know how to proceed. I'm not a total social retard and we already got on well before they started hitting on me, so it's gone well, but I legitimately can't understand what they see in me, what's the appeal
>Chances are you're just younger and living in slightly happier circumstances than other respondents.
I’m over 35 and I’ve suffered from dysthymia for over two decades. (I’m being vague to avoid being easily identified.) The last time I was in treatment— which I can no longer afford— it was recommended that I try scopolamine, ketamine, and/or transcranial magnetic stimulation. If I’m younger and happier than the /r9k/ posters, well... that’s scary.
I am regarded as a diehard romantic, though. True love sounds nice. Maybe it’s deeply unrealistic— but hey, one positive aspect of my condition is that I’ll never have the chance to become disillusioned. I can imagine whatever I want.
I’m not posting to relay a sob story, though. I’d rather hear from other people. And I do think that if I can manage to avoid becoming a bitter jerk, the robots have no excuse.
I have a lot of problems with intimacy and feeling vulnerable stemming from my upbrgining. I read some romantic stories and I can really enjoy romance in fiction or whatever but personally I'm too fucked up for it. As you get older you end up coming across an experience gap with people who might be interested too, which just creates more problems.
I have a very romanticized ideal of love that isn't quite how the real world actually works.
I've had a few romance plots in rpgs, but I tend to hesitate to go for it unless I know the GM and I are on the same page, because nothing sucks more when one person wants a nice comfy fluffy idealized romance and the other person wants real world drama. I don't think either is wrong, just that when the parties involved are aiming at different things, it can be dissatisfying for one or both.
IRL I want kids, but I don't really see myself getting married or into an LTR at this point in my life or becoming rich enough to hire a surrogate, so it probably won't happen.
>Are you a romantic tg?
In the real sense of the word? Yes. I strongly believe in ideals of love, hope, trust, and friendship. But at the same time I believe that people are flawed and nasty, and that I'm not capable of any kind of real intimacy anyway, based on past experiences.
Good ship.
Honestly, love is a mental illness that drives men to irrational, self-harming actions for the sake of propagating the species. We don't just see this in men, but in most of the animal kingdom. From lions who brutalize eachother just for access to pussy, to the praying mantis who thinks getting your head chewed off is a worthy price to pay for sex, or the drone who gets shoved out of the hive after having outlived his usefulness. Then again, if this reproductive model is so succesful it has become the norm among almost all bi-gendered creatures, it must be doing SOMETHING right.
So no, not a romantic and romance has zero place in a TTRPG. It's cringy as fuck. Made even worse by my DM trying to force me into a relationship with an NPC mage who behaves very convincingly feminine (as in I have no fucking idea what goes on in her head and I just want her to leave me alone).
Don't praying mantises only do the head-eating thing in captivity due to stress?
Some species also do it in the wild, though usually it's only if the male isn't very impressive. Ironically it gives the male a little bit higher chance of siring offspring, since his headless corpse is still in the female ejaculating into her while she's munching on his head.
I've only heard that excuse applied to spiders, not so much praying mantises.
> Then again, if this reproductive model is so succesful it has become the norm among almost all bi-gendered creatures, it must be doing SOMETHING right.
In the animal kingdom, the reason why males do stuff to prove they're hot stuff is because the female is the one who's stuck carrying the offspring. In the wild, that's a substantial risk and resource investment right there, so the female needs to be picky about only mating with a male that's worth it.
Males in a hive species are disposed of after mating simply because every individual member of a hive is specialized into a specific task, which is mating for males, and all of them are considered disposable. Even the queen, which isn't a leader as much as an egg laying machine. If it breaks, the hive will throw it out and get a new one, same as they would for any other member.
>Are you a romantic tg?
yeah, not much though.
>What is your take on love and Relationships In general
they're possible. don't forget to work every day to deserve your partner / maintenance said relationship
>Did you ever RP romance in game
not much.
I do enjoy it, but I have too much of a tinkerer's mind to truly devote myself to the Romantic movement.
much like the real world traditional games community, Veeky Forums is the intersection of younger angry neckbeards, hipster socialites, and depressed lonely older people. A quick way to make friends at a gaming convention is to look for the grey haired guys with the really intricate setups for historical miniatures and start talking to them about history, even if you just ask questions. Most of them are very passionate about history and have nobody to talk to.
All hearts are broken. All lives end. Caring is not an advantage.
I'm always open to romance in tg but it always goes wrong in all the groups I have been in.
>Group 1: All guys, only female character is played by my brother.
>Group 2: Get possesed by an evil chaos god, all actual romance posibilities go to shit.
>Group 3: In a comfy and nice relationship with a high elf. Girl playing her gets a bf, she stops playing with us because the guy didn't like her flirting with me in character.
I was adored once, too.
I've never given up on love.
I'd like to think that someone you love is someone who inspires your passions. They give you the courage to be bold and take risks.
Ah well, leper, i am sorry for your twist of fate. Where there anything I could do.. well, almost anything.. I would not hesitate for you.
oh man, right in the gut..
the feels are burning
I was a romantic before I had my first real relationship.
A year and a half in, I’m even more the romantic after.
...the WW2 tank movie?
>using the word “gender” when clearly talking about biological sex
Sounds like you’ve got the mental illness here
>What is your take on love and Relationships In general.
In game, I'm assuming?
It can be a good roleplaying tool and makes for great stories when done well, but it tends to get in the way of adventures and saving the world. It also gives the GM a nasty stick to beat you with if and when he chooses to do so.
Well, my apologies for not being up to date on the lastest newspeak conventions.
Nope not a romantic. In-game it's never come up outside of characters flirting and the occasional brothel visit that isn't given any details.
Out of game nope either. My wife and I ruthlessly mock those that think romance is perfect and dreamy. It's not, it requires a stupid amount of communication and patients for each others neuroses. To think otherwise is lying to yourself and others.
Gender being different from sex is quite old, tho gender used to just refer to language conventions (el perro vs la mesa)
I'm willing to believe it's pretty old in a linguistic or conceptual sense, but the way SJW's apply it to day originated in the 1960's or so with a circumcision gone horribly wrong in Canada resulting in some deranged psychiatrist suggesting the boy be raised as a girl because gender is a social construct anyway so not having a dick makes you a girl. Needless to say the lad ended up being all screwy and took his own life. Something that could've easily been prevented if he had just been raised as a boy without a dick or if circumcisions were outlawed for being a barbaric practice
Hola shit
I like the idea of it in theory but I've never really seen it done well, so I generally keep it out of my games.
Like, convincing a female guard to let you into a wizard castle?
My whole Shadowrun inspired game (no magic, all in Neuromancer inspired Sprawl City) was about love triangle between gangster girl from lower city, corporate assassin, who got order to kill her and hacker from upper city, who just wanted to know truth about the horrible disease eating people with cheap bionics.
It took more than year to finish the story and after that we just parted our own way, because the ending fucked us all up and we no longer could play together.
Of course I am a romantic! If you only see what life IS, then you'll never push yourself to realize what life SHOULD be, and that's an awful thought. I've done romance a few times in the two successful campaigns I was in, but both games were based in things that supported such concepts.
Me, I know not who could love a beast such as I.
I feel like i was in love, but now my girlfriend is back to cutting and it's my fault.
Bruh. I don't need this right now.
I've got novels to write and a D&D 4E game to run.
I'm a hopeless romantic, emphasis on "hopeless".
But at the table, I prefer for relationships to be very subdued. Sure a character can have a romantic scene once in a while, but it's background, never the focus of the game or of the session.
Sex is right out. We're your gaming group, not your fap material, That Guy.
Every encounter with love in my life ended painfully. I'd like to find someone, but every time I try it hurts more.
Now the emo shit is out of the way, in character romance is fine, so long as nobody takes it too far.
I only love my waifu, infidel
Fun fact: she's not a leper, just a very old Omani Bedouin. They apparently decided that their burqas should make you look like a sith lord sometimes.
You can't do a tease like that and not tell the story, fucker.
I'm a romantic married to my high school sweetheart. Things are going pretty tops, and we just celebrated eight years recently. AMA I guess.
Were you the first to fuck her?
Yes. There's no romance like bromance.
No homo
We were both adventurous enough that we had partners before we married.
These partners were in high school though, so I'm not so sure you should take it seriously. We were young enough that we were both clumsy and awkward with each other, so I hate to imagine what our firsts thought.
>We were both adventurous enough that we had partners before we married.
How many?
I should clarify that these partners were before we got together; my sophmore year and her junior.
Haven't found it myself but I believe it exists
Full on MGTOW. I'm a strong, independent adventurer.
Two, in both cases. You seem awful focused on the love-lives we had in early high school, user. You doing okay?
He's ready to call you a cuck if your wife has fucked the amount of men he thinks make you a cuck.
I kind of assumed. I'm not too surprised, I guess. This thread is a few bad steps away from /r9k/.
>You seem awful focused on the love-lives we had in early high school, user.
Yeah, no shit. High school is pretty much the latest opportunity to nab a decent woman. I guess 2 isn't horrible, given the average nowadays is 6 or something (but you know what they say about claimed previous sex partners: half it for men, double it for women)
>gf is cutting
Leave her before it's too late, mate.
What if his gf is a bodybuilder and trying to lose weight after a bulk gone wrong?
I've been with my wife for six years now, and it's going great.
No problems, no big screaming, or petty remarks. It's very romantic and joyful. And we both had partners before we met.
Most of my characters hit on girls, or had girlfriend they left, or they're still together.
My current kind of rogue character has a wife that is as psycho and deranged as him, and the other, a space mechanics, try to bang twilek and zeltron in the cantina everytime he can.
There are a few ridiculous claims there.
>the average nowadays is 6
Where are you getting this? Recent studies have suggested that millennials are hooking up almost exactly as much if not a tiny bit less than the boomer populace did.
>you know what they say about claimed previous sex partners
I can only see this when it comes to meeting someone when you're both in your late twenties or above, and even then it sounds silly; exactly the kind of thing created by a guy who doesn't like women just because.
Fucking noice.
My healthy relationship brother.
Definitely romantic!
Not with a fleshlings tho, they either want to use you for their adventage or too dumb to use you for their adventage.
Good thing the goddess gifted me with her angels and wisdom to transcend primitive animal beggining that i, as a human, was cursed with. No more nature can wave carrot on a stick in front of me to make me dance to her tune like the rest of unevolved, for i have experienced the exhilaration akin to religious nirvana which naive fools in their primitive pursuits can not even comprehend.
In character, if you count flirting with random NPC and awkward shit like asking as rescued centaur girl "can i ride you back to the camp?" then yes, romantic.
Yeah, because people can't have mental health issue. If they have, you just leave them in the dirt, especially when you claim to love them.
And don't forget: if they have or had mental health issue, they can NEVER recover and you HAVE to victimize them and make them feel like they're broken and will never be whole again. It will help them, for sure.
Wow, so you're a wizard?
>Implying boomers aren't sluts
They lived through the free love phase, my dude. The youngest boomers would be in their 20's when hippies decided a woman should aspire to suck as many dicks as possible in some public toilet. Also, here's a source:
>They apparently decided that their burqas should make you look like a sith lord sometimes.
Damn straight they should, that shit looks awesome.
>men have six
>women have seven
>in a lifetime
That last greentext in particular is very important.
In any case, my wife and I had two each before we got together. Next question?
>they can NEVER recover
>she started cutting AGAIN
She's been doing this off and on, and it'll be off and on. It'll always continue. I understand that it's one of those "man up and take responsibility" sort of things that you're going for, but you're much better off, man. Feel free to stick with her, but most mentally ill, fucked up people will be immense burdens throughout their lives and only offer some glimmers of hope of improving to reign people in only to fall back into habit.
It's just how it works.
I'm a different user actually. I'm just mocking your mentality.
It's not "just how it works" it's how you want it to works.
When you treat people with mental health issues like broken people that WILL have it on and off for all their lives, it's simply harmful. You're not doing anything good, and you certainly can't claim to love them.
I had issues in my childhood and until twenty. I'm ten years older, and I never got a problem again. I know a lot of people who had depression, suicide attempt and other heavy stuff. They can, and they did recover. Except the one who systematically got dumped, got shamed by their families and friend, and got absolutely zero support.
im the user you responded to
i just like baiting because i wanted to get answers that give me hope like yours
>That last greentext in particular is very important.
I know times are dark, but I'm pretty sure the average Joe isn't bluepilled enough to be a literal cuck. We can presume most of those 6 are prior to marriage.
I'm a complete clingy hopeless romantic and I've always been that way my whole life. I guess growing up listening to Barry Manilow fucked me up.
My girlfriend of 11 months just left me a week before valentines
That corny shit they tell you about relationships being about compromising and finding a middle ground between you and your partner? It's very real. You got to see things from their point of view but they also need to respect you enough to see it from yours. If neither of you can do that you're in a world of trouble.
My current wife I dated for 5 years and we've been married for 2 years. We plan on having a child in the near future. Prior to that I had a high-school sweetheart and dated a few other girls in college, but I'm glad I waited until after I moved out and started taking care of myself to really consider a serious relationship.
>Are you a romantic tg?
In the literal sense, romanticism as a literary movement was kinda dumb
>Or have you been spurned and cannot imagine people actually being in love?
Been married for almost a year now after five years of going steady. It's certainly opened my eyes to the fact that s majority of people get married when they're not actually in love, which explains why bitter assholes have such a negative view of it.
>What is your take on love and Relationships In general.
Love is hard, take work, and take time. That being said anyone who gives up on it is a fucking loser.its about as logical as disregarding your feet, you could get by with it, but it's biologically part of your being.
We are social animals and we seek out companionship both platonic and romantic, intimate and non-sexual. It's what helps keep us sane and steady.
Yeah, divorce are non existant in today society.
There's a direct correlation between fornication and divorce though.
There's a direct correlation between the global temperature and murder rates too
Dude I am legit afraid to have a kid with someone for fear of massive differences in opinion on how to raise said kid. Like I'd be afraid they'd say our child couldn't learn martial arts because she didn't want them becoming violent or some equally moronic bullshit. Or she try to condition the kid to have her spiritual or political beliefs.
You realize you can talk with this person about it before you commit right? Are you seriously so fucking stupid that you would hold your tongue about this concern through nine months of pregnancy and the 6 or so years of raising him?
Also if you're afraid she's going to "politically condition" him why the fuck are you producing a child with her in the first place?
There so many holes in your paranoia.
I wasn't implying that. The idea was that if it's six or seven over the course of a life, we can reasonably extrapolate how many one would have at certain points in their life, assuming they're single.