How do you purchase cards without looking like a massive autistic virgin?
I was at Target and right as I went up to the card section, 4 kids ran up and were checking out the cards. I felt so embarrassed, I just left.
How do you purchase cards without looking like a massive autistic virgin?
I was at Target and right as I went up to the card section, 4 kids ran up and were checking out the cards. I felt so embarrassed, I just left.
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What you are feeling is a social rule intended to control you. Decide whether you will allow it to do so, and act accordingly. That’s all there is to it.
If you're worried about looking like a paedo, just leave whenever kids show up and go back when they're gone. Otherwise, just grab the product you want and go check out, like you're picking literally anything else up.
Order things online like a regular person. This isn’t 1789 where you have to journey into town on horseback for provisions.
We had this same thread maybe a few days ago, get some new material OP.
Stop making this thread, you don't play card games.
What card game are you playing where buying boosters isn't a scam?
Buy singles online
Go to the game store you fool
>How do you purchase cards without looking like a massive autistic virgin?
By not giving a shit, that's literally all it takes.
The exact same way people who have kids of their own do it, but you don't need to have kids.
>grab condoms rope olive oil and a bike pump
Cards will be the last thing on the cashiers mind
They sell well priced individual cards at Target????
You don't have a local game shop?????
You don't have internet to order the cards you need?????
You have an issue buying a thing and walking out???
I collect some Lego and am also into the stuff as well. Anytime I need to buy something people would consider embarrassing I always grab a cheap kids birthday card. Spending 200.00 on Lego? Birthday card, boom it's for my kid. Too easy. Buying a bunch of magic cards from where ever. Grab a birthday card. Same thing. They usually have 1-2 dollar ones. Cheap and easy.
What a cuck
This is my hentaifu
>glasses come off
>girl becomes 10 times more attractive
its magic, I tell you
Jesus fucking christ anons, you're allowed to have a goddamn hobby. Especially you, lego boy. Adults building legos is pretty damn mainstream.
i dont even play card games just wanted to share how great she is
Any chance we get some sauce?
Drawn by Brush, Meme50
unfortunately, it's locked behind a fakku paywall
This, all my RPG books cone per mail, also because my LFGS only has the major systems, CoC, dsa, DnD, Warhammer and the stuff.
opposite way round user
Do it with your friends or your gf
like I do ;)
You're both right
Just fucking buy it. The cashiers aren't going to give a shit, most of them are too dead inside to pay attention to what you're buying, and the ones who aren't aren't gonna care if some adult is buying cards, you know why? Cause they probably have more important things in their life than giving a shit about yours.