Considering they're fire without fuel, would a fire elemental produce smoke?
Considering they're fire without fuel, would a fire elemental produce smoke?
yes, because reasons
No, but they leave trails of embers and shinmering heatwaves like slugs.
They are linked to the Elemental Plane of Fire. That's their fuel. So yes, they could produce smoke
Well, it's not like they're burning wood or something to perpetuate their fire/themselves.
Hmmm...indeed, that could be said in the case of a pure fire one, but what about the manga ones?
I wanted to say magma -_-
>Considering they're fire without fuel, would a fire elemental produce smoke?
No a fire elemental does not produce smoke.
A fire elemental though will produce steam if it gets wet and smoke from the fires it leaves behind in it's wake and if it decides to consume something.
No. The smoke is actually a smoke elemental trying her hardest to gain the fire elemental's affection.
>As the party tries to do battle with the fire elemental, they are constantly being choked by a smoke cloud that stubbornly refuses to be dispelled or blown away by the wizard.
>Even after killing the fire elemental, it follows them and makes their lives fucking miserable, trying to suffocate people in their sleep.
Yes, because they're burning whatever they come in contact with, including the particles in the air.
isn't a fire elemental made of magma just a hot rock elemental?
isn't a fire elemental made of fire just a hot air elemental?
One Piece would say no, unless you were specifically a magma elemental (which pic related appears to be). Because magma is burning molten stone, and stone would produce clouds of pyroclastic fumes as it burnt.
Basically it matters if the fire elemental is actually a "burning X" elemental or just literally nothing but fire.
A fire elemental is made of clean-burning propane.
I'd say no, except for when they're eating. (Fire elementals have to eat, just like people who aren't made out of fire, although their diets are a lot more varied because they can eat basically anything that burns.)
If a water elemental fell down a dirty, dusty hill, would it become a mud elemental?
If said hill was also spiritually corrupting, yes? That's what happened in Spirited Away, right?
What if this becomes an elemental?
Death incarnate
>would a fire elemental produce smoke?
If it's interesting or otherwise enhances a scene, sure.
Nope, consider mephits.
Steam Is fire and water
Smoke is fire and air
Magma is earth and fire
Dust is earth and air
Mud is earth and water
Ice is water and air
Magma isn't purely one type of elemental it is a mix of two.
Fire itself is just the glow from superheated particulates in the air. If you can see them, they can produce smoke. Otherwise they'd just be an invisible 'heat' elemental.
For fire to be fire it has to be burning something. (Fuel from its link to the plane of fire.). If nothing were burning the fire would disappear.
>Ice is watery air
you wut m8?
The smoke has pic related's shape
It's almost like you haven't read the rest of the thread or have conception of fire as an elemental concept.
Steam is clearly a mix of water, fire and air. It's a hot wet vapour.
Smoke is similarly fire air and earth. It's a hot suspension of particulates.
Magma and Mud, unquestionable.
Dust... maybe, if you use Dust and Sand more interchangeably.
Ice is definitely not "Water and Air". Ice is basically Earth - Fire.
I'd rather consider Runescape because all those same relationships check out there. Except for ice, that bit doesn't really make sense.
A fire elemental is made of pure flame from the elemental plane of fire, and as such doesn't produce smoke. Things it burns, however, do produce smoke.
So while a cursory glance would appear it's smoking upon closer inspection that's just the ground it's on or things it's near smoking.
Could also say that smoke acts kinda like their blood, so when the musclehead barbarian takes a chop with his axe they let out a bunch of smoke from the wound.
Let's step this up a notch.
What is the equivalent of this question for the other major elements?
Can a water elemental freeze, or would that count as destroying its wateryiness?
Just what kind of earth exactly IS an earth elemental?
Is there such a thing as a wind elemental, and if so is it distinct from an air elemental?
It's not so much about the elements and their combinations themselves, but more about the things associated with them.
Air --> Wind --> Cold
Water + Cold --> Ice
I suppose that what appear to be steam elementals formed from water and fire might actually just be boiling water elementals that are naturally letting off a lot of steam. But if everyone calls both them and water-fire-air elementals "steam elementals" then who cares really.
Wind is by definition both hot and cold. Descending cold wind are always accompanied by ascending hot winds. That's literally how wind works noob. The only true temp-neutral wind is a cyclone.
Cold is - Fire, the same way Dry is - Water, Empty is - Earth and Heavy is - Air.
I'll tell you who cares: people who want to let off some steam on their own by splitting hairs on Veeky Forums.
I know how the wind works. I'm just saying that no one, at least in most cases, associates wind with warmth. The wind blows and you get chills.
It's the mental imagery, not the way it works in the physical sense.
No, you can defnitely exxperience a rising breeze. Certainly if you either engage in any air-relate sports like kiting, certainly types of sailing or parasailing, or gliding, then you'll learn to notice warm winds as a useful, even necessary, rising current. And beyond the human factor, rising winds are a big deal for any flying animal. Warm winds thus has a nice double connotation, referring to the warm of the life which uses it as an updraft to gain and maintain height.
Another angle - do winds put out a fire or fan it further? The answer is that it can do both, making it a temperature neutral.
But wind isn't even the elemental - AIR is. And air is a vital ingredient in fire and burning. So if anything, air leans warm. The fact that air manifests more readily as discrete bubbles in water than as a dissolute, and the fact that air is incredibly difficult to freeze, only strengthens this.
Only when they touch something. So a mild trail of smoke in their tracks.
>The atmosphere appears to have caught fire.
>fire elemental produce smoke?
By D&D Great Wheel cannon.
There is "Some" smoke that usually formed into smoke clouds, but it's mostly full of a deadly vapor that is poisonous and non-breathable to non-fire inhabitance.
Why the plane of fire has never just been a world full of fire? I guess artistic reasons. Also "Fire" is sometimes a misnomer depending on edition/setting. As it's suppose to represent/be a world of endless energy.. .which normally comes off as fire, but the plane does have all forms of energy in it.