Age of Sigmar General /aosg/

"Ah, Yes, Deepkin." Edition

Previous Thread : New Books have been added

Please stop shitting up the thread with politics, memes, and race-baiting
Do not respond to bait, hide, report, and Party on dudes (And dudettes)

>A Traveller's Guide to the Mortal Realms

>Malign Portents: Behind the Scenes

>Resources (embed)

> Core rules

>General's Handbook 2017!C5BSgTDK!Sx74f87D86frlU0NZ1XKyGP0WEgar52X1Hatj1OA5y0

>Legions of Nagash!L44kEbRJ!VooTlhCe_WTmf5SFEds_wni8Z0EQDfBBsB1KBY_8ZW4

>Malign Portents!7x5hgZZL!l3KcjIUfNjDbEhjFeH31M9mRFfPf03yUFuN-jMU1JBg

>Army and Skirmish Warband builder

>City Generator

>Malign Portents Stories

New books

>Callis and Toll The Old Ways!JNJiwSLZ!HM0fIa9VjF2hWWpJOS0fymB6kd944VYdHmrk7yKQ2N4

>The Tainted Axe!QRx1gIwS!X3bvo8LQgV6V1Q12C2Y5dnM3m4lF5IkvxTKMzdQuazs

>The Witch Takers!5URyAJTZ!edeqlJAaUNRXsDVBHyGuyL5g3JXlbLej0Ug_oY7qtao

>Thread Question
What do you hope to see in the AOS RPG?

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When life gets you down think of stormcast abs and everything will be alright.

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>What do you hope to see in the AOS RPG?

More fluff. More worldbuilding. I don't care about the rules, but it's a golden opportunity for GW to really flesh the setting out some.


So this is useless, right? How often are you going to find a decent number of units together?

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p-pls more lewdcast


>reads sign in middle of village
>"oy fokken kurwa I wish I could read"

A surprising number of armies like to run MSU builds in order to mitigate Battleshock or maximise the number of special weapons/squad leaders they can get on the field at once. It's a pretty decent counter to such tactics.

>how often do people keep them armies together
Are you serious?

>take slann as general
>take great rememberer trait to teleport 2 units
>try to fish for constellation that gives +1 to charge
>mystic shield on bastiladon
>>reroll saves through either priest prayer or thunderquake starhost
>teleport stegadon and bastiladon to >9" of enemy army
>use stegadon skink chief ability to move bastiladon d6" immediately
>on anything but a 1 the bastiladon is in range of tide of snakes
>usually an easy charge
>can even reroll charge through skink prayer
>watch him fail to kill the bastiladon while you tie up his whole army and activate the tide of snakes at the start of EVERY combat phase to deal an average of 2 mortal wounds to each unit within 8".

Tide of Snakes is insane against any list

>look up warhammer on rule 34
>90% of it is lizardmen banging elves
How do I feel about this?

this sort of thing is terrifying for me early-game before I move stuff out, e.g. my artillery.

You can teleport that thing and release AOE snakes?

Sounds like the Moonclan Shaman spell, which also effects all units in a small area - I typically get 3 units in it.

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Cheers anons. I guess this means I get to use the awesome model for it. Although I have no idea how to handle it without breaking all the snakes...

>laughing witches

I want to cum inside sexy Skaven punk rat-girl which was not made into breeding machine

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kill yourself

nice job newfag

Dispossessed battletome when?

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How do we feel about rules like these where a certain army is outright stronger against another particular army? Seems like a dumb balancing nightmare to me.

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even when you have just 3 enemy units nearby, you end up distributing 6 mortal wounds

>Implying breeding machine is not the natural state of the female Skaven.

Have been searching the portents site for that troggoth story that was up a while back, but it is gone?

Yes, but I can't find any that aren't reposts.

see it this way: that unit is actually outright weaker unless used against a specific army.

>which was not made into breeding machine
Too much lore breaking even for AoS

it was in the white dwarf

a quick look into the archives gave it

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>It is unclear if all female skaven are turned into Rat Mothers, or only a given few, be it by accident or deliberate. What happens to these non-Rat Mothers is also unclear, whether they are given military duties, are sequestered from the males, may breed normally, or if they are executed. It is quite possible that all female Skaven are turned into Rat Mothers, unless, perhaps, they are born grey-furred with horns.

> So cloistered away from the rest of their race are they that some do not learn chittering speech, or are proficient in social skills…or so the Skaven believe.

I will cling to those few words of lore and keep hoping, you can't take that away from me

Thanks user! This explains why my google-fu couldn't find it.

Rate my Cave Shaman.

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No user, you want an army of female furries convert you some beastmen.


i don't want an army of that, i just want one nice model

God fucking damnit. Ignore the crop, god damn.

No can do brochacho.

half a model?
c'mon work with me

There are other examples out there, like how Judicators can reroll hit rolls of 1 against CHAOS, or a Death artifact that gives -1 to hit to all units within 3" unless they have the DEATH keyword.

The Solar Engine feels like it does some significant bonus damage against a hated enemy, but it's not an overwhelming or game-breaking bonus because it raises the average damage of a wildly inconsistent weapon (2d6 weapon on 4+/3+ and with only Rend-1) attached to an expensive 280 point platform. The most damage I have ever done as a Bastiladon was blasting a Neferata off the table on turn 1 and that required rolling double 6s for attacks.

I think its a fine concept and so far has been done right because it is kept in moderation. I wouldnt mind seeing more small interactions like this, for example interactions between Slaneesh vs Elves or Nurgle vs Sylvaneth.

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Needs more colours, none of the mushrooms stand out, the staff is boring, his skin is boring, and the base is boring

Hard to tell, you need better lighting

he should go on a stealing spree.
what are they gonna do, sue a corpse?

Just wait for the werewolf army that was teased on Warhammer TV recently.


I mean, you can be incarcerated in the US for an excess of 200 years. What are they gonna do, put your corpse into coffin-jail?

Ignore him, he's another dumb slav faggot.

You get sent straight to Nagash

>dumb slav faggot.
that's not nice user

Explain how you make skin exciting.

That's just so you're more likely to stay in prison until you die.

rainbow colors

>everyone is slav

Lord Sqeekmar looks down-down on such deviancy!

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The original werewolf shit post is in slavense anyone bringing it up is slav.

shut up cheesehead.
We both know Squeekmar would dip in that

what you gonna do about it

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Ok i modified the list to include more models for objectives, is it better?

Attached: Treewaifu.pdf (PDF, 4K)

You're not wrong, but you're not entirely right either.

This is a stupid idea, but I unironically love this. Imagine that instead of draccoths and gryphchargers, you could use brood mothers as mounts. That'd be a fun project.

a female that can't breed is no more useful than a male, but while a male fights for its life from the moment of birth, training to become labor force if not more, acquiring worth in terms of strength, intellect, wealth and experience, the female is merely catered for in anticipation of it bearing children, its only worth is the food it is given and the children it can spawn, when the children aren't there, its worth can only be as food

sexual satisfaction beyond reproduction is useless as skaven never form familiar bonds and again, when the female can't bear children, it's no more useful than a male

what I'm saying is that skaven are fags, their females either disgustingly bloated mothers or disgustingly bloated cattle.
find a single reason for why it shouldn't be this way
>inb4 grey fur! horns!
either the mutation only happens for males, the god only blesses males or the females are completely indistinguishable from the males, making the possibility in all cases moot.

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Call you a dumb slav faggot.

wow gee you sure burned me

All I'm hearing is that there's a reverse trap Gray Seer doujin in the making.

>look I made a public relations muppet giggle

let it go already.


>oh this? nah he's just a public relations faggot, nothing important


Do you really think Dracula-Land doesn't have criminal punishments in place for the undead?

user, the council of 13 used a spell to turn elves into white furred body guards.
It's possible that one would have remained female, you'll never get a model for it though.

>It's possible that one would have remained female, you'll never get a model for it though.

>GW is listening to fans
>Therefore they're going to create a whole new army based on a very generic concept all because I posted a comment on facebook

Slav think good

>oh this? nah he's just a public relations faggot, nothing important
Yeah. It's part of good public relations to make the idiot customers think the company gives a shit about them too.

Well, I know what my next smutfic is going to be about.

Obviously, it's going to involve Clan Pestilens, too

>Slav think good
mmm yes, keep feeding me the stale insult.
it's delicious

>user, the council of 13 used a spell to turn elves into white furred body guards.


Personally I don't wanna see it because cosmic fantasy is the worst, but yes more lore, give some structure to the setting. Right now AoS is like a beef stew, a lot of slop, with some meaty chunks but nothing is holding it together.

I once had a female skaven blood bowl player with a niggling injury called Rat-Tailer Swift. Every time she missed a game, she was off the pitch giving birth to the future scout prospects for the youth team.

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>If I keep replying he'll think it doesn't sting!

Slav think good true

that's funny

whatever makes you feel better friendo

that's stupid

never EVER

please buy some of the shitty steampunk duardin

Often, it's super hinted at throughout their lore that they were made from elves using the skaven shape shift spell.

Whelp, a thanquol stand in did something similar to village children during one of the gotrek and felix books.

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>it's super hinted at throughout their lore that they were made from elves using the skaven shape shift spell.


Which is worse? Furries or footfags? In our case I think the furries are the worst shitposters.

Oh son of a bitch, now you've got me looking through the old skaven resource books for Easter eggs.

On the internet furries, in real life it's footfags.

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It's always furries, followed by scat.



Followed by vore

>tfw vore/furry fag

Definitely furries. Footfags are strange but largely harmless.

>Please stop shitting up the thread with politics, memes, and race-baiting
I don't even like or play AoS. I just saw this at the top of the catalog and came here to laugh at you all.

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Followed by clowns

I see you haven't actually seen footfags in their natural habitats. The F+ did a great number of episodes on them if you want the cringe. Not even fucking furries are as bad. Pawfags, on the other paw...

Yeah no.

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Thats a gypsy fetish, not a clown fetish

Clown fetish is... much worse.

I have no idea what these fetishes are... (i'm a man of simpler pleasures).

Here is a WIP of a shield that will go on the wall of our gaming shed, which will be called the Traveller's Sack. We are all building and investing in this sack, it's gunna be great.

Questions for you anons:
> what decorations should a D&D + AOS shed have? So far we have wall-mounted shields, fur blankets.
> what accessories should it have? I'm in charge of refreshments and drinking stuff, so plan on getting some tankards or something, maybe those leather pint pots they sell at warhammer world.

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Pictures of pregnant rats.


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>what decorations should a D&D + AOS shed have?
I'd just go with some art prints to get you in the mood.

Good idea - know of any good shops for this? (the AOS art is all terrible unfortunately)