What could it be?
What could it be?
More unoriginal Imperium shit.
Some kind of exosuit for the dreadknight I hope. GW is so creative these days. I can't wait to buy whatever this is!
It's turned sideways. Looks like an engine cowl to me. Dread variant?
New contemptor model?
>t. xeno
Penitent engine
Looks like Dakka to me.
Why are there bolters on the sides of an exhaust pipe?
Knightlet variant for its individual release
New knight soon, fellow knights.
Penitent engine. Seriously, no joke.
Feel free to screenshot this.
Same kit?
I doubt, that looks more like AoS.
Literally how?
40k doesn't really use chains for mechanical stuff barring decorations or ork trukk flail, but we would recognize Ork shit.
I'm tired of the fucking knight models
the end of last edition was a mistake
fucking GW shill
>40k doesn't really use chains for mechanical stuff
Have you not been paying attention to what's been happening there?
Yes and?
It's ork shit.
How easily triggered are you faggot? He was quite obviously being ironic.
feels like this is waiting for someone to turn it into an Ordinatus Ulator
If not that, then something sisters of battle related.
Also, feel free to screenshot this.
To show you're a mong?
It's a knight. Info already out and about.
Fuck sisters, they are shit.
I want this to be true.
probably more stupid imperium crap for their /pol/tard fanbase
kill yourself
more imperials