>Having a conversation with female in LGS
>Bring up my passion for MTG and ask her if she plays
>She says yes
>I ask if she's been playing long since I've never seen her in store
>She says no I've just played a bit with a starter deck I customized
>Ask her if she wants a game, I could offer her some deckbuilding tips next FNM
>Get rejected, reported to LGS and swiftly banned from sanctioned events
Who was in the wrong here?
Having a conversation with female in LGS
you were in the wrong for casting your gaze and words towards the holy female, thou should have knownst better than to have done as such, look not upon them and speak not towards them only allow yoursel'f praise and compliments as well as gifts to shower ypon thy queen
Mmmm. Delicious pasta.
>being friendly towards anyone at a lgs
you fool, the only acceptable behavior Wizards wants is for a person is either to be a marketable try hard alpha or a token minority
If this was exactly how it went down? No.
In reality you probably sperged so hard the entire dvd box set of The Big Bang Theory materialised in the air above her head and crushed her to death under the weight of bazingas and laugh tracks.
Literal rape
Love too post things that never happened
>lonely bitter neckbeards will believe this
I know right, women actually going to a lgs unless they are token gf
Idiot, you need to become a judge if you want to perv on girls.
>Talking to people in your LGS
>Expecting people in your LGS to be friendly
>Expecting people in your LGS to care about anything other than finding what they came for, and the workers at the LGS to care about anything other than profit and marketability
>perv on girls
don't you mean little boys?
My wife goes with me to the lgs because "I like giving the little freaks hope". One time I dropped her off at one while I ran errands. When I came back to get her, I went in. She was standing by the rpg books, and I just went over and acted like we had never met before. She played along, so we just conspicuously flirted. Watching the fucking spergs lose their shit as I walked out of there with her was incredible. One guy that had tried to chat her up was grinding his rotten teeth into dust. Perfection.
Quiet, if you keep this up we're both going to get banned.
What a hero
Lmao two sociopaths together.
A perfect match for each other user if that story was actually true.
so are you a swinger or a cuckold?
>letting other men flirt with your wife
>enjoying this
>t. mad neckbeard
he's a lonely guy roleplaying on Veeky Forums user
I thought she over did it when she dropped a mini on purpose to slowly bend over in front of me. Brushed my thigh with her ass. But nope, the dweebs playing warmahordes looked like someone clamped a couple 9volt batteries to their nards.
Report and move on.
Letting guys hit on my wife? Who cares? They can swing and miss all they like.
People flirt. I don't give a shit that the guy tried, I even respect him giving it a shot. It's just sad that he was such a bumbling tool about it.
Agreed, I challenge any man who speaks to my wife to a duel
>letting guys hit on my wife? who cares?
there is a difference between being comfortable and being a cuck, you crossed that line
>this guy gets it