So is D&D dead?
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Whenever people try to denounce monstergirls as being magical realm I will simply point out that genderfluid Elves were something that was actually approved for an official, non-lewd setting of D&D.
>So is D&D dead?
Yes, it's been dead ever since 2e.
With Pathfinder 2e coming out, the corpse is beyond all hope of revival at this point. It'll be nice to have options again and gameplay that's a bit more involved than "roll twice sometimes".
I, honestly, don't care.
D&D was never good to begin with, it can be credited with lighning a spark, serving as gateway drug and being containment zone for shitters, but not much else. Harm it did to fantasy genre is already done and hardly can get worse, and thankfully, recent years witnessed a backlash against it.
I don't care.
>some drow
Great shitposting thread, just like all the others. That said, Faerun elves were always shit.
Good for you. Still going to ban you from the table for playing weebshit fapbait.
>only humans are allowed in MY settings!
Don't care if the player who uses that feature at my table roleplays it well, might be fun for characters who use disguise kit to expand their options. I have no idea what "neither" gender means though.
Holy shit, is that Richard Marner? I thought he was dead!
This would be kinda like a food critic going to a chinese buffet where they happen to serve pizza and then writing an entire article based on how the restaurant is now the go-to italian place in the city
I don't see why it's a big deal? Every character is gender fluid as soon as they get access to the alter self spell anyway.
Ken/Barbie doll style
What do you play, user of fine taste?
>I don't see why it's a big deal?
Have fun witht he thread hitting the 310 posts in about two or three hours.
Again, it comes down the way they're marketing it.
>Dungeons & Dragons, at least the most recent Fifth Edition, has made it clear that players don't need to be "confined" by binary notions of gender.
>Drow with the ability to change their sex usually become inspirations to other elves, and often turn out to be the heroes and peacemakers that emerge from a race that’s generally viewed as not heroic.
It's one thing if the aspect was used as a simple setting device, but the way they're marketing it makes it look like some kind of social justice message. It's infecting the game with needless politics of the moment.
Making elves androgynous as a setting piece would potentially make it timeless, but making them so for politics of the moment means the game will be trapped in the moment. In other words it's cheap marketing to score some socjus points now, rather than meaningful game design. And that's why I hate it.
It wouldn't be a big deal if it was done subtly. Like, I don't know, maybe a subrace of elves who were blessed by Corelleon and one of their race features is a weak Alter Self ability or something.
Instead they went full retard, allowing Drows, fucking DROWS, the ability to genderbend as well. An ability that shakes the Drow hierarchy to its core. Men are seen as inferior in Drow culture, so the implications of a Drow that can be both a superior female and an inferior male at will is something that SHOULD be punishable by death, as its an affront to their beliefs.
However, they're afraid something like that will give these mentally ill trannies PTSD because they're oppressed already or something. So they're looked at as... diplomats? What the fuck.
That's why it's a big deal; D&D has been trying to appeal to mentally deranged minorities now, and they're sliding down that slippery slope where logic is replaced by feelings.
>So is D&D dead?
No, Or it's been dead for a decade or so already.
Genderfluid elves is a great example of something that could have been done casually and without fanfare five or ten years ago and gotten us all to shrug and continue making gay elf jokes that we now have a canon excuse for, which would probably make them funny again.
Instead it's yet another "Fuck you, gamer, this hobby doesn't belong to you anymore it's time to celebrate strong independant transexuals of colourless mana." People who apparently crave attention so much they demand representation in every form of media at all times. Somewhere about five or six years ago they revealed themselves as craving attention, not equality, and now they've gone completely off the deep end and we require some polite, well dressed nazis to tidy up society and fix our dumb games.
It's the self-congratulating shit where they think they're better than their customers that's disgusting. Also if you're going to make a fetish game market it as such. There are lots of different cultures, and making fictional cultures that challenge our society or present satire of it is a wonderful thing. Just look at vampire mythology for the best example. Unfortunately this is not meant to provoke discussion, it is meant to beat the audience over the head with tired propaganda about the supposed illusion of biological science.
Which is the worst setting in the history of D&D? By everything I keep hearing Forgotten Realms seem to be a strong contender.
It's not it's a problem per say, but these politically driven decisions have been infesting the entertainment business for the last 2 years now and it's getting g to a point where it's just fucking obnoxious.
It's Dragonlance. Because it has kender.
>Paizo will fix everything I promise!
I'll believe it when I see it.
ok, i get it in terms of biology, i'm just not sure how those characters will behave compared to males or females. I'm guessing not different at all, just a cosmetic feature?
Forgotten Realms is pretty awful due to setting bloat and Mary Sue NPCs, but as has said, Dragonlance is the worst. Not just Kender, but the setting in general is fairly simplistic and meant for children.
No, this literally doesn't matter. The only people who will care are Tumblr and /pol/.
>An upcoming book gives DMs a goofy ability they can slap on NPC elves, or even offer to players
>Someone on reddit is so insecure about this they declare "D&D is dead to me"
No one wanted all those +1's and +2's, advantage is the best. All the way from level 1 to 20, all you need is to sometimes roll d20's and take the higher as your improvement.
This isn't as new as you think. Pic related is from the Deities and Demigods manual.
And gully dwarves, and tinker gnomes. On the other hand it does have draconians which I like as a concept far more than any iteration of dragonborn.
Loki got pregnant and gave birth to a horse.
Gods don't fucking count.
They do when they are the patron deity of the elves.
Are all christians genderfluid because some priests insist god is a woman?
>The only people who will care about the devs making the game about Tumblr and /pol/ for literally no reason and causing the community to become a political shitposting warground are Tumblr and /pol/
Yeah sure. Meanwhile everyone who actually wanted to just shut up and play the game get to hear people like you tell them that the bullshit causing all the constant political shitposting is good for them.
There is nothing stating that all the elves are genderfluid, there are simply rules allowing them to be.
They do in D&D, at least for nonhumans. There are always individuals who are touched by the gods in D&D, like large and powerful orcs with only one eye (Gruumsh), or gnomes with blonde hair and supernatural luck (Garl Glittergold).
It's not all elves.
It doesn't matter. Corellon has always been without gender and elves that resemble their god in this sense have been mentioned before, so it's not some new thing. Furthermore, literally every adventurer above a certain level is functionally genderfluid anyway, on account of all the abilities and spells that can allow them to change gender.
Are we going to complain about wizards and polymorph now? How about the innate shapeshifting on changelings?
"The game's Player's Handbook notes that some elves are androgynous in nature after Corellon's image, while noting that players can also choose to present their characters however they wish." Like it literally states that it is related to their god.
>there are simply rules allowing them to be.
Does that mean that all the races without their sexuality specifically coded into the rules can't be genderfluid?
What are the official rules for human sexuality?
Maybe its a tabletop rpg and the appeal is playing whatever the fuck you want, why is that such an issue?
I can see it with the really heady, non-sexual elves, like high elves. I can also see it with the really strange, non-human-like ones, like aquatic elves.
However, I don't really see it going down well with the more hard-living, nomadic, "barbarian" elves like desert elves or arctic elves.
Ask Wizards of the Coast.
This will only happen online, and if you're online to hear it you aren't playing anyway. Unless of course you're one of those inconsiderate fucks who phone posts while playing.
>Does that mean that all the races without their sexuality specifically coded into the rules can't be genderfluid?
Unless magic is involved, generally speaking. Same reason you can't have an orc with wings or a dwarf with elephant tusks, per the rules. If you're chargenning like that, then you're using rule zero.
Fair point, but
>Gender bent to male
Sounds like a great non-lethal capital punishment for drow.
>Instead they went full retard, allowing Drows, fucking DROWS, the ability to genderbend as well. An ability that shakes the Drow hierarchy to its core. Men are seen as inferior in Drow culture, so the implications of a Drow that can be both a superior female and an inferior male at will is something that SHOULD be punishable by death, as its an affront to their beliefs.
It.. it is. Did you even read it? These drow are hunted and killed at every turn. They're blessed by CORELLON. They're not even pariahs, they're marked for death.
Just passing through, but I disagree.
Having a mythological being be genderless or nonconforming is one thing, and its actually quite common in creation myths for the creator to represent both genders.
But introducing a game mechanic to suddenly make a whole race of playable beings, who previously had no such ability to just switch their gender at will is different.
Apples and Oranges.
However I don't really care. People can ignore this if they want to; or can slobber all over how this is an important step to overthrow the patriarchy if they want to.
Either way, it's a fantasy game with magic, so there are no rules and anything can happen.
But in principle I still agree with: Hordes of SJWs will still claim that this isn't a retcon and post the image of Corellon that says "he's" genderfluid endlessly, as has already happened twice in this thread. But at the end of the day, this is a retcon, and a stupid one, and it wouldn't be newsworthy if it wasn't.
>I can now get every elf pregnant
Loving it.
Why are drow getting a blessing of Corellion anyway? What happened to Lols?
It's only "newsworthy" because it triggers people who want to get outraged about something on the internet, no matter how small or insignificant.
>people arguing that Corellon was genderfluid
>yet Drow can gain this ability without fear of persecution
You do realize that Corellon is their goddess' sworn enemy, right? That he/she cursed the Drow? Yet here we are, acting like it's okay that Drow with an ability akin to Correllon's aren't persecuted or killed outright by Drow society.
I have no problem with genderfluid elves. I have no problem with genderfluid Drow. It makes sense due to Corellon.
What I have a problem with is the fact that D&D isn't even trying to hide their agenda. Drows face no persecution or repercussions for having an ability that is obviously connected to the God that cursed them.
As a gendergas electromagnetic cloudform of the infrared spectrum I feel excluded by Wizards of the Coast's bigotted refusal to acknowledge non-elf non-binary persons.
what are the main differences between pathfinder and d&d?
Or perhaps I'm looking for a game online, playing with randos, or otherwise interacting with the community in a hobby that by definition requires you to interact with other people. But no, you're right, we should just make everything about politics, because trying to havs a hobby that isn't politics is insane. Rules for conducting a holocaust when? And what's the DC on the Medicine check to abort something? Should privilege be a separate stat, or should it be tied to character race? These are questions the devs should focus on.
> yet Drow can gain this ability without fear of persecution
No, they don't. In drow society they're hunted down and killed whenever they're found.
I mean it doesn't say anything about Drow not being persecuted for it, there is no reason not to make it the case.
>Drow can gain this ability
I thought the ability itself is called something like "blessing of Corellion". Isn't it?
People forgetting about Eilistraee already. Corellon's cooled down over the aeons and knows that SOME drow are okay.
One is shit, the other is shit with fun sprinkles.
I don’t think user is misunderstanding the political driving force, but even in setting it is unlikely to cause much issue at the table. Yes, virtue signaling does herald content that triggers grognards and /poltg/ and provides accessibility to a class of individual that constant gripe with most media because they view it as oppressive, but at the end of the day it does nothing to harm anyone. Doomed if you whine at it because you’re whining at a nothing problem that in no way harms your game, doomed if you praise it because you’re likely a part of a class of people that thrive on finding issues in a lot of places there aren’t necessarily issues (seeing as it’s a role playing game, you don’t have to have an official option to include something like this, but there is now, congrats whiners). Best solution is just to not care and not use it if there’s a problem. 99.99% of tables boring enough to play D&D won’t even encounter the option anyways.
Corellion is probably fucking with her and is kinda an asshole who didn't stop to think how those he blessed might be slaughtered.
Eh, I could see it being a thing. If you live for thousands of years it makes sense that you'd want to try a lot of different things. And with plenty of magic stuff around, it makes sense that some elves would start experimenting with gender and sexuality.
Having a specific racial feature to change their gender once a day is fucking retarded, though.
There’s some fluffed attached about how Drow resent and/or punish those with the ability.
I hope that Drizzt turns into a hot goth chick in the next book, so I can finally masturbate thinking about Drizzt without being gay
But beware, he'll grow a cock back just as you're about to cum.
With this new information I am more confident than ever in abandoning D&D for Pathfinder.
It is. Drow are still elves, and thus still have some connection to Corellion. It makes Lloth really, really butthurt to be reminded of the fact that her favorite playthings kinda sorta also belong to someone else, which is why she really fucking hates the few drow who are born with Corellion's blessing.
>Rules for conducting a holocaust when?
>abandoning the game becoming an SJW hive to play the game that was always an SJW hive
I just don't understand.
Then you should be happy it comes up so that whoever brought it up can be crossed off your list of people to play with sooner rather than later.
He doesn't actually play either, so it doesn't matter.
You must be at least 18years ir older to post on Veeky Forums.
I should be happy that people who would otherwise be encouraged to keep their political opinions to themselves are now encouraged by the devs' actions to bring politics to the table and community? This is an action that changes the community outlook on the subject, it doesn't just reveal people who would talk about politics regardless.
> Did you even read it
This is the internet. No one actually bothers to read the thing they're getting outraged about.
>But introducing a game mechanic to suddenly make a whole race of playable beings
That's not what's happening, READ nigga.
SOME elves blessed by Corellon can shift gender. It's a rare gift that makes a handful of elves closer to their primary deity in form and function. And elves with this blessing have been mentioned before, it's just never been implemented mechanically.
There's no retcon.
To be fair, there’s a definite collective of people outside the related political alignment that most people call out, instead complaining about Drow being Llolth’s toys and having a matriarchy and that being infringed upon by the new feat allowing drow to simply become females. Rather than dropping it in their personal setting they complain how the official settings are ruined by this.
I have to agree with you man. Everything they seem to do comes across as 'we are better than you, get out of OUR hobby'.
I hate what this has all become.
No idea what you're talking about, it's not like the creative director for 5e tweeted about how anyone who wants him to do his job and make lore and decent mechanics is a woman hating bigot who's "fired from D&D," no siree.
I, for one, am outraged. Get me the manager
I'm just waiting for the Alfie scenes with that elf getting feminized and buttfucked.
No, and I honestly don't give a shit. 5e is better as a framework for a hardworking DM to mutilate into what he actually wants to run. Think I kept the official fluff for elves? No! I didn't even keep elves! I've homebrewed a heap of races where the closest thing to 'em are oceanic otter people and magical mutants that only fit as a species due to vaguely similar biology.
It's like watching Marvel comics take the SJW fall.
Guess I'll do what I did when I dropped comics for manga, then. What are some good weeb games that were made in glorious Nippon?
I don't think It's possible for Wizards to fall any further, they've hurt themselves so much in the last couple of years magic is basically dead and D&D still earns chump change.
If this is what it takes to kill D&D, it died a loooong time ago.
PF 2e is coming out? Cool beans I look forward to downloading the 1e collection
I honestly think the panic over political correctness and social justice is overblown. Shit like gender fluidity is too ridiculous to take seriously.
In the late '60s, people thought the hippies were destroying culture. There were parts of hippie culture that actually were destructive, and when the culture got big enough, people were able to see clearly that:
* cults will ruin your life
* too much acid can drive you crazy
* nobody likes sitars
* potheads are losers
* fetishizing the Soviet Union is cringeworthy and stupid
Once people saw those destructive elements, they became marginalized again. I think the same exact thing is going to happen with shit like gender fluidity - people will see that it basically turns you into an unsuccessful social pariah. The only reason it's an encroaching problem right now is because we don't fully understand it on a societal level. Once it affects enough people, we will, and then society will respond to it.
This is actually a pattern with liberals: they push for social progress and trying new things. Then, after those things are mainstream, they let the conservatives get to work, attacking the parts of the new things that are destructive ("turning a blind eye," as it were).
>fetishizing the Soviet Union is cringeworthy and stupid
Lol if you don't think college brainlets nowdays glorify communism even dumber than they did in the 60s.
> Note: This article was updated to reflect that the elves could change their biological sex, not their gender as indicated in the title. We also clarified that the drop (sic) who could make these changes were not subjected to violence in drow culture.
Ahahahahhaha what.
I'm not saying it's completely gone, but everyone thinks those kids are idiots.
There's definitely a left bias in academia, but even the socialists are more Bernistas, Scandinavian model social dems, etc.
The Soviet fetishists are there, but they only get attention because they're loud. Nobody bothers responding because no one takes them seriously.
> t. grad student
Good fucking job, user.
Where are the elven dickgirls
there's a pretty big difference between big titty anime wolfgirls not being allowed and only allowing humans.
People who play weebshit in a non-weebshit game are degenerates.
Currently The One Ring RPG
Don't really care, anyone who plays elves are poofs that revel in their poofery anyway so it doesn't surprise me.
That makes a lot of sense, actually. I think I'll have some drow hire the pcs to get them gender changing items.
Ailduin is a fucking fruit but also unironically the best character in that comic.
So how would elves, who actually change their gender, feel towards humans who play pretend as the opposite gender? Would they feel pity for them? Would they think it was crazy and strange?
Would they look at it like say a werewolf might think of people who dress up in cartoon wolf costumes and insist that yes they really are wolves.
As dead as when they introduced Changelings.
>>Did you even read it
>This is the internet. No one actually bothers to read the thing they're getting outraged about.
Reminder that OP is going to be making this thread every day until the next nontroversy appears on his Twitter feed.