I want to make a 5e homebrew setting on this picture.
The world ended. The cultist managed to summon the dragon, the seven that is one Ogdru Jahad. The 6 prophesied heroes from legends couldn't stop the cataclysm and even the Gods abandoned the world or died with it.
But, 7 powerful wizards with the help of 2 great clans of dwarfs and the help of the high elves managed to convince Ulm, the greatest of the giant kings to "hurl" a piece of the world into the void of space and ensure, that at least a part of the world survived. He would need to stay behind and die with the world. The dwarfs constructed gloves of pure mithril which were infused with magic from the elves and the 7 great wizards, gave them to Ulm who tore apart a piece of land and threw into the void.
A council was formed on the mountain in the middle of the floating rock. 7 great wizards, the elves, the 2 great clans of dwarfs, the followers of Ulm and he 4 human kings who escaped the doom sign a packt that would ensure the survival of their "new" home. The piece didn't last for long...
It's now 500 years since the exudes of this small world and all this lies "far" in the past.
You can: >visit some of the legendary heros that failed >hang out with the still living great wizards and decide where you want the floating home to go >kill the wizard that has gone necro >drink with the giants and remember the sacrifice of their king >meed the dark elves that managed to survive (they are more "Askir" elves then 5e Drow) >unite the 2 clans of dwarfs in a marriage >find a God from the old world that managed to escape the destruction and is now weak (and killable) >help the elves to heal their tree of life >make a kingdom great again >start a peoples revolution and behead all the nobles >unite the council again >stop/join the shit the survivors of the cult wants to pull
Thoughts? Suggestions? Besides the bad English and my obvious homosexuality.
Honestly, just generate a full house Dominions game and look at what happens when AI meets random events. Beats throwing shitty insights at local autists any day, it is just no contest.
Julian Kelly
Sounds like a bit of a mess. You just took some random elements from stuff you like and mashed it together.
Isaiah Mitchell
Pretty much. Been reading the Askir series and kinda loved how they portray dark elves and gods. Also finished The Dwarfs and loved how the story was contained in a semi-small area. Also Lovecraft seems always fun. Was thinking of that. Ulm, Sceleria, Pythium, Abysia, Pangea, Asphodel and Marignon kinda fit together.
Cooper Long
I like it OP
Levi Ramirez
>>make a kingdom great again trap option with no trade or foreign enemies, it falls apart to infighting
Bentley Hall
So that is genuinely just the end of the world around the edges there? What do you see if you look over the edge? How does day/night work? What is that dark spot in the central water? That dragon skele is hyuuuge!
Charles Hughes
>>find a God from the old world that managed to escape the destruction and is now weak (and killable)
I think this would interest me most, maybe revive their cult to rebuild the faith, depending on how the gods work.
Being the first to stumble upon/recognize an old divinity somewhere and trying to get them to become active again and have faith in them even if they don't anymore. Sounds like one of those Mongolian Pictographs.
Jacob Ross
I was thinking along the lines of establishing an empire, a sort of civil war between the 4 human factions. The setting implies that resources are finite. There is no where to expand. If you want to have more resources/population you need to invade someone.
The scarcity of resources would come into play with the dwarf clans too. One settled in a more ore rich environment than the other
Yeah. I like the idea that worship equals power and deities just "take on" a title, a mix of eastern mythology where the spirits/gods are have more localized power and Nordic gods where you can "take" a title for yourself if you're enough powerful or you're worshiped enough.
I imagined Boron, the god of justice, that people just stopped worshiping after the exudus. You could find him in a cave, a monk, deep in the mountains, alone and contemplating his failure. He is week and frail, because he fought besides the heroes and his soul was shattered by the chaos of the last days, only a fragment managed to escape with the people on the floating rock.
Yes.You could imagine this as a terrarium with really fragile eco system. The giants of storm control the weather, the elves would oversee the growing of the woods and the wizard would "steer" the land trough the space and keep the protective bubble around it. 3 out of the 7 still live. Bajast the wise, the architect of the plan has alzheimer's (the constructing tower on the map houses the allchemical mechanism, that keeps the bubble intact) , Ignis the red, a fire mage with a passion for metallurgy wants to reignite the idea of the council and Efrea, the ever young, that has fallen to vanity over keeping herself young. But there's the forth, Nodin the , that has gone further than has gone necro and became Nodon the 2 faced. Others were killed in a battle over the dispute on how to rule this new rock. With a council or with an empire.
Luke Campbell
With the dragon skeleton I have some Jurassic park ideas. They couldn't save any dragons so the new wizard guild wants to reverse-allchemicly-engineer the dragons out of the bones for the purpose of rare ingredients (remember, finite resources). But, they don't know what kind of dragon that is (would roll for it) and Nodon would really want to add an undead dragon to his legion of zombies.
Thanks annon. I don't have many original ideas but I love to trow shit together from stuff I like to read/watch.
Julian Barnes
Sorry, forgot to answer the day/night question. Allchemical sun that is fuelled by a dwarven mechanism from the volcano you see on the map. The Order of the ever lasting sun would store energy from the volcano fires in the magical construct and calculate it's trajectory in the night and in the day, they would send off the thing for a spin around the "asteroid" (around the middle mountain).
Benjamin Long
>"homebrew setting" >blatantly just stealing ideas directly from existing sources
I don't think you've got the sort of creativity to make a homebrew setting.
Brandon Torres
round earthers btfo
Michael Hall
>Giant floating continent in space So basically the Rance setting, only a bit more dumb and none of the Whale god DM bullshit.
Sebastian Diaz
I don't think that they'll notice. I read quite a lot (and in German - Askir, The Dwarfs). My players read/watched The lord of the rings and the Hobbit, maybe they know about The color of magic, but that's pretty much it.
And if I were more creative, I would be a writer, not a nurse.
Well, yes and no. I would like to play up the fact that everything in this world is "finite"/"scarce". They basically live in a post apocalyptic world now. They can't escape, they can't expand, they are missing the shit that was available at least from trade with other countries.
I had a story line in mind of a family of sailors that never saw the sea, but the story of it was passed down from generation to generation. They "adore" a dwarf bard that has seen the sea can trow money at him just to hear the same old shanty songs about it.
I also want to incorporate this (see picture) dungeon at the "Entrance to the underworld" (the two statues at the bottom of the map).
I was also thinking that the map is "too large", so to speak, to really emphasize the scarcity theme. People would be clustered together and would still remember the great wars and famine that followed the exudus. Too many people saved and not enough land too grow crops ( stolen from Attack on titan & various historical events)
After things settled down a new church was formed in some parts of the land, where they would track how many offspring one, if someone was "too old" to support a family and all the shenanigans that arise from that.
Really cool idea! I'm a bit worried that everything is a bit too tightly packaged though... that's it's too small a world to really be a viable game setting. I think I'd try to solve this by getting weird. Alien, new races. Dreams that walk the earth and kill. Mystic happenings. A trippy reality that doesn't necessarily have to conform to our expectations.
Christian Long
Yeah, I also thought of that.
The land would be "steerable" and after the 5th lvl and a quest to help Bajast (see ) to remember the spell to steer the floating rock they would go on a space adventure. The end game could be to battle the physical form of Ogdru Hem and destroy the great cosmic horror they represent (maybe ramming the asteroid into the thing like in Call of Cthulhu ).
The quest to get the spell would entail something like inception, where they would go into the degenerating mind of Bajast and pluck the memory of the spell from it. The past and the present would be mushed together there, because the old wizard wouldn't be able to remember what's happening right now and what happened 300-600 years ago.
I personally think that I would go for an even smaller piece of land to play up the problem of scarcity, but I just LOVE the map I posted in the OP (love playing on it in Dominions 4 too).
I think I'll switch to this map instead (see image) and "steal" ( ) some places from the OP map.
its not 100% original so it sucks everything is derivative and uses differing levels of plagiarism what matters is if the players have fun it it
Landon Taylor
You say that as if the best makers of stuff don't plagiarize the hell out of they setting be it from real life, myths/folklore or other related works (the later tend to be the worse but true gems exist). Mixing ideas you like and spining it in a new light is how you get cool stuff, lots of "original" shit doesn't have any appeal for the players and tend to be garbage.
Dylan Turner
>I personally think that I would go for an even smaller piece of land to play up the problem of scarcity, but I just LOVE the map I posted in the OP Sizes on the map aren't consistent, so what are you using as your yardstick?
Joshua James
Also, when you see one house on the map, does that literally represent a single house? Because if so, the population of this thing is fucking tiny.
Christian Flores
I often look at a piece of art or a map and get inspired to write stories around it, about the people and their history.
A few examples I want to use >1.New land that young wizards managed to bind to the land for extra resources. Be the first to explore it. >2. Home of the storm giants that help to control the weather >3. Home of the 2 clans of dwarfs that bicker over the rights to "control the sun" >4. An asteroid has hit near a big willige and promises new influx of mithril. Hope that's the only thing that it brought with it >5. Cultist of Ogdru Hem want to start some shit in the lake near the town > 6. One of the dead wizard's tower is about the break off the mainland. Rescue/Steal his shit >7. The "cosmic radiation" changed some mushrooms in the deeps and trough mutation gave them sentience. Even thou they don't want to do any harm their spores infect everything they touch (Last of us ) >8. The two giant statues represent the giant king Ulm who sacrificed himself and Bajast, the architect of the exsudus. Their statues are being hollowed out and used as housing for goblins that pray on the dwarfs who use this route to the surface. >9. Nodod the two faces is up to no good >10. Help repair the old bridge that connects 2 kingdoms >11. Try to establish relations with the last of the dark elves (they are not like the ones in 5e) >12. Ignis the red wants to reestablish the council. If you help him he would be willing to forge some cool stuff for you with his magic >13. The volcano that houses the great allchemical sun. Each morning it rises from it and returns into the crater to refill in the night. >14. The great college of Bajast that grows larger and larger with travel trough space >15. Center of the new faith. They want to establish a population control to prevent the starvation and wars that come from scarcity. Does this make them evil/good? >16. The "controll town" that steers the asteroid
>17.One of the old Gods that managed to escape the cataclysm, the tree of life. Elves are more or less the curators of this new world and want to ensure that the ecosystem is not thrown out of balance. They can be real dicks about that. >18. The great forge in the depths of the asteroid. Here the allchemical-construct sun is recharged and it's path is calculated on a day to day basis to mimic the 4 seasons. It is a great honor for any dwarf to be selected for this job. >19. Jurassic/Dragon park >20. A new crystal creature from space made it's home on your rock. Can you establish a non-hostile first contact or just kill them and farm their corpses?
Thoughts? Suggestions?
Luke Barnes
>Thoughts? I'd love to play in a game like this. The setting seems bursting with color. Much more interesting that your typical semi-medieval castle-forest-village-dungeon setting.
Eli Long
I would keep the population of the setting fairly low and would model it on a small country in our world. Something in between Slovenia and Liechtenstein.
Thank you. Would appreciate any input to flesh out the setting.
Zachary Ross
Hey, I've also used a lot of Dominions ideas for my fantasy game(s). The map is a great idea, and great job turning it into actual gameable material.
Pretty good for a d20 encounter or adventure generator.
Jeremiah Foster
I will admit that I've thought of running a "tiny world" campaign... or maybe just an adventure. When I was a kid in the 80s, I had this handheld video game, Galaxian 2 (see pic), that was really badass for its time. The coolest feature it had was that you could play PvP, with one person controlling the Galaxian bombers.
Anyway, I had this dream one night that stuck with me. In it, I was playing Galaxian 2, but then, instead of ships, it was a knight on a dragon (but still lit-up video game graphics) flying over a forest planet (with the trees similarly lit up like the video game). But the world was severely curved, with the horizon plunging away, as if it was little more than a big ball. So extreme was the curvature, it couldn't have been more than a mile in circumference, and probably a good deal less. And I was just soaring over the canopy of trees (since it was now a first person sort of thing, with me riding the dragon).
Of course, none of this sounds very remarkable, but as it often is with dreams, it's the *feel* of the thing. Sometimes mundane things can be a big deal in a dream, and sometimes fantastical things are ho-hum. This is something that's stuck with me, and I always thought adventuring on a tiny forest-covered ball of a world would make for an awesome campaign.
I've always associated Roundabout with that dream, mostly because the album cover has tiny world on it, but also because the music rather fits the vibe: youtube.com/watch?v=cPCLFtxpadE
I really would feel tied down using the standard mundane races for such a fantastical setting like this. If you want elves and dwarves, then I'm mystify them a good bit. Elves are invisible if they stop moving and you aren't already looking at them. Maybe they can walk on moonbeams and shit, but can't tolerate the touch of iron. Fae / sidhe the fuckers up. And dwarves turn to stone in sunlight, but can be returned to flesh if immersed in a lake under the light of a full moon. Gnomes eat dirt and are hurt by water. Etc.
Make the races as mystical as the setting.
Connor Robinson
Maybe look at Savage World's Sundered Skies for some ideas? I've not read it myself, but the scenes look appropriate, with islands floating in the air and sky ships.
Tiny worlds are nice, but I want the setting to feel like they were "torn away" from their home world, a kind of Battlestar galactica feel. But they could surely encounter some tiny planets on the way (DBZ style or like the one on the cover of the album you provided).
>The world starts falling apart, large chunks are in danger to just float off into the void. The heroes need to find a way to keep it together >When they resurrect the dragon they can fly "missions" to other asteroids >They could tear a piece of land from the big mainland and fly it like a ship around in space. This would shorten the distance for cargo/personal transport between towns and kingdoms.
I want them the normal races to feel "generic", so when they encounter aliens (mindflayers, crystal beings or "space elves") they can compare themselves to those outer wordy creatures.
Thanks, will do that. I imagine that the inhabitants of the asteroid are still stuck in the "magic" epoch and the aliens are really advanced with their steampunk flying ships and prism light staffs (Stargate - The Goa'uld, just a lot more steampunky).
John King
OP should straight up just run a campaign in the setting of Dominions.
Angel Gutierrez
Does the void have any special properties? Is it just outer space, or something spookier? Is gravity the same? Can you launch shit into orbit (or out of orbit) with a catapult? Are you whizzing past stars? Can you land on stars and colonize them? Are they softly luminescent balls half the size of the chunk of earth everybody is living on? Are their weird / fantastical alien races and shit?
Carter Reed
It's space, with all the problems that brings with it. Space radiation, gravity, vacuum etc.
It is a little bit spookier. You have the cosmic horror that inhabits the material plane, an old god that has "taken" 7 aspects of bad stuff onto itself.
Yes, gravity is the same, just not on the asteroid. Magic bubble keeps the radiation out and the air in. Past the shield everything is like normal.
If you break trough the shield yes. One could catapult/push something into the vacuum of space. >The perfect murder
Yes you are.
Not stars, but surely on planets. You are refugees from your old world that have yet to get to a new star system.
??? Don't understand that question. Please elaborate.
Yes. The crystal beings that use existing matter to feed and grow, space elves (don't know what they could be/look like, thou I was thinking along the lines of gray ones) , mind flayers , the thing from Lovecraft's "The color out of space" & Mi-go, Giger's aliens and so on.
If you have suggestions I would be happy to hear them.
The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun
Nolan Reyes
stop playing Driftland
Jayden Scott
I did a little thinking on who the 4 king were that managed to escape the cataclysm and came up with those blokes.
Matheus the just. A great leader of his people that was sworn to the emperor to keep the horde of orcs from the great west plains at bay. He was integral to the plan of escape because he managed to keep the horrors from reaching the land that was hurled into the void. Now long dead his order of knights have fallen low. They cut trough the land when the wars over food began and massacred a lot of people just to survive, their words of honor long forgotten. Will they find redemption and seek out to protect the people as they face new and alien dangers?
Great holy emperor Julian the third. He gathered the people of his land to escape the doom of the world. He didn't heed the warnings of the wizards to bring too much people and saved as many as possible... The civil war that broke out because of this almost erased his line from the annals of history. It is whispered that a heir to the throne still lives somewhere.
The witch Queen of black forest Ilieth was one of the 7 wizards that gave their power to the giant Ulm. Her black fortress where she conducts her teachings still stands, because it was in the borders of the land that was saved. It is whispered that she was a warlock and that she secretly worked with the cultist.
The baron Dominiq of Beilurn, second in the line to the holy throne. He managed to keep his people together after the exsudus, fighting on all sides. His line is the last of the nobility that still holds power, all others perished in the chaos of the civil war that engulfed the whole asteroid.
When the empire fell apart many cities were left alone to fend for themselves and formed small states that encapsulate the land around them. From the former nobility only the line of Dominiq still reigns and have 1 big city and 2 smaller ones under them
I honestly never saw that game...Thank you, I shall mine it for ideas
>mine it for ideas honestly I can tell you that for the setting there's nothing much you can use. In the game it's basically wizard wars, except wizards can move, lift, create and strike the islands.
Wyatt Morgan
con. Even thou that sounds small, you need to consider that they have a really limited space available.
I would include 3-4 more city states that hold power over the region and are connected between them, one being the former capital city that was half destroyed in the war. This coalition of trade dependency ensures that Beliurun doesn't make any hasty moves against them.
The other powers in the region would be the elves (more or less wild preservation on steroids), the 2 clans of dwarfs (tinkerers who don't get much out and are riddled over infighting which clan would operate the sun allchemical construct), the giants (who control the weather - would appreciate ideas) and the 3 still active schools of wizards. The Bajast school of cosmology (wizard navigators), Ignas school of fire (fire + smelting) and Efreas school of life (how to stay young and grow stuff). Other were ether destroyed in the war ok turned necro (Nodon the two faced).
Now onto the things that i would change/modify from 5e.
No dragonborn PCs. They would be an alien warrior race that could fly on dragons trough space.
No "planes" stuff. If someone dies you turn into the primordial soul soup, thou, your presence can leave echos of your former self in it. One can resurrect someone if his souls is still strong/fresh .
Religion would be based on aspects and their avatars. You could pray to the aspect of justice, and if someone embodies this he/she/it can ascent to become an avatar of that aspect. In other words, one wold not pray to the "devil", but the aspect of it, and if there was a REAL monster, that would embody that, it could ascend to be it's avatar.
Long before the exsudus they didn't know about Ogdru Jahar. The idea/worship came from space fairing aliens, the mind flayers, that set up shop on the world and started to convert people to their faith. The devils and fiends of the old were "pushed out" and replaced by the great old one, the 7 that are one. Warlocks would therfore be seen as evil and killed on the spot.
I would also change the elves and the dark elves. They would pray to their "god" , the aspect of the day and the night, the sun and the moon. This worship brought them fisical changes, making the one a patriarchal society and the other matriarchal. Why? Because the births in one would be 1/10 male to female ratio and in the other the opposite. Because of that one can easily find elves, where most warrior are women and they can reproduce faster (patriarchy) and in the other one would find more males that are gathered around a matriarch. What will happen when they would encounter the space elves (let's call them gray elves), where this kind of society is not the norm...
The reason why the dark elves are shunned now would be that a lot of prominent warlock that were converted to the faith in Ogdru Jahad were dark elves. They work now on restoring faith of the people and their elven bretheren in them.